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Modification - Divinitas

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Modification - Divinitas Empty Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:57 am



Name: Divinitas.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Race.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: -


Description: A highly uncommon occurrence, however, not entirely impossible. Through ceaseless training and constant self improvement, sometimes certain individuals can surpass their own limitations and transcend into a state of higher being. Some even refer to it as the first step towards an ascension into godhood. In history, the transcenders, those who unlocked their divine spark, were often considered Demigods in their own right, with the renewed clarity from their awakening allows them to use Ultra Instinct, a legendary technique even among the Gods. It wasn't only the power of the transcenders that resulted in this impression but also their lifespan. Upon acquiring their Divinitas, the transcenders started to age at a much slower pace as their lifespan extended (100 to 300 years, with longer exceptions) and kept them in their peak health, performance, and appearance much longer.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.
  • The user must be a Human or Demigod to purchase this item.

  • The user must select a color for the glow of their eyes and body when purchasing this item.
  • The race of the user remains the same. They simply unlock their divine spark.


  • Divinity: The user receives a Minor Physical Resistance. This becomes a Minor Magical Resistance if the user is an Adventurer.
  • Lightning reflexes: The user's movement and spell speed is increased by 10m/s.
  • Perfect Technique: The user recieves an additional 10 meters range to their spells and 1 post cooldown reduction.

Effects (Demigod)

  • Autonomous Ultra Instinct: Said to be the pinnacle of martial arts, Autonomous Ultra Instinct allows the user to respond to threats without a conscious thought, but rather an instinctive awareness of their body, opponent and surroundings. The enhanced perception allows the user to foretell danger before it happens and warns the user of it in no time. The greater the danger or how close the danger increases the tingling sensation. The user boasts a greatly enhanced reaction time, coupled with an ability to feel impending danger happening to them within 20 meters while they are conscious, allowing them to pinpoint the source of the danger.


  • Name: Ultra Instinct - Omen
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Transcender after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's eyes begin to glow. In addition, they emit a faint glow around their body as well. The color of the glow is the same for both the eyes and their body. While using Ultra Instinct, the attributes of the user are increased by 20% of their base amount. Additionally, the user's Improved Instincts now apply to their Spellcasting as well, making them resilient to Nullification: If their spells would be nullified, their potency is reduced by 2 Ranks instead. This transformation puts a massive strain on the user, therefore it can't be used for a long duration of time. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Perfected Ultra Instinct
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP posts as a Transcender after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's eyes begin to glow intensely. In addition, they emit a bright glow around their body as well. The color of the glow is the same for both the eyes and their body, while their hair turns a silvery white color. While using Perfected Ultra Instinct, the attributes of the user are increased by 30% of their base amount. Additionally, the user's Perfected Instincts now apply to their Spellcasting as well, making them resilient to Nullification: If their spells would be Nullified, their potency is reduced by 1 Rank instead. This transformation puts a massive strain on the user, therefore it can't be used for a long duration of time. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Last edited by Naga on Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:12 pm; edited 3 times in total


Modification - Divinitas Empty Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:42 am

Purchasing this for 4,000,000J


Modification - Divinitas Empty Sun Jul 18, 2021 7:32 pm


Shichiro has purchased Divinitas.


Modification - Divinitas Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:10 pm


bought this for 5m red please


Modification - Divinitas Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:31 pm

@Kaito Todaro has purchased Divinitas for 5,000,000J.


Modification - Divinitas Empty Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:47 am


Buying for 5,1mil, for my main Mod slot after this purchase is approved:


White glow

Last edited by Alisa on Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot aura colour)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Modification - Divinitas CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Modification - Divinitas Empty Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:05 am


@Alisa has purchased Divinitas for 5,100,000J.


Modification - Divinitas Empty Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:03 pm

Purchasing this as part of my X-rank restart for 4 mill. [Permanent]
Eye-Glow of White~


Modification - Divinitas Empty Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:01 pm

@Icebreaker has required this Modification from their X-rank Restart for 4,000,000 Jewels.

#10Go D. Drakkon 

Modification - Divinitas Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:38 pm

Go D. Drakkon
I'm taking this and replacing my Kagune Organ Permanent, So Divinitas Permanent


Modification - Divinitas Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:41 pm


Go D. Drakkon has replaced their Kagune Organ Modification with Divintas in accordance with the changes.


Modification - Divinitas Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:48 pm

Purchasing this from thread for 4 million.


Modification - Divinitas Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:49 pm

@Ittijdi has purchased Divinitas for 4,000,000J.

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