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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.)

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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:32 pm

It was hard to keep some one like Helena in place, Often far use to travelling and being on the road. How or why she was merely resting were she was. Almost felt like a piece of fiction some one would write to her in a novel. But alas here she was laying on her side in pain. Having to recover from a trick. Believing herself far smarter then to not realize she was the targets and not anyone else around it. It merely felt too good to be true.

Upon her internal reflection it felt almost too easy, the trouble maker did not put up much of a fight, They ran around more then fought. The pieces but it was not until the impact of palm of some one hand hitting her in the stomach and the feeling of magic. It felt Helena feeling like she was inflected with something far worst then anything she could create. For she never attempted nor knew some one could rip magic it's self out of some one.

So here she was, In her room look out to the window of the pool area of the guild, While she was awake and aware of the world around her, She had not moved since anyone last checked on her. She was staring the same way. Her back to the door of her room. Anyone who entered would see Helena's Bare back and her guild tattoo, She had clothing on to cover everything else at this point. But she almost seemed like she was staring at the outside world like she was defeated and was unsure how else to continue on, While she was still most like in some kind of pain. Who knows how many other guild members have came by here.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:09 pm



Alisa had been worried sick. Helena had been brought to the Guild unconscious and visibly weak, a far cry from that powerful, imposing woman Alisa had grown used to. She remembered carrying her back to her room and calling for a healer while constantly fighting a pang of panic bubbling deep within. The woman had made a living hunting for rare diseases... Who's to say she hadn't finally met her match? Alisa's chest rose and fell as she approached her room... She was beside herself with worry. Gulping, she knocked on the door, hoping to find the Icebergian beauty awake:

"Helena...? It's me.", she asked, knocking on the door, unsure whether her lover would actually answer. For all she knew, Helena could still be asleep, in which case, Alisa would simply sigh and head for the pool. Do some exercise to clear her head. Even now she looked all but ready for it, clad in a simple black bikini under a pair of shorts and a sporty blue jacket for a measure of modesty in the hallways... No sooner than Helena responded would Alisa stride into the room with a spring in her step, a relieved sigh as the worst of the tension washed off from her, wasting no time striding over to her bed and leaning in for a tight, loving embrace, "G-Gods you can't imagine the relief... Of finally seeing you awake. I've been worried sick!"

Alisa lost track of time as she simply embraced her, feeling her warmth against her bikini clad torso, her hand behind her head as she held her tightly, finally parting the hug just enough to gaze into her eyes and give her a long, loving kiss, one hand cupping her cheek as she sat on the edge of her bed:

"How are you feeling?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:58 am

She was some what okay, Most likely there was things still working on, Helena would have take notes on what all happen later. It had been a while. For the most part Helena had been merely watching. One part seemed to be not mentioned at the time, She almost felt like she could not move at all and she just watching people pass by. The damage has passed and she was going to be fine.

At least she thought, It would not be until she had a chance to figure out what all was removed from her along with that magic. For she held all of them like a universal host of illnesses. Cancelling that could have lead Helena to be infected and able to pass on many things nothing could have contained it.

But signs she was okay and able to lingering about was starting to show, Yes her eyes where open but when that embrace happen, some one knowing full well how Helena acted as she did. Seemed to be able to complete it by embracing Alisa as well. Even if she had yet to speak a word."For the most part, I feel decent...I do not know if anything of my studies will linger in me."Helena did sound worried at this time.

After all she could risk infecting some one with something at this time still."Unless this trick removed all of things i found..I could be a health risk you know..."Helena posed that because she realize it was more then just Alisa that could be in danger, It could be almost everyone in the guild.

Given even if her open friendly and flirty nature was absent at this time it was most likely her major worry."Are you sure, I should still be here? I can...find a place until I know I am not a danger to anyone."This was a fair thing to pose. After all Helena was still slightly cold to the touch.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:20 am



She held on tightly to her as the woman embraced her, and the sculptress let out a relieved sigh. What happened to her was a disaster... But so long as she was alive and conscious, she could always recover and rebuild:

"Well, If that were so, then whoever did this to you would have been the first one to be afflicted. Followed by whoever brought you here, me, everybody else...", Alisa didn't know exactly how much Helena had lost, after all not even the healers could properly understand it. The magic that allowed her to store pathogens in her body had been swept away by the Magic Barrier particles, so mist likely the illnesses were gone too.

