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Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor

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Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:50 am



Name: Pact of the Dual Emperor.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Modification.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: -


Description: Pact of the Dual Emperor allows the user to pick up a secondary magic. The secondary magic has certain restrictions based on the magic in the primary slot.


Requirements: None.


  • Dual Magic: The user unlocks a secondary magic slot. The second magic slot may only be filled with magics that meet certain requirements set by the magic in the primary magic slot. The secondary magic may conflict in element with the primary magic. An example would be the user having both Acid Magic and Mirror Magic.


  • The modification takes up two modification slots. The user does not need to have the modification slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their additional modification slot, they will immediately be filled by this pact.
  • The user does not unlock additional spell slots for their magic. The total of their spell slots must be shared between their primary and secondary magic.
  • The magics may not be filled with single instance or copy magics such as Nullification, Greed, etc.
  • Should the user have Soul magic, they may not purchase Slayer magic for their secondary slot. The user may, however, purchase a secondary Soul magic. It does not matter whether the first and second magic slots are filled by God, Beast, or Demon.
  • Should the user have Slayer magic, they may not purchase Soul magic for their secondary slot. The user may, however, purchase a secondary Slayer magic but the second Slayer magic must be of the same category as the primary Slayer magic e.g. Dragon Slayer and Dragon Slayer, Demon Slayer and Demon Slayer, or God Slayer and God Slayer.
  • The effects of both magics do not overlap with each other. They remain only applicable to their specific magics e.g. the effects that apply to the spells of the Empyrean Dragon Slayer would not apply to the spells of the Miasma Dragon Slayer if the user has both magics.


Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:49 am


Purchasing for 8,000,000j, please using my MM purchase ticket. 20% discount from black friday.


Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:18 am

@Ryuko has purchased this item for 8,000,000 Jewels  

#4Isobele Kozilek 

Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:32 am

Isobele Kozilek
Purchasing this for 8,000,000 (-20% with the Super Shop Coupon in my inventory), with This topic granting me access to purchase within the Mysterious Merchant.


Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:32 am

@Astrid has purchased this item for 8,000,000 Jewels  


Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Mon Dec 02, 2024 4:03 pm

Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Screen17

#7Frør Valkyrie 

Pact - Pact of the Dual Emperor Empty Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:55 pm

Frør Valkyrie

The ravens bring @Zerutod the invoice for 10,200,000J. Dual Emperor purchased.

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