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Guild Event Review

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Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Fri May 27, 2022 11:50 am


Dark Defenders

Not one Step Back

Returning home there were a lot of things to handle. The needs of the town, the attack of the guild. And Now the town is under attack! Monsters throughout the entire region of the North. No one understands these things or where they came from, but giant humanoid creatures from Sieghart have started to appear attacking animals, homes, and people. Pressed to defend their territory, Sleeping Calamity goes into action. With the news of the monsters appearance months ago by Paradise Dawn forces and other regions of the North.  Word of whats going on in the North is already quickly spreading to the many powers and influences in Fiore.


  • Must be a member of SC
  • Create a topic in Orchidia labeled [DD: Defending Orchidia!].
  • Must be created with at least one (other) Sc member. (if not possible, contact Jikan and permission may be given to forget about this part)
  • In the topic, fight alongside pc Sleeping Calamity members to defend any location in Orchida from the giants (optional). Other NPC Sleeping Calamity members will fight alongside you. Defend the common folk! The minimum amount of stats each giant has sums up to a total of 200.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics but you will only get rewarded once.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.
  • Roll 1 dice at the end of the quest. Members with the biggest roll number have the most land prevented in being lost kills or most civilians and innocents saved will get a 200,000 Jewel bonus from the guild master. (this is only available if done with a min of 1 other person)

Its Dangerous To Be Alone

It happened. Rather it be you being picked up and thrown by one of the Giant creatures, getting knocked away by hundreds of meters after a spell went off. Being a distraction. Or simply you getting lost. You found yourself alone, and with a steady number monsters in various sizes arriving upon you like hungry predators.

There is only one thing left to do. SURVIVE


  • Must be a member of SC
  • Create a topic in Orchidia labeled [DD: Its dangerous to be alone].
  • This mission may be done Solo or with partners
  • Before starting this topic. Roll a d20. This is the number of monsters surround you.
  • For each post roll d20, this is the number you kill. (min of 3 rules after this there is no need to do it again). In this topic, fight against the monsters coming at you. Run, Punch, Blast, anything you can think of. The only mission, live and escape(or kill them all!!).
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics but you will only get rewarded once.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

Dirty Hands

With the fighting dragging long into the night the monsters have grown slower, weaker, and more ferocious even. With the chaos within town, Jikan has given the order. She does not care what happens to the towns outside of Orchidia, only that the town, the guild, and the townsfolk are safe. Cause destruction, push back, control their movement, anything to adjust their movement in and around the town. Do what you need to and push them back into the direction they came from! Those who are not part of Sleeping Calamity may not follow Jikan's order if they wish and attempt to remove the giants some other way without this extreme decision.

  • Must be a member of SC
  • Create a topic in Orchidia labeled [DD: Dirty Hands].
  • This mission may be done Solo or with partners
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics but you will only get rewarded once.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infame, and +7 SP.

Last edited by Jikan on Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:36 am; edited 4 times in total


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 10, 2022 6:40 pm


Pegasus Summer Fest X794

Throughout their seafaring adventures in recent months, Alisa and Sofia discovered the paradisiac island of Luluhawa, located in the middle of the ocean. Remote and woefully unexplored, the island's warm, welcoming weather, soft white sands and clear blue waters welcome travellers to stay and relax for a much needed vacation. After the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus became the island's guardian, the guild relocated their yearly summer festival there to promote the island of Luluhawa as a place worth visiting.

Plot result: The island of Luluhawa becomes known as a vacation spot throughout Fiore and the rest of the known world to a lesser extent. With established sea-lanes connecting the island to Hargeon, ships depart on a regular basis, allowing frequent travel.

Exhibition Match

A show put on for islanders and tourists alike, two contestants will be selected to fight in a ring of newly created land, freshly hardened lava after a recent eruption. Though the tradition originates in the islander's worship of the Goddess Pele, in more recent times any able bodied fighters are welcome to participate regardless of their creed or faith. Show your strength in the volcano, before the crowd's admiring eyes.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Ahi Mountain and end it with the tag: [PSF – Exhibition]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Fight your opponent in the ring.
  • Users are elegible for fight rewards.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Uninvited Guests