Still, the lithomancer didn't peel away for even a second. However many risks there might be, she wasn't about to leave Helena all by herself, slipping a hand down to hers and holding it, gently interlacing her fingers with hers as she kept her company, the loving touch of someone who'd stay beside her as long as she needed:

"Still, the fact that you yourself are not affected right now tells me that the diseases are gone too... After all, your magic was the reason for your immunity, no?", Alisa's flashed her a soft, understanding smile... A bittersweet notion, after all it meant that Helena lost the magic she prided herself in, and much of her life's work. Feeling that cold touch of her lover's, she shuffled closer, a hand running up and down her arm, "And more importantly..."

Her eyes narrowed, with a firmer grip on Helena's hand, reaffirming her resolve:

"No way I'm leaving you alone."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:19 am

It seemed the point has been made. She had to consider if nothing had broken out yet then it was all in the clear for the moment. But some thing she would at least ponder out loud, unsure if Alisa knew the answer entirely or not."Who even brought me back here anyway? I was out handling some one alone last i recall.."If anything Helena even if sore was still happy, She was at what she considered home, She was still living and had a chance to do everything again. Suppose with a few set backs.

So Helena would look at it on it's good side from a moment, she was most likely going to be home for a while. So she figured it would be good to mention it."Just means, I will be at home for a while. I know should not travel as much with what happen..suppose Averie would learn what happen soon. Same with mother and father."It almost seemed like this was developing into having some things she needed to prepare for.

But suppose since she was worried Helena would settle her worries slightly. "Less worries for now.I will be okay...I have not tried to move much side from my arms, I have feeling in everything at least."So at least there was signs she was over all only. Even if she was just a bit cold.

Eventually Helena would slightly shift herself up while she pondered where to start but also was taking her time to make sure while she felt fine, she was not gonna get a surprising moment of a limb not moving."Well so far move parts are moving."She was not super forward with attention but the check over was important. Merely having a moment of thought lifting Alisa's that was holding her own and kissing the top of it."Alright, I should try to get up and move now."


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:51 am



"She didn't show her face... According to our Guildmates, a cloaked woman rang the doorbell and called for help, but disappeared as soon as they came over to help you.", Alisa shook her head and scratched her temple, wishing she had something better to tell her but then, she didn't really know much else... If anything, she still felt guilty that she didn't even know who attacked her... But she saw that despite her hardships, Helena strove to look on the bright side of life, and she responded in kind, flashing her a smile as she replied with a flirtatious tone, "Well, I certainly won't mind having you here more often~... I've sent word to Averie as well, so I'm sure she'll stop by to visit when she's able to."

Brushing her fingertips along the back of Helena's hand and smiling as those soft lips met her own, Alisa reached out with an affectionate caress of her lover's cheek, brushing those loose white bangs away from her face so she could gaze into her eyes as she finally shifted those long, luscious legs onto the floor and stood upright:

"Well, lean on me as much as you need to, alright? You've been unconscious for a far bit, it's normal to feel wobbly, even if you can still have sensation everywhere.", Alisa nodded, still holding on to her hand so she could use her for support, waiting patiently, ready to help her as much as she needed as she smiled and gave her something to look forward to, "And when you feel up for it... We can always go for a little stroll~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:55 pm

There was almost an annoyed sigh from Helena hearing that. Almost like she was really wanting to know who did this to most likely thank them. But now was left guessing just as much as trying to remember who left her in this situation to start with."Fine...guess I will have to do some digging around then."She said that while she was preparing to start getting up. It was just adding another thing on the list of many things to figure out and solve herself.

