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Races (Information)

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Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:33 am


Base Race


  • The races listed below can only be obtained by burning or restarting.

  • There is a distinction between burned races and restarted races, however, they have the same perks despite a difference in name.

  • When burning, the upgraded base race is the same as the current race.

  • When restarting, you may choose any of the races below the begin with regardless of your current race.


Last edited by Naga on Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:31 pm



Demigod (New Character): Demigods look like members of their mortal lineage, although they tend to have more ideal bodies due to their godly parentage, epitomizing the height of their mortal species and usually have traits carried from their godly parent. This can range from simple physical characteristics such as common eye or hair color; similar facial shape or voice. Though, the biggest giveaway of their divine origin is the bright red, almost golden-colored blood that runs through their veins that resembles a godly ichor.

Demigod (New Character Details): The user must choose a god as one of their parents in their character application. The ethnicity of the parent listed as a god shall be listed as a god in the application as well. The god may not be overly powerful or the head of a pantheon.

Demigod (Burn): It is also possible for someone to ascend to the status of a Demigod by becoming strong enough. It requires a person to be strong enough to withstand the effects of consuming the Demiurthana. It is unclear where the Demiurthana comes from exactly, but it is clear that the origins are not of this world. Demiurthanas are extremely rare and have been sold in the past for the price of cities and regions in kingdoms. Many prefer certain wealth over the small chance of successfully consuming the fruit.

Demigod (Burn Details): The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully consume the Demiurthana.


  • Extension Of One's Self: Demigods receive a 2 post cooldown reduction and a 20% mana reduction on spells attached to items.

  • One with the Beast: Demigods receive a 2 post cooldown reduction and a 20% mana reduction on spells attached to their companion.

  • Master Of None: Demigods receives a 30% word count reduction when training any weapon.

  • Limitless Potential: Demigods and their companions receive an increase of 20% to all their base attributes.

  • The People's Champion: Demigods receive a 20% discount on all Jewel purchases except Misc and Mysterious Merchant purchases.

  • Tenacity: Demigods receive a Minor Resistance to Debuff effects lowering the rank of debuffs applied to them by 1 Rank.

  • Debuff Decay: Debuffing effects may only be sustained on the user for up to three turns, after which the target must reapply the debuff on the user. Each turn after the initial post the potency of the debuff is reduced by one rank. If the debuff cannot decay further, it will be canceled.

  • Flesh of the Gods: Demigods receives a Minor Magic Resistance.

Last edited by Naga on Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:36 am; edited 5 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:53 pm



Dhain Dwarves (New Character): Dhain Dwarves are said to be born from Dhurain's forge according to some legends. The legends are not too far off from the truth about their origins. Dhain Dwarves come from a special bloodline that predates the Seven Dwarven Kings. In Dwarven legends, the Dwarves fought their way to the surface world, overcoming the dangers they faced below through strength of arms and skill. The survivors and their clans became the Seven Dwarven Kingdom, however, not everyone departed to the surface world. The greatest warriors, the Dhain Dwarves, remained underground for many centuries to ensure the safety of the other Dwarves by holding back the threats coming from the deep. In the end, the Dhain Dwarves succeeded in their endeavor and the remaining few of their kind disappeared. The bloodline of the Dhain Dwarves and their descendants have not been seen ever since, however, some Dwarves swear that the great Dhain Dwarves, or at least their descendants, still exist.

Dhain Dwarves (New Character Details): The user is a descendant of the Dhain Dwarves.

Dhain Dwarves (Burn): As mentioned before, one of the legends explains that the Dhain Dwarves were made from Dhurain's forge. That is because the Dhains were capable of venturing into underground magma caverns that were too hot for most of the other Dwarves. Some believe that the shards of Dhurain's forge, the Mallim, still exist in the deep and that they can be absorbed by the Dwarves to reach the potential of the great Dhain Dwarves.

Dhain Dwarves (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience, and statistics in order to successfully consume the Mallim.


  • From Stone Made: Dhain Dwarves receive a Minor Resistance versus Earth.

  • From Flames Forged: Dhain Dwarves receive a Minor Resistance versus Fire.

  • Erosion of the Body: Dhain Dwarves receive a Minor Weakness versus Wind.

  • Physical Resistance: Dhain Dwarves receive Minor Resistance to Physical Damage.

  • Enhanced Constitution: Dhain Dwarves receive a 30% increase in their base Constitution and Endurance.

  • Axe Legend: When wielding an axe in their Main Hand, Dwarves may equip another axe in their Off-hand Slot. They must be able to wield both axes with one hand, and may only equip an axe of Legendary Rarity. The rarity limit increases to Mythic after achieving Grandmaster Level Weapon Mastery. As an Adventurer, Dwarves may possess one additional axe in their inventory.

  • Eyes of the Deep: Dhain Dwarves are able to see in the dark as if it is day. In addition, they can see through magical darkness as well.