Luluhawa has always been a quiet place, with only the islanders to explore the oceans around the island... The sudden, overwhelming influx of visitors has disturbed unseen dangers of the deep, rivalling even the active volcano at the center of the island. It turned its wrath upon the island, causing tidal waves with every step. But with so many powerful, able bodied fighters around the island, they're more than capable of driving away, or even killing the massive creature.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, RK or CS
  • Join the topic tagged with [PSF – Uninvited]. The topic will remain open throughout the duration of the event.
  • Fight off the monster with all your might.
  • He can withstand up to 20S ranks worth of damage. You can only deal 1S-rank per post.
  • Players can be skipped after 48hrs. They can still post after their turn has been skipped.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Sunset Luau

As the excitement of the day's events dies down, sweltering summer heat gives way to a warm, vibrant lightshow of dimming orange and violet hues. As the sun carries on its way down towards the horizon, everyone's invited to a one last party, a Sunset Luau. Bring out your best bikini, grab a friend or significant other and come party, eat and be merry, maybe even have a moonlight dip in the ocean.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Mahalo Beach and end it with the tag: [PSF – Luau]
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Swimwear.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:48 am


Blue Pegasus's guild event has been approved


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:48 am


@Jikan Please clean up the formatting otherwise it is ready for approval.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:47 pm


Sleeping Calamity's guild event has been approved


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 5:38 pm


The Adventure's Demise

As the new arrivals, it is formal to invite and meet...

Utopian Demise wishes to invite all those who are not bound by the King to a few nights of fun and relaxation. Surely, their base would not be a suitable place for such festivities so what better place than somewhere new? A place that welcomes battle and Sins. Maybe a few places as it's never good to stay in one location. There will be battles, blackjack, hookers and more!

Phase 1: Brawl

The Mistress of Utopian Demise enjoys watching and learning of battles. It is to be believed that fighting and practicing can make one better, rather it's a win or lose. People can pick their opponents and battle it all out with just melee, magic or just their weapons. If it really comes to it, the Guild master doesn't mind picking opponents for people. Whatever makes it fun for both parties.

  • Must be a member of UD, EN, PD, CM, HE
  • Create a topic in Seven at an Arena and end it with the tag: [UDE: Phase 1]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

Phase 2: Blackjack and Hookers

Join in for the small entertainment of playing Blackjack and enjoying the men and women who wish to dance and be at your disposal within their own free will. They love partying, having fun and drinking throughout the night where laws do not exist within the Blackmarket club.

  • Must be a member of UD, EN, PD, CM, HE
  • Create a topic in Bosco at a Club and end it with the tag: [UDE: Phase 2]
  • The topic must have at least two other participant in it.
  • While playing cards, each round, you get two cards and will roll two dice. If over 51, then it's -1, if it's under, then it's +1. At most, each person may play 5 rounds.
    Whoever has the highest #+ at the end of the topic wins.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.
  • At the end, whoever has the highest wins out of all the players will win an extra 250,000 jewels. If there is a tie, the people that are tied will roll once dice to determine the winner.

Phase 3: Kill the Killer

Sometimes being bad is good as the good can be bad. People within cities know of some locations that need the mysteries to be solved. Some locations just need to be cleared out due to people wanting others to inhabit the location as others just want the stories to have closure. Doing this will not only make a good story, but also make a name for the guild(s) among the villagers and people of Iceberg.

  • Must be a member of UD, EN, PD, CM, HE
  • Create a topic in Iceberg at the location that makes most sense to the mystery and end it with the tag: [UDE: Phase 3]
  • You may use these or your own, as long as it makes sense for Iceberg.
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • If you wish for more details on the stories I currently put in or want me to make one with your details, let me know!
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

Last edited by Quillareine on Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:43 pm

Utopian Demise's guild event has been approved


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:33 am


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Burning_village_by_laszloede_de8lx9v-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODM1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWRjMzVlNDItZTI3Yi00OTMxLTkxZDAtOGM3YmJhY2M2MDY2XC9kZThseDl2LTlhMmVlNDU1LTMxMDktNGVkNS04NDM1LWEzMDU5MjRlOGM0MC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTkyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

Hargeon’s Burning X794 - Eternal Nightmare’s March

The death of Odin Morningstar was felt all across Fiore. Threats and endangerment’s on both sides beginning to show through the clarity of tomorrow. While Alisa and Blue Pegasus are on their island, Hargeon is neglected. Leaving it to be attacked by Odin’s old friends and allies, Eternal Nightmare’s Guild Master — Erebus Gresham takes war to the Port Town’s doorsteps. With nothing left but their rage and lust for vengeance, the attack happened at nightfall unexpectedly and it took quite some time before anyone learned of what was going on. As the town itself was mostly trapped— however, rumors do have a tendency to travel.

