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Modification - Migi's Arm

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Modification - Migi's Arm Empty Mon Apr 03, 2023 9:37 pm



Name: Migi's Arm

Slot: Modification.

Type: Hand.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Arcane.


Description: While it's typical for people who seek out power to enter the void in the hopes to make pacts with the beings that reside inside, it's not uncommon to see creations of the unknown plane to enter our own world. Though typically escorted back into the other realm, many do escape and continue to linger here on Earthland. This is the case with the symbiote known as Migi who will commonly take over an animal or a portion of one depending on the overall size of the beast. Their relationship with humanity is a complicated one with many ambitious Migi preferring to take over the entire body and live independently from the whims of the individual while others can be more content simply residing in a limb.

The prospect of having a Migi within one limb is a complicated one as the user effectively loses a lot of control in the arm but gains a partnership with an entity that can warp their flesh to create an assortment of their own appendages as well as eyes, mouths even ears. Their greatest strength lies in their ability to turn their flesh into living weapons and move at incredible speeds to hack, slash and carve away enemies. Pitfalls associated with having a Migi in an arm stem from their resistance to holding weapons for any extended time with it as such users must wield their weapons on their other hand, casting magic is another complexity as their arm effectively becomes another entity meanwhile that if they want to cast anything through the hand Migi must be prepared for it and reverted entirely to their regular form otherwise they risk damaging the foreign cells of them.


  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.

  • The user must select which arm the symbiote attaches itself onto. This cannot change in the future, because the symbiote will take over the selected hand of the user completely.


  • Flexible Flesh: Capable of manipulating the affected hand like it were clay, Migi can create an assortment of appendages and converse with the user, these appendages give the user extended to reach up to 2 meters away from them.
  • Double Life: The arm of the user with the modification is considered as having its own durability and as a consequence must be knocked out or maimed separately for the user to be knocked out in the topic.
  • Spongy Core: The impacted arm received a minor physical and magical resistance, this effect does not stack with other instances of resistance instead the higher one will override it.

Hidden Effects

  • Symbiotic Relationship: The range of Flexible Flesh changes to 5 meters when the user has done 50 roleplay posts after obtaining Migi and used it at least 3 times in combat in which they won against someone ranked equal or higher than themselves.
  • Symbiotic Partnership: The range of Flexible Flesh changes to 10 meters when the user has done 200 roleplay posts after obtaining Migi and used it at least 6 times in combat in which they won against someone ranked equal or higher than themselves. The posts and battles from Symbiotic Relationship count towards the requirement of Symbiotic Partnership.


  • Name: Sharpened Migi
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Migi, Migi Spell cast
    Type: Self-Buff
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Migi may create two blade-like appendages which increase their overall strength of them whilst in this form while causing any physical damage dealt to said appendages to be received for two ranks lower than their equivalent amount.

  • Name: Life Support
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Migi
    Type: Healing
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect: The user may regain consciousness or be revived by Migi if they are not knocked out as well, this effect requires significant investment and time with Migi needing to care for them safe from harm taking two turns to be restored to half health after being knocked out or quarter health after being killed.

  • Name: Migi
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total base mana pool
    Requirements: Migi
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Strength: User's Strength
    Speed: Half of the user's Speed
    Description: Once separated from the user's hand, migi takes an unusual form resembling a mass of everchanging fleshy clay appearance with various appendages
    Effect: Migi may voluntarily remove themselves from the user's arm leaving them with a stump until they rejoin with them though still separated they still use the user's mana for any spell attached to them. Their durability reflects the user's constitution and can be healed independently of them.

  • Name: Sharpened Migi
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Migi, Migi Spell cast
    Type: Self-Buff
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Migi may create two blade-like appendages which increase their overall strength of them whilst in this form while causing any physical damage dealt to said appendages to be received for two ranks lower than their equivalent amount.


Modification - Migi's Arm Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:14 pm


I will be claiming this arm for the following:
  • 2,000,000 Experience
  • Leave 20,000 Reputation on my profile.
  • Death Coin, Guild Switch Banner, 2 Physique Potions, Novice, Intermediate, and Master Weapon Mastery Scroll to be removed
  • Dark Quest Not Available
  • Ascend and Restarting not Available


Modification - Migi's Arm Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:08 pm

Yuurei has claimed this item.

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