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Guild Event Review

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Guild Event Review Empty Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:09 pm

If you are GM you can post your guild event in here to get it reviewed. Remember, you can only create a guild event once per 3 months. Use the template provided below to create your event. Once it has been approved, you may post it in Guild Events yourself. Don't forget to add your guild name in the title when finally posting the event in Guild Events after approval e.g. Scary Slumber Party [Fairy Tail].

<table class="blackbox"><tr><td><p class="regulationtitle2">Guild Event Name</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ut tellus vel est interdum porta vitae a tortor. In semper diam nibh, aliquet vehicula metus fringilla eu. Maecenas vitae risus congue, mollis enim eget, consectetur purus. Nullam aliquet massa sit amet dui lacinia convallis. Mauris nisi nulla, blandit ac interdum sit amet, aliquam ac nisl. In fermentum, nibh at accumsan tempor, purus libero pellentesque lectus, et elementum lorem dui vel nibh. Vivamus urna elit, interdum vel porta eu, iaculis dapibus ante.

<table class="blackbox"><tr><td>
<p class="regulationsubtitle">Phase 1</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ut tellus vel est interdum porta vitae a tortor. In semper diam nibh, aliquet vehicula metus fringilla eu. Maecenas vitae risus congue, mollis enim eget, consectetur purus. Nullam aliquet massa sit amet dui lacinia convallis. Mauris nisi nulla, blandit ac interdum sit amet, aliquam ac nisl.

[*]See the example below.
[*]See the example below.

Scary Slumber Party

It is time for our guild to do something fun again. I have managed to find a large mansion which can be rented for a ridiculously cheap price. It is large enough to house all of us for the night while we play games and catch up with each other.

Catch Up

We have arrived at the mansion. The sun is setting and we are ready to have fun. Catch up with other members of the guild. Did you meet the newer members already? If not, introduce yourself to them. Play games and enjoy yourself!

  • Create a topic in Dahlia and end it with the tag: [SSP - Phase 1]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.

Witching Hour

Did you guys notice the weird things that have been happening at the mansion? Some claim that the eyes of the paintings have been following them around. Others hear scary noises. We tried to open the door to find the guy giving us the key but the front door won't open anymore. I guess this is why the mansion was so cheap.

  • Create a topic in Dahlia and end it with the tag: [SSP - Phase 2]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • Experience all the spookiness of the mansion. Give it your own fun twist. The event ends when the sun rises and the doors magically open.

Beauty Contest

The annual Blue Pegasus beauty contest is coming up again! It is possible to participate as a model, designer, make-up artist, and the list goes on. If you do not participate as a model, you can choose to help one out to make sure that they stand out and get the biggest spotlight.

Shop n' Style

The first part of the event is of course all about preparation. Go to stores to find the right materials to create outfits and make sure you come up with matching items to create the most captivating style. If you have others in your team, they will come along with you to help you out with this.

  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [BC - Phase 1]
  • You will go out shopping in this topic to prepare for the beauty contest taking place later.

Beauty Contest

It is time for the actual beauty contest, the moment to showcase the outfits that you have prepared in the previous phase. You have others competing against you, so make sure you give your best performance and impress the audience!

  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [BC - Phase 2]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.


What a night! Let's celebrate this fun event and conclude with an afterparty. The dress code is cocktail. Get those suits and cocktail dresses out. We have rented the bar so the drinks are free and the dance floor is all yours.

  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [BC - Phase 3]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.

Last edited by Jyu on Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


Guild Event Review Empty Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:06 pm


The Heist

The Crocus Royal Bank is known to have the most secure vaults rumored to be filled with ancient artifacts. Reports have indicated that the De Monssuer family had moved their family relics from their personal vault at their estate to the Bank included in these relics are the De Monssuer crown. It was compromised of flawless 12 emeralds, 6 rubies, 8 Sapphires and a 36-carat diamond embedded into the 22-carat golden crown as the centerpiece.

This grotesque display of wealth would be the target of the Heist, the intent was to test their loyalty to the guild and to himself rather than fencing the piece itself. Instead, it would hang as an ornament of achievement and accomplishments that they had completed together. Members would instead receive their cut through the Guild's own personal vault.