Even if other people might be interested to in trying to help Helena was most likely going to be just how normally as she was and just do this herself, She was an big girl as she would tell Averie or any one younger then her."Is this what Averie deals with me? No wonder she tells me to settle down so much."She seemed to laugh about it while she started by laying flat on her stomach, bending her knees she then upon lifting her upper body up straight, she put one of her feet on the ground resting one of her hands on it to give herself some added strength.

So get getting up seemed to be going well. She was getting to her knees just fine."I should try and move a bit anyway. being still does not help muscle recovery."With that she moved her other leg into position while still handing a hand on the ground. Then as weird as it was she stuck her butt out and up first quickly to have momentum to help her up at the same time using the arm resting to hep her up move too. Some what getting up there.

Then upon feeling like she was completely up waited for a moment to see if she started tipping, so far she was not. She also did not seem to be in a rush to move right away. But she was up.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:50 pm



"If it helps... One of our Guildmates thought the woman had purple hair. Though I've no idea why she cared so much about hiding her identity."

Alisa scratched her temple, not really knowing how much this information could help... She knew a fair few women matching that description, but Fiore was a big place, so there wasn't really much to go off of:

"You know~... Everyone deserves to be looked after every now and then. Just be thankful Averie isn't here to see it~", Alisa chimed, certain the older sister would have struggled to live down that reversal of their usual roles. That said, Alisa knew look and understood it too well...

Were she in Helena's position, she'd have certainly wanted to at least stand up without anyone's assistance... And thus, Alisa gave Helena her hand back and with it the space she needed as she struggled to her feet, wine red eyes following her carefully, hand on her full hip, brushing the hem of her shorts, ready to step in juuuust in case Helena stumbled... Only for those eyes to flare as she caught perking that big, shapely behind into the air until Alisa couldn't help but bite her lip:

"Of all the ways you could stand up... If I didn't know better... I'd swear you're showing off there, Helena~", she teased her, lips widening into a mischievous smile and a little wink, watching her as she finally stood back up. At first glance she seemed to be doing well, not wobbling or needing to hold on to anything for support. Alisa arched her brow, "Well...? How are you feeling?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:56 am

Purple hair was an interesting lead but letting out a sigh about it."Understanding how easily one can change hair colour....That lead is merely pointless if they don't wanna show themselves."Helena mentioned because it was some what true it was magically simple to change hair colour but she was not going to complain. Just most likely will have Helena chasing purple haired ladies down and asking a few questions to them. That was about it.

Helena had waited a moment after standing up just to be sure she did not just randomly fall over. Moving one of her legs slightly checking if she had balance problems. In which she did not.Then she would continue the conversation."Averie would not really know how to check over a living being as much as I love her...."Helena said this in the most typical older sister matter possible, That they did work different way Helena deal with the living Averie dealt with the dead both over all managed things differently.

But just being a bit of a humouring tease as she was she just mentioned."If I wanted to tease you, I know many things I could do that are much more showing off than that you know?"considering Alisa knew much. that remark was not entirely shocking. This part in some manner made Helena the flirty tease she knew she was, She knew what things she would do and what people might like.

After double checking her few steps back and forward. How she merely knew how to tease some one. Merely stepped as close as she could into Alisa, Merely placing both her hands on Alisa's butt pulled Alisa in, Kissed the right cheek of her face a few times and stopped."Yes this is how you tease some one correct?"it was most likely a simple question to ask but it seemed she was just trying to make things feel normal at this time point.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:29 pm



"Really? Surprising, she's always such a caring person.", far be it from her to argue with the woman's own sister but Averie was perhaps the most kind hearted necromancer she'd ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Then again, with her affinity to death she wasn't all too surprised that Averie wasn't quite as adept at dealing with the living. Still, Alisa could only giggle at Helena's bold declaration, and she simply rose a hand over her mouth with a graceful giggle as she watched Helena approach, and simply let out a sudden gasp when the woman slipped both hands to her supple rear and leaned in for those soft, loving smooches on her cheek:

"My, how bold of you~...", Alisa rolled her eyes and gave a soft clap to Helena's perfect, shapely behind for emphasis, just enough to shoot a sharp tingle of sensation through her body as her other hand trailed up her spine. She might have felt guilty for indulging in her lover's intimacy while she was still recovering from her devastating ailment, but at the same time... She could tell Helena needed that sense of normality in her life... And was happy to provide, arching her brow with a mischievous, puzzled look on her face, "Hmmm, I'm not sure really... Perhaps I should give you an example?"

