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Social Interactions Review

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Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:36 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64495-and-on-the-second-night-the-sounds-of-music-open-social
Participants: Jikan, Elise
Rank: C
Synopsis: Hearing music in the Orchidia during the night. Cautious and suspicious of many things due to the situation of the dark invaders, as well as being up to something herself. Jikan enters to see what is going on to see and slightly meet Elise. After getting into a bit of a back and forth about knocking, the two part ways. Jikan stays a bit to leave an anonymous money donation for the church's program aimed at helping the citizens of Orchidia during this trying time.


Jikan wc is 1158, Elise is 1080 Both enough for C


Jikan -

+2 Con
+200 Infame
+5,000 exp x (.1, Mia) + (.1, half elf) + (.2 rep)= 7000 exp
+500,000 Jewels + (.1, Mia), + (.1, guild perk lv2) + (.2 rep) = 700,000


2 Str
200 Fame
50,000 Jewels x(.2, race) = 60,000
5000 Experience x (.1, race) = 5,500

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:47 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t63794-behind-bars-jikan
Participants: Jikan, Jin
Rank: S
Synopsis: Met with Jin at an isolated bar to have a one on one meeting between Guild Masters. General talk to get the discussion started before letting busines begin. The news of Odin Moringstar really being killed by Alisa Vollan. The shifting of leaders and rockness of the guild that only holds one thing in command. A desire for revenge/chaos. Twisted ideas, or hatred, or a desire of loyalty to continue on with the late Eternal Night's Guild Master. Jin and others in the guild are coming up with a plan, one that requires aid. After giving some details to Jikan and some business being done, namely a money agreement from Eternal Nightmare for whenever the Sleeping Calamity or its members give aid. Jikan has agreed to a dark guild cooperation. After doing such, the two part ways. Having to deal with the sudden mess of the Dark Invaders attempting to conquer there world as well.

note: Jikan wc is 4481, Jin wc is 3416


+15,000 Exp x (.1, Mia) + (.1, half elf)  + (.2 rep) = 21,000
+500,000 Jewels + (.1, Mia), + (.1, guild perk lv2) + (.2 rep) = 700,000
+10 Con
+500 infame

Total for Jikan:

21, 000 exp
700,000 jewels
500 infame
10 Con


15,000 exp + (.1 race) + (.1, guild lv2) + (.1, rep) = 19,500
500,000 jewels + (.2 race)  + (.2, guild lv4) + (.1, rep)= 750,000
10 Con
500 infame
+25 mana (guild lv3)

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#28Azure Fenic 

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:45 pm

Azure Fenic

Congrats everyone has their stuff

{Sheet / Magic}
Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:29 am


Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: A and A
Synopsis: Yuurei meets up with Brone in the forging area in the guild. There, Brone teaches Yuurei the basics of smithing. The Seraphim takes this on as his father has told him that he comes from a lineage of blacksmiths. It intrigues him to know what he would be able to make it with practice and mastery.

Yuurei Reward:
+437,500 Jewels (20% Santa Coin, 10% Companion, 25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild)
+12,000 Experience (10% Companion, 10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Constitution

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+400,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation)
+11,000 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Endurance


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:02 am

Yuurei and Brone have been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:10 pm




Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: A and A
Synopsis: Yuurei is called over to the observatory by Brone's gnome. It would seem like he wanted to ask them a series of questions about the two of them. The Seraphim and the Dwarf would go to the gnome and they would answer his questions. This leads the gnome to learn more about them and gather information about what was around him at the same time.
Yuurei Reward:
+500,000 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 50% double the word count)
+14,000 Experience (10% Companion, 10% lvl 2 guild, 20% Santa Coin)
+400 Fame
+7 Constitution

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+500,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation,50% double the word count)
+11,000 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Endurance


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:14 pm


Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: A and A
Synopsis: Yuurei and Brone go into a Mine shaft and search for a better forging area. Brone being attuned with forging and the likes, finds a magma chamber hidden deep below the guild. now that they find this place, they are going to make sure to make a place to forge down there to make and acquire better items.
Yuurei Reward:
+437,500 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin)
+12,000 Experience (10% Companion, 10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Constitution