  • Swings of Frenzy: Dhain Dwarves receive 50% wordcount reduction when training Axes.

  • Mana Dissonance: Dhain Dwarves suffer from a one-post cooldown increase and a 20% mana cost increase.

  • Never Falter, Always Push: Dhain Dwarves are incredibly sturdy as a result they can ignore the effects of knock-back.

  • Master Forger: Dhain Dwarves may repair 1x S-rank durability on their equipment per turn at a cost of 500 mana. The user must pull out a hammer and slam it once on the piece of equipment that is in need of repair to apply this effect. The effect may be used on the user's weapons and armor. This effect can only be used to repair up to 10x S-rank damage in a single topic.

Last edited by Naga on Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:22 pm; edited 4 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:56 pm


Wood Elves

Athlas Elves (New Character): Athlas Elves are born from the sacred Yesan-Qaphas tree that exists in Athalran. When it becomes clear that a newborn or child is not going to make it, a parent may decide to wrap their child in the leaves of the Yesan-Qaphas and place them within the hole of the tree at night. The tree may nourish the child into health or absorb it to become part of it themselves. This is a chance that most parents must be willing to accept when placing their child there. In order for the Yesan-Qaphas to continue to exist, the ancient pact between the Wood Elves and the sacred tree must be maintained. The tree absorbs the lives of those that it cannot save to replenish itself and uses that power to save the lives of those that it can. The children that survive the process bear green markings on their bodies and are called the Calen Athlas Yesan-Qaphas, also known as the Green Children of Yesan-Qaphas, but shortened to Athlas Elves or Green Elves. Athlas Elves consider the Yesan-Qaphas a parent and often pay many tributes to it during their lifetime.

Wood Elves in Athalran all know the story of Davas the Betrayer. Davas, an exiled child of Yesan-Qaphas, spent most of his life as a wanderer. Though, when he reached old age, he returned to Athalran. Being refused access, he battled his way through many legions till he got captured. Standing before the Everqueen to be sentenced, Davas said that he regretted the actions that caused him to be exiled hundreds of years ago, however, he did not regret returning. Death was coming for him anyway and while his birth parents were already dead, Yesan-Qaphas, his other parent, still stood. Davas stated that he simply wanted to pay his final tribute to the tree. When the Everqueen looked into Davas' heart, she saw that Davas' intentions were sincere. The sentence had already been established hundreds of years ago. Should Davas return, he would be executed, however, the Everqueen allowed him to pay his final tribute that night before being executed the next day. The following day, Davas' dead body was found underneath a tree with a smile on his face. This tale is often shared to display the relationship of the Athlas Elves with Yesan-Qaphas.

Athlas Elves (New Character Details): The user is one of the Athlas Elves.

Athlas Elves (Burn): Sometimes, the Yesan-Qaphas grows fruits. Wood Elves may attempt to prove their worth and consume the fruit of the Yesan-Qaphas to accept its blessings. Should they be lucky, the fruit will bestow them with the same powers as the Athlas Elves.

Athlas Elves (Burn Details): Athlas Elves use the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully consume the fruit of the Yesan-Qaphas.


  • Yesan-Qaphas' Child: Athlas Elves receive a Minor Resistance versus Nature.

  • Bad Conditions: Athlas Elves receive a Minor Weakness versus Darkness.

  • Enhanced Speed: Athlas Elves receive a 30% increase in their base Speed.

  • Long, Short: Athlas Elves receive a 50% wordcount reduction when training Dagger or Bow.

  • Ancient Dexterity: Athlas Elves may equip a Bow or Dagger in their Off-Hand Slot. They may also equip an extra dagger as a back-up third weapon. The extra Dagger may only be of Legendary Rarity. The rarity limit increases to Mythic after achieving Master Level Weapon Mastery.  

  • Silent Sweeper: Athlas Elves are Soundless.

  • Nature's Fragrance: Athlas Elves are Scentless.

  • Nimble Movements: Athlas Elves have inherently perfect balance and acrobatic skill, being able to perform acrobatic stunts, including dives, rolls, somersaults, and flips.

  • Yesan-Qaphas' Essence: Athlas Elves receives a 1 post-cool-down reduction to their spells, however, when using Darkness or Fire-type magic or items, they take a 1 post cooldown and 20% Mana cost penalty.

  • Master of Beasts: The user's companion receives a 20% increase to their attributes.


  • Name: Telekinesis
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Athlas Elf
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 m
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user may manipulate up to eight objects around them, All of them must within a meter of the user initially. These can be manipulated freely to block, stab, etc., within the given range without any motions. Each object must be at most 4m2 and deal B-rank damage, have 1x B-Rank durability, and travel at spell speed. Telekinesis can be re-cast only if all the manipulated objects are destroyed or if the user deliberately cancels the spell. Spell modifiers do not apply to Telekinesis.

