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Ittindi's Sheet

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Ittindi's Sheet Empty Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:07 pm






Relationship: Single

Team: N/A



God's Chosen one:




Heart in a necklace:

Companion: N/A



D-rank Spells:
  • Name: Full Second Evasion I
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

  • Name: Kusarigama I
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a chain made of magic with a Kama at the end with a roughly 20 centimeters in length curved blade as well as a magic circle on the spot of the body where the chain will appear from. This chain will move at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x D-Rank damage, while the chain and Kama will melt and disappear.

C-rank Spells:
  • Name: Full Second Evasion II
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect:  The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 10 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

  • Name: Miasma Stream II
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect:  The user cheeks puff up visibly before spewing a grey stream of miasma creating roughly .5 meter in diameter as well as a magic circle. This stream moves at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target, they will be receive an C-Rank Speed debuff, while the miasma will melt and disappear. The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained.

B-rank Spells:
  • Name: Kusarigama III
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a chain made of magic with a Kama at the end with a roughly 20 centimeters in length curved blade as well as a magic circle on the spot of the body where the chain will appear from. This chain will move at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x B-Rank damage, while the chain and Kama will melt and disappear.

  • Name: Miasma Stream III
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect:  The user cheeks puff up visibly before spewing a grey stream of miasma creating roughly 1 meter in diameter as well as a magic circle. This stream moves at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target, they will be receive an B-Rank Speed debuff, while the miasma will melt and disappear. The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained.

  • Name: Shield Mask II
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Nature
    Range: Self/Touch
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Ittindi puts one arm across his chest diagonally and a green magic seal appears in front of his chest. He can touch another to have a shield appear on them, Silk thread shoots out to form a 1 x 1 meter shield on that arm.

  • Name: Multi-Kusarigama I
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating 4 chain made of magic with a Kama at the end with a roughly 20 centimeters in length curved blade as well as a magic circle on the spot of the body where the chain will appear from. This chain will move at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x D-Rank damage per chain, while the chain and Kama will melt and disappear.

  • Name: Full Second Evasion III
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Instant
    Effect: The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 15 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

A-rank Spells:
  • Name: Kusarigama IV
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a chain made of magic with a Kama at the end with a roughly 20 centimeters in length curved blade as well as a magic circle on the spot of the body where the chain will appear from. This chain will move at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x A-Rank damage, while the chain and Kama will melt and disappear.

  • Name: Wings I
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user stomps on the ground and creates a magic circle. Magical decrepit black wings will sprout out the user's back and they will be able to fly up to 10 meters. Flight speed is based on your running speed.

S-rank Spells:
  • Name: Split Second Evasion
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: This spell does not require any actions to be activated. The user stops time for split-seconds multiple times in a row to avoid numerous attacks that are too close to avoid. The user may not engage in combat after using this spell in the same post. The spell can only be used for evasion purposes and not as a method to attack someone else. The split-second evasions can be used up to 8 times in a row within a time frame of 10 seconds to avoid hits. With each split-second evasion, the user may relocate themselves instantly up to 1 meter away from where they were standing before. It might appear as teleportation to others, but in reality, with time stopping briefly each time, the user simply moves around quickly to avoid all hits.

  • Name: Transformation: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Meters
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the Demon Soul and merges with Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit. The user oozes a deathly black cloud and increases in size by 50% while receiving moderate Arcane Resistance.  This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.
    • Advanced Mibu Breathing Technique: The user's debuff spells become uncontrollable applying to everyone around them whilst ignoring spell range limits entirely.
    • Breath of Life - Death: Upon being knocked out, the user may revive themselves with their base durability being restored to 2x S-Rank while retaining any limb-based damage they might have received. In this state, they can not be healed, however, any debuff or active negative effects will apply to the user's targets regardless of spell range.



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Current Divi completed post count: 55

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Spell Training


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