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Astrid | Sheet ♫

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Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 5:33 pm


Astrid Venier

Name: Astrid Venier

Birthday: Twenty-Four | Born November 11th, X770

Gender: Female

Race: Aberration


Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship: Single


Class: Spellsinger

Specialization: Druid

  • God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time
  • God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time
  • Damage Over Time
  • Armor Piercing
  • Limb Cripple

Rank: Z-Rank

Guild: Phantom Lord

Guild Level: Guild Master [133/50 Posts]

Companion: Sia & Noir

Tattoo: C6 Vertebrae | Black

Face: Arlecchino | Genshin Impact

Last edited by Astrid on Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:30 pm; edited 13 times in total


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 5:36 pm



Moderate Arcane Resistance: Astrid receives a Moderate Resistance to Arcane-type Spells.
  • via Sage Monarch's Sunglasses

Minor Light Resistance: Astrid receives a Minor Resistance to Light-type Spells.
  • via God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time

Moderate Physical Resistance: Reduces damage taken by Physical attacks by 2 Ranks.
  • via Aberration
  • via God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time

Minor Debuff Resistance: Reduces the potency of Debuffs applied against them by 1 Rank.
  • via Aberration

Minor Drain Resistance: Reduces the potency of Life Drain and Mana Drain effects against them applied by 1 Rank.
  • via Aberration

Knockback Immunity: Astrid cannot be knocked back.
  • via Luchador's Belt

Minor Binding Weakness: Increases the strength of Binding Spells applied to Astrid by 1 Rank.
  • via Aberration

Minor Water Weakness: Increases the damage taken by Water spells by 1 Rank.
  • via Aberration

Minor Nature Weakness: Astrid receives a Minor Weakness to Nature-type Spells.
  • via God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time

Moderate Healing Weakness: Reduces the potency of Healing received by other sources by 2 Ranks.
  • via Aberration

Moderate Other-Buff Weakness: Reduces the potency of Other Buff spells received by other sources by 2 Ranks.
  • via Aberration

Major Sonar Detection: Astrid can can use sonar to detect the movements of anyone within a 50-meter range and sense their location.
  • via Aberration

Minor Vibration Sense: Astrid can feel vibrations in the air up to 10 meters around her.
  • via Arachnida

Arcane Cooldown Reduction: Astrid receives a cooldown reduction of 3 posts on her Arcane-type spells.
  • via Sage Monarch's Sunglasses (2)
  • via Symbiotic Fleshweave (1)

Arcane Increased Range: Astrid receives an increased AoE size of 10 meters on her Arcane-type spells.
  • via Sage Monarch's Sunglasses

Arcane AoE Boost: Astrid receives an increased range of 10 meters on their Arcane-type spells.
  • via Sage Monarch's Sunglasses

Spider Sense: Astrid possesses an enhanced perception that allows her to foretell danger before it happens which intensifies based on the threat or proximity within 20 meters.
  • via Arachnida

Endurance Protection: Astrid does not receive damage to her Endurance when receiving damage to her Constitution. Her skin cannot be pierced, slashed, burned, etc. They do not receive additional damage from such effects.
  • via Luchador's Belt

Universal Spell Enhancement: Astrid's spells all benefit from effects that enhance a spell type such as Enhancements, Items, and Classes where applicable to all Spell Types.
  • Double Range (via Spellsinger)
  • Overcharge (via Spellsinger)

  • via God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time

Passive Healing: Astrid restores 1 B-Rank worth of health per post. This applies automatically and prioritizes life-threatening injuries.
  • via Beast Soul: Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox

Reputation Concealment: Astrid can enter a topic with any appearance regardless of her Face Claim. While under the effects of this transformation, her reputation is hidden until she is either identified via Illusion Detection or after using an ability.
  • via Beast Soul: Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox

Bonus Mana: Astrid receives a bonus stimulus to her total Mana Pool, receiving 5,000 additional Mana. This counts as additional Mana and not towards her base amount.
  • via Beast Soul: Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox

Mana Burn: Astrid burns Mana equal to 1 Rank below the overall damage dealt to anyone struck by her Offensive spells.
  • via Sia & Noir


Strength: 1 | 1 Total [+0]
  • Damage: 1x D-Rank

Speed: 374| 419 Total [+45 | +45 - Symbiotic Fleshweave]
  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 15 m/s
  • Run Speed: 30 m/s

Constitution: 191 | 191 Total [+0]
  • Hit Points: 6x S-Rank [+2 S-Rank | Sia & Noir]
  • Run Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Thrice Per Post

Endurance: 191 | 191 Total [+0]
  • Pain Tolerance: 2x S-Rank
  • Weapon Mastery WC Reduction: 40%

Intelligence: 1001 | 1051 Total [+50 (Sage Monarch's Sunglasses)]
  • Mana Reduction: 65%
  • Spell Training WC Reduction: 75%
  • Enhancement Slots: +5

Mana: 7,650 | 16,650 Total [+2,000 (Sea Dragon King's Earrings), +2,000 (Sea Dragon King's Coil), +5,000 (Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox]


  • Name: Ghostly Miasma
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The snaps their fingers, a symbol of Phantom Lord appearing underneath their feet as the spell activates. The user radiates a foul miasma that permeates through the entire area, severely weakening enemies in the area. They'll find their grip on their weapons and magic weakening with every moment. Enemies in the area cannot benefit from Attribute boosting spells or abilities so long as the spell is sustained. This spell cannot be nullified.


Word Count Reduction: 50%
  • 20% via Symbiotic Fleshweave
  • 20% via Sia & Noir
  • 10% via Phantom Lord, Rank 2

Jewel Modifier: 0%
Experience Modifier: 0%




Slot: Weapon










  • Effect:
  • Effect:
  • Effect:


  • Name:
    Mana Cost:


Name: Sage Monarch's Sunglasses

Slot: Head

Type: Sunglasses

Class: Mythic

Weight: Light

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-Rank

Description: A pair of sunglasses.