Last edited by Naga on Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:15 pm; edited 5 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:03 pm



Dharga Werewolves (New Character): Not turned but born, the Dharga Werewolves are already different than most of the Werewolves that exist on Earthland. Though, even among the ones that are born, the Dharga Werewolves are different. Dharga Werewolves come from an ancient bloodline that can only be passed on when one, or both, of the parents is a Dharga Werewolf and the other a born Werewolf. The bloodline cannot be passed on if the other parent is not a born Werewolf. Not many Dharga Werewolves exist despite the fact that they can reach ages of up to 1000 years. The reason for this is that Dharga Werewolves can only produce one to two offspring during their lifetime. In terms of appearance, Dharga Werewolves have their ears, similar to that of wolves, on top of their head. It is believed that the bloodline of the Dharga Werewolves traces back to the first Werewolves.

Dharga Werewolves (New Character Details): The user is the offspring of a Dharga Werewolf and a born Werewolf. The user may have their age up to 300 years in the character application. Furthermore, the user may be up to 3 meters in height in their character application. And lastly, the user must have an appearance with the ears on top of their head.

High Werewolves (Burn): There are many Werewolves that wish to achieve the powers of the Dharga Werewolves, however, it is not as simple as consuming their blood. That does not mean that it is impossible though to mimic it. It requires the perfect conditions and the right items. Werewolves must consume the blood of an Ancient Werewolf during a blood moon to attempt this transition. Since it is nearly impossible to find the blood of an Ancient Werewolf, not many have been able to attempt this. Ancient Werewolves are considered extinct, thus, one must find one of the limited vials that exist with their blood in it.

High Werewolves (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully transition to a High Werewolf.


  • Predator's Hunting Game: The user can smell anyone within a 50-meter range around them and sense their location.

  • Night Vision: The user is able to see in the dark as if it is day. In addition, they can see through magical darkness as well.

  • Enhanced Physique: The user receives a 30% increase to their Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution. This does not stack with transformations.

  • Mana Dissonance: The user receives a 20% increase in mana cost and 1 post cooldown increase on spells.

  • Savage Potential: The Werewolf has a potential to become wildly powerful compared to their peers. The Werewolf may purchase one extra attribute potion per month.

  • Primal endurance: The Werewolf recieves a minor physical resistance.

  • Thick Hide: The user ignores up to 1x A-Ranks worth of damage per turn, Spells or Attacks that are ignored, partially or fully have any modifiers associated with them reduced in potency and duration by one rank and one turn respectively.

  • Alpha Warrior:  The user and their allies receive a 10% increase to their Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution for each ally within the topic up to 25%. This effect doesn't stack with Alpha warrior perks from other Werewolves, with only that of the highest ranked werewolf being applied.


  • Name: Half-Transformation: Dharga Werewolf
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as Werewolf
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: When using the Half-Transformation, the user becomes more muscular and will grow hair across their shoulder and in some cases over their arms. Their features will look more like that of wolves, while they still retain their humanoid appearance. The fur of the user is the same color as their hair. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 40% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Full-Transformation: Dharga Werewolf
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as Werewolf
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf making them appear as a muscular bipedal wolf. The user is no longer appears humanoid. The fur of the user is the same color as their hair. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 60% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Spells, however, cost 30% more instead of 20% while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Last edited by Naga on Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:01 am; edited 5 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:28 pm



Nerach Vampires (New Character): Not turned but born, the Nerach Vampires are already different than most of the Vampires that exist on Earthland. Though, even among the ones that are born, the Nerach Vampires are different. Nerach Vampires come from an ancient bloodline that can only be passed on when one, or both, of the parents is a Nerach Vampire and the other a born Vampire. The bloodline cannot be passed on if the other parent is not a born Vampire. Not many Nerach Vampires exist. The reason for this is that Nerach Vampires can only produce a one or two offspring during their lifetime.

Nerach Vampires (New Character Details): The user is the offspring of a Nerach Vampire and a born Vampire. The user may have their age up to 300 years in the character application.

High Vampires (Burn): There are many Vampires that wish to obtain the powers of the Nerach Vampires, however, it is not as simple as consuming their blood. That does not mean that it is impossible though to mimic it. It requires the perfect conditions and the right items. Vampires must consume the blood of an Ancient Vampire during a blood moon to attempt this transition. Since it is nearly impossible to find the blood of an Ancient Vampire, not many have been able to attempt this. Ancient Vampires are considered extinct, thus, one must find one of the limited vials that exist with their blood in it.

High Vampires (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully transition to a High Vampire.


  • Ruler of the Night: High Vampires receive a Minor Resistance versus Darkness.

  • Adversary of the Day: High Vampires receive a Minor Weakness versus Light.

  • Bloodlust: High Vampires automatically heal three ranks lower than the Physical Damage and Magical Damage that they inflict on another user. This only heals Constitution and does not affect Endurance.

  • Vampyre Eyes: High Vampires can see through invisibility and illusion spells.

  • Night Vision: High Vampires are able to see in the dark as if it is the day. In addition, they can see through magical darkness as well.

