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Social Interactions Review

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Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:38 am

@Ryuko and @Michael Winters have been Approved and Rewarded

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Lightning_bolt_simple
#77Michael Winters 

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 1:15 pm

Michael Winters
Participants: Vex & Michael
Rank: B
Synopsis: Michael settles his score with Vex and stops having a grudge against her. Vex helps Michael get a nice suit for his Blue Pegasus role as guild member
+5 Strength
+300 Fame
+100,000 Jewels(+30% New Member bonus,+ 75% for Triple wordcount)
+7500 Experience

+5 Intelligence
+300 Fame
+100,000 Jewels (+75% for Triple wordcount, +20%guild+15%armor)
+7500 Experience(+10%guild,+15%armor)


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:44 am

@Vex and @Michael Winters have been Approved and Rewarded

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Lightning_bolt_simple

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:14 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65679-chivalry-loyalty-piety-honour-leadership-lumikki#589545
Participants: Lumikki Omena and Tamás Horvath
Rank: A rank
Synopsis: Lumikki assisted Tamas in his studies and pursuits to be a better leader. Showing him stories from books in the library she frequents of great heroes and leaders before him to learn from.
Lumiki Omena: (S rank) 3rd Nq due to Paradise Dawn guild 3 perk
  • 300000Jewels (20% guild 4 perk)
  • 17000Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • Fame 400
  • 7sp in Con

    Tamás Horvath: (Arank)
  • 450000 Jewels (+20% Lucky Lady coin+ 20% moneybag necklace +20% ring of muu, +20% Guild Level 4)
  • 11000Exp (10% guild 2 perk)
  • Fame 400
  • 7 sp in End

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:30 am


@Lumikki @Tamas have been rewarded accordingly


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:32 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65772-training-under-the-moon?nid=1004
Participants: Brone Heaveyaxe Lumikki Omena
Rank: A
Synopsis: Brone as his companion Gnicolas were assisting Lumikki in learning some of her new spells.  Umbran Night(A rank),Glacial greed(A rank),Formless Shadow(A rank),Umbran Storm(A rank), and Umbran Storm(A rank) were learned.
  • 40x 5 spells =200mana
  • 17000Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • Infamy 400
  • 7sp in Con

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:15 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65791p25-evening-stroll-yuurei#591115
Participants: Michael Winters, Yuurei Starlight
Rank: B and Z
Synopsis: Yuurei meets Michael and the two get to know each other. They create a small alliance with each other for the time being while Blue Pegasus makes camp in the North.
Yuurei's Reward:
  • +16,500  (10% lvl 2 guild)
  • +1,075,000 Jewels (20% lvl 4 guild, 25% Renji (Legendary), 20% Santa Coin, 50% (5000/2500)
  • +10 Constitution
  • +500 Fame

@Michael Winters Reward:
  • +13,000  (30% New Member Bonus)
  • +562,500 Jewels (30% New Member Bonus, 20% guild lvl 4, 75% (7375/2000)
  • +7 Strength
  • +400 Fame


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:11 pm


Lummiki has been rewarded

Yuurei and Michael have been rewarded


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:50 pm


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66078p75-a-ravens-musical-adventure-lumikki#591645
Participants: Lumikki Omena and Michael Winters
Rank: A rank
Synopsis: Lumikki and Michael were spending time together in Orchidia City. Playing music, going out to eat, chatting up a storm. They did a lot a things in their hang out for the night.

  • 300000Jewels (20% guild 4 perk)
  • 17000Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • infamy 400
  • 7sp in End
  • 187,500j for 3x wc

  • 375000Jewels (20% guild 4 perk+30% character bonus)
  • 13000Exp (30% character bonus)
  • Fame 400
  • 7sp in str
  • 187,500j for 3x wc

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:01 am

Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65770-room-of-angel-open
Participants: Alexandre and Lumikki
Rank: B
Synopsis: Alexandre learns he should move on from his past and focus on the present. He bonds with a fellow ice mage Lumikki
+5 Intelligence
+300 Fame
+100,000 Jewels(+ 75% for Triple wordcount,+20% Ring of Muu, +20 Moneybag Cham, +20% Lady Luck Coin)
+7500 Experience (+10% Guild Level 2 perk)


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:39 pm


Topic: Akudama Rising- Don for a day
Participants: Nana, Erebus, Zariya, Knux Ayaka & Kanji
Rank: C
Synopsis: A meet & greet with the execution of old crime lords.
  • 2 SP
  • 200 Fame/Infamy
  • 60,000 Jewels[+20% Guild lv4]
  • 5500 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:38 am


Lumikki and Michael have been rewarded

Alexandre have been rewarded


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:08 pm

Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65564p50-tales-of-egos-and-the-dead-closed?nid=1#592028
Participants: Dae-Seong and Averie
Rank: C
Synopsis: Dae-Seong asked Averie for directions and later treated her to some ice cream. The two then bonded over knowledge and cheesy romance literature
+2 Strength
+200 Fame
+50,000 Jewels (+ 75% for Triple wordcount)
+5000 Experience