Lore: At times, the mages have brought unrest to the world with their thirst for knowledge and power. Thus, the Monarch Circle was founded a thousand years ago by an agreement between certain nations to put an end to the intrigues of the mages. Composed out of powerful mages from various nations, the mages fulfilled their tasks with earnestness and established peace and justice, where hate and intrigues had once reigned supreme.

They were to research Magic for the well-being of everyone, prevent wars and conflicts, as well as to keep power-hungry mages under control. During most of its existence first years, the circle followed these goals and Earthland had peace and order.

This changed when the Monarchs discovered the Eo in the Mad Rifts. Its power slowly drew some of the Monarchs insane. When the Monarchs discovered the runes telling of the Shroud hidden by the High Elves in ancient Elven ruins, some started forging plans to claim this godlike power for themselves. The greed caused by this lofty goal was enough to split the Monarchs so each mage wanted to gain the godly power for themselves.

The struggle and infighting resulted in the deaths of many Monarchs. Some decided that it was no longer worth it and gave up their search, while others realized that they had to operate from the shadows to continue. In the end, none of them succeeded in unraveling the Shroud. The Monarchs faded away into obscurity and the organization was quickly disbanded by the nations never to be spoken of again.

  • +50 Intelligence


  • Cooldown Reduction: The user receives a cooldown reduction of 2 posts on their Arcane-type spells.
  • Increased Range: The receives has an increased range of 10 meters on their Arcane-type spells.
  • AoE Boost: The user receives an increased AoE size of 10 meters on their Arcane-type spells.
  • Elemental Resistance: The user receives a Moderate Resistance to Arcane-type spells.
  • Purchase Discount: The user receives a discount of 50% on purchasing Arcane-type spells instead of training them.


Name: Symbiotic Fleshweave

Slot: Armor

Type: Flesh Coating

Weight: Medium

Element: Darkness

Durability: 2 S-Rank

Description: Composed of a genuinely alien substance, this substance at first resembles that of fleshy tendrils and exposed muscles, more like that of the innards of a human body than anything else. In its actual form and purpose, the material grows to that of a type of armor that envelops a wearer, effectively acting as a sort of skin that the wearer is able to manipulate and control. In their wearing of this Symbiotic Fleshweave, the wearer develops a symbiotic relationship with the alien organism, it effectively serving beneath the wearer, providing it with its power, protection, and strengths, while the wearer provides it with the freedom of existence. The true depths of this Fleshweave and the effects that it has over the wearer is one of significant question however, with it not being clear just how this relationship go and the impact that it potentially has upon the wearer, and vice versa how the wearer's behavior and actions influence the development of the Fleshweave.

Measurements: The Fleshweave predominantly covers the user's body to varying degrees, forming almost a skintight layer with numerous veins and inconsistent textures littered throughout the entirety of it as it expands over the wearer's body. Thick and black in texture, it almost resembles that of a thick tar being poured upon the body than that of an sort of tight garment that would otherwise be worn. It is overwhelmingly concentrated more within the chest cavity of the wearer, extending down often to the point where it completely covers the wearer's legs. It also reaches out past the wearer's arms, though the length to which it engorges those appendages can be known to vary, extending past the full length of the hand to barely beyond the elbow. Even upon the neck the Fleshweave can cover, though seldom ever does it extend past the upper portions branching into the head area.

  • +45 Speed


  • Adrenal Glands: While wearing the Fleshweave, the wearer feels a constant source of energy pumping through them; the Fleshweave breathing as if an overlaying organ, pumping adrenaline into the wearer. As such, the wearer is capable of acting quicker and accomplishes tasks with greater proficiency, receiving an additional 20% word count reduction to quests.
  • Symbiotic Understandings: The Fleshweave responds to that of its wearer, drawing on its relationship to better serve. It recognizes and synergizes itself to the Magic that the wearer is accustomed towards, providing them with an enhanced sense of proficiency in that respective school. The wearer receives a cooldown reduction of 1 post for the element of Arcane.


  • Name: Symbiotic Tethering
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Symbiotic Fleshweave
    Type: Defensive [S+: Overcharge - Defensive | S++: Nullification Immunity]
    Element: Darkness
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The wearer calls out the word "Protect" to which the Fleshweave envelops the wearer and for a brief moment, assimilates with them, thereby giving it the capability of manipulating the wearer's genetic structure and change their physical form into an almost sub-solid form, similar to that of a fluid-like substance still possessing its large normal form. In this, the wearer appears like normal, though upon closer inspection it becomes clearer that their structure is not solid, but rather, almost free-form of sorts. This becomes all the more evident when they are attacked by any sort of ability, as the attack will effectively phase through the user, there being some level of visual feedback applied but otherwise them appearing utterly unphased. This can enable the wearer to ignore up to 4 S-Rank worth of damage, after which point the Fleshweave's capability to perform this feat can no longer be harnessed without sufficiently recharging itself through natural processes.


Name: Sea Dragon King's Earrings

Slot: Earrings

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-rank

Description: A pair of earrings from the Sea Dragon King's treasury.

  • Mana: +2000


Name: Arachnida

Slot: Necklace

Type: Necklace

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-rank

Description: When worn, its wearer can shoot out strings of spiderwebs with the strength of iron.

Lore: Arachnida is an ancient necklace created by a woman from Bellum. After her husband died she became lonely, finding the various spiders in her attic to be her only companions. She isolated herself and became obsessed with spiders so much that she sought to become one. Using the the bodies of the spiders in her home, she created the Arachnida necklace and enchanted with ancient magic. However, rumor has it that when she finally put the necklace on she went mad. Unable to find comfort in the idea of other women being happily married, she went from house to house killing husbands in their sleep.


  • Spider-Sense: Spider-Sense presents a psychological awareness of the user's surroundings. The power itself originates as a tingling feeling in the back of the skull. The enhanced perception allows the user to foretell danger before it happens and warns the user of it in no time. The greater the danger or how close the danger increases the tingling sensation. The user is able to feel impending danger happening to them within 20 meters while they are conscious which allows them to pinpoint the source of the danger. Additionally, spider-sense gives them the ability to feel vibrations in the air up to 10 meters around them.


