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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.)

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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:29 pm



"Mmmm, even then~... I'm sure she appreciates seeing you, even if she'll complain about, well... The other things~", she teased, letting out a little chuckle as she thought back to the two sisters and their endless banter, which made even Alisa just quietly watch as she listened to the two of them...

She couldn't help but wonder what she'd think when she found out about Helena's relationship with the two of them but hey, they'd cross that bridge when they got to it. Alisa arched her brow as she held her lover's gaze, almost puzzled that the option hadn't crossed her mind:

"Hmm, I suppose if they're not expecting it, seeing a random airship flying over might raise a few eyebrows, no doubt."

Alisa scratched her temple at those words, thought she wasn't particularly worried about not having a full fledged plan right away... They had time... Between the Sun's heat and Helena's, she was feeling lulled and relaxed, and honestly she could spend the whole afternoon out here if Helena let her... Even as the heat had her fanning herself:

"Fufu~... No by all means... You're busy enough as a Pathologist, Helena... You really don't want to add Aesthetician to your lines of work~...", Alisa shook her head and winked at her as she gently motioned with her hand into the water, brushing it towards the edge of the pool, "Now, I suppose we can try putting these cup holders to use hmm?"

The mattress jostled softly as it bumped into the edge of the pool, upon which Alisa picked out a small key from her pocket dimension and slipped it into the air, twisted it, and soon a a tall, curvaceous brunette in a maid outfit had appeared at the edge, bowing gracefully:

"Good afternoon Mistress Alisa, Helena... How can I help you?"

"Good afternoon Gianna~... Would you mind bringing us some refreshments? Maybe a Margarita for myself and... Would you like something to drink Helena~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:20 pm

Helena could not help but joke in some manner about it, only because they knew how her sister's life was going so far."Who knows maybe she will learn a new part of herself now that she has that experience in life."But she did think to worry about how it would all pan out, After all she figured if she really needed to worry about it. In some manner relaxing that like was just the kind of peace she might need to enjoy at this time. After all this was Helena being some what tame one could only ever dream about if Helena was in the state of archiving her dreams, how she would be then.

But before anything else when asked about what she wanted to drink she pondered for a moment and answered."Icebergian Mule is good for the heat."Helena merely stated it not sure if anyone know what kind of drink she actually meant. if they didn't she was pretty sure some one would ask her.

But alas Alisa trying to kind of slow Helena down was a good thing, As Helena was a busy woman who had a lot of medical knowledge she had most likely enough skills that any one from Blue Pegasus did not need to worry about seeing a doctor. If they were willing to talk to Helena about it."I suppose you have a fair point, Even if it really could have been simple of adjusting the bodies reaction to sunlight."It was for the longest time how Helena really did her work, She was studying and adjusting the human body's reaction to the things going on around it. It was how she use to heal people quickly was adjusting the body reaction to injuries to heal it.

But she would pat Alisa on he butt and kiss her cheek as she normally did. her various forms of affection had yet faded away."While you are getting drinks for us Gianna, Could you get me some paper, a pen and envelope?"Helena was actually comming up with plan quickly so it seemed maybe she was just piecing it together.

Then she chuckled to herself."Even if i am worried about what had happen and a few minor things. I suppose I am happy in the end I am here."Yes Helena was reflect on everything while laying here and realized she was happy to be alive and still moving, Happy with her next chance that she could have this breather. Maybe it was just also because for the moment some one enjoyed and showed the same amount of affection she would to some one else the travelled roads of work was stopped for now.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:23 pm



Indeed, Alisa was looking forward to meeting Averie now, wondering how much had her newfound love life changed her... But she decided she'd prefer to ask Averie herself about that, all the more so when Helena made her brow arch:

"Well... Even I don't know what that is."

"Right away miss~"

Gianna, on the other hand, had no such issues, and simply smiled, took a bow, and disappeared as fast as she came. Even as Helena commented on how easy it would be to affect someone's tan, Alisa opted not to feed into that train of thought, not about to let her lover get back into work mode as she simply pecked her cheek with a chuckle:

"Ohooo~... Sounds like you have something in mind~?", Alisa's brow arched at her lover's request, her voluptuous behind swaying against her hand as she kissed those supple lips. Hearing her lover ask for a notepad, she made sure the tall beauty had at least some space to write, "Care to fill me in on your plans?"