  • Death from the Shadows: High Vampires are Soundless.

  • Flutter Step: High Vampires receive an increase of 20% to their base Speed.

  • Skinwalker: High Vampires may adopt the appearance of others after harvesting their blood for use. The user may switch bodies with a cooldown of 3 months. This must be done in a topic that is then linked to the Physique Potion topic to claim a new appearance. This may not be done to escape death in combat unless the other party agrees that it is allowed. The purpose of this effect is to freely change appearances.

  • Forbidden Lore: High Vampires receive a 20% mana cost reduction to their item and magic spells.


  • Name: Seduction
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: High Vampire
    Type: Transformation
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user locks gaze upon a target after doing so for as long as the user is maintaining this effect, any damage from the target to the user will be reduced by one rank regardless of the damage type. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


  • Name: Half-Transformation: Nerach Vampire
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Vampire
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user opens a pair of bat wings that allows them to fly up to 10 meters above the ground. The arms of the user become blood red. The user heals two ranks lower of the Physical Damage and Magical Damage that they inflict on another user. This only heals Constitution and doesn't affect Endurance. In addition, the user's base Strength and Speed are increased by 10%. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Full-Transformation: Nerach Vampire
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as a Vampire; at least S-rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user transforms into a bat-like form. The user opens a pair of bat wings that allows them to fly up to 15 meters above the ground. The user's base Strength and Speed are increased by 25%. The user heals one rank lower to the Physical Damage and Magical Damage that they inflict on another user. This affects the healing in their weakest limb through Endurance and overall healing through Constitution. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Last edited by Naga on Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:17 pm; edited 4 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:43 pm



Demon (New Character): Demons exist for one reason—to destroy. Where their more lawful counterparts, the devils of Hell, seek to twist mortal minds and values to remake and reshape them into reflections of their own evil, Demons seek only to maim, ruin, and feed. They recruit mortal life only if such cohorts speed along with the eventual destruction of hope and goodness. Death is, in some ways, their enemy—for a mortal who dies can often escape a Demon's depredations and flee to his just reward in the afterlife. It is the prolonging of mortal pain and suffering that fuels a Demon's lusts and desires, for it is partially from mortal sin and cruelty that these monstrous fiends were born.

Demon (Burn): Sometimes, a Daemon, if they are strong enough, can become a Demon. It requires the Daemon to attach their will to the Obscura within them and sacrifice their mortal coil. Many lost their lives attempting to be reborn within the darkness of the Abyss as a Demon, however, the few that succeeded had become stronger than they could ever imagine. The Obscura recreates the person within the Abyss as a wild creature without reason at first. That is where the strong will of the person comes in. If they are able to conquer the chaos that consumes their reason, they will become a Demon as themselves. Though, if they fail, they simply become another wild Demon with a mere beast-like intellect roaming the Abyss.

Demon (Details): The user must submit multiple images for a Demon application.
  • Base: The first appearance is a humanoid appearance with demonic features. This is the base form of the user. If the user does not use their Disguise form, this appearance applies in topics.
  • Disguised: The second appearance is a human without any demonic features. This must be similar to the base appearance in terms of height, skin, hair length, etc.
  • Merged: The third appearance is a mixture between their humanoid appearance and their true demonic appearance.
  • True: The fourth appearance is their true demonic appearance e.g. a demonic wolf, a big demonic floating whale, a large demonic serpent, a weird demonic creature etc.

Demon (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience, and statistics in order to successfully sacrifice themselves and become reborn as a Demon.


  • Scourge of the Abyss: Demons receives a Minor Resistance versus Darkness.

  • Unwelcome Guest: Demons receives a Minor Weakness versus Light.

  • With Obscura and Mana: Nullification only reduces the damage of a Demon's spells by two ranks instead of fully canceling it. If the user is an adventurer, this applies to item spells instead.

  • God Slayer: Demons can purchase God Slayer Magic.

  • Abyss Gazer: Demons cannot be blinded by Darkness-type spells.

  • Obscura Enchantment: Demons may enchant weapons to change their elemental alignment to Darkness-type for the remainder of a topic. This also changes the element of the spells attached to the weapon.

  • Demonic Synergy: Demons receive a 2 post cooldown reduction and a 30% mana cost reduction on Darkness-type spells. This applies to elements mixed with Darkness-type as well.



  • Name: Hidden Form, Disguised
    Mana Cost: 0% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Sustain
    Lore: Demons tend to disguise themselves while roaming Earthland. It allows them to blend with society without setting off any alarms. Fortunately, not all Demons are capable of performing this move to deceive others.
    Effect: The user disguises themselves with an illusion and appears as a normal human. This is the secondary FC of the user in the character application. The disguised form looks nearly identical to their undisguised form without anything that could be considered demonic. Some may be able to see through their illusion through magic or items. If this form is not used, the user is in their base form.