+2 Intelligence
+200 Fame
+50,000 Jewels (+ 75% for Triple wordcount)
+5000 Experience

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:17 pm


Nana wrote:Topic: Akudama Rising- Don for a day
Participants: Nana, Erebus, Zariya, Knux Ayaka & Kanji
Rank: C
Synopsis: A meet & greet with the execution of old crime lords.
Reward: NANA
  • 2 END
  • 200 Infamy
  • 60,000 Jewels[+20% Guild lv4]
  • 5500 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]
    810WC for Weapon Mastery

  • 2 SPDZariya
  • 200 Infamy
  • 50,000 Jewels
  • 5500 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]

  • 1 SPD
  • 100 Infamy
  • 30,000 Jewels[+20% Guild lv4]
  • 2,750 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]

  • 1 CON
  • 100 Infamy
  • 30,000 Jewels[+20% Guild lv4]
  • 2,750 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]

  • 2 INT
  • 100 Infamy
  • 2,000 Jewels
  • 2,750 Experience[+10% Guild lv2]


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:08 pm


DaeSeong and Averie have been rewarded

Nana, Zariya, Erebus, Knux and Kanji have been rewarded


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:38 pm


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65529p25-all-hail-broke-loose-lumikki
Participants: Lumikki and Kaito
Rank: A
Synopsis: Lumikki had met Kaito for the first time and stumbled on bandits in the North.

  • 300000 Jewels (20% guild 4 perk)
  • 17000 Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • Infamy 400
  • 7sp in End

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:03 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66304-all-new-heights
Participants: Lumikki Omena Brone Heaveyaxe
Rank: lumi X brone Z
Synopsis: Brone and his day time patrol woman names Sasha was helping Lumikki as she was practicing to conjure her wings without using full transformation and how to grant others wings.

  • 17000 Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • Infamy 400
  • 7sp in End

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:06 am


Participants: Lumikki Omena Brone Heaveyaxe
Rank: lumi X brone Z
Synopsis: Brone bites the bullet and helps Lumikki train her new spell to debuff strength.

  • 17000 Exp (10% guild 2 perk+ 20% companion bonus+ Plumage armor 20% + Raven's Crest 20%)
  • Infamy 400
  • 7sp in End

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:31 pm


@Lumikki has been rewarded for the socials, as these were turned in during different weeks this is allowed.


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Oct 13, 2023 5:46 am

Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66443-beachside-manner-lumikki#594195
Participants: Saturn, Lumikki
Rank: C-rank
Synopsis: Saturn learns a little bit about the world and meets a new friend, also getting to learn a little bit about flying!
2 SP [Int for me please]
200 Fame
50,000 Jewels
5500 Experience [10% boost from Divinitas]


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:09 am

@Saturn has been rewarded for the Social time.


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:48 am

Participants: Michael & Toga
Rank: B
Synopsis: After completing a successful mission together on Luluhawa Island, Toga and Michael decided to celebrate with an evening on the beach. They roasted a hog they had hunted during the operation, relaxing and swapping stories as the sun set over the water.
For me~
  • + 205000 Jewels (Triple WC Bonus + New Member Bonus)
  • + 11625 exp (New Member Bonus + Social interaction bonus)
  • + 300 Fame
  • +5 INT

And for  @Michael Winters
  • + 230000 Jewels  (New Member + Companion Bonus + triple wc bonus)
  • + 13500 exp (New Member bonus + Social exp bonus + Companion Bonus)
  • + 300 Fame
  • +5 SPD


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:15 am

@Toga and @Michael Winters has been rewarded for the Social time.


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:53 pm

Participants: Toga & Lumikki
Rank: B (Toga), A (Lumikki)
Synopsis: While traveling, Toga happens upon a Day of the Dead festival hosted by Stella. There he meets Lumikki, a God Slayer. Drawn together, the two new companions proceed to spend the day reveling in drink and camaraderie at a local tavern.

For me~
+ 245,000 Jewels [ Triple WC Bonus (75%), New Member Bonus (30%), Ring of Muu (20%), Lady Luck Coin (20%)
+ 11,625 exp (New Member Bonus (30%) + Social interaction bonus (25%))
+ 300 Fame
+5 INT

And for   @Lumikki
+ 487,500 Jewels  [Triple WC Bonus (75%), Guild 4 Perk (20%)]
+ 19,500 exp [Guild 2 Perk (10%), Companion Bonus (20%), Plumage Armor (20%), Raven's Quest (20%), Social Interaction Bonus (25%)]
+ 400 Fame
+ 7 END


Social Interactions Review - Page 4 Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:16 pm

@Toga and @Lumikki has been rewarded for the Social time.

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