The Setup

This is the beginning phase to any heist. Now is the time for the party to allocate resources towards equipment, NPCs, etc. that may be necessary for the job. It is common for the leader to also assign roles to members of the guild at this time. It’s imperative that every person is fully aware of what their individual task is and that they succeed within a considerable amount of time to increase the overall success rate of the operation. A base of operations may also be established for rendezvous purposes.

The Guild Master will responsible for devising a plan that will allow every member safe entry whether the approach is stealthy or forceful. Variables such as time of day, setting, body count, etc. should be heavily considered when doing so. There is no such thing as being ‘too cautious’ so every and any possibility for error should be accounted for. A good leader is aware of his team’s strengths and weaknesses and should fit this into the plan accordingly. Gathering recon to scope out enemy positions is an example of what could be done during this stage.


  • The topic will be created by the Guildmaster titled: The Setup - Phase 1
  • Each participant must enter that topic to hear the setup and get their roles assigned.

The Break-in

This part of the heist is self-explanatory. The moment has finally come for you to execute the master plan. By now every member should be fully equipped for the obstacles they may face and have a complete understanding of their objective. The best possible outcome would be a few injuries and no casualties. Keep in mind you are on a timer, under no means do you want to prolong the operation. Failure is not an option.


  • The topic will be created by the Guildmaster titled: The Break-in Phase 2
  • It must be done in one topic.

The Get Away

Every heist needs a getaway plan, what will yours be? Whatever it may be, the location and time of a getaway plan is imperative to the operation. Every member should be evacuated from the site immediately with the stolen asset in possession. Make use of those dark, peculiar alleyways or underground tunnels – anything to escape.


  • The topic will be created by the Guildmaster titled: The Get Away Phase 3
  • It must be done in one topic.

Last edited by Kon on Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:25 am; edited 1 time in total


Guild Event Review Empty Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:25 pm


Pegasus Summer Fest

Blue Pegasus has a lot to celebrate: The conquests of Myras and Hargeon, their newfound lordship over South Fiore, their alliance with Daeva Eye... But in the end, no reason offers quite the cause for celebration like the mere coming of the Summer Solistice, heralding the arrival of the hottest days of the year. Together with Daeva Eye and the every ally interested in participating, Blue Pegasus promises to throw a party for the ages. To do this, however, they first need to redecorate their guild to show the new and improved Blue Pegasus, ready for the new era to come.

Preparation, redecoration

The mere thought of Blue Pegasus as the lords and ladies of Southern Fiore is something unprecedented in its entirety. To celebrate this titanic accomplishment and to surprise the unexpectant guests, the guild will finally expand and redecorate their ageing guild hall, while maintaining the sprit and essence of the original in all its glory. Part building and part treasure hunt, the members of Blue Pegasus will each have their own chance to enact some of their vision, and also maybe find some lost treasures forgotten in the guild hall throughout the years.


  • Create a topic in Blue Pegasus Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [PSF - Phase 1]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Will result in an updated "Guild Building" section in the Blue Pegasus page.

The Pool Games

With the inclusion of a swimming pool in the aftermath of the redecoration, it will now be possible to throw a pool party for Blue Pegasus and all their friends and allies. It will take place in the afternoon, and will consist of a myriad games and watersports, ranging from volleyball to chicken fighting, from water polo to swimming races. If it takes place in a pool and you can make it happen, have at it! If you get tired, you'll have lounge chairs to laze around in, and drinks aplenty.


  • Create a topic in Blue Pegasus Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [PSF - Phase 2]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Swimwear.

Sunset Party

As the setting sun draws closer to the horizon and bright blue skies steadily darken in shade, one party ends and another party begins. Music, food, spirits, you name it. And don't forget you can still have a little dip in the pool if it strikes your fancy... Or if somebody knocks you in. Who knows what might happen right?


  • Create a topic in Blue Pegasus Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [PSF - Phase 3]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Breezy and summery.
  • Please drink responsibly.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#4Venus RosĂ© 

Guild Event Review Empty Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:03 am

Venus Rosé

Sentinel Syndicate's Guild Event has been approved.

