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Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness (8,000,000J)

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Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness (8,000,000J) Empty Tue Oct 03, 2023 4:28 pm



Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness

Element: Arcane + Water

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Hirota Miki was a sinese high priestess who sought nothing but peace in her community praying for harmony with all living things, an ironic disposition for someone of their faith. These beliefs of finding all life to be precious and that murder was the most heinous of acts possible were truly tested when marauding bandits from another province attacked her town, pillaging it and kidnapping all of the women including herself. Stripped of both her status and her dignity, Hirota alongside her fellow captives were treated incredibly inhumanely before ultimately being sold into slavery being sent across the continent to a land where their people spoke in tongues whilst written language was unknown. Thanks to her beauty and intelligence, she was able to become the main concubine of the chieftain who had purchased her, teaching him both the language and culture of her homeland. Still filled with hatred towards the people who had kidnapped her, Hirota provoked the chieftain to attack another tribe allowing her to escape and destroy both tribes through her untapped magical abilities brought about through the trauma.

Unable to return to her temple after having been destroyed and unwelcome within other temples of the same faith, Hirota renounced her religion and began to focus on her newfound magic to get revenge upon all who had wronged her. This unrelenting vengeance became a crutch for her turning into an obsession in turn causing her mind to lose all sense of normalcy. Unable to fight off Hirota who had now begun to prowl across the country, she was instead sent into the void through a series of mages who specialized in dimensional wrapping giving up their lives to stop her rampaging into the rest of the continent after trapping a portion of her soul away within the katana which she had begun to carry following her escape from the tribes.

Drawback: Upon acquiring God Soul: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, the user will find themselves increasingly lost in their own thoughts caring little for anything that isn't directly in front of them and those that are center stage of her attention will become a fixation which they will continue to latch onto until they have learned everything about them.


  • Hirota Miki's Katana: The user may withdraw her katana from their chest allowing them to get weapon mastery with their magic without the holder magic enhancement. If they already possess a melee weapon then that weapon will take on the appearance and apply the effects and drawbacks of the katana on top of their current weapon.


Name: Hirota Miki's Katana

Slot: Weapon

Type: Sword

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane + Water

Damage: +150 or N/A

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: Previously a wedding present offered to the chieftain from the Joyan people, this katana was later used by Hirota Miki to cut down her partner and begin the genocide of the tribes. Crafted by the greatest blacksmiths of its time it was engraved with intricate etchings depicting fearsome conflicts between man and beast. While possessing a matching scabbard, the katana began a core part of Hirota following her imprisonment and banishment from the world it could instead be withdrawn from her chest.

  • Heavy Conscious: When wielding Hirota Miki's katana, it will always be considered a two-handed weapon preventing the user from using their off-hand slot.


  • Soul Ripper: When striking with the Hirota Miki's Katana, any strikes that are inflicted will leave a lasting impression preventing the target's impacted limbs from being healed for two turns, additional strikes on the same limb will not cause the effect to stack in duration but reset instead.
  • Cleansing Slash: The user may launch waves out from their blade through striking towards their target, these waves are 16 meters long, 3 wide and travel up to 25 meters away from the user, these waves may be done up to two times per post and deal one rank lower than the user's total physical damage up to 2x S-Rank.


  • Minor Arcane Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Arcane. The resistance is replaced by a Moderate Resistance during the transformation.
  • Minor Water Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Water. The resistance is replaced by a Moderate Resistance during the transformation.


  • The user must either train or purchase the spell listed below when they have unlocked the respective spell slot.
  • Any weapon that they possess will be considered two-handed preventing them from using their off-hand slot while wielding something in their main hand.
  • The magic takes up two enhancement slots. The user does not need to have the enhancement slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their first two enhancement slots, they will immediately be filled by this magic.


  • The user must be a Human, Dwarf, or Elf.


  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Warping Teleportation
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user slashes toward a target with their katana and distorts the space around it turning it into a warp field, while collapsing matter within the field through a spatial distortion into a dimensional void, instantly teleporting the target to their Personal Domain. The target can be an individual, spell, or equipment. Even the general environment within the 8-meter AoE is acceptable. The warping is limited to a spell in A-rank damage or a single piece of equipment up to Unique rarity if the target is a non-mage and Legendary if the target is a mage. The user must sustain this spell if anything is placed within their Personal Domain. The target can, however, break out of the Personal Domain if they pay the mana cost of the spell. Should the item of a target be in the Personal Domain, they can pay double the mana cost of the spell to force their item to return.

  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Dimensional Pathway
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user can open a pathway to a different location with slash with their katana. The pathway can lead to a) a different location on Earthland, which has already been visited before by the user; b) their own dimension, or; c) another realm. It is also possible for the user to bring along another user with them, however, it can only be used for option a) and b) and costs an additional 1000 mana. The pathway created using this spell are quite stable and allow the user to simply walk into the corridor created. The pathway neatly closes around the user before opening at the destination.

  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Quick Phasing
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user can quickly turn their body "intangible" by stabbing themselves with their Katana, automatically transferring body parts that otherwise would have been in contact with the overlapping matter into their personal dimension. Everything they are touching, including their clothes, weapons, and even other people will become intangible too. The spell can be used defensively, making all attacks pass through the user harmlessly up to 2x S-Ranks worth of damage.

  • Name: Transformation: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the God Soul and merges with Hirota Miki. The user radiates a purple hue and gets a new Sinese appearance. The user receives a Moderate Arcane Resistance and a Moderate Water Resistance. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.
    • Unleashed Hirota Miki's Katana: Once transformed the full properties of Hirota Miki's Katana is released causing soul ripper to ignore any resistances that the target may possess.


Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness (8,000,000J) Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:19 pm


Darkness falls upon us all in these hard times, with nothing to be found nothing is to be gained, and yet in this absence of substance something is still discovered, the lady of Nothingness from which a single mind has answered the call, this mind that of Konstantin Sokolov who did not succumb to the whims of the void through the temporal shift but rather will be lulled into a false sense of security by obtaining power through Hirota Miki. Tl;dr I am purchasing this for 8,000,000 Jewels thank you!


Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness (8,000,000J) Empty Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:03 pm

Kon has became a woman once again just to pull a sword out of his/her chest.

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