Alisa shifted herself atop Helena, sliding seductively along her lover's body so she could cuddle up to her from the side, her luscious leg still draped around Helena's hip, brushing that voluminous white hair away from her shoulder so she could plant a soft, loving kiss right there, oh so close to the strap of her swimsuit as she indulged in Helena's affection and returned it in kind, nuzzling into her neck. After all, Alisa was deadset on pampering her lover today, to give her all the affection she'd been missing out on during her recovery, with interest. So when Gianna returned with the drinks, the sculptress simply flashed her a smile:

"Here you go~ Please enjoy."

"Thank you, Gianna~", Alisa smiled, passing Helena her drink while she took a little sip of her own, slurping it through the straw as she delighted in that gentle rocking of their air mattress, the savoury sweetness filling her taste buds, and the warmth of the beauty at her side. Alisa found herself caressing Helena's midriff, hand trailing from her navel to her underbust, avoiding the large bruises as she spoke, "Yeah, me too~... Still won't forgive whoever did that to you but... I'm just relieved that you're here, and getting better?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:21 am

Helena almost wanted to explain what the drink was but in some manner of a slight cruel joke. In which might be one of the few times she might really do these things. Over all her interest where in other things and not really playing jokes all that often."Not anything too special, Just something i like that isn't too complex to make."Helena saying this having no experience in actually making drinks.

She couldn't actually list all of the things the things at this time because there was she was never actually quiet sure, Just got other people to make it for her all of the time."Simple really. Just a letter or two, Then figure out how to get it to go to iceberg and wait to see what happens."Yes it was a simple plan seemingly already plotting it out she just needed to write it. Most likely after being out of the pool."I am sure...It can wait for now until after the pool just do this letter, I don't wanna drop it."It seemed she was as always of sound mind.

Then well quietly drinking away."I am sure whomever this person is, Will have an interesting conversation with me."Helena laughed about it slightly. She was not trying to be super serious all of the time.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:31 pm



"Mmmm, and now I know what I'll be trying next time~", Alisa chimed, her curiosity getting the better of her, and while Alisa did have some experience making drinks, she was far from a mixologist in her own right and didn't really know that much outside of the classics

She was equally interested in whatever it was that Helena had planned to get her parents down there, and it seemed a lot simpler than whatever grand entrances she had in mind with the Aerial Ship or Sofia's teleportation:

"Fufu~... Sounds like I've been relying too much on Blue Pegasus' means of transportation if the thought didn't even cross my mind for even a second~", Alisa all but blushed as she rubbed her cheek, slowly slurping her drink through the straw as she allowed their mattress to slowly drift away from the edge of the pool, now drifting towards the otehr side and carrying the two of them away, "Mmmm, might be best... Maybe I should put the notepad away hm?"

Alisa stretched her hand out with a knowing smile, intending to put it back in its pocket dimension... After they were done soaking up some sunbeams they could just find a propely shaded place somewhere for Helena to write it in:

"Mhmm, likewise~...", Alisa chuckled as she avoided dwelling on it, and finally fanned herself as she felt her heat sensitive skin growing warmer by the second... Pale skinned icebergians were hardly suited to be under the sun for too long, "Hmmm... At this rate we should probably put on some sunscreen before we turn into lobsters."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:54 am

The funner part of Helena was she merely just offered some of her's."It is no different then any of the other drinks that are offered as mules. Just from iceberg."To think she had a chance to try and already just they where just laying there.

But Helena would let Alisa in on her idea."Well even then, We could still use your idea. Just be smart about it. Let my parents actually know rather then just showing up on a fabulous air ship with sunglasses on acting cool."Helena laugh about it because she knew that could happen so casually.

