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Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key

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Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:06 pm



Name: Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key.

Slot: Pouch.

Type: Key.

Class: Legendary.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Arcane.

Durability: This item is indestructible.


Description: The owner of Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key can change their age. When held against the temple of the head, the key can magically enter through it and be twisted to perform this feat.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant in one of his topics.

  • The user may select a second face claim for their character and have it listed.
  • The second face claim must appear to have a different age, older or younger.
  • The second face claim must appear similar to the original face claim of the user. A female character with tanned skin, white hair, and blue eyes must keep these futures in the other face claim.
  • The user may switch between the two appearances without performing the key twist in a topic. This means that the user can leave one topic as their young self and enter the next one as their older self.
  • It must be clear in the first post of the user each time which appearance is being used though.
  • The user may also freely alternate their avatar between these two appearances.
  • Using the young avatar does not mean that the user is young in all their topics from now on. The user can have the young avatar and still be older in topics. The first post is always important to indicate which appearance is being used.
  • When the user changes face claim, they may select two appearances of different ages that match together.
  • The user can use Tal-Rasha's Ageing in a topic as well to change their age mid-topic. This means that if they enter as a their young self, they can change their appearance into their older self during the topic as well.


  • Name: Tal-Rasha's Ageing
    Rank: -
    Mana Cost: -
    Requirements: Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: -
    Effect: In history, when chroniclers wrote about Tal-Rasha, an interesting discrepancy could be found in the various texts. Some describe Tal-Rasha as an old man, while others stated that Tal-Rasha as a man in his prime. In order to confuse others, Tal-Rasha used his Ageing Key to change his age. By appearing as his younger or older self, he could throw off any attempts at recognizing him. Many were unaware that they were talking to Tal-Rasha when he returned to a certain region at a starkly different age than the passing of time would suggest. In order to use Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key, the user must put the key to the temple of their head. A keyhole will magically appear in the user's head allowing the key to be inserted and twisted. When twisted, the appearance of the user changes into a different age, appearing a set number of years older or younger. The user can then twist the key back and pull it out of their head. This cannot be dispelled and is not an illusion. It does not seem to work on those that are unwilling of the change to be happening.


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:19 pm

Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Key

Purchasing this for 9,000,000 J.

Registering the face claim Surtr [Arknights] as Dark Vyra.


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:32 pm

Vyra Emrakul has purchased Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key for 9,000,000 Jewels.


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Sun Nov 20, 2022 1:47 pm


Buying for 2,500,000 jewels

Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Image

mutsuki - blue archive for my younger version


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:57 pm

Mishiko has purchased Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key for 2,500,000 Jewels.


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:12 pm


I will be purchasing this for 3,000,000 Jewels

Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Mm_key10


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:13 pm

Yuurei has purchased Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key for 3,000,000 Jewels.


Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:12 pm

Buying this for 2,500,000 Jewels (Will post the Fc I wish to have on my Character stats page when i Figure it out.)

Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Aging_10

#9Azure Fenic 

Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:34 pm

Azure Fenic

Vex has purchased Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key for 2,500,000 Jewels

{Sheet / Magic}
Pouch - Tal-Rasha's Ageing Key Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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