  • Name: Sticky Web
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arachnida
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 meters
    Cooldown: 2
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user shoots a strand of web from their wrists at the hand or foot of a target. Upon impact, the web becomes sticky and attaches itself to the surface. The target can use their Strength if applicable to brush it off and never get stuck in the first place. If they fail, the hand or foot is stuck to the surface.

  • Name: String Pull (User)
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Arachnida
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 3
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user shoots a strand of web from their wrists and connects it to a second point. The user can then pull themselves at spell speed towards that second point. If it is an object, it must weigh more than the user.

  • Name: String Pull (Target)
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Arachnida
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user shoots a strand of web from their wrists and connects it to a second point. The user can then pull the target at spell speed towards themselves. If it is an object, it must weigh less than twice the weight of the user. If it is a character, their strength must be more than the target and the target will be pulled at spell speed. This can be negated if the user uses mana equivalent to the mana cost of the spell to break free. If they fail, they are pulled towards the user keeping a distance of 3 meters between the user and the target.

  • Name: Spider Swing
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Arachnida
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 meters
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user shoots a strand of web from their wrists and connects it to a stationary object. The user can then swing in the air, traveling in an arc. The user can move a distance of 20 meters at speeds based on their dash speed.


Name: Sea Dragon King's Coil

Slot: Ring

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-rank

Description: A ring from the Sea Dragon King's treasury.

  • Mana: +2000


Name: Luchador's Belt

Slot: Relic

Type: Belt

Class: Mythic

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-Rank

Description: A mighty belt worn around the waist to proof physical dominance in combat. It's a masterpiece entrusted to a brawler who has come to understand the true beauty of battle. Ding, ding—glistening combatants match each other pound for pound, round for round until—eight, nine, ten—only one stands, basking in the cheers of the roaring crowd.

Lore: Originally an agave farmer in Stella who, after learning of his childhood friend Lupita was kidnapped, chased down the undead charro Carlos Calaca. Once again donning his mask and belt, the luchador traveled across the lands to find his childhood friend. In an epic battle, the luchador rescued Lupita from Carlos' grasp and defeated the undead charro.


  • Lucha Libre: The user cannot be knocked back.
  • Steel Skin: The user does not receive damage to their Endurance while still receiving damage to their Constitution. The skin of the user cannot be pierced, slashed, burned etc. While they do still receive damage, it makes them impervious to the additional damage that might come into play from such hits.

Last edited by Astrid on Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:18 pm; edited 9 times in total


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:28 pm



Modification (Slot 1, Slot 2)

Name: Pact of the Dual Emperor.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Modification.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: -


Description: Pact of the Dual Emperor allows the user to pick up a secondary magic. The secondary magic has certain restrictions based on the magic in the primary slot.


Requirements: None.


  • Dual Magic: The user unlocks a secondary magic slot. The second magic slot may only be filled with magics that meet certain requirements set by the magic in the primary magic slot. The secondary magic may conflict in element with the primary magic. An example would be the user having both Acid Magic and Mirror Magic.


  • The modification takes up two modification slots. The user does not need to have the modification slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their additional modification slot, they will immediately be filled by this pact.
  • The user does not unlock additional spell slots for their magic. The total of their spell slots must be shared between their primary and secondary magic.
  • The magics may not be filled with single instance or copy magics such as Nullification, Greed, etc.
  • Should the user have Soul magic, they may not purchase Slayer magic for their secondary slot. The user may, however, purchase a secondary Soul magic. It does not matter whether the first and second magic slots are filled by God, Beast, or Demon.
  • Should the user have Slayer magic, they may not purchase Soul magic for their secondary slot. The user may, however, purchase a secondary Slayer magic but the second Slayer magic must be of the same category as the primary Slayer magic e.g. Dragon Slayer and Dragon Slayer, Demon Slayer and Demon Slayer, or God Slayer and God Slayer.
  • The effects of both magics do not overlap with each other. They remain only applicable to their specific magics e.g. the effects that apply to the spells of the Empyrean Dragon Slayer would not apply to the spells of the Miasma Dragon Slayer if the user has both magics.

Last edited by Astrid on Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:44 pm; edited 2 times in total


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Thu May 02, 2024 8:01 pm



Aberration (New Character): The concept of Aberrations are that of a truly horrific nature. The attempting to advance the capabilities, power, and quality of life of man through the dangerous fusion of Magic and experimental sciences, neither tested nor determined to be safe, yet nevertheless practiced with wild abandonment and hijacked by those within the Underworld of Fiore for a singular purpose, to create living weapons; monsters composed of the marriage of flesh and machinery.

To be created as an Aberration is to likely sacrifice one's own humanity, to forever question whether they are whatever born as or rather that of a machine. Do they possess a soul? Is what drives them that of software, potentially that designed by those with only nefarious intentions behind them? Tragically, this is all too common, and those whom have the misfortune of being born into or ending up having such a fate often only exist for the purpose of becoming a weapon until their eventual destruction, rarely if ever having the opportunity to live an actual life.

Aberration (New Character Details): The user is an unfortunate soul, either having been born into a life where becoming an Aberration was less of a choice and more a consequence forced upon them, whether by their own doing or that of their previous generation. The purpose for them having been subjected to the horrific surgery can be motivated by illicit trade, pure sadism, to be used as a weapon, or for other more nefarious reasons.

Aberration (Burn): To become an Aberration, one must be either willing to undergo or otherwise be forced to suffer through the brutal series of surgeries that will inevitably erode away their humanity, strip them of their free will, grant them extraordinary power at the cost of becoming little more than an advanced weapon of war, having both the imperfections of mortal man while also having the technical flaws that exist within machines. Imperfect however one would look at it, so must be the mind that would ever willingly subject themselves to such a fate.

Aberration (Burn Details): The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully undergo the Aberration's Surgery.


  • High Composite Fleshcraft: Aberrations receive a Minor Resistance against Physical attacks.

  • Overdrive Engine Capacity: Aberrations receive a Minor Resistance against Debuffs.