But her full plan is simple."So when I get to writing a letter, Ill invite them, tell them i will pick them up via the blue Pegasus airship, ask for a fitting date, Wait for a letter back."Helena did come up with a good plan pretty quick, It was some what of a middle ground. This why they find a few missing piece of information that might not have currently.

with the idea of sunscreen she just mentioned to Alisa."Might be a good idea, But do we not have a pool by some shade?"She also knew that was a good thing too.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:02 pm



Alisa cupped Helena's hand and brought the glass up to her lips, having a little sip, delighting in that burning sensation from the high proof spirits coupled with the refreshing fruitiness that made it oh so pleasant on such a hot day. But it was what Helena said next that caught her attention:

"Now what exactly are you implying there, Helena~...?", Alisa frowned with a playful look, prodding her lover's breast and wiggling her finger against that soft, supple skin. As a shameless lover of sunglasses herself and a proud owner of an airship, she couldn't help but object to that, "Almost like there's something wrong with looking cool with sunglasses on an airship."

Still, teasing aside, she did have a sound plan... And Alisa could hardly interject after all, she didn't really know Helena's family at all. At the end of the day, she'd defer to whatever she decided in that regard and simply focus on her side of things, preparing a proper welcome wagon:

"Clear and concise... Then I'll make sure the cellars are properly stocked? Between your parents and Lumikki coming over soon, I'm getting an impression i might need to reinforce our stocks of wine before the party season starts in full.", a lopsided smile drew on her face as Alisa knew fully well that even though she bragged about the endlessly flowing nectar, their stocks of wine were sadly not infinity, and nothing would feel worse than having to ration it, or worse, running dry in the middle of a party, "Maybe i should talk to Judith about that..."

Alisa lifted her torso upright, having another sip of her drink before leaving it on its cup holder, before fishing out a bottle of sunblock lotion and turning her back to face Helena:

"Shade in the pool will be difficult at this hour, unless we get a little creative? Still... You can get sunburned even in the shade, you know?", with her bikini top undone and hanging messily from her neck, it was all Alisa could do to press the dangling garment against her bust for a measure of modesty, the other hand pulling her long dark hair in a bundle towards the front, "Here... Help me do my back will you~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:15 am

Helena seemed to enjoyed how this was working the teasing was fun even if she was not doing much of it at this time she had a laugh about her little tease there."No, But it could be taken oddly by other not use to how Fiorians are, my mother has never left iceberg and my father's only been to Caelum and iceberg."Helena mentioned with a bit of a smug look on her face. It seemed she knew very well how this guild worked.

But smugness aside Helena just knew how to fit in here, she had good drink tastes, she was pretty she knew how to fit in so many things where working for her."Judith? Interesting I didn't realize you had the power to talk to the Guild Master of Fairy Tail so easily."Helena was merely use to hearing of Judith in passing."I knew the guild has an alliance but never dived into details yet."As always there was more to learn. She knew that at least.

It was time to change positions in this matter, After all Helena was a really good team player."Yes Yes, Just give me the bottle, Lay where i was, ill take it from here."If anything Helena did actually know how to do this effectively while even if she still did not ever need to use sunscreen, she was some what trained medically for various tasks."No doubt i haven't lost my handy skills at least."Even leaving a remark about it as a joke about the situation they in while as she seemed to have gotten to work fairly quickly.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:42 pm



"Hmm, I suppoooose~...", Alisa yielded with a shurg as she peeled back from Helena with a smile, she knew her lover's teasing tone all too well by now but it didn't stop her returning the favour. Indeed Helena seemed to be on the same page as Alisa all too often, a clear reminder of how well and how easily she fit in at this guild right from the first day, "Well, I am a Guildmaster myself in case you've forgotten. What's so special about being friends with your coworkers~? Still, Judith and I are a special case I suppose... We've known each other for a while and we're practically family."

They did share a sister, of course Alisa and Arisa were not directly related and were simply blood sisters. But for Alisa who never had any siblings of her own, that bond was as real as it could be:

"I guess it is a coincidence that we ended up heading these two Guilds which already had plenty of history together.", in the end, Alisa simply smiled and turned around, hand lingering around Helena's neck as she gave her a quick, thank you kiss and a sly, mischievous smile, "Oh yes, I felt those handy skills back there, Helena~... Though for today you should defenitely... Leave all the lifting to me~..."