With these words, Alisa tightened that embrace, her bikini clad bust pressing into Helena's as her lips inched closer to her lovers until they finally met for a long, lingering kiss... Her hand slowly slithering up her spine and hooking behind her neck, breath warm against her lips as she indulged until the two eased into that sizzling smooch, not stopping until felt Helena's cold touch warming up again:

"Mmmmm~... And how's that~..?", she teased at last as the kiss parted, feeling Helena's luscious bottom lip peel away as she yet nibbled it gently between her teeth, smiling as she enjoyed her touch


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:56 am

Most likely there was still things to explain, But it was most likely all how Helena knew her sister. It was not intended to be anything to degrading to her sister. Helena loves her sister but Alisa knew that she's seen how Helena was around Averie enough times to know how she actually cared about her sister."Caring yes, able to figure out how to save some one from dying on the other hand? Well...no."It was her main point, At least knowing how too medically or healing wise Averie dealt with the dead."Averie is more then likely have to wait until they passed on, then bring back their spirit and ask what happen."Helena also knew this was not entirely the case because she knew Averie was smart enough to know how to save a life with out letting it pass on.

She would even mention it."But part of that is a joke. Averie is capable of preventing death..Just not as effect as some one who is trained medically."She was not trying to bully her sister, but she still would some what poke fun a her. Even if the affection was still there for her."At least she would try unlike another sibling of mine."But jokes at her family aside. There was always other things to focus on.

It was bold but alas a good sign, Helena was smart enough to also not try and move around too hard."Yes bold, while being careful incase i don't pull a muscle...what I use to do was a bit different."Not even considering what she wanted to do that she use to do to people she loved.

But for now Helena seemingly enjoyed feeling a live again. Resting her head upon one of Alisa's shoulders and merely just staying standing for now."At least for the moment, I am delighted everything is for the most part okay."Pondering for a few more moments before they would most likely continue on and walk.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:47 am



Alisa scratched her temple with an awkward look, yes that is exactly how she pictured it... Averie was kind and caring, but her magic couldn't do much for the living, at least, nowhere near what it could do for the deceased or the relatives of the dearly departed:

"Mhmm, I do imagine a magic like hers could just as well be able to tether a soul back to their body, though perhaps not so much at repairing a still living body.", after all, the former of the two was a basic skill any necromancer had to master, though she had yet to meet a necromancer who could keep a living body intact... They were more likely to end up with a groaning zombie in the attempt, "Fufu~... Very much so."

Still, Averie was a dear friend, and she'd no doubt she'd do everything in her power to help. Alisa did too, of course, and while she was no healer, she knew where to find one, and with Helena she could bring her solace in other ways:

"Eeeasy there, Helena~... Make sure you recover properly first, and then you can do what you're used to... I'm not going anywhere~?", Alisa let out a low, melodious giggle into her ear, a deep, amorous embrace as she she simply brushed that voluminous white hair, enthralled by how soft it felt, content with holding her lover close as long as she wanted, before letting the tall beauty peel away form her, "Now... Go get changed and we can go for a little walk~"

Giving Helena some space, she waited for her to change into something more comfortable to wear outdoors, leaning against the wall, arms folded under the fullness of her bust, hefting it slightly as she waited, peeling away only once Helena was ready:

"Ready? Come on then, lets head out.", she'd speak at last, offering her lover a hand and and a smile before walking out of the room with her


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:22 am

In some manner the humour how she was. Was not completely gone she had been merely out for a while. Even if so she would chuckle for a moment and merely say."Oh? I guess it is fair I would not try and lift anyone from waist while kissing them huh?"That was the move she had in mind and now it was off the table."Oh well, sounds like some one else might have to get spoiled with that."Then Helena merely winked at Alisa with how she had plotted that.