  • Erosive Plating: Aberrations receive a Minor Weakness against Water.

  • Sonar Module: Aberrations can use sonar to detect the movements of anyone within a 50-meter range of them and sense their location.

  • Hyperaccelerated Internal Immune System: Mana Drain and Life Steal effects against Aberrations are reduced by 1 Rank.

  • ARK-Virus Infection: Healing spells applied to Aberrations from other sources are reduced by 2 Ranks.

  • ARK-Virus Synthesizing Cancer: Other Buff spells cast on Aberrations from other sources are reduced by 2 Ranks.


  • Name: Vitality Drain
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: -
    Requirements: Aberration
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: An Aberration can hold out one of their hands in the direction of a target spell or in contact with a target. By paying Mana equal to the cost of the spell and/or a rank of their choice when used in contact with a user, the Aberration may drain mana from the target, adding the rank's worth associated with the paid Mana cost towards the Aberration's Constitution, restoring any lost. The cooldown and mana cost are based on the rank's worth of energy drained, up to a maximum of S-rank. While this spell is on cooldown, the Aberration may cast this again, but doing so results in the Aberration's arm(s) being rendered permanently hindered for the remainder of the topic, unable to be used either to fight or as a medium for spells. The cooldown of this spell can only be reduced through the different Aberration Transformations.

  • Name: Fallout Dispersal Unit
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least A-Rank
    Requirements: Aberration
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: A cloud of purple fog begins to disperse around the Aberration, spreading out in all directions. Those who come into contact with the cloud with the exception of the Aberration will suffer from symptoms similar to that of nuclear poisoning, resulting in an S-Rank penalty to all Physical attributes for a period of 3 posts. Upon re-entering the toxic cloud, the duration of the debuff will reset.

  • Name: Modernized Warfare System
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least A-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration is capable of restructuring the mechanical and biological makeup of one of its limbs, turning it into that of a weapon system capable of firing projectiles at targets. Once per post, the Aberration may fire a 3cm bullet composed of Magically-infused iron that travels forward, dealing S-Rank damage upon strike. The firing mechanism can be destroyed after suffering 2 S-Rank worth of damage or if the limb is rendered hindered by other effects such as overutilizing Vitality Drain. Only one limb may be subjected to the effect of Modernized Warfare System at a time. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells. The bullet fired can be cancelled, however.


  • Name: Aberration First Stage - Hybrid
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration restructures the mechanical and biological makeup of its entire body, becoming like that of a humanoid figure having considerable mechanical components to the point where one would wonder if the Aberration were human any further. The Aberration reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Aberration will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Aberration. Vitality Drain has its cooldown reduced by 1 post. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Aberration Second Stage - Aberrant Monstrosity
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration restructures the mechanical and biological makeup of its entire body, becoming like that of a warped creature combining metal, robotic-like components with horrific creature elements, whatever human elements may have been present now seeming to be gone. The Aberration reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Aberration will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Aberration. Vitality Drain has its cooldown reduced by 2 Posts and also heals Endurance when used. Lastly, the Aberration may not be healed by any means outside of Vitality Drain, including Life Steal effects. However, their Weakness to Water becomes a Moderate Weakness. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Thu May 02, 2024 8:11 pm


God Soul: Chronos, the Titan of Time

Element: Arcane/Light

Lore: Once known as the King of the Gods, Cronos is a powerful, primordial Titan endowed with power over time. In ancient times, long before recorded history of ancient Seven, it's said that he emasculated and usurped his father Uranos, primordial God of the Sky. Though his power was unrivalled and his control over time absolute, Cronos nonetheless lived in constant obsession with the end of his reign, believing that his own sons could usurp the throne from him just as he'd done to his father. Due to this paranoia, he ate every single one of his newborn children save for his youngest son Zeus, who would go on to realize the prophecy and usurp the throne from Cronos, freeing his siblings from his stomach.

Drawback: The user is possessed by an intense appetite, capable of eating mind boggling amounts of food in one meal without it having any real effect on their waistline. Failing to eat big meals regularly will leave them hungry enough to lose all sense of reason.


  • Proficiency of Time: Effects which enhance a spell type such as through Enhancements, items, and classes apply to all spell types where applicable. Multiple effects that both affect the same spell type in identical manners do not stack unless explicitly stated.
    • Overcharge - Superior Other-Buff (via Spellsinger)
    • Double Range - Enhanced Spell Range (via Spellsinger)

  • Timeless Destruction: Enemy spells, projectiles, and enemies in motion that come within 25 meters of the user will be reduced by 10 m/s. This is not a spell but an innate quality and therefore cannot be nullified, resisted, or countered. Spells cast by the user move an addition 10 m/s faster while within 25 meters.
  • Time Lord: As the God of Time, Chronos has an innate understanding of all temporal phenomenon's, such as those displayed by users of other Time Magics. Additionally, both the deity and his user have complete understand of what day and age they're on.


  • Minor Light Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Light. The resistance is replaced by a Moderate Resistance during the transformation.
  • Minor Arcane Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Arcane. The resistance is replaced by a Moderate Resistance during the transformation.
  • Minor Physical Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Physical damage.


  • Moderate Nature Weakness: The user receives a Minor Weakness versus Nature. The weakness is replaced by a Major Weakness during the transformation.


  • The user must either train or purchase the spell listed below when they have unlocked the respective spell slot.
  • The user cannot get another element with this magic.
  • The magic takes up two enhancement slots. The user must have the enhancement slots available at the time of purchase. If the user no longer possesses two enhancement slots while owning this Magic, they will be unable to use any spells or benefit from passive effects until the second slot is filled.
  • The user cannot get the Overcharge Enhancement. Overcharge type effects cannot be applied unless they come from the user's class.


  • The user must be Human, Elf, or Dwarf.