  • Name: Base Form, Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 1% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user removes their disguise and reveals their demonic humanoid form. The unleashed form is the primary FC of the user in the character application with a power-up. The attributes of the user are increased by 10% of their base amount. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 5%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 10%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


  • Name: Half-Transformation: Demon
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Demon; at Least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Lore: The true form of a Demon is quite monstrous, however, before revealing it they often tend to use their merged form. The merged form is a combination of their humanoid appearance and their true demonic form.
    Effect: The user reveals their merged form which is a combination of their undisguised form and their true form. The merged form is the third FC of the user in the character application. The attributes of the user are increased by 25% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 50% instead of 25%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 10 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


  • Name: Full Transformation: Demon
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as a Demon; at Least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user reveals their true demonic form. At most, the user may increase by 5 meters in height. At least, the user must increase by 2 meters in height. The true demonic form is a monstrous appearance that is a demonic beast e.g. a giant serpent, spider, wolf, etc. The true appearance is also submitted in the character application as the fourth FC. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 70% instead of 50%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 15%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 25% This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 15 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Last edited by Naga on Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:22 pm; edited 4 times in total


Races (Information) Empty Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:57 pm



Seraphim (New Character): Seraphim are beings of light who are the denizens of the Lucent. Dedicated to the ideals of order, they are the opposite of Demons, and have fought against them since the dawn of the creation of the Uldyssian. Seraphim are birthed from the Arch, though only during moments of perfect harmony in the Lucent, through a process called the Lightsong. Seraphim possess great strength far above that of a human, but some Seraphim are stronger than others depending on their significance, their rank in the chain of command, or simply their nature as a Seraphim. When wounded, a substance akin to 'liquid light' spills from a Seraphim's wound. Seraphim do not require sleep or food, and instead, draw their lifeforce from the Arch. If this connection is severed or corrupted, Seraphim can be incapacitated and rendered unconscious.

Seraphim (New Character Details): The user is a regular Seraphim from the Lucent that has been stranded on Earthland or has decided to live on Earthland for their own personal reasons.

Seraphim (Burn): Sometimes, a Nephilim, if they are strong enough, can become something similar to a Seraphim. It requires the Nephilim to attach their will to the Grace within them and sacrifice their mortal coil. Many lost their lives attempting to be reborn. Others were slain by Seraphim for attempting such a thing is considered heresy. Though, the few that succeeded had become stronger than they could ever imagine. Upon death, a strong enough Nephilim may have their Grace recreate them to replace their flesh. They are considered disgusting beings by many Seraphim born from the Arch, however, some acknowledge their existence if the occurrence happened naturally by the Nephilim dying while accomplishing a great feat rather forcefully sacrificing themselves.

Seraphim (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience, and statistics in order to successfully sacrifice themselves and become reborn as a Seraphim.


  • Denizen of the Lucent: Seraphim receive a Minor Resistance versus Light.

  • Unwelcome Guest: Seraphim receive a Minor Weakness versus Nature.

  • With Grace and Mana: Nullification only reduces the damage of a Seraphim's spells by two ranks instead of fully canceling it. If the user is an adventurer, this applies to item spells instead.

  • Demon Slayer: Seraphim can purchase Demon Slayer Magic.

  • Light Gazer: Seraphim cannot be blinded by Light-type spells.

  • Grace Enchantment: Seraphim may enchant weapons to change its elemental alignment to Light-type for the remainder of a topic. This also changes the element of the spells attached to the weapon.

  • Seraphic Synergy: Seraphim receives a 2 post cooldown and a 30% mana cost reduction on Light-type spells. This applies to elements mixed with Light-type as well.



  • Name: Hidden Form, Disguised
    Mana Cost: 0% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user hides their angelic wings to appear as a normal human. Some may be able to see through their illusion via magic or items. In such cases, a vague distortion can be seen behind the user which indicates the presence of their wings.


  • Name: Base Form, Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 1% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user reveals their wings in this form. The undisguised form is the primary FC of the user in the character application with a power-up. The attributes of the user are increased by 10% of their base amount. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 5%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 10%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Grace Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Seraphim; at Least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user cannot use this in their disguised form. The attributes of the user are increased by 25% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 40% instead of 25%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 10 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


  • Name: Full-Transformation: Seraphim
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as a Seraphim; at Least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user cannot use this in their disguised form. The user condenses their Grace and reveals their true form. They no longer appear human. As the image displays, the true form of a Seraphim can vary greatly among them. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 60% instead of 50%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 15 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Races (Information) Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:27 pm



Fairy (New Character): Fairies are beings made of pure mana, said to be extensions of the planet's senses. They are born from Earthland itself, with nothing but their name and a purpose they must fulfil, which may be anything between aiding a particular hero, to more long term tasks such as defending a certain place. The fairies are fickle, pure creatures with no concept of right and wrong, and any benevolence or malevolence they show is unburduned by morality. Once prevalent throughout Earthland, the Fairies have dwindled since the Uldyssian wars and the advent of Illuminian faith, and to this day are regarded as regarded as a Myth. They have a greater presence in Caelum, where its said they come from Avalon, the land of mystics. Fairies bleed when injured, but when they die, their bodies don't rot away. If they die before completing their purpose, they will reincarnate as a new Fairy who will look strikingly similar to its predecessor.