Plot result: The territory becomes seized by Eternal Nightmare and the city is left in pieces, with the most explicit message being left at BP’s old guild house, where nothing will be left except bodies of townspeople.

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Pirate’s Life

The first task is to cut off shipping imports, two pirate ships containing dark guild members and hordes of cultists will hop onto the merchant boat vessels wishing to dock in the South. You may steal these merchant ships to further EN’s navy armada or sink the ships outright with a display of power. “There is no more Port Hargeon left,” you’ll say to their captain. This Quest can be retaken as many times as possible, the condition being that every retake is connected and a story is flourished and expanded on.

If you opt to seize the ship, you obtain 25 kidnapped hostages that you can send out into battle during City Skirmish, you can opt to have them fight for you by waging their freedom which they will immediately choose over death. These hostages die in the City Skirmish and cannot be taken into the final quest. Retaking this quest does increase your hostage count number, if you take this quest 3x before you move onto city skirmish, you may take 75 men (fodder) into battle.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, or SC to be rewarded for this quest.
  • Create a topic in Port Hargeon and end it with the tag: [ENM – Pirate’s Life]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Light mages may join the threads to stop you, but as long as the word count is met you receive the reward regardless of success or fail.
  • Users are eligible for fight rewards, but bounties and contracts can’t be claimed.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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City Skirmish

It’s been two weeks on the water, regardless of the instances where a light mage succeeded against you, too many ships have been seized and sunk. The town of Hargeon is starving, and EN’s cultist army has taken to creating camps in land surrounding the town, closing it into a box where no one can get into or come out of very easily. The town is losing hope, and burning from the outside in.

Do the darkness a favor, and burn whatever shops, factories or town homes that are have contraband (weapons, food, and water) to the ground, they won’t need that anymore.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, SC to be rewarded.
  • Join the topic tagged with [ENM – City Skirmish]. The topic will remain open throughout the duration of the event until word count is met, and you can freely exit this quest after failure or success to join another ongoing City Skirmish for RP purposes.
  • Deal 10x S to Hargeon, you may deal your maximum damage once per post against a building.
  • Fight rewards are claimable, but bounty and contracts are not claimable.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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Down with the Blue Banner

It’s now been three weeks since EN advanced against Hargeon, you’ve likely experienced some kind of success or failure against light mages up to this point. But it hasn’t been enough to satisfy your need for carnage. Now that Hargeon is on fire and doesn’t seem like it’ll go out any time soon. You decide to take a boat in-land, effectively ready to take down a Blue Pegasus mage.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, or SC
  • Create a topic at the Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [ENM – Down with the Blue Banner]
  • It is possible to be in multiple of these topics.
  • Engage PVP with a member of BP, you can have up to 2 allies, but so can they.
  • You’re eligible for fight rewards but bounties and contracts are not claimable.
  • Clearing the 2500 wordcount will award 500,000 Jewels, 15,000 Experience, 500 Infamy, and +10 SP.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:28 am


Erebus Gresham wrote:
Guild Event Review - Page 2 Burning_village_by_laszloede_de8lx9v-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODM1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWRjMzVlNDItZTI3Yi00OTMxLTkxZDAtOGM3YmJhY2M2MDY2XC9kZThseDl2LTlhMmVlNDU1LTMxMDktNGVkNS04NDM1LWEzMDU5MjRlOGM0MC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTkyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

Hargeon’s Burning X794 - Eternal Nightmare’s March

The death of Odin Morningstar was felt all across Fiore. Threats and endangerment’s on both sides beginning to show through the clarity of tomorrow. While Alisa and Blue Pegasus are on their island, Hargeon is neglected. Leaving it to be attacked by Odin’s old friends and allies, Eternal Nightmare’s Guild Master — Erebus Gresham takes war to the Port Town’s doorsteps. With nothing left but their rage and lust for vengeance, the attack happened at nightfall unexpectedly and it took quite some time before anyone learned of what was going on. As the town itself was mostly trapped— however, rumors do have a tendency to travel.

Plot result: The territory becomes seized by Eternal Nightmare and the city is left in pieces, with the most explicit message being left at BP’s old guild house, where nothing will be left except bodies of townspeople.