Blue Pegasus' Guild Event has been approved.


Guild Event Review Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:24 pm


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#6Venus RosĂ© 

Guild Event Review Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:44 pm

Venus Rosé

Blue Pegasus has started Phase One for Guild Event.

#7Odin † 

Guild Event Review Empty Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:56 am

Odin †

A Place to Call Home

After retrieving the Black Key from Argyle's Dungeon and stealing the legendary book Georgio and the Dragon from the Crocus Vaults, Zagan gathered the members of Eternal Nightmare together and unlocked their abilities for them. The final chapter in the guild's inception is about to begin. The guild requires a guildhall, and the key is their way in. Zagan deciphered the book and located an old Spire, powered by the ancient Wischtechian technology, in the outskirts of Oak City. With the destination set, the guild members must now enter the spire, explore the many levels within, and claim it for themselves. However, the Wischtechians were clever, and set up defences to protect the tower. Even now, after so many centuries, the defences are active, waiting for someone to venture inside and wake them up.

Unlocking the Spire

All the members of Eternal Nightmare have been asked to join their guildmaster at the doors to the grand Wischtechian Spire, where he will unlock the doors and begin the venture inside. Odin will remind everyone why they have all joined, both members old and new, and thank them for their assistance, before inviting each member into their new guildhall, one at a time. The foyer and entrance rooms can be explored and rooms can be selected for specific use, before they all begin the voyage up through the tower.


  • The topic will be created by the guildmaster with the tag [PCH Phase 1].
  • It is required for all members to join this topic to progress to phase 2.

Exploring the Spire

The initial floors were tame, relaxed, and hid no secrets. The same can not be said for the higher floors. Ancient technology has awakened, golems and automatons who's only directive is to attack any who try to enter the spire. The higher the floor, the stronger the machinery and magical guardians, but the greater the reward. Each member has been tasked with clearing out as many floor as they can, working in groups to cleanse the spire and truly confirm it as the home of the guild.


  • Members may create a topic in Wischtechian Spire with the tag [PCH - Phase 2].
  • Each topic must have at least two participants.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.


Guild Event Review Empty Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:08 pm


Eternal Nightmare's Event has been approved.

Guild Event Review Sigme10

Guild Event Review Empty Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:49 pm


Pegasus Easter Egg-stravaganza

A new year bringing plenty to celebrate and even more to distract the masses from, with news of Dragon Attacks continuing the folk of Blue Pegasus have elected to give the people of Hargeon and the Wider South something other than the usual doom and gloom to focus on, and are setting up a small festival to celebrate the changing of the seasons because of this. Aiming to provide fun and entertainment for the whole family, they'll be creating a magical easter egg hunt during the day, and then hosting a spring themed party on the evening for more adult folks to enjoy.

An Egg-celent Adventure

Looking to give the youngsters and their families something fun to enjoy, the members of Blue Pegasus have used their magic to create a fun little egg hunt overnight for the townsfolk to indulge in, and as an added bonus are managing and chaperoning the event in lovely looking bunny costumes to add to the fun. Head on over and enjoy the environment which has been bolstered with trails of festive flora and even some fun little critters such as rabbits and chicks for admiration and even petting, and try to make sure that everyone here has a good time.


  • Must be a member of BP, ED or FT
  • Create a topic in Hargeon Square and end it with the tag: [PSF – Eggo]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Bunny Costumes.

Spring Fling Wingding

The children entertained by their day of egg hunting, now it's the chance for the adults to unwind a little as the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall opens it's doors and amenities to the people of the south for an exciting and friskily themed costume party, similar to what one might expect at Halloween but at the opposite end of the year. The guild members themselves on double duty here, they're taking turns running the bar and providing entertainment whilst indulging themselves at the same time, and hoping that the memory of a good night of excitement and festivity will help to brush away the worries of the people around them.


  • Must be a member of BP, ED or FT
  • Create a topic in Blue Pegasus Guild Hall and end it with the tag: [PSF – Woowoo!]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Bunny, Chick or other spring-orientated costumes
  • Please drink responsibly.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Guild Event Review Empty Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:19 am


Blue Pegasus's Event has been approved.