  • Name: Âge Seal
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Chronos, Titan of Time
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light/Arcane
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: 2 Posts [-3 | Equipment]
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user clicks their teeth together, causing everything within the topic to freeze in place, time having been sealed away by the user, preventing all motion except for their own. While this effect is used, all targets with the exception of the user may neither react, respond, or do anything whilst the spell is active. The user has full freedom of their respective actions and may cast any spell or attack anyone, though upon inflicting a minimum of 1 S-Rank worth of damage will force everyone out of the time-deprived world. As the user is capable of moving or doing whatever they wish within this realm, it has the potential to not only act like that of a safe haven or place to set up an ambush, but they may also use their freedom to move to effectively 'teleport' away from incoming spells or attacks directed towards them. Âge Seal cannot be countered, nullified, unless an enemy posesses a Time Magic such as Arc of Time or Chronos Dragon Slayer.

  • Name: Âge Scratch
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 400 [-60%]
    Requirements: Chronos, Titan of Time
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light/Arcane
    Range: 60 Meters [+35 Meters | +25 Meters, Chronos | +10 Meters, Equipment]
    Cooldown: 7 Posts
    Duration: Sustain - 3 Posts
    Effect: The user selects a target who is immediately restrained by numerous invisible hands, holding the target in place unless they possess a Strength rating equal or greater than 3 S-Rank in power. The user may then reference any previous topic that the target was in and based on the maximum instance of damage sustained within that topic, will inflict that amount distributed over 3 posts or 1 S-Rank per post, whichever is greater. If at any point the target manages to break free of the invisible hands, the damage will cease, even if 3 posts have not passed. If the target has no previous topics in which they have fought, damage will be 1 S-Rank per turn by default.

  • Name: Overflow
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 200 | 400 [-60%]
    Requirements: Chronos, Titan of Time | God Soul: Chronos
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light/Arcane
    Range: 110 Meters [+60 Meters | +50 Meters, Chronos | +10 Meters, Equipment]
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may only activate this spell upon transformed via God Soul: Chronos. Upon transforming, the user may activate this spell in the same post at the cost of 500 Mana. If cast in a post later than when God Soul: Chronos is used, the Mana cost is increased to 1000. A massive pillar of Light energy radiates outwards, extending upwards to the heavens and encompassing an area of 50 meters with the user at the epicenter, violently ravaging through everything in its path, dealing 3 S-Rank damage to everything in its wake, including enemies and their equipment.

  • Name: God Soul: Chronos
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Chronos, the Titan of Time
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Light/Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 2 Posts [-3 | Equipment]
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the God Soul and merges with Chronos. Their appearance undergoes a drastic change with their appearance becoming shrouded in Nature, leaving only the jaw and neck visible. Their hair lengthens significantly, the user radiates untamed power in the form of an almost fire-like aura, and eldritch yellow markings adorn their frame below the neck, symmetrically branded along the central axis of their torso. While in this form, the user's Speed is increased by 50% and it may not be debuffed below their base value. The range of the Timeless Destruction skill is doubled and also debuffs the speed of affected enemies by S-rank. In addition, the user receives a Moderate Resistance versus Light and Arcane, while the weakness to Nature increases to Major.

Last edited by Astrid on Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:35 pm


Beast Soul: Kurama, The Nine Tailed Fox

Element: Arcane

Lore: Known as by far the most famous Yokai from the distant lands of Joya, the Kitsune are often revered as gods in their own right. It's said that with every hundred years of life, the Kitsune will grow an additional tail, and its power will increase exponentially. By the time they reach Nine Tails, they will have reached the peak of their power, and have become so strong to be considered a calamity, a being made of pure magic power that could flatten mountains with one swipe of his tail. Kurama is by far the most famous of his kind, yet the dread of its power hasn't stopped the greed of men from seeking to trap and contain the Great Fox so they may harness his power. To bind him, chain him, and even sever parts of him, to split his power into more usable, easier to control portions. It's said that at one point, this power was literally split in half. Throughout his long life, Kurama was captured on more than one occasion, and with every defeat his hatred of mortals grew, resenting those who would enslave him and bind him to their will. He'd bide his time and swear vengeance upon his captors, and unleash untold devastation at the first taste of freedom.

Drawback: The user will inherit some of the Fox's mysanthropy, being reluctant to trust Humans and knowing fully well the mistreatment they bring upon powerful beasts, to chain them down and harness their power. Between pride in their power and prejudice towards mortals, they will often prefer to be left alone and instinctively reject companionship.


  • Mana Well: A Kitsune grows more powerful the longer it lives, and one who has reached the pinnacle of Nine Tails has unfathomable reserves of Mana at their disposal. This gives the user an additional flat amount of 2000 Mana at D-rank, plus an additional +500 Mana per rank over that.
    • Total Bonus Mana: 5,000 (Z-Rank)

  • Kitsune's Vitality: As beings who can live for thousands of years, Kitsune boast potent vitality. Kurama's presence endows the user with some of this life energy, allowing them to quickly recover from injuries. They passively recover B-rank health per turn. This healing happens automatically and prioritizes life threatening injuries.
  • Fox's Deception: Known for their deceptive, mischievous nature, Kitsune are adept shapeshifters. The user may enter any thread using the appearance of their choice regardless of their face claim. When transforming in front of others, they're engulfed by a cloud of smoke. Because of this, they can ignore the effects of reputation until they reveal any of their abilities or they are identified by some form of illusion detection.


  • Moderate Arcane Resistance: The user receives a Moderate Resistance versus Arcane. The resistance is replaced by a Major Resistance during the transformation.


  • Minor Nature Weakness: The user receives a Minor Weakness versus Nature. The weakness is replaced by a Moderate Weakness during the transformation.
  • Minor Binding Weakness: The user receives a Minor Weakness versus Binding Spells.


  • The user must either train or purchase the spell listed below when they have unlocked the respective spell slot.
  • The user cannot get another element with this magic.
  • The magic takes up two enhancement slots. The user must have the enhancement slots available at the time of purchase. If the user no longer possesses two enhancement slots while owning this Magic, they will be unable to use any spells or benefit from passive effects until the second slot is filled.


  • The user must be Human, Elf, or Dwarf.