With this nod to Helena's deed earlier, Alisa turned around and slowly sunk into the mattress, laying on her front, folding her arms under her head as her full bust squished into the softness underneath, her undone bikini drop pressed underneath her as she pulled her hair to the front and bared her back to her skillful lover.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:56 am

It was a case in some manner that while Helena was smart she did not looked into a lot of things unless it was related to her work. Helena did not really pay attention to who was connected to who."I know your the guild master, I did not look into other guilds yet."This showed how in depth that magic was to Helena's life she just joined Alisa's guild and left.

Anything else she might have heard in passing and did not look into much yet."I don't even know Judith herself. This is the first time I am hearing her name."But while that were talking about it. It seemed while Helena was working and taking her time it was almost like she was messaging Alisa as well. Seemingly already use to doing other things to help people.

"Averie has told me in letters, She is in the Rune Knights. But that is about it for things I know side from you.
"Helena seemed to be taking her sweet time with this. Then merely thinking and pondering many things."When is the last time your did stretches for your joints?"Yes she was already getting her medical brain working too.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:36 am



"Hmmm, you'd like her I feel~...?", Alisa nodded as she heard Helena's response, indeed even though she felt so attuned to Blue Pegasus' ideals, she herself had practically distanced herself from the guild in her endless dedication to her work, and was only now learning about the nitty gritty details of Guild Life, "Well, she's a rather maternal figure herself, with a keen talent for gardening and all manners of tasks relating to it~... And give her a few minutes in the kitchen and she'll make you the best homecooked meal you've ever tasted~?"

Alisa had nothing but praise for her fellow guildmaster, for whom she had nothing but admiration for. She knew of Judith's insecurities towards being Guildmaster owing to her lack of raw magic power, but at the same time... Whoever said that a Guildmaster had to be the strongest in a Guild? And whoever said the strongest in a Guild had any talent at keeping it together:

"Oooh~... Averie in the Rune Knights huh~? I mean she'd be brilliant at it~... I bet any detective would love to have someone who could talk to the dead.", and yet, Helena's touch was slowly making Alisa melt into that soft, welcoming air mattress, a low, heavy purr leaving her lips as she stretched herself out and Helena's help soon turned into a literal massage, "Mmm~... Heavens~... You really have a magic touch don't you Helena~? Mmm, I stretched right after my workout this morning~? I do so before and after my morning workouts... Why do you ask~...?"

She mused, letting out a low, heavy little gasp~

"Mmmnf~.... Gods you're really good with your hands~..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:48 am

She did listen as she mostly did with these conversations but while she pondered on things."Is there really anyone you think I wouldn't like at this point?"Helena asked with a bit of a chuckle because she had to wonder if there was anyone who she really wouldn't like, After all she was fairly easy to get along with it and made her self easy to talk too.

But alas it seed Judith was a lady of many talents."So everyone's dream mother? She might rival my own."Then Helena kind of laughed again because of the comment she made about it right at this time. Then had to remark."But let's not tell her that, It might be a....Warpath."But if anything Helena most likely could charm her way out of the problem.

All of Helena's work in the past opened her to be able to do a lot of things."Almost like when you collect most of the world illnesses and disease  and study the effects of body, You learn how to fix a few things."Overall it sounded sassy yet, But it was some one who knew how to work the body."I you to just touch one and slowly to work solve problems medically."It was the most sassy she could be in that moment but it was the point, She can figure out if a person is taking care of themselves."But you are being a bit light on are your stretches, You have a bit of tension still."And to think this woman was just roaming the lands and helping people who needed a doctor when Helena was lingering in the area? Then again each one was still needed in the world and Helena could equally be distracted.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:11 am



"Hmmmm, I don't knooown~... Give me a bit to think on that, and i'll get back to you~...?", Alisa furrowed her brow, a hand raising to her chin as she mused, shooting a sly look at her rather loving lover who had a way of earing people's good graces. Indeed there weren't many people she could imagine could ever possibly dislike her, but alas, she knew some, like Mimi or Faris, who would most certainly run away from her, "Fufu~... Oh dear... Then i suppose it might be best we don't let them meet? Mmm~... Yes, exactly what I was thinking~..."