Guild Event Review - Page 2 277660-bierstadt-burningshi-1024x599

Pirate’s Life

The first task is to cut off shipping imports, two pirate ships containing dark guild members and hordes of cultists will hop onto the merchant boat vessels wishing to dock in the South. You may steal these merchant ships to further EN’s navy armada or sink the ships outright with a display of power. “There is no more Port Hargeon left,” you’ll say to their captain. This Quest can be retaken as many times as possible, the condition being that every retake is connected and a story is flourished and expanded on.

If you opt to seize the ship, you obtain 25 kidnapped hostages that you can send out into battle during City Skirmish, you can opt to have them fight for you by waging their freedom which they will immediately choose over death. These hostages die in the City Skirmish and cannot be taken into the final quest. Retaking this quest does increase your hostage count number, if you take this quest 3x before you move onto city skirmish, you may take 75 men (fodder) into battle.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, or SC to be rewarded for this quest.
  • Create a topic in Port Hargeon and end it with the tag: [ENM – Pirate’s Life]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Light mages may join the threads to stop you, but as long as the word count is met you receive the reward regardless of success or fail.
  • Users are eligible for fight rewards, but bounties and contracts can’t be claimed.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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City Skirmish

It’s been two weeks on the water, regardless of the instances where a light mage succeeded against you, too many ships have been seized and sunk. The town of Hargeon is starving, and EN’s cultist army has taken to creating camps in land surrounding the town, closing it into a box where no one can get into or come out of very easily. The town is losing hope, and burning from the outside in.

Do the darkness a favor, and burn whatever shops, factories or town homes that are have contraband (weapons, food, and water) to the ground, they won’t need that anymore.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, SC to be rewarded.
  • Join the topic tagged with [ENM – City Skirmish]. The topic will remain open throughout the duration of the event until word count is met, and you can freely exit this quest after failure or success to join another ongoing City Skirmish for RP purposes.
  • Deal 10x S to Hargeon, you may deal your maximum damage once per post against a building.
  • Fight rewards are claimable, but bounty and contracts are not claimable.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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Down with the Blue Banner

It’s now been three weeks since EN advanced against Hargeon, you’ve likely experienced some kind of success or failure against light mages up to this point. But it hasn’t been enough to satisfy your need for carnage. Now that Hargeon is on fire and doesn’t seem like it’ll go out any time soon. You decide to take a boat in-land, effectively ready to take down a Blue Pegasus mage.

  • Must be a member of EN, UD, or SC
  • Create a topic at the Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [ENM – Down with the Blue Banner]
  • It is possible to be in multiple of these topics.
  • Engage PVP with a member of BP, you can have up to 2 allies, but so can they.
  • You’re eligible for fight rewards but bounties and contracts are not claimable.
  • Clearing the 2500 wordcount will award 500,000 Jewels, 15,000 Experience, 500 Infamy, and +10 SP.

Bumping this as guild master. No intention to start this until some of the holiday events pass.

#35Jin Tatsumi 

Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Fri Jan 27, 2023 2:11 pm

Jin Tatsumi
Guild Event Review - Page 2 Burning_village_by_laszloede_de8lx9v-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODM1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWRjMzVlNDItZTI3Yi00OTMxLTkxZDAtOGM3YmJhY2M2MDY2XC9kZThseDl2LTlhMmVlNDU1LTMxMDktNGVkNS04NDM1LWEzMDU5MjRlOGM0MC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTkyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

Nobility Burning - Eternal Nightmare’s March

The death of Odin Morningstar was felt all across Fiore. Threats and endangerment’s on both sides beginning to show through the clarity of tomorrow. Despite the Guild Masters untimely death. The guild marhes on with vigor to keep the goals of the guild intact. Focused on taking down the corruption in nobility, the guild sets its sights on the nobles that surround Castle Phantasm and throughout the region. Picking up clues the Dark Guild mages begin to exterminate those that were left unchecked.

Plot result: The Nobility within the region is distabilaized as the corrupt ones are murdered/removed. Eternal Nightmare gets a reputation hated by the nobles but repsected by the pockets of people that advocate for more radical change.

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Inside Plan

Members of the guild are tasked with rooting out some of the evil close to home. Receive a dossier of likely targets within the area and infiltrate the group by whatever means. Members will pose as potential buyers of illegal goods, or join in local illegal activity. Once they are affiliated with a gang or illegal group, they will uncover a noble that is funding the operations. Track down that noble and take him down. This will uncover a larger network of conspiracy.