But she wanted her to change so she would go do that, But in the most Helena fashion possible while she was going to get change she was already casually stripping everything off and throwing it behind her. This was typical and something Alisa had seen before. Then she merely went off to change."Fine, I will be back in a minute or two to go for a walk, don't get too bored."All and all her spirit was not dead yet.

But it was not too long Helena was pretty quick as getting changed. In which was not all a bad thing. Then she merely just took Alisa hand and headed off towards the water almost like she had been paying attention and knew where they wanted to go.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:26 am



Alisa couldn't help but roll her eyes and giggle at that little tease, not doubting for a second Helena would try to lift her or somebody else like that, but the way Alisa saw it:

"Oh, I agree~... And that someone else is called Helena~", Alisa chimed back, kissing her palm and blowing it at her as she leaned in slightly in that provocative pose, shooting her an alluring half lidded gaze. Helena may be doing a good job at convincing Alisa she was alright but... The lithomancer planned on thoroughly treating her lover, and she wouldn't be swayed, finally shooting her a wink, nibbling her bottom lip as the beauty casually stripped in front of her before going off to fetch her new outfit, "Oh hardly... You're always worth the wait~"

True to her words, Alisa waited patiently, idly producing a lump of crystal in her hands and running her fingers across the edges, casually sculpting a small flower to pass the time, a glimmer of crystal dust gently trickling down from her hands. By the time Helena returned, Alisa discreetly set the flower on the nearest surface, leaving a little present for her recovering lover to find when she finally returned to the room, and simply took her hand in hers. The two walked across the hallways and made their way out, and she immediately noticed Helena leading her towards the swimming pool:

"Now, did you remember to wear a swimsuit...?", she teased her, knowing that last time they did that was in at night and they had the whole swimming pool all to themselves. Then again, it didn't look like they had that many people there, after all they were still in early spring, far from the sweltering heat of summer. But for two Icebergian women like themselves, the temperature was just perfect, warm and inviting. As they walked, Alisa interlaced her fingers with Helena's in a loving, intimate hold contrasting with that sly, mischievous look in her eyes, "Ooor, are we skinny dipping again~...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:12 am

There was something about that where Helena just said in return because it was just so simple. Helena herself use to be able to lift a bit more but she most likely showed and did a lot more at one point."Really I could have done such an act for you...But maybe I will save it for wife you enjoy too?"Helena laughed about that slightly. Rather then pondering over what she couldn't do she just was going to focus on this walk and future conversation.

It was a good question to ask she merely just seemingly had clothes on, that was it seemingly so far. But it was a good question to ask her if she had a swim suit on or not. Given she was merely being a tease as Alisa was use to seeing her as actually didn't give her a right away answer."Guess you can enjoy waiting, Answer is i am prepared for whatever we could do by the pool."With that it seemed the teasing had continued and Alisa was left wondering.

Would it really matter? It was not like anything was hidden Helena had already been seen naked by Alisa. But while they walked she merely with a generous delight of the time they had before them."Besides what else are you going to do side from swimming hmm? Or did you not plan that far??"Helena was trying to guess what all was going on in her mind at this time.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:42 am



Oh Sofia would defenitely enjoy that~... But she'd leave that for Helena to discover when the two finally met, and for now opted to keep her secrets to herself, though... She wasn't lying about giving Helena the same treatment:

"That's good to know, after all we might be here for a bit?"

As the two walked across the gardens, approaching the pool, Alisa had a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes, she still found Helena's answer perhaps more revealing than whatever she had on underneath, after all, it came as a reminder:

"Mmmm, wouldn't you like to know~?", narrowing her eyes at Helena, Alisa had a sly, seductive look on her face as she held her gaze and let go of her hand, reaching down dipping both thumbs under the edge of her shorts and sloooowly rolling that tight denim fabric down her big, luscius behind, perking it out ever so slightly as she looked at Helena over her shoulder, making sure to give her lover something to admire as she revealed that simple, but eye catching black thong she had on underneath, before letting her shorts fall down her shapely legs, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't~...?"