Alisa chuckled at her words, awkwardly running her hand over her forehead, silently noting how often she and Helena seemed to be on the same page, which by this point was almost a given, after all... This was why she joined Blue Pegasus, and why the two had since become lovers:

"Here I thought you specialized in pathogens~...?", Alisa noted, arching her brow, "So what you're telling me is... I should ask you for a massage more often~?"

Granted, she'd already knew Helena to be good with her hands before but... This was the first time her lover had properly given her a massage? Just have her lay down and melt as those low, breathy sounds left her lips, utter relaxation as the tension left her curvaceous frame one breath at a time:

"Well, I supposed a certain someone has had me quite worried these past few daystoo...", Alisa looked back at Helena over her shoulder, after all there wasn't really any secret just how long Alisa had been worrying about her since she came back to Blue Pegasus, carried over like a bird with broken wings, "I suppose I shooould take a little longer with my stretches... But heavens though... With hands like yours I almost don't feel like I need to~..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:46 am

It almost seemed some what confused that there could be a few people that dislike her. The she would merely joke about it. "I guess they just can't handle some one who looks into helping...suppose i should actually meet them first."This could be a future problem for Mimi or Faris. Helena might be tracking them down later for who knows what.

Helena knew a lot of things. i showed more and more that her magic just made her learn a lot."I learned a bit various parts of the medical field, from child baring, surgery, Viruses, illness, Diseases. I learned a lot of how to help the human body and understand it."Helena mentioned because well she did truly learn a lot. but her solutions where gone so she could not be as effective as she use to be.

Even going as far as to mention."Humanoid beings do have simple parts of the body when you look at, you break it down a lot of things are chemical balances with in the body and in some manner, the brain's signals are electrical currents."To think this pale skinned beauty's looks could set her for life in some manner, But she was a massively smart woman, She could almost be a nerd.

Even for example she took one of Alisa's arms stretched it out slightly a bit longer then most timed stretches and after giving it one tiny bit more of a flex there was a small crack."Understanding the human body and it's problems was the key to my magic for years, I used some parts of it for benefits of other people, I use it sometimes to horribly damage people and sometimes even use it to ensure how i look."After she first that stretch for Alisa she then kissed the top of her hand. chuckled a bit about it.

Leaving this moment to suggest."But now I have to ponder, how good are you stretch out your legs?"After all Alisa had a mage who dived into a lot, Much like everyone however Helena did have her own struggles too.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:29 am



"Granted, I doubt they'd actually dislike you... Fufu~... But I can imagine some people might want to run away from from you~...", Alisa teased, giggling as she indeed thought back to those very same two people that Helena thought about too

Still, Alisa was always fascinated to hear about her adventures. It was easy to think of Helena as a scholar of illnesses, but that same knowledge also made her an extremely talented healer in her own right:

"And the knowledge you acquired will stay with you regarless~...", she realized the loss of her magic would undoubtedly have reduced her abilities, but then again, if non mages could become doctors using nothing but their knowledge of potions and medical techniques, Helena should be no less than that, "Oh that's a surprisingly pragmatic way to look at it? Though you're right in a sense, the bodies we have may be nothing more than machines but at the same time... If properly taken care of, they're one of the most stunning works of art you'll ever lay eyes on~?"

Alisa couldn't help but bite her lip as she turned her gaze to the side, keeping her eyes on Helena as if to emphasize that point, though what the white haired beauty did next had her eyes roll back for a moment as that audible crack reverberated through her body:

"Oooh...~", A low, breathy little sound of utter satisfaction filled the air as that simple crack brought her no small measure of relief, and afterwards her arm felt loose and limber, and she could only smile at that gentle kiss to her hand, "It really shows~... With that kind of magic touch, don't be surprised if I ask you for a massage more often. Fufu~... I can imagine it helped you stay in shape too?"

Alisa had to admit, she was somewhat curious how Helena's prior skillset helped her aesthetically... She just assumed it helped her pick out a proper exercise routine fitting for her metabolism, after all, she did look incredible. But when she asked about Alisa's leg stretching:

"Oh, quite good... Would you like to see~?", with a teasing smile, Alisa caressed Helena's cheek as she turned around and laid on her back, and then proceeded to slowly lift one leg up and off the air mattress, raising it higher until her knee came to rest against her bust, squishing oh so sublimely between that expansive cleavage, her leg stretched out in a perfect front split, "Stretching is a key part of martial arts routine."