  • Must be a member of EN  to be rewarded for this quest.
  • Create a topic in Oak and end it with the tag: [ENM – Inside Plan]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Infiltrate and illegal operation and find the noble behind it.
  • Deal with the noble by any means.
  • Clearing the 2000 word count will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

Guild Event Review - Page 2 Railway-station-station-anime-girl-rain-wallpaper-preview


After the initial investigation, members are updated on collected info with new targets to follow. The Higher ranking nobles are in the process of launching countermeasures against EN. Sources around town have confirmed that a train is on its way with paid off mercenaries and mages for hire. With the influx of mana in the world. More mages have appeared and instead of joining guilds, many of them are acting as defacto militia to nobles that are attempting to rise in power and suck more life out of the people. Intercept the train and defeat the mages before they can rally together and join the noble's forces.

  • Must be a member of EN to be rewarded.
  • Create a topic tagged with [ENM – Derailed].
  • Learn about the train with mercenaries to aid the nobles.
  • Get to the train and defeated the Mercs and Mages.
  • Uncover the Noble that hired them all.
  • Clearing the 2000 word count will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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Oak on Fire

Eternal Nightmare has caused too much trouble to be overlooked now. The train incident has put the rune knights and the nobles at attention. But the members now know the main target. A wealthy noble that has been extorting the people for centuries. The noble lives in an estate not far away from Castle Phantasm. The Noble family has founded countless underhanded deals and manipulated the legal system in their favor. Now is the time for Eternal Nightmare to launch an assault on the estate. Burn it to the ground with all the corruption that dwells within.

Let the fires burn a signal into the night.

  • Must be a member of EN
  • Create a topic in Oak titled: [ENM – Oak on Fire]
  • Learn about the noble family in charge.
  • make your way to the estate, battling against the hired guards.
  • Defeat the noble family and burn the estate to the ground.
  • Clearing the 2500 word count will award 500,000 Jewels, 15,000 Experience, 500 Infamy, and +10 SP.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:39 am

Eternal Nightmare's guild event has been approved @Jin Tatsumi


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:03 pm


Name: Freedom, Paradise, and Peace.

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Story: There has been a dark guild outside of the one that resides in the North, that has its sights on the region. The North has become stabilized from what had happened to it in the past. Still, this dark guild has done a bunch of things behind the scene, such as the giants that had attacked the North, but now it is time for them to strike. The news about the recent wars with the vampires brought them to rise from the shadow. They also heard that the guild master has gone to Central so it strengthened their resolve. Their appearance in the North was so sudden, and their destruction was immediate. They cause messed through the entire region of the North, causing people to seek help. A bunch of citizens within the North have been captured and treated like slaves. It’s up to Paradise Dawn to free them and take down the dark guild, erasing them from existence.

Objective: The objective of this storyline; is to strengthen the relationship with the people within the North and Paradise Dawn. It is to make sure that when the citizen of the North needs help, they come to Paradise Dawn over anybody else.

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Name: Chaos Eclipse Takes Over

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: Paradise Dawn members learn of the situation due to someone from Rush Valley. They give the message to one person within the guild, who then announced the situation that is happening within the North to the entire guild. This brings the guild to prepare themselves for battle, rescue, and scouting. This can be done by grouping up with others or going off on this journey alone.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create this topic within Paradise Dawn Guild Hall tagged with [FPP – Chaos Eclipse Takes Over]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: Liberation at Home

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: The guild mobilized, finding themselves heading to the closest place to liberate, which is Rush Valley and the citizens within the place. Paradise Members are to either fight their way to victory, fighting Members from Chaos Eclipse and winning. They can also stealthily move around Rush Valley, sabotaging the Dark guild. Other can find themselves rescuing and escorting the citizen away from Chaos Eclipse without them knowing. The situation is up to the members, but the goal is to free Rush Valley from the grasp of the members of Chaos Eclipse who are stationed there.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create this topic within Sieghart Mountains tagged with [FPP – Liberation at Home]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: What to Do Next

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: The guild has done what it could to make Rush Valley safe. Now that it is clear, escort the citizen of Rush Valley back to their home. Help out with removing debris from the mess that was caused in the city. Help out people by preparing meals and such, while others plan the next course of action against Chaos Eclipse.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create this topic within Rush Valley tagged with [FPP – What to Do Next]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: Forest Fires