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+400,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation)
+11,000 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Endurance


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:55 am

Yuurei and Brone have been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 11:13 am


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64304-the-malady-pathed-sibling-s-illness-fated-greeting-alisa#576092
Participants: Alisa, Averie
Rank: A
Synopsis: Averie introduces Alisa to her sister Helena, leaning about her mastery of disease magic. Bringing both girls for a drink at the Guild Hall, Helena ultimately joins Blue Pegasus
+ 10000 Experience (+4000 from Bonus = 14k XP)
+ 7 SPD
+ 400 Fame
+ 250,000 Jewels (+175000 from Bonus =425k J)

+ 20% J (BP level 4)
+ 20% J (Fame)
+ 30% J (Demigod)
+ 30% EXP (Demigod)
+ 10% EXP (Divinitas)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:31 pm


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64257-all-i-want-for-christmas-alisa#576103
Participants: Alisa, Sofia
Rank: B (Claiming as S-rank due to Valentine's Day)
Synopsis: Alisa and Sofia celebrate Christmas as a family, woth their daughters, with Sofia playing Santa Claus as she hands out gifts, with a surprise appearance from Sofia's mother Marina.

Alisa: 21,000 EXP, 1,100,000 Jewels, 500 Fame, 10 SPD
+ 20% J (BP level 4)
+ 20% J (Fame)
+ 30% J (Demigod)
+ 50% J (From double wordcount - 3000 words)
+ 30% EXP (Demigod)
+ 10% EXP (Divinitas)
Sofia: 19,500 EXP, 1,050,000 Jewels, 500 Fame, 10 STR
+ 20% J (BP level 4)
+ 10% J (Fame)
+ 30% J (Demigod)
+ 50% J (From double wordcount - 3000 words)
+ 30% EXP (Demigod)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:50 pm


@Sofia and @Alisa have been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:10 pm


Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64607-what-goes-bump-in-the-night-esperia
Participants: Manzo, Esperia
Rank: S-rank
Hearing rumors of a succubus preying on pirates, Manzo ends up investigating the matter but surprisingly enough stumbles upon his old friend Esperia. After the revelation she has become a demon the two catch up on the events that recently happened in their lives and Esperia provides Manzo with an idea of how to become more powerful.

EXP: 15,000
Jewels: 500,000 (+20% from BP, +15% from reputation, +20% from relic) > 775,000 jewels in total
Fame 500
SP: +10 in Strength please.

EXP: 15,000 (+25% EXP) > 18,750
Jewels: 500,000 (+75%) > 875,000 jewels in total
Fame: 500
SP: +10 in Strength please.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:12 pm


Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: S and S
Synopsis: Yuurei and Brone have decided to go to Joya to learn about Yuurei's family's history. Still, when they get there, they don't have the first idea of where to look except for a place at Chishi. When they get there, they would walk around and find someone who could give them a small amount of information about the Starlight family. They would head to a tavern for more information about the Starlight family.
Yuurei Reward:
+825,000 Jewels (25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Endurance

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+800,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Speed


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:15 pm


Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: S and S
Synopsis: Yuurei and Brone make their way to the tavern and will get to the place. There, they would be looked at by the onlookers that were already in the tavern. They would introduce themselves to the bartender, who would get the man who owns the place. They would speak to the man in private and in the end be given the information that they had come for. After they would be on their way out of this place.
Yuurei Reward:
+825,000 Jewels (25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Endurance

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+800,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Speed


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 pm


Participants: Yuurei and Brone
Rank: A and A
Synopsis: Yuurei and Brone get close to the city, but when they were doing that, they would be attacked by a ninja assassin. it seemed like the Shogun found out that there was a Starlight in the place and wanted to get rid of Yuurei. it would backfire, and now Yuurei knew he would have a target on his back for quite some time. The two of them would attack the ninja and knock him out and tied him up for questioning when he wakes up
Yuurei Reward:
+412,500 Jewels (25% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin)
+11,000 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Endurance