Well, she was obviously showing off a bit, but~... Giving her lover a little treat for the eyes was the least she could do after all that...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:32 pm

And now Helena took it as a challenge and she would make sure Alisa knew that, In her mere typical fashion possible that was entirely Helena."Aww, are they a little shy? Do they need a hug?"This must be what Averie had to put up with. Some one who was willing to step into these things even if people might even be uncomfortable with it. But at least in this part some one else could step in before Helena might have risked something that made some one uncomfortable.

Her knowledge was useful, But in some manner she knew her limits were information and she was no longer as useful as she use to be. Almost like that sometimes everything at times comes to an end."Consider how putting in simple terms, I use to able add more energy to the cells to heal wounds quicker."Break down to the basic matter Helena did so much because she knew how parts of the body worked. To think of this just made it helpful for everyone to know if they could pin point so many things how to help. Even adding more into it."Sometimes altering pheromones is simple to help the situations around you."And she could not show any of this power to anyone anymore.

At least at this time, maybe she could in the future. But for now other things were talked about. As she watched it seemed nothing was overly amiss with it."Seems like it's fine, But suppose it should be something to think over trying over directions at times too."It was a good point to mention. Helena herself did not try these most likely because it would turn out good.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:26 pm



"Fufufu~... If you're giving them hugs while they're trying to flee, don't be surprised if they dislike you~", she winked right back, running a hand down the white haired beauty's cheek, listening attentively to her words, one of which caught her attention, "Pheromones hmm? Now why in the world would you ever feel a need to use those~?"

Alisa could imagine what the answer might be, but at the same time, she didn't imagine a woman brimming with charm and allure like Helena ever needing chemical help to get on people's good side. She should have been disappointed Helena could no longer demonstrate, but at the same time, she had that smile on her face, not doubting for a second she could recover this power eventually:

"Like what direction exactly~...? I am quite confident in my flexibility.", Alisa replied, after all Helena was somebody who specialized in more scholarly pursuits even if she was more than powerful enough to take down whoever stood in her way before, something she'd no doubt recover before long.

As Alisa let go of her leg, she picked the bottle of lotion, squeezing a large dollop between her hands and proceeding to run them over her torso, before doing the same to her arms and legs in turn, slowly running her hands over her smooth, pale skin before she was satisfied:

"But, more importantly... Your turn to lie down.", lifting her body upright as she draped her arm around Helena's neck, planting a soft, appreciating kiss on her lips, knowing her lover was equally sensitive to harsh sunlight, especially after spending so long indoors.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:55 am

It seemed to get Helena to think on it while they where on the subject and had to bring up."Are they that skiddish? It's just one hug...Ill even be nice and gentle."Helena mentioned and she sounded serious about it now.

But when it came to that ponder, Keep in mind Helena would most likely bring it up in the professional manner."It could be useful for many reason, Make people comfortable with one another, bonding problems. Just a few off hand."She played it off as harmless reason but knew more than likely what all it could do.

But she would just merely mention."Oh?So rather normal leg motion, if you try stretch out like your doing a jumping jack how far do your legs go?"This was a possible painful suggestion. But she did wonder. Normal doing the splits won't do because it was easy to train.

But it was her turn and Helena did not seem to worry about too much."Fine fine...just don't have too much fun with this will you?"It was a tease about it but she would generally lay down getting comfortable for what was to come.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:04 am



"Fufu~... You know with your natural charm that's almost overkill~...?", Alisa winked at her, letting out a low, amused chuckle as she imagined why she'd feel a need to use a power like that, but at the same time, she didn't mind waiting until Helena eventually recovered her power to ask her about it, "Hmmm, pretty far actually? Like I said... Good flexibility~..."