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: Paradise Dawn starts moving again. They leave a few members behind to continue helping out those within Rush Valley. The rest head to Worth Woodsea to see what is happening there. When they get there, they could see the places were on fire, and that they need to be put out before escalated into something worse than it already is. On top of doing that, the guild would put a stop to those who are causing the forest fire throughout the area. The locals will do their best to help, but please make sure that it doesn’t burn down.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create this topic within Worth Woodsea tagged with [FPP – Forest Fires]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: Stuck in the Bush

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: When the final group of Chaos Eclipse is taken out, a spell activates and causes everything within the area to be caught within it. The only way out of the spell is to get through the maze that has been made around them. There are also puzzles that could be done instead of going through the maze. In the end, the guild has to overcome these tasks to get through the spell and gather up before tackling the final task at hand.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create this topic within Worth Woodsea tagged with [FPP – Stuck in the Bush]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: Guilds Collide

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: The guild comes together for the final battle. When they get to Orchidia City, they would be met with a few minor members of Chaos Eclipse, but the core members will be there as well. Members will fight, act as support for those fighting, or just find themselves acting as crowd control and evacuating the people from the city. Members can roleplay seeing their guild master, Yuurei, finally appearing for the final fight against Chaos Eclipse.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create this topic within Orchida City tagged with [FPP – Guild Collides]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

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Name: Celebrating Victories

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Paradise Dawn

Summary: The guild will make sure that everybody in Orchidia City is fine and they could return home safely. After that is all done, the guild will return home and celebrate the victory of taking out a dark guild. Members can party back at the guild or anywhere they want as they might want things more private. The people in the North are forever grateful for what the guild has done, as they respect them and tell stories for years to come.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create this topic within the North tagged with [FPP – Celebrating Victories]
  • Must be members from Paradise Dawn.
  • The topic can be done on your own or with others.
  • You must finish this to enter the next topic.

Last edited by Yuurei on Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:02 am; edited 1 time in total


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:45 pm


@Yuurei This guild storyline has been approved.

#39Jin Tatsumi 

Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:40 pm

Jin Tatsumi
Guild Event Review - Page 2 0ae2c29c850f726a9075f1548f5866ea

Strike Back

Death and destruction had followed the guild in ways they couldn't have predicted. People had come and gone but now it was time to make one final slash at the ones that left them disarray. These were the last thoughts had before the remnants of the guild moved on the status of Hargeon.

Plot result: Dark guild members will impact the Hargeon area by intercepting people that are delivering quests and completing the jobs themselves. All in an attempt to spread the name of Eternal Nightmare Through Hargeon. The stolen quest will reveal a criminal organization run by a corrupt noble that will be dealt with. During the process of taking out the corrupt noble, dark guild members will meet non-affiliated magic users now that mana is more prominent in Fiore. Those magic users are slowly becoming vigilantes and will assist the dark mages as they see the form of Justice the dark mages deliver. The people will see these acts and see that there are different ways to handle situations and new forces to look toward.

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Members intercept a courier delivering quests. The mission reveals that a local gang is growing in numbers and spreading throughout the city. Members will track down the gang and begin taking them out. They uncover that the gang is being financed by a corrupt noble.

  • Must be a member of EN or SC  to be rewarded for this quest.
  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [EN – Intercept]
  • Infiltrate an illegal operation and find the noble behind it.
  • Deal with the noble by any means.
  • Clearing the 2000 word count will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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Fallen Noble

Members track down the corrupt noble and find his well-protected home. The noble is a lavish man with magical abilities, that feels items and prestige are all that truly matter. Participants must get by the guards and find their way to the noble and defeat him. The noble is able to escape, but a small group of vigilantes appears and know where the man is running to. In return, they only ask that they can help.  

  • Must be a member of EN or SC to be rewarded.
  • Create a topic tagged with [EN – Fallen Noble].
  • Break into the Noble's home.
  • Defeat the guards.
  • Meet the vigilantes that possess mana and ally with them.  
  • Clearing the 2000 word count will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy, and +7 SP.

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Alongside the vigilantes, the participants will finally track down the Noble who was hiding in plain sight. Believing the surrounded himself at a Gala would spare his life. Get into the Gala and defeat the noble along with his supporters. Th noble is protected by rune knights that he paid off.