Guild Event Review Sigme10

Guild Event Review Empty Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:33 pm


Empyrean's Summer Gala

In celebration of Empyrean Divine's existence, they wish to gather all guilds and their people to come to join them in the Gala. It will be full of games, prizes, and fun as well as an opportunity to make new friends, allies, or even Rivals. They wish to show their neutral side within reasoning and by following some rules that all will follow. There will be a pageant, a ball that will crown a 'Queen' and 'King', a hunting ground event, as well as a beach party. The Guildmaster hopes that this will show that their guild is not a threat as they just wish to be the bridge of both sides with a peaceful and fun event upon every Season, with this being their Summer!

Beauty/Handsome Pageant

Everyone has their own unique description of Beauty. With this, the Guildmaster wishes to hold up one of her own with the 'Most Beautiful/Handsome' Prize being Jewels! Everyone will show their best look in front of three judges!


  • Must be from a guild and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty or personally accepted to join.
  • A topic will be made enlisted [Beauty Pageant]/[Handsome Pageant] and all participants will be @'d with the topic.
  • While waiting to showcase, for filler you may cause drama, have fun and socialize or even stay to yourself.
  • Within your last post, you may walk out, present yourself (With a picture or description) and answer the questions the judges ask.
  • Type 2000 words and rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP. Winners will receive 500,000 Jewels.

Sugma Ball

Beautiful gowns and Gentlemen dressed in their best attire. Empyrean Divine wishes to grant all with an elegant ball for those that wish to wear divine ware. Come and have a drink, some food, and dance your hearts out as in the end three judges and participants will pick out a 'Queen' and 'King' of the Sugma Ball/Prom.


  • Must be from a guild and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty or personally accepted to join.
  • Create a topic in Stella and end it with the tag: [ESG - Sugma Ball]
  • Within the topic, please have a picture of your appearance/outfit or a description.
  • Winners will be told in their topic at the end.
  • Type 2000 words and rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP. Winners will receive 500,000 Jewels.

Hunting Grounds

The Guild enjoys good hunting. Only Stella holds Dinosaurs of all kinds and truthfully the Guildmaster herself is interested in seeing a specific one. Those who are interested need to go out and hunt a specific Dinosaur and see if it's the one she chose to make into a trophy. If it is, they win the prize! Hopefully, people have fun while doing it as they venture off searching for different creatures and defeat them. Be warned though, Stella looks down on those who kill herbivores as they are looked at as quite defenseless and peaceful.


  • Must be from a guild and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty or personally accepted to join.
  • Create a topic in Stella and end it with the tag: [ESG - Hunting Dinos]
  • Within a topic, hunt a specific Dinosaur and bring it to the main base to have it be judged.
  • Upon bringing it back to be judged on, put a picture of your dinosaur and the name of it.
  • Type 2000 words and rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP. Winner will receive 500,000 Jewels.

Summer Party

Every Anime needs a Beach Episode. Empyrean Divine has put together a party on Stella's beautiful Beach party. Have a Balloon fight, Cookout, Volleyball, or any fun things to do at the Beach! It includes a Tiki-like bar and food. Once it hits night, Stella brings out floaties and hand-crafted art filled with fireworks that are lit on fire to light up the night. Maybe they'll let you create one of your own so you too can join in!


  • Must be from a guild and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty or personally accepted to join.
  • Create a topic in Stella and end it with the tag: [ESG - Summer Party]
  • Type 2000 words about enjoying some fun beach time solo or with some people that may become friends.
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP.

Do you have Big Bulls?

Among the Summer roads on a single day of July Stella holds all sorts of events with Bulls. One can do more than one or just do one!

Bull Running: Once a year people gather up in a narrow street. Once all are gathered up, the bulls of Stella are released as they rampage through the streets. After the sounds of the rocket fire, participants run the narrow route attempting to avoid getting thrashed by the bulls while running with them to the finish line. No, you cannot kill them out of your way either.

Bullfighting: This event is known within the Stellan area as a test among tough men and women. Come to their man-made arena to fight a monstrous bull. You may kill it if you cannot simply