Participants: Jikan, Elise
Rank: C
Synopsis: Hearing music in the Orchidia during the night. Cautious and suspicious of many things due to the situation of the dark invaders, as well as being up to something herself. Jikan enters to see what is going on to see and slightly meet Elise. After getting into a bit of a back and forth about knocking, the two part ways. Jikan stays a bit to leave an anonymous money donation for the church's program aimed at helping the citizens of Orchidia during this trying time.
Jikan wc is 1158, Elise is 1080 Both enough for C
Jikan -
+2 Con
+200 Infame
+5,000 exp x (.1, Mia) + (.1, half elf) + (.2 rep)= 7000 exp
+500,000 Jewels + (.1, Mia), + (.1, guild perk lv2) + (.2 rep) = 700,000
2 Str
200 Fame
50,000 Jewels x(.2, race) = 60,000
5000 Experience x (.1, race) = 5,500