The vigilante group will assist and afterward, will express they want to keep operating. The news will spread that Dark Guild Members are operating in Hargeon and taking out corruption.

  • Must be a member of EN or SC
  • Create a topic in Hargeon titled: [EN – Conflict]
  • Get into the Gala
  • Defeat the Noble
  • Encourage the vigilante group to continue
  • Clearing the 2500 word count will award 500,000 Jewels, 15,000 Experience, 500 Infamy, and +10 SP.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:59 am

Eternal Nightmare's guild event has been approved


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:26 am


Fairy and Pegasus Hot Springs


Now that the biting chill of winter has come to Fiore, few places feel quite as cozy and inviting was the warm, welcoming hot springs of Hosenka, like a little taste of Joya come to Fiore to help those cold-sensitive sorts to weather the more gueling days of the year. For the members of Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus, it was a perfect opportunity to let the members of each Guild bond in celebration of their alliance, while the neutral location meant anybody else is invited to come and enjoy a good soak in the springs, and maybe some of the other contest the two Guilds planned to keep the city of Hosenka entertained in exchange for their Hospitality.

Climbing Cookout

The wilderness outside Hosenka is known for its varied, diverse landscapes... But why bother simply hiking or strolling around the trails, when you can engage in something a little more extreme? Can you possibly cook a dish while climbing up the side of a mountain? A sport allowed only to the most adventurous of mountaineering mages, you'll need ever ounce of magic power in your body to cling to the side of the mountain and still managing to cook your dish

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Hosenka and end it with the tag: [FPHS – Climbing Cookout]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants mustake engage in a cooking contest with one another while climbing up the side of one of the mountains near Hosenka.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Pest Control

At this time of year, all sorts of critters get drawn in by the sizzling heat... Many of whom are creatures with elemental powers who struggle with these cold days, but thrive in the heat, and often sink deep into these springs, simultaneously warming them to temperatures almost dangerous for any other hopeless visitor who happens to have wandered in. As such, owners of the various hot spring inns pay handsomely to anybody who hunts down Salamanders and any other uninvited guests, and get rid of them peacefully or otherwise

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Hosenka and end it with the tag: [FPHS – Pest Control]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants mustake hunt down a heat loving, unwelcome guests in the hot springs, such as a Salamander or any other critter, and make it safe for people to soak in.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Drinking Contest

There's no better complement to an evening soaking in the hot springs than a good brew to enjoy it with. Courtesy of the Joyan influence of Hosenka, oftentimes this brew consists of Sake, however, different drinkers are happy to enjoy their favourites, while hosts of the various hot springs inns are equally pleased to cater to the needs of their guests and offer them everything they can drink. Of course, with the dizzying heat of the springs, partaking in drinking contests there is far from recommend them... Not that it stops people from attempting it.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Hosenka and end it with the tag: [FPHS – Drinking Contest]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants mustake partake in a drinking contest with other participants, or simply observe any additional one.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Drunken Hiking

What can you possibly do once you've been kicked out of every hot springs, every bar, every nightclub and every other possible venue in Hosenka? You still want to keep drinking more, but no host will accept you... You could get drunk and pass out on the parks or sidewalks as many noble souls do, or you could venture further away from civilization and try to practice some sports while under the influence. Run around the wilderness outside Hosenka in whatever kind of run of game you prefer, and liberate your inner animal!

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Hosenka and end it with the tag: [FPHS – Drunken Hiking]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants mustake partake in some form of physical activity while under the severe influence, in the wilderness outside Hosenka.
  • Threads that devolve into drunken brawls will be applicable for fight rewards, however, speed and intelligence attributes will be considered 1 during the fight.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Peeping Show

Though some baths are mixed, many adventurous souls end up taking an interested in the singled gendered baths occupied by the opposite sex, where they might get a sneak peak of the beauties of this land with their hair down. A sport often pacticed by lecherous boys of various age, nothing stops voyeouristic sorts of every age and gender from partaking... So long as they can avoid getting caught. For those on the recieving end of such unwanted attention, it can be equally gratifying to punish the perverts when they manage to catch them.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Sultry Heights and end it with the tag: [FPHS – Peeping Show]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants may either play peeping toms, or unwitting people being peeped on in the hot springs.
  • Topics cannot be made private to other participants of the event.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:15 am


This event has been approved to start.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:19 pm


of the Crimson Moon


Having taken residence of Oak Town in her official capacity as Senator and unbeknowst to the people of Fiore beyond Oak Town's gate as the new Phantom Lord Guild Master, Astrid Venier has brought back to the city one of its most ancient religious events, the Festival of the Crimson Moon. A long-forgotten festival that took place in ancient times but forever tied to Oak Town's history, an open invitation to all of Fiore to attend has been extended. And the timing could not be better, with the rest of Fiore seeming to descend into chaos around them. But there's no reason to be concerned with all of that terrible business; enjoy yourselves in Oak Town as an ancient part of its culture is brought back after generations of being forgotten.