Fairy (New Character Details): The user is a regular Fairy that has been recently born, or have existed for some time, with either a new purpose or one inherited from their predecessor.

Fairy (Burn): Sometimes, a Fae can grow so powerful and attuned to their Sidhe they spontaneously turn into a Fairy. Fairies are prone to imitation, and strong Fairies imitate the planet that gave them purpose and power, and bestow some of their essence, their Sidhe, to a mortal, creating Fae. But for a Fae to turn into a Fairy requires them being chosen by Earthland itself. The land has acknowledged their purpose, merged the mortal's Sidhe with their very soul, remaking their body into one of pure Nature mana and creating a new Fairy. This may happen while the Fae is alive, or at the moment of their death. Fairies have mixed views towards Fairies who weren't born from the Earth like they were. Some may see them as outsiders and shun them in turn, while others may respect their affinity to the land as proof that Earthland has chosen them.

Fairy (Burn Details): The user uses the burn function to burn away a portion of their experience, and statistics in order, earning the planet's approval to be remade as a true Fairy.


  • One with Earthland: Fairies receive a Minor Resistance versus Nature.

  • Corruptible Purity: Fairies receive a Minor Weakness versus Darkness.

  • With Sidhe and Mana: Nullification only reduces the damage of a Fairy's spells by two ranks instead of fully canceling it. If the user is an adventurer, this applies to item spells instead.

  • Spirit Slayer: Fairies can purchase Spirit Slayer Magic.

  • Fairy Eyes: Fairies can see people by the colour of their aura, which lets them see through invisibility, as well as detect when they're being lied to. This counts as Physical Sight.

  • Sidhe Enchantment: Fairies may enchant weapons to change their elemental alignment to Nature-type for the remainder of a topic. This also changes the element of the spells attached to the weapon.

  • Faeric Synergy: Fairies receives a 2 post cooldown and a 30% mana cost reduction on Nature-type spells. This applies to elements mixed with Nature-type as well.

  • Iron Weakness: As beings of nature, Fairies are weak to iron weapons, giving them a Minor Weakness to Physical Damage from melee weapons.

  • Pure Mystics: Fairies are beings made out of pure magical energy, created by Earthland itself. Due to this, they receive a Minor Resistance to Magical Damage.



  • Name: Hidden Form, Disguised
    Mana Cost: 0% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user hides their fairy wings to appear as a normal human. Some may be able to see through their illusion via magic or items. In such cases, a vague distortion can be seen behind the user which indicates the presence of their wings.


  • Name: Base Form, Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 1% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user reveals their wings in this form. The undisguised form is the primary FC of the user in the character application with a power-up. The attributes of the user are increased by 10% of their base amount. In addition, the user increases the attributes of allies and companions that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 5%. Though, any ally and companion that is two ranks lower or more than the user will recieve an increase of 10%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Sidhe Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Fairy; at Least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user cannot use this in their disguised form. The attributes of the user are increased by 25% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 40% instead of 25%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user increases the attributes of allies and companions that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, any ally and companion that is two ranks lower or more than the user will receive an increase of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 10 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


  • Name: Full-Transformation: Fairy
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as a Fairy; at Least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user cannot use this in their disguised form. The user condenses their Sidhe and reveals their true form. As the image displays, the true form of a Fairy can vary greatly among them, with some looking more or less human, with some developing traits of different creatures. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 60% instead of 50%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user increases the attributes of allies and companions that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, any ally and companion that is two ranks lower or more than the user will receive an increase of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 15 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Races (Information) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:44 pm



Machia (New Character): Even among the master artificers of Talaz Lagaar, the very act of replacing a person's organs with prosthetics and artifice is looked upon with awe and certain degree of mysticism, as a feat achievably only by the most talented of machinists. It's said that once all vital organs are replaced, the subject will have either become a soulless cyborg, or something else entirely: By replacing the user's heart with a Machine Heart, they can in turn replace all of their organic tissue with artifice and become a Machias.

The rate of success is said do depend not only on the brilliance of the artificer, but the unyielding spirit of the one undertaking the procedure, to transcend the body of flesh and blood they're bound to. Those who successfully transform into Machias are blessed with an undying, mechanical body that will weather the test of time, that can be manually repaired as necessary and adapted to any hardship they face, allowing them to retain their prime throughout the rest of their life.

Machia (New Character Details): The user must be Talaz Lagaarian in Nationality.