  • Name: Begone, One Who Seeks Power Undeserved
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 80 [-60%]
    Requirements: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 1 Post [-3 | Equipment]
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user swipes their hand, causing red Magic particles to materialize around them, taking the loose shape of several fox tales that enwrap around the user almost like that of a cloak shielding them, providing defense against damaging abilities and attacks up to 1 S-Rank worth of damage. This persists until the spell is either no longer sustained or the damage threshold has been exceeded.

  • Name: Come Forward, Thou Who Recognize Their Folly
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 80 [-60%]
    Requirements: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Type: Other Buff (Speed)
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 30 Meters [+10 Meters | Equipment]
    Cooldown: 1 Post [-3 | Equipment]
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user holds a hand up and blows a kiss to a target, causing a faint trail of Magic to travel outwards in their direction which upon contact infuses them with the Magical properties of Kurama, providing the target with an S-Rank buff to their Speed attribute.

  • Name: The Nine-Tailed Eye Viewing One Favorably
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 80 [-60%]
    Requirements: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Type: Other Buff (Constitution)
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 30 Meters [+10 Meters | Equipment]
    Cooldown: 1 Post [-3 | Equipment]
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user holds a hand up and blows a kiss to a target, causing a faint trail of Magic to travel outwards in their direction which upon contact infuses them with the Magical properties of Kurama, providing the target with an S-Rank buff to their Constitution attribute.

  • Name: A Beautifully Woven Foxian-Tale of Despair
    Rank: S++ [S++: Topic Wide, Autohit, Cancel Sustained Effects, Damage to Every Equipment Piece]
    Mana Cost: 400 [-60%]
    Requirements: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user blows a kiss, causing a massive bloom of red Magical particles to heavily materialize around them, then erupting outwards in a seemingly-infinite amount of tendrils that go in all directions, striking everyone indiscriminately as the tendrils target and strike at everyone, inflicting 1 S-Rank worth of damage to all targets as well as their worn equipment, while also cancelling any active sustained effects that the targets may have been sustaining, forcing them onto cooldown. This ability cannot be dodged. For each spell that is canceled by the effects of this spell, the user must pay Mana equal to the rank of the spell in addition to the base cost of this spell.

  • Name: Beast Soul: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Kurama, the Nine Tailed Fox
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the Beast Soul within them containing Kurama's powers. Their vulpine visage grows more noticeable, with visible ears and nine tails made out of pure, solidified Mana, whisker-like marks on their cheeks and slitted pupils. They gain a Major Arcane resistance, however, they also receive a Moderate Nature Weakness. As long as the transformation is sustained, their Speed and Strength increases by 20%, their regeneration increases to A-rank per turn, while their melee attacks deal Magical Damage. Additionally, their mana become so dense as to burn any enemies with their attacks: Any magic damage dealt by the user in this form burns Mana equivalent to the rank of damage dealt (Up to 2S-rank damage), which deals additional damage proportional to the Mana burned. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Astrid | Sheet ♫  Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:00 pm



Name: Sia & Noir

Slot: Companion

Race: Human | Goddess

Class: Mythic Storyline - 102

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 3,000

  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 200
  • Constitution: 260


Height: 5'5" | 5'11
Weight: 109 lbs | 123 lbs



Sia appears like that of a young, yet beautiful woman. A perfect complexion paired along with lightly tanned skin that along with a well-endowed and proportioned body, Sia would be the envy of many a fantasy. With intense eyes like that of sapphire eyes that draw in an onlooker like an infinite pool, there is an allure to Sia that is hard to deny, one that ironically is made all the more abundant by the nonchalant mannerism and attention to detail, neither of which she makes an effort to highlight, if anything absconding from the idea. Intriguing too is the young woman's hair; an uncharacteristic shade of white, not quite like that of snow but with a very faint tint of baby blue to give it an almost "accented" white. Notable as well is the red streak standing out within her front bangs, having the same color as her inner hair, the mixture of red and white being an exotic, if not subtly-done, option and expression of individualism.

Sia very often tends to dress in a somewhat formal attire, albeit to a less-refined manner than that of someone such as Astrid. Often, her preferred outfit is that of a white, sleeveless jacket unbuttoned at the chest area, often exposing her bust. Over top is a black sleeveless brazer that is attached to a black high waisted shorts with a black belt, all imbued and cut with rich, red fabric. Beneath this, she wears white tight shorts that are the same length as the high waisted shorts, with a deliberate slit on the right side just over the thigh. Although her accessories will vary at times, sometimes being more reflective of the nature of the event or engagement, often opting for more ornate and refined options as the elegance of such event may be, her go to choice of accessories more often tend to be tight black gloves, a sleeve that covers much of her left forearm up to nearly her elbow, with various different accents and unique features helping to provide a one of a kind look. Lastly, often Sia will wear a type of heel that although having the initial toe like that of a standard boot, it becomes clear that they are a pair of heeled boots, also that of extremely high quality, almost contradictory to the rest of her outfit in the cost differential.


Noir does not appear at first glance like that of a Goddess in the Heavenly-deity sense of the word, but that is not to say that she is not a goddess in the capacity of beauty. A lovely woman with a tall, but slender build, she has a fair complexion and carries herself with a level of confidence and regard to where she appears almost glowing. While she possesses no shortage of attributes that hint towards a sense of refinement and elegance, her appearance appears almost basic by comparison. Her hair, an almost vibrant shade of pink with white highlights as the length extends further past her ears, is barely styled; largely just in free-flow, evident by bangs in the front that nearly extend to that of her nose. Elsewhere, her hair begins to curve slightly towards the frontal sides of her forehead as they extend more past her ears, to which then it begins to bloom outwards. Despite the unkempt look that her hair may convey, what stands out are intense, amber eyes that penetrate through, like looking into mystic gemstones. Beyond that, she appears very much like a typical, angellic-looking woman, with the lone notable feature being her left arm which appears to be enveloped in a red sleeve at first glance, only to realize that it is actually her skin; a heavy, fire-like tint of red upon her hand that subtly begins to have a more calm quality to it as it extends further down to her elbow.

