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Pouch - Anonymity Scowl

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Pouch - Anonymity Scowl Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:58 am



Name: Anonymity Scowl

Slot: Pouch.

Type: Scowl

Class: Unknown

Quantity: Limited

Element: -

Durability: This item is indestructible.


Description: The Scowl of an adventurous explorer who entered the void with an ensemble never to return. All that remained was their scowl found outside of the Fractured Sky, it is said to cause those who no longer remember what they had to be forgotten by those who wish to know them.


  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.


  • Reputation Anonymity: The user's reputation is treated as though it is 0 when other members are attempting to learn things about them, this overrides abilities that would otherwise increase or make them an equivalent reputation.


Pouch - Anonymity Scowl Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:15 pm


claiming this please


Pouch - Anonymity Scowl Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:47 pm

@Tempris has claimed this item.

Pouch - Anonymity Scowl 86545

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