  • During this event, users who are located within Northern Fiore may post within Oak without having to adhere to Travel Regulations, so long as their only topics within that subforum are either [FCM - Night Cap] or [FCM - Festival Ritual].
  • Users who are located in West Fiore may post in Orchidia without having to adhere to Travel Regulations, so long as their only topics within that subforum are [FCM - Flames of Night], [FCM - Titanic Horrors], or [FCM - Refugee Plight].

The Flames of Night

Financial hardships have struck some of the cities in Fiore, the sudden change in fortunes causing their people to suffer significantly as a result. All it takes is a little push to send people to their most desperate state, and often violence accompanies this. Riots have broken out in multiple cities throughout Fiore as the people rage against their cities' failures to address the hardships caused by Astrid and Phantom Lord. Either join in the violence and help set the people riot against within the cities or rise up to stop the rioters, hoping to preserve order.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in either Baska, Era, Magnolia, Hosenka, or Marigold and end it with the tag: [FCM – Flames of Night]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must engage either in acts of arson, looting, and violence; behavior reflective of those whom would engage in rioting OR they must repel such behavior, acting as stalwart heroes in the face of adversity.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.
  • Topics cannot be made private to other participants of the event.

Titanic Horrors

For some cities in Fiore, protections and securities from threats beyond their borders are neccesary costs that come with a safe and prosperous survival. Gradual depletion of available funds however have made sustaining such efforts near impossible. Several cities suffering such plights have found themselves besieged by towering humanoid-like creatures. Illequipped to handle such a threat on their own, these cities have issued an immediate call to arms, seeking aid from anyone who would be willing to help defend.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Baska, Orchidia, or Marigold and end it with the tag: [FCM – Titanic Horrors]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must hunt down large titan creatures that are causing havoc within various cities.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Refugee Plight

As chaos and panic persist throughout the cities of Fiore, the people desperately look for safer pastures, fleeing from their homes as quickly as they can. It is in this that you are presented with a choice: Either you can assist the refugees, leading them to potential safety. Or you can lead them to their doom, damning them by giving false directions.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in either Baska, Era, Magnolia, Orchidia, Hosenka, or Marigold and end it with the tag: [FCM – Refugee Plight]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must either save groups of refugees who are attempting to flee from the massive riots or titan creatures destroying their homes OR they can falsely lead the refugees back into danger, setting them up for a likely doom.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Night Cap

Phantom Lord members, why not enjoy the Crimson Moon Festival in the most proper manner possible? And how is that, you wonder? Well with alcohol, drugs, and carnal delights, of course. Sit back. Relax. Even though the rest of Fiore may be on fire, take comfort knowing your guild leader has your interests at heart. Celebrate in your own way, and let the concerns of the other cities be their problem, not yours.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Oak Town and end it with the tag: [FCM – Night Cap]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must engage in a sort of clubbing, enjoying the luxuries that come with being a club VIP.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Festival Ritual

With everything going on in the rest of Fiore, let it not take away from one of the key purposes behind the Festival of the Crimson Moon; an opportunity to pray for and worship the fabled Blood Goddess. However, this opportunity as much shows the challenge that comes with everyone worshipping differently. Some may engage in brutal practices including sacrifices, while others may fiercely object to honoring a 'false god' as they may perceive it. Select which side of the matter you stand on, worshipper or protester, and enjoy what you are able to of the Festival of the Crimson Moon.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Oak Town and end it with the tag: [FCM – Festival Ritual]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants may either engage in the ritualistic summoning of a fabled deity, however barbaric or violent it may be, OR they may choose stop the brutal ritualistic behavior that they are witnessing.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.


Guild Event Review - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:42 pm

This Guild's Event is approved: Phantom Lord.

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