Machia (Burn): By relinquishing thy flesh to the Fractured Sky one can transform into a Machia. However, rumors have it that the Talaz lagaarian scientist has developed ways to transfer one conscience into an automaton. No matter the method, the mortal body dies making it nearly impossible for the process to be reverted. Despite this, those who walk down this path should rejoice. No longer should the inferior biology of organisms hinder you. No longer will you succumb to the unconscious desire of man. You are made anew, the apex of mankind, the first to walk forward in the glorious evolution of machines!

Machia (Burn Details): The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to be converted both body and soul into a Machia


  • Circuitry: Machias receive Minor Weakness to Lightning & Fire-based Damage.

  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they possess and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.

  • Prosthetic Replacements: Constantly looking to improve themselves, Machias receive a 50% discount to all prosthetics. They are also capable of replacing their limbs, torso, and even their head with the Etherium Prosthetic with the respective item slot. They may also use their off-hand slot regardless of class as long as it is in a prosthetic.

  • Living Machine: Limb-based Prosthetics can be damaged without causing the user to receive damage to their overall durability, and replace the durability of the Limb. Head and Chest-based Prosthetics also cause the user to receive damage to their overall durability when taking damage, but add onto their respective body part's durability. Once said body part is replaced with a prosthetic it can no longer be impacted by Armor piercing, as there is no distinction between their armor and their body.

  • Strategic Repairs: In the event that Machias can cast healing-type spells they may restore the durability of prosthetics as though they were limbs. However, the effect of the healing spell is reduced by one rank.

  • Robotic Limitations: Machias start off fragile in form and are libel to being broken. All their topics are considered to be in Orange danger mode. This means that they can lose their limbs in all topics. In case their limb has been cut off and it is still intact, they may pick it up in the same topic and reattach it. This procedure takes a few minutes, and can't be done during combat.

Perks (Adventurer)

  • Mana Engine: Machias who lack the ability to use magic can use their enhancements with their prosthetics.

  • Realigned Power: Machias without their own magic instead have the spells from their prosthetics treated as their own magic spells, causing all item effects and mana reduction from their intelligence to be applied to item spells instead.

Perks (Mage Classes)

  • Magical Prosthetics: Machias who possess magic are capable of casting through their prosthetics regardless of type.


  • Name: Full Drive
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Machias after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user revs up their machine heart, causing raw mana to erupt from vents in their back, enabling them to soar freely across their air up to 10 meters above the ground. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Races (Information) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:46 pm



Lich (New Character): Even among the dreaded art of necromancy, the act of becoming a Lich has an ungodly, intangible allure. To cast off the yoke of mortality by embracing death and becoming one with it, letting your flesh rot away while using that dark magic to anchor your soul into this world. Only a scarce few necromancers posess the knowledge to enact such a transformation, and fewer still would even dare to undertake it.

Every person is different, and the ritual itself needs to be adapted and perfected for each individual user. They need to carefully construct their phylactery, for that's the only anchor that separates a lich from a soulless undead. The gruesome nature of the ritual and the hubris required to so callously defy the natural order gives liches a negative reputation, and while this is well deserved for the vast majority of individuals, some rare few retain respect for the lives of others even as they discard their own.

Lich (New Character Details): ???

Lich (Burn): ???

Lich (Burn Details): The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics to successfully create a phylactery.


  • Elemental Resistance: Liches receive Minor Resistance to Darkness.

  • Physical Weakness: Liches receive Minor Weakness to Physical Damage.

  • Debuff Resistance: Liches no longer have a body of flesh and blood, so most afflictions barely affect them. Debuffs applied to a Lich are one rank lower.

  • Night Vision: Liches can see in the dark as though it is day. This also allows them see through magical darkness and invisibility.

  • Cursed Mana: Spells cast by the lich drain opponent's mana of an equivalent amount to one rank lower than the spell's rank. This stacks with other mana drain effects.

  • Skeletal Danger: Liches have lost their skin and flesh, leaving them with only their skeletal structure. Because of this, they cannot be affected by vital hits. All their topics are considered to be in Orange danger mode. This means that they can lose their limbs in all topics. In case their limb has been cut off and it is still intact, they may pick it up in the same topic and reattach it.

  • Grave Robber: If a Lich has been dismembered in a topic and was unable to reattach it in that same topic, they may rob graves for their missing bones in another topic and attach it to themselves.

  • Call phylactery: The Lich can summon their phylactery into the topic. This restores their mana pool back to maximum, however, the danger level of the topic is changed to Red for the Lich.

  • Undead Resurrection: When a Lich is killed in a topic, they must roll the D100 dice to determine how long they may not roleplay. 0-10 means 1 day, 11-20 means 2 days and so on. The Lich may still roleplay in ongoing topics but may not create new topics or enter new topics during that time. When a Lich is killed with their phylactery present in the topic, the Lich will need to recollect themselves before they can reuse the Phylactery effect putting it on cool-down for a month. The Lich will always be resurrected in the same location where they were killed.