As far as her attire goes, Noir tends to wear outfits that are much more elegant and luxurious, having a curious aesthetic flow that at points seems to be more modern and functional than that of beautiful. More often, she tends to wear a white dress that extends to just past her thighs, being a bit more risque than what some may typically wear save for particular occassions. She tends to wear what appears to be a heavy coat at first glance, black leather enveloping around a red, silken interior beset by gold buttons inside. Surprisingly, the outer coat bears remarkable similarity to that of the dress, materials and color schemes seeming to near identical to one another, leading one to believe that the entire appearance is a singular outfit than separate pieces. As far as accessories go, Noir wears an impressive black choker that covers much of her lower neck, with a golden inline at the base which connects to golden decorations that spread out from the choker along just below her collarbone.



The Political Aide and Personal Assistant to Astrid Venier, Sia was regarded for having one of the most potentially shining career in Fiorien politics, having been a top graduate out of not only renowned universities within Fiore, but also the Valedictorian of the fame Amaforth Academy's prestigious Law program. The envy amongst all most of the politicians within Fiore, it came as no surprise that Sia entered the scene in Crocus as the most-sought after political free agent in more than a generation, such that any opportunity that she would have wanted, regardless of whom it was under or how competitive it may have been historically, was hers for the taking. It was for that reason that it was such a shocker that she chose to work beneath the controversial and polarizing Astrid Venier - among one of the least expected to have garnered the interest of the bright-eyed Sia.

And there was truth to that suspicion, as Astrid likely would never have been granted the services of the young Aide had it not been for her Magical Eye, with which she utterly and thoroughly warped her mind, turning her into an utterly devoted Aide. That had become her identity. Service to Astrid was her life's calling. And in that service, Astrid presented the young woman with a gift of her own; a Blood Pact, much like that of the one signed with Alisa Vollan, signed in blood and Absolute under the Heavens. In this, Sia's fate would forever be tied to Astrid's, her service eternal, her loyalty unwavering forever, and her dedication to Astrid the only purpose to her world.


Noir was a Sevese Goddess whom hundreds of years ago descended to Earthland to live among the people, tired of existing within the Heavens. What motivated her to descend has long been the storied fables of Sevese culture, tales that Noir never sought to answer or explain, believing herself too superior and above interacting with humanity. Though not at first, as in the earliest days of her time within Earthland, Noir was described as being a generous and loving Goddess, one who sought to aid her people. But at some point, things changed drastically. The once-loving Goddess had become a shell of her past self, now having long cemented a view that humanity as a whole were beneath her. As a descendant from Heaven, her presence on Earthland was nothing more than a punishment inflicted upon herself.

It would only be through decades of servitude and decadence that Noir's sentiment of the world would not become further tarnished. Waded on day and night, month upon month, year upon year, to the point where citizens from all throughout Seven sought to serve her, the closest any living citizen of Seven would have to be amongst the Gods themselves. But their devotion was not appreciated. Rather it was the bare minimum expected out of Noir, to the point where over the course of centuries she would watch as nobility waged wars in her name, societies nearly crumbled in order to appease her, and other massive expenses were made at the lives of the people of Seven for her. And throughout all of it, none of it mattered to her. She had simply given up caring about the people of Earthland.

At some point, a stranger from a foreign land had found themselves earning an audience with Noir. A Senator from the country of Fiore, Astrid Venier. Astrid was intriguing; a woman whom held a position of power while also masquerading as the leader of a guild that stood in direct opposition. The idea of playing both sides was something that Noir thought novel, entertaining enough at least to allow the woman an audience. That stemmed into a game that was proposed by Astrid, an unexpected but welcome change to what Noir had become used to seeing and dealing with from past 'heroes' and 'champions'.



Although Sia's fate is a tale of tragedy to those whom realize what Astrid had put her through, it would not be at all apparent based upon her behavior, nor would her personality reflect that of someone who has gone through unspeakable acts of cruelty. In reality, Sia genuinely behaves and acts like that of a wide-eyes, excitable Senator's Aide, a young woman getting the opportunity of a lifetime working underneath an idol in a field that they are beyond passionate towards. If asked, Sia would say that there was absolutely nothing in the world that she would ever entertain giving to be separated from such an opportunity. That the job also blessed with her with the company of Astrid, to whom she has developed far beyond a hero complex, but instead that of absolute and utter adulation and worship, and it is all the better. Despite her mind having been warped by the brutal abuse by Astrid's Eye of Makima, Sia fails to associate this sudden change in behavior as anything other than simply growing within her job. And too, all of her brilliant insight, knowledge, and craftiness that originally made her such a sought-after political Aide are still fully retained and utilized. It would seem that unless one saw an explicit example of the adoration that she so intensely carries for Astrid, nobody would even be aware such qualities existed.

What they see instead is Sia's political insight, knowledge, teachings, and personal views played out before them. She is a political savant, considered a prodigy and her brilliance and capability for thinking outside the lines are as powerful an attribute as anything else that she could bring to the table. Politically, she views herself as a cautionary expansionist that harbors relatively extreme views towards the liberty and freedom provided to the Guilds of Fiore. That does not make her a supporter of the Magic Council either, finding them to be grossly mismanaged and over-funded in their current state. Despite these positions, she carries herself professionally, viewing people with a level of respect, if not some trepidation based upon a variety of factors including position, wealth, intellect, and other matters. Where in her devotion to Astrid stands to potentially betray her capabilities fall within her defense of Astrid, very quick to have her opinion swayed based upon Astrid's own perspective, even being as radical as to completely pivot based upon someone having wronged Astrid or otherwise offended her.


Despite having descended from the Heavens, to those who truly knew of the Sevese Goddess they would they think that Noir was more a devil than Goddess. Since her arrival on Earthland, Noir seldom looked kindly upon her subjects, viewing them with a sense of disdain, viewing them as 'inferior' and 'unworthy'. Despite this condemnation that she held towards the people, she nevertheless induldged in the riches that Earthland provided her. Food, drink, adoration, loyalty, it was like a never-ending drug that she indulged in for centuries, receptive to the idea of forever living a life of leisure.