At least, Alisa didn't know much other people could stretch, but found no challenge in spreading her legs out to either side as though she were doing side splits, her wet bust rising and falling as she took a deep breath, relaxing her whole body until her muscles felt loose and supple, just enough to do a quick little demonstation as that audble squeaking sound filled the air as she shifted on that wet mattress, a sultry, confident smile as she demonstrated as much as Helena wanted, before the tall beauty acquiesced to her request and laid down in turn:

"Mmmm, I'll have about as much as you did...~?", Alisa teased following Helena as she leaned down and brushing that lustruous while hair away from her back, planting a tender kiss near her nape, before squeezing another big dollop of sublock lotion, "Do tell me if it hurts...?"

Despite her best efforts, Alisa knew Helena was still injured, and though she did her best to avoid any sore, dark spots, she also knew her lover might still feel pain from other places. Thus she rubbed the sun lotion slowly along her back, tracing that hourglass frame as her fingertips slid up from the flare of her hips and up that slim waist, kneading ever so gently into the tight muscles of her back until Helena could relax underneath her...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:05 pm

Helena seemed to get a good chuckle about it. After all she knew and was well aware of her natural charm.[color:661e=#cc00tt]"It has helped me a lot in the past with such charm."She did laugh about it because he knew it was not a fix all to her problems. She could not get whomever to just be able to deal with the things. Just most of the time. "I just know it is a bit much at times." She was not dumb to it at least.

But she over all used it to learn how some of the members are Not that she minded, just in some manner it was a good test after all. for all she knew and had a feeling of these two it was going to be an interesting time.

as for how she was feeling seems she was okay even if she was still hurt she was not complaining at this time.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:53 am



"One day you'll have to tell me some of those stories... You can's just say that and then keep your secrets~", Alisa teased, her hands now reaching up, brushing under the straps of Helena's bikini before she shifted to her upper back, gently massaging her between her shoulder blades. Though she was only supposed to be spreading sun lotion on her back, she made sure properly knead those sore, strained muscles after she'd been lying still for so long, "Oh, most defenitely... I like you enough as it is, can't imagine what would happen if you were using pheromones on me?"

A low, amused chuckle left her lips as she couldn't help but bite her lip at the thought, there was something decidedly sensual about a natural aphrodisiac just from being near your lover, one that left Alisa certain that she'd love to try it in the bedroom sometime... Food for thought at least, considering that option was off the table for the time being... She leaned in, planting another soft little smooch on Helena's cheek, her long dark hair draped down over her frame as she finished applying the sun lotion on that curvaceous figure, her full, wet bust coming to rest on Helena's back as Alisa finally reached around her back and tied her bikini top back up:

"Now... What do you say we have ourselves one last swim and go dry up~?", she teased, her tone purring and inviting as she all but whispered in Helena's ear, her hands reaching for the empty glasses they left in the cup holder and placing them harmlessly by the side of the pool


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:36 am

One day there was stories to tell, Just not yet Helena had plenty to muse over."Considering I travelled the world from here in Fiore to Talaz Lagaar, You will have to choose a nation to figure out, If I have been there first or not."Helena has to tease Alisa while giving her small mentions of at least one spot she had been too. To hear Talaz lagaar might not be shocking Helena might have been in there during a few problems that where with in her field.

But she did not give her details."It was an effective tool, But I realize it was something that needed to be use sparingly. Much like trying to fix and figure out the altering of the chemicals in the body that effect the brain."Helena mentioned because she had most likely seen and witnessed many things that was how she learned what too far."Your learn after a while some people under alterations may act like drugs addicts to get you to alter feelings again."This is what made Helena smart, Learning when but not feeding into a persons own ruin when they needed help.

But this was just the normal parameters, Just how in depth could her studies have gone?"This isn't taking into account being able to fuse, alter, improve and inflict a plague on a person."She left it vague, She did not want Alisa to ponder what kind of damage she could harm a person with, She was taught to help people after all.

Helena knew her old power was equal parts helpful as it was actually extremely dangerous and life ruining. Almost like the lesson Averie and Helena were told by their mother had a reason. They where to help with these dangerous and questionable powers. Not harm.

But to joke on the casual things"One last swim, Maybe dry off together, Get drinks? Or did you have other plans for me?"She laugh about it, Helena knew how to play along with how people felt about her, Another things she didn't try to abuse.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:38 am



"Ohh, alright let's start wiiiiiith... Bellum maybe~?", Alisa suggested, arching her brow, wondering what adventures Helena might have to share about the first country that popped into her mind.

