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Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye

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Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:37 pm



Name: Shinigami's Red Eye.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Eye.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: -


Description: A single eye from a Joyan death god, perfectly stored inside a magical jar. The eye can be placed into someone's socket in order to obtain certain feats.

Lore: Everything in this world has an end. The eyes of the Shinigami are reputed for their clear, clairvoyant sight, able to see the end of everything they look at. How it will die and when, how can it be broken, and how to bring that future death closer to the present. Many mortals have longed for the eyes of the death gods through times immemorial, to look at their own lifespan and those of others, and throw off the yoke of mortality. Those blessed with the eye of the Shinigami are famed to see not only the lifespans of others, but even the very souls of the dead.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.

  • The user must select which eye they want to get replaced. Upon purchasing, the eye is automatically replaced by the Mysterious Merchant. Should the user lose the eye by reselling it or inactivity, they will get their old eye magically restored again.


  • When the user looks at an opponent, that target and their equipment are treated as having a minor weakness to the user's attacks. This can only affect one opponent at a time, and only to the user of the eyes can benefit from it, as only they can make sense of what they see.


Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:15 pm


I will be purchasing this for 8,000,000 jewels, replacing my right eye


Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:43 pm

Yuurei has purchased Shinigami's Red Eye for 8,000,000 Jewels and it has replaced as his right eye.


Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:34 pm


getting this for 3.5 mill placing in left eye

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Screen13

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:25 pm

Go D. Drakkon
@Jikan has purchased Shinigami's Red Eye 3,500,000 Jewels


Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:29 pm


Buying this for 4,500,000 Jewels. Right Eye

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Image_17


Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:29 am

Kaito has purchased the Shinigami's Eye for 4,500,000 jewels

#8Knuckles Shi 

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:58 pm

Knuckles Shi

Buying for 3 million Jewels left eye

Last edited by Knuckles Shi on Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Selecting eye)

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Modification - Shinigami's Red Eye Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:50 am

Knuckles has purchased the Shinigami's Eye for 3,000,000 jewels

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