Tossing both that and her jacket into an empty lounge chair, Alisa leapt into the pool with an elegant swan dive.


Feeling that cool, refreshing embrace of the water flowing around her curvaceous frame, finally emerging from beneath the surface and turning around, combing her long black hair away back with both hands and looking back at Helena, and finally hooking a finger at her in a come hither motion, inviting her to join:

"Why don't you come over and find out~?", she had plenty of ideas on how to pass the time here... But she'd let Helena discover them one at a time.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 5:00 am

It almost seemed like a tease for Helena just to jump in that, Not that Helena considered it much of a tease Helena was smart enough to not help into a pool wildly from the results of her recent events, But Helena did change to pull off her clothes actually to just a black two piece at this time. Nothing fancy but most likely she was just maybe sure she was not in a huge amount of pain and could move without problem. After all, she was not trying to do anything too wild at this time as much as jumping into a pool was fun, jumping in and hurting herself even more.

Even if Alisa was there to help just in case, it was not worth the risk. But some of the lingering bruises from her recent mix up with what took Helena did show on her normally pale white skin. But Helena’s personal pride of her beauty and looks had not really hidden away at this time, she was just merely sore and like it was just normal for a mage to deal with these problems.

But it seemingly was a horrible bruise, ones most people would return from mugging to have. But her spirit was still there. Her smile was still there but all she did was merely lay flat in the pool and casually paddled over to Alisa. It was most likely a bit slower than how she normally was, but given what was known it was not shocking. But she was move for the most part normally.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 5:28 pm



Ordinarily Alisa would have simply hung back and bit her lip as she watched her lover undress... And while she still couldn't help but admire her beauty, she was appalled at the big bruise she still had... She could take some solace in the fact that it looked much better now than it did the other day, watching as the woman swam up to her:

"Heavens... She really did a number on you huh?", seeing that brought back the anger she felt when she saw Helena battered and bruised like that... But instead of seething, Alisa was simply concerned for the white haired beauty as she took her hand in hers, leaning in and planting a very soft, delicate kiss on one of the bruises Helena had on her arm, then pecking her lips too, "Well, to answer your question, Miss Yates... First off, I think you... Need a little sunlight~"

Throwing her a teasing little wink, she kicked her legs away in a smooth, graceful motion, half wondering whether Helena would chase after her as she reached a hand out to the side and pulled something from her pocket dimension... An inflatable air mattress, which she soon brought her lips to the air hole and with a deep breath, proceeded to start blowing it full until they had an inflatable raft large enough for the two of them:

"Come on, hop in~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Tue May 28, 2024 8:03 pm

It was a seemingly very true statement and Helena almost said nothing about it. But Icebergians were icebergians in some manner she would have to some what connect it being one herself."I believe some people called them battle scars? Even if it will fade eventually."Helena seemed to laugh about it. Almost as if she was seemingly trying not to think of it as horrible as it was. Alas it was just all in time that things would just move as they should.

But she seemed it was not something that she was still going to manage to work over and maybe for a moment she was a bit. Sunlight was not a horrible thing, she had been resting for a while.

But she merely got on as she was requested too, It seemed she was thinking up a few other things to talk about. While she settled on floating on the water Helena would crack a joke."I guess it means, I am on vacation now huh? I have put my work on hold and not tell anyone but my sister."It seemed her spirits where slightly back in line at this time. Not thinking about getting beaten.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 5:13 am



"Fufufu, guess that means you should wear them with pride while you can?", she appreciated Helena's words at least, the tall beauty simply laughing off her injuries in a way that made even Alisa not think too hard on what she'd do to the responsible when she got her hands on them, but rather simply relax and enjoy her time with Helena.