@Brone Heavyaxe Reward:
+400,000 Jewels (+20% Empress Tarot; +20% Guild level 4; +20% Reputation)
+11,000 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+400 Fame
+7 Speed

#41Jin Tatsumi 

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:58 am

Jin Tatsumi
Topic: https:Frozen Lake
Participants: Jin and Judith

Rank: B
Synopsis: Explored the concepts of life and death and dealing with the trauma of losing loved ones.

+5 CON
+300 Fame
+100,000 Jewels (Guild Lvl 4 20%)
+8,250 Experience (10% Guild Lvl 2)

300 Fame/Infamy
130,000 Jewels (Guild Lvl 4 20%, Reputation 10%)
9000 Experience (20% Guild Lvl 3)


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:16 am

@Esperia and  @Manzo have been rewarded.

@Yuurei has been rewarded.

@Jin Tatsumi and @Judith Karlinius have been rewarded.

#43Kanna Kusanagi 

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:59 am

Kanna Kusanagi
Topic: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64258-bad-santa-kanna
Participants: Kanna, Nikki
Rank: B (Claiming as S-rank due to Valentine's Day)
Synopsis: Kanna and Nikki celebrate Christmas together, constantly fighting the distractions of their budding romance in order to try and cook themselves a proper Christmas dinner.

Kanna: 16,500 EXP, 850,000 Jewels, 500 Fame, 10 SPD
+ 20% J (Human)
+ 50% J (From double wordcount - 4400 words)
+ 10% EXP (Human)
Nikki: 15,500 EXP, 750,000 Jewels, 500 Fame, 10 STR
+ 50% J (From double wordcount - 4400 words)


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:55 am


@Kanna and  @Nikki have been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 22, 2023 8:34 am


Participants: Yuurei
Rank: S
Synopsis: Yuurei and Kaito try to find out the source of what is making people sick. While doing this, they bump into beings that are after them. This prevents them from finding information about Talaz Lagaar. Yuurei loses an arm to gain a new one, and Kaito reveals that something is different about him do to the Fractured Sky. The group finishes it off by eating and decides to venture on tomorrow about the factions within Talaz Lagaar.
Yuurei Reward:
+1,175,000 Jewels (20% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin, 75% Jewels excluded from the max 100%)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Strength


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:50 pm

@Yuurei has been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 30, 2023 12:01 pm


Participants: Yuurei
Rank: S
Synopsis: Yuurei bumps into Elise, and sees that she is trying to get things to move in to her room. He decides to help her out and moves it to her room. While doing this he would get to know her a bit more and he would actually organize everything in her room.
Yuurei Reward:
+800,000 Jewels (20% Reputation 20% lvl 4 guild. 20% Santa Coin)
+16,500 Experience (10% lvl 2 guild)
+500 Fame
+10 Speed


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:11 pm

@Yuurei has been rewarded.


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sat May 27, 2023 2:10 am


Participants: Jikan(X) Jin (S)
Rank: For Jikan- A
Synopsis: Jikan and Jin set up another covert meeting in the silent night alone. With the rumored changes of leadership in Eternal nightmare and the completion of Earthlands defense from the dark universe. There was details and concerns to check out. Once the two have exchanged a bit of information and finalized the conditions and limitations of their deals the two break off to gather their forces for an agreed upon job.

Jikan: 2005 wc, A rank rewards

+10000 Exp x (.1, Mia) + (.1, half elf) + (.1, ext) = 13,000 exp
+250,000 Jewels + (.1, Mia), + (.1, guild perk lv2)  = 300,000
+7 Con
+400 infame

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Social Interactions Review - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Social Interactions Review - Page 2 Empty Sun May 28, 2023 3:29 am

Jikan has been denied A rank rewards as they did not meet word count as they only had 1,948 words of the 2000 words required.

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