Something that perhaps said as much about Alisa as anything else, after all she had no connection or heritage to that country whatsoever, but was simply fond of its culture and way of life:

"Fufu~... It might work wonders, though unless you're using them on someone with a strong will, you miiiiight just struggle getting rid of them~", Alisa admitted, still casually caressing Helena's hair with every word, knowing there were risks involved to any drugs or mind altering substances, naturally occurring or otherwise. But at the same time they were a more or less natural part of mortal life, from the simple coffee one drinks upon waking up to the ever flowing wine at a night out in the city, "Oh yes, I remember what you did to those perverts back in Hosenka."

Granted, Alisa didn't really need to be told, after she'd seen the power of her magic in action. She couldn't imagine what it must feel like to sudden found oneself lacking so much of their former power, but she was a strong willed woman, and would no doubt use it as a drive to recover:

"I do have plans for you, but they can wait until after drinks~", letting Helena roll onto her back once more, Alisa slipped her arms around her waist, planting a kiss on her cheek, then her lips, before a cheeky, mischievous smirk drew on her lips, "For now though..."

And with a sudden shift of her body, Alisa quite effortlessly flipped over their mattress, causing the two of them to fall right back into the swimming pool, the cool water replacing the sizzing heat of the air above.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:53 am

Helena would only hint more in their coy game of guessing."Unless bellum's had a major illness outbreak I missed, I have not been there."She would mention. She would just mention at least one."But I have been to Stella."Stella was a safer place most likely, But it was the spot she saved Averie form some horribly unhappy nun she wanted to meet again to check up on them. But that might be another trial for the future. But it just meant she knew somewhere Helena would end up in the future."Another is Luluhawa."This was an easy guess, Helena had been there a few times before joining the guild.

She brought up the springs, But what Helena actually did was still something left to wonder."Oh? Just to think there was a lot of things I could have done that are easier."Helena mentioned about it while she was thinking about it."There was a dreaded thought of inflicting a threat with an unknown plague that starts rapidly eating away flesh...But that would have been reserved for really needed foes."After all there are infections and diseases that eat away the flesh. She one held that power too.

But here she was a seemingly harmless, pretty woman who was just enjoying it like a vacation while thinking out her next moves. Enjoying the love of people who had not had for years. Even laughing about being flipped in the water splashing into it with out a worry.

This was a life she never gave herself a chance to enjoy, It was almost depressing to her, Here she was happy with something. The only thing missing with in her longing desires was marriage and children. But one was a dream she could not achieve anymore.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:01 am



"Hmmm, I suppose that's true. It's a shame, feels like a country you'd enjoy~?", a country where people favoured beauty and artistry, Bellum was the kind of country any member of Blue Pegasus should feel at home in, "Ohooo~... Luluhawa huh? Good taste... This makes me think we should go there together sometime?"

With a hard working woman like Helena, Alisa would take any excuse to help her get into that vacation mood and let her hair down a little bit... She may not have the same power she once did now, but her knowledge of diseases hadn't really left her either.

"Fufu~... Indeed, that would have been overkill. And besides, death is too kind a sentence for some people. Much better to let pain be their teacher, and maybe they'll learn from their mistakes.", Alisa nodded, chuckling at the thought of how poorly those perverts chose their targets to spy on

After all, the beauty of one's body was a previlege saved for their lovers... As she flipped Helena into the pool, Alisa all but giggled as they surface, one hand yet lingering around her lover as she kept one arm around her waist, her idle hand brushing her wet black hair away from her face:

"Now, what was it you said you wanted~... Getting lifted by the waist while kissing?"

As soon as her feet touched the bottom of the pool, Alisa turned around, a mischievous smile on her face, as she pulled Helena into her, lifting her up by the waist, motioning her legs around Alisa's own frame for support... Not even the slight difference in height deterring Alisa as she squeezed Helena close, chest squishing softly against hers as she kissed her slowly...~ Like she said earlier, it was Helena's turn to be spoiled.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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