After all... When was the last time she took a vacation? Alisa bit her lip as she watched her lover climbing onto the mattress, then proceeded to finish filling it back up, before she too clambered onto the air mattress, the whole thing shifting underneath Helena as the sculptress moving slowly so as to avoid flipping over the whole thing and sending her lover back to the water, before she finally got up there and fell on her back, her bust ripping under the looseness of her bikini:

"Oh heavens, a rare Helena Yates vacation? I should make the most of it~", Alisa teased, a sly, mischievous tone leaving her lips as she shifted onto her side, casually running a hand over her lover's full figured frame in a tender, loving caress. The dark haired woman rolled onto her side, the air matress squeaking softly as she dragged her wet frame over its surface, letting her face Helena as she arched her brow at her and wondered, "So what do you usually do when you're on not working?"

Now, Alisa knew Helena was a bit of a workaholic, but never in her right mind could she expect the answer to be "never" or something along those lines. Surely someone as hard working as her would have at least taken a few days off every now and then? But Alisa was curious, an excited tingle running across her skin... She'd known Helena for a bit now, but even she had never seen Holiday Helena.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 7:13 am

It was just how Icebergians where for the most part, who knew maybe Averie had scars too from her varying things she had done for her studies."This notable ones will fade. I am sure Averie, Charles. Even my mother all might have scars." It was most likely just an Icebergian way of life while Helena's skin felt wonderful and smooth if one looked long enough she would find some scars. After all this faceless being who took her powers was not the only person she ever fought Alisa knew at least Helena has fought Elise before.

Yes a Vacation, something that any other Yates so far might gag upon saying."We just shouldn't tell my mother...lest she assumes I am getting lazy now."She could laugh about it. But while as serious as yet to be faced parents. Helena's mother was not that high strung just much like her daughters took their jobs far too seriously and worked too hard.

But pulling Alisa on top of herself and kissing her a few times like the casual way of relaxing she tend to do. She could remark about it."Most of the time when I allowed myself time off, I just found and bothered Averie poor sister really was not good at taking care of herself."Helena the wonderful woman she was really did seem to output her mother desires upon her sister because she had nothing else, showed how little time she spared for herself.

hen Helena laugh about it slightly."But I suppose while my mother is serious, My father is not...I am willing to wager if I sent a letter to my father inviting him over for dinner and drinks to fiore, He would come with my mother and they could actually relax."Helena was also smart in some manner. She know how people could work to come around with her family. While Averie had not shown up in the south yet.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 5:55 pm



For all her scars, Helena looked as stunning now as she did the first time. Alisa did too, and she wore hers with pride but... There was a certain sense of empowerment at knowing your scars didn't define you:

"Oh dear, so we need to keep this naughty little secret from your mother~...?", Alisa all but purred as her hand found a silky soft strand of Helena's hair and found herself twirling it around her finger, biting her lip with a mischievous, seductive look in her eyes, "Gods, it sounds even more exciting when you put it like that."

She was more than happy to tease her lover as they enjoyed soaking under the Sun's hot's sweltering rays, but as she climbed atop the mattress, her eyes soon flared as Helena wasted no time pulling her atop herself and... Well~... No way she could resist an invitation like that~? Her wet skin warm to the touch as she came to rest atop Helena' that long dark hair draped down on either side of her face... Her succulent thighs straddling Helena's full hips... Their soft, luscious lips meeting as Alisa smooched them right back, and then her cheek, her words punctuated by little kisses as she simply enjoyed her luscious lover's embrace, slow, tender, affectionate, yet tinged with enough seduction to bring goosebumps to her skin:

"Ooof... My, is this really the first time you've been on vacation without Averie around? All I'm hearing is how I need to keep you entertained until she pops by for a visit~"

At the same time, for two workaholics like the Yates sisters, she wasn't entirely surprised that they happened to be together when they weren't working, after all. She still recalled all too well how she met Helena:

"Ohhh... Now that sounds like a good time. Though I suppose your parents might find it odd to hear about your relationship with us hmm? Might be best to be discreet about that~...", she knew she and Helena had similar views on romance, but at the same time, she also understood how those views were hardly family friendly... Even if she couldn't deny a hint of impish delight about admitting the relationship she and Sofia had with this dazzling beauty, "We might have to set up a little charm operation with good food and all the wine you can drink."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Thu May 30, 2024 8:00 am

In some manner this part might be important information."Well to be fair, Whenever i use to take break. I would seek and chase down Averie to spend time with her."To think of Helena was at her full power and trying to hunt some one down what she could actually do when you learn how often Helena could find and catch Averie. It almost made this woman dangerous to anyone she could track down when angry. Then again if this faceless person did this kind of damage, one had to ponder two things. What did she do to them? How powerful are her other family members compared? Both where most likely fun to play with in the mind.

While she could joke about her mother shortly afterwards."Well my mother might be unsure at first we could be honest about it, Or if Sofia is around or not we could just let them learn with out speaking....My father will surely be fine with it."But these where just Helena theories anyway.

For all she knew, her mother could just be a super serious woman because she had to be and when she was relaxing she was far more casual. But while she seemed to relax and think about it."I don't think we need to trouble Averie, She might be busy between the Rune knights and her lover. "casually running one of her fingers along Alisa back while they talked.

But the idea could work."Considering we both know what icebergians like to eat and drink. It is a simple plan really. Just matter upon how long it would take for them to get here."Helena had figure out her ways around here on her down but never thought to figure out if her parents really travelled from iceberg to here before.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:50 am



"My~... Should I feel flattered you're not chasing after her now~...?", Alisa quipped, arching her brow with a cheeky little smirk on those soft lips, knowing fully well the answer laid in Helena's current condition, but still not afraid to fish for compliments every now and then as she all but giggled at the thought of the maternal older sister chasing down Averie to ensure she was taking proper care of herself, "Fufu~... Letting them learn without speaking? Why, Helena, I love the way you think~ No way Sofia would want to miss that either."

Alisa had a devilish smile drawing on her lips as she squeezed one of Helena's luscious legs between her own, her hand gliding gracefully along her lover's arm, caressing her soft skin, just enthralled by how warm and soft she felt to the touch, hanging off the white haired beauty's every word as she told her all about her family:

"That's fair, she's not the only having her hands full with her lover~... Would be awfully rude of us to get in the way of that hm?", despite that playful tone and knowing smirk on her lips, Alisa was genuine, after all there was nothing more sacred than a budding romance, and especially a kind, gentle soul like Averie needed space to let it blossom properly, "Well it can't be that long can it? If necessary we can always give them a lift with Christina? Not to mention Sofia can teleport as well..."

Alisa scratched her temple, half wondering just how far Helena's family actually lived if they could take so long to travel in this day and age. Feeling that casual, loving touch up and down her back, the dark haired woman smiled and reached a hand around her back, tugging on the knot holding her bikini top in place and pulling it loose, letting the straps fall down on either side... Only the soft, sublime pressure of Helena's curves holding the wet number in place and preserving Alisa's modesty as the strap came loose:

"Let me just... Do this... I'd rather avoid the tanlines if I could~..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:04 am

Depending on what she did or not. Was entirely up to Alisa, Helena was not over all normally the type to many too many witty jokes about it right away."Well you could, I don't need to check in on family as much...not that my brother wouldn't want to boast about how his conquest is going..."The funnier could always be, Helena mentioned her brother's talk of conquest, but never what exactly what it was."Plus...I try but Averie does show she often doesn't like my check ups."Helena laughs about it because while she knew Averie didn't like it but alas did it out of love.

It did seem like an idea, just one she did not consider an option because she did not assume she could just borrow an airship to bring family over."I suppose if that is an option i could just visit and see if they would come, no doubt just dropping in an airship would be odd for them."Helena seemed to continue pondering.

In some manner Helena was use to her magic so much."Yes, not like I could alter it with my magic, learning how the skin cells work was interesting."Helena still did have her medical knowledge, just couldn't fix it as she was use too.

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