In her time of indulgence, Noir became arrogant. Foolish even. She believed that all the mortal people of Earthland were fools, inferior people whom had little value outside of serving the Gods. Although every couple of decades there would be someone who would cause her to take notice, perhaps assume that there were exceptions to her long-standing sense of judgment, they would always fail. Never would they be able to rise up to the expectation she never assumed that they could reach. Their failure was all but guaranteed from the beginning of their bloodline, so it was nothing new.

In meeting Astrid Venier, it presented something new to the Goddess. She was a human, not unlike the numerous whom had come before. But she did not dawn the title of 'hero' or 'champion' that so many others who failed did. Rather, she simply challenged Noir to a bet, a gesture that took her by surprise, but netted Noir a modicum of respect. It was something different than what she was used to out of humanity. Never did she suspect that someone like Astrid would have possession of an artifact as rare or powerful as the Eye of Makima, one that overwhelmed the Goddess that had been overcome by sloth. It was in this moment that she saw herself become erased, progressively mindbroken by Astrid to the point where the human who conquered her, the same type of woman whom she would have dismissed and viewed as nothing as centuries passed, instead had become her everything. Noir was utterly devoted to Astrid, a loyal servant, willing to do anything and everything to satisfy her, the source of her once-divine devotion.


Requirements: Astrid Venier


  • Speech: Early on in her studies, Sia demonstrated great proficiency towards learning foreign languages, having become fluent not just in Fiorian, but also in Minstrese, Joyan, Sevese, Icebergian, and capable of holding conversations in several of the Pergrandian dialects. As a Sevese Goddess, Noir is incredibly proficient in the language of Sevese and also capable of holding conversation in Fiorian.
  • Human Form: Despite the tragic circumstances of which both Sia & Noir fell under the servitude to Astrid, the former having been stripped of her future while the latter being a Demi-God forced to revoke her place amongst the Gods, both are bound to human appearances.
  • Independent Action: Sia & Noir operate in tandem but as a pair behave, operate, and move independently of their partner. As such, the pair have their own account and may travel and roleplay regardless of Astrid's location.
  • Sia & Noir: Bound Together: Despite being two separate entities, both Sia & Noir are bound not only in their eternal service to Astrid, but also to one another in all senses of the word. In combat or if at any point the pair attempt to move further than 5 meters away from one another, a slave collar and connecting chains will appear around the necks of Sia & Noir, keeping them close to one another. This also causes the pair to suffer collectively when afflicted by effects such as debuffs, binds, attribute loss, damage taken, mana spent. Anything that affects one affects them both, all of their Attributes, Mana, and all other components to their existence being equally shared. The Strength Attribute is divided equally between both Sia & Nior, so individual melee attacks would deal damage equivalent to half their total Strength. As well, only one would be able to wield a weapon if the situation were to arise.

Companion Perks:
  • Noir: The Cacophonies of Deprived Prosperity: Much like how her own existence was stolen, torn asunder, and reimagined into that of a pet for Astrid, so too does Noir wish to return the favor to the mortal races whom she blames for such a fate. In a cruel irony, she views Astrid as the perfect one to cause those to suffer and feel their existence stolen right from under them. Whenever Astrid inflicts damage with her spells, she will burn Mana equal to one rank less than that of the damage inflicted from all those that received damage.
  • Noir: The Goddess' Cold Visage: As a Goddess, Noir looks down upon the mortals of Earthland. Believing them inferior to her, she projects her disgust of the short-lived and other 'lesser' species outwards, making those feel small. Those of equal rank to Sia & Noir will suffer a 10% reduction to all of their physical Attributes. This effect is increased to 20% when the target is lower ranked to Sia & Noir. This effect can stack with existing fear effects.

Partner Perks:
  • Sia: Healthier Living Through Latest Trends: Sia takes great strides in trying to further expand her pool of knowledge. One field that is often under-appreciated is her interest in other Earthland nations and how they approach healthier and better living. The best ideas that she comes across she applies towards Astrid's own well-being. As a result, Astrid receives an additional 2 S-Rank worth of Constitution which lasts until Sia & Noir are knocked out.
  • Sia & Noir: Greater Insight into the World: Being in the company of a Goddess and a political savant, it is all but inevitable that Astrid acquire a growing level of insight into the world and how it works, how the people behave. The added expertise and guidance provided by Sia & Noir opens up Astrid's mind even further, granting her a 20% reduction to word count requirements.


  • Name: Through the Stolen Heavens, Hope Dies
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Noir
    Type: Offensive [S++: Autohit, Cannot Target Allies, Damage to All Equipment | S+: Overcharge]
    Element: Light
    Range: 25
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Noir focuses on a target as she holds a finger up to her lips. The clouds will darken above as harsh light manifesting like that of lightning bolts will dance through the darkness. A harsh beam of light having a composition more like that of intertwined lightning bolts will then descend down upon all those who Astrid, Sia, & Nior view as threats, so long as they are within range, creating massive blasts of light that will erupt outwards in a diameter of 16 meters with those targets at the epicenter of them all. This occurs in an instant, and while those present may see the spell descend down from the Heavens, nobody will be capable of reacting to it. Those caught will have all of their equipment suffer 2 S-Rank worth of damage following this blast.

  • Name: The Accursed Law of Man, Sorrow Lives
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Sia
    Type: Supplementary [S++: Topic Wide, Autohit, Cancel Sustain Effects, Cannot Affect Allies]
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Sia holds a hand to her waist and bows, all while a warped manifestation of ancient Magic materializes around her. This Magic then spreads out in all directions, never-ending as streams of the Magic continue to spread, filling the air and everything with its Magical properties. While the world is polluted by the ancient Magic, all those who are not allies of Astrid, Sia & Noir will have all sustained spells with the exception of abilities that cannot be nullified such as transformations forcibly cancelled and immediately forced into their cooldown period. As this effect spreads, those who would be affected are unable to defend against it. For each spell that is nullified, Sia must pay additional Mana based on the Spell Rank (D: 100, C: 200, B: 300, A: 400, S, S+, S++: 500) on top of the 1000 Mana to initially cast.

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