  • Name: Mortal disguise
    Mana Cost: 0% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user takes on an illusionary form of flesh and blood to better meld into human society. When becoming a lich, the user can select an additional face claim to use as their transformation. This doesn't prevent the effects of reputation, and people may still come to recognize that person as a Lich despite their disguise. Taking damage immediately dispels the glamour, allowing everybody to see the Lich for what they are. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Aura of Death
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Lich after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user flares out their deathly aura as it spreads out across the area, increasing their attributes by 30% while letting them hover up to 10 meters off the ground. The Lich's aura is toxic to living creatures, inspiring fear on those who can feel it, reducing the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10% and draining 5% of their total Mana every turn. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Lich will suffer a reduction of 20% to all attributes. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Lich. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Races (Information) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:46 pm



Ghoul (New Character): Long since hunted to extinction, the tales of Ghouls yet haunt people's memories and bedtimes stories. Beings physically indistinguishable from mortals, yet cursed with a relentless craving for the flesh of sentients. Some reviled their own hunger, others relished it, but in the end, none of them could resist their predatory urges.

Commonly found in Joyan and Desertian myth, what few ghouls remain have no connection to the ancestral homes of their kind, but are simply the result of magical experimentation with the remains of their ancestors. The results of this experiment are afflicted to the ghoulish curse, boasting potent life energy and regenerative capabilities by feeding off the flesh of the living. They can easily live for twice as long as the race they originate from, staying in their prime far longer and remaining fearsome fighters even in old age.

Ghoul (New Character Details):
  • The user must be Joyan, Desertian or Sinese in Nationality.
  • The user must select a Kagune type when purchasing this item to obtain the appropriate transformation. The Kakuja transformation can be unlocked by all Ghouls.

Ghoul (Burn): ???

Ghoul (Burn Details):
  • The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics to have a Kagune organ transplanted into them.
  • The user must select a Kagune type when purchasing this item to obtain the appropriate transformation. The Kakuja transformation can be unlocked by all Ghouls.


  • Natural Predator: Physical damage dealt by ghouls is one rank higher against Humans, Elves or Dwarves.

  • Man-eater: Ghouls heal for two ranks lower of the physical damage they inflict on enemies. This only heals Constitution and doesn't affect Endurance. It increases to one rank lower when the Kagune transformation is active.

  • Tough skin: Ghouls boast a significant resilience in a physical fight, far outmatching that of the race they originated from. They gain a Minor physical resistance.

  • Undying Hunger: Despite appearing physically similar to humans or elves, Ghouls' physiques are far sturdier, and they can survive hits that would instantly kill a human. Vital hit attacks don't instantly defeat the ghoul, but simply one rank higher worth of damage and ignore the ghoul's resistances.

  • Hunter's Nose: The user has an enhanced smell that allows them to smell anyone within a 25 meter radius. They can associate the smell with a specific race if they have smelled them before. The user can't pinpoint their location to fight blindly. It simply tells them that whoever they are smelling is within a 25 meter radius.

  • Ailment Weakness: Though adept at physical combat and coping with damage, ghoul physiologies struggle at battling afflictions from drugs and magical ailments. Debuffs are twice as effective on ghouls. This stacks with overcharge effects on the debuff, but doesn't double the amount an additional time; instead, overcharged debuffs are three times as effective.

  • Kagune: The ghoul's predatory organ takes on different shapes and function depending on the user, and they can only choose one of the Kagune transformations listed below. When summoned, the user's eyes turn black and the organ erupts from their back. It's treated as additional appendages with durability equal to half of limb durability.


  • Name: Kagune: Ukaku
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Ghoul after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's Kagune takes the form of a wing like protusion of flesh erupting from between their shoulders that can fire off hardened projectiles every turn. However, they tire themselves out quickly. The user's speed increases by 40% and they can shoot up to 1xS-rank worth of projectiles as basic shots every turn. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Kagune: Koukaku
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Ghoul after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's Kagune takes on a solid, sturdy shape that can easily wrap around their arm, and be used to defend or engage in melee attacks. The user's strength increases by 40% while the Kagune has a minor magic resistance and can shrug off up to 2S worth of damage, as well as adding +100 damage when swung as a melee weapon. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Kagune: Rinkaku
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Ghoul after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's Kagune takes the form of multiple tentacles erupting from their lower back, that can attack up to a certain distance away. The user's speed increases by 40% produces up to 4 tentacles from their back each that can attack up to 10 meters away. They deal A-rank damage each and ignore armor. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Kagune: Bikaku
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP posts as a Ghoul after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's Kagune erupts from their tailbone as a single, thick appendage of up to 5 meters in length, and can be used to grab items and weapons from their surroundings and impale victims for up to S-rank damage. Additionally, their strength increases by 40%. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Kakuja
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP posts as a Ghoul after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user's Kagune grows and envelops their whole body, massively enhancing the user's durability and enabling them to rampage for longer. The user becomes able to shrug off up to A-rank damage per turn, and their Endurance and Constitution increase by 40%. This stacks with the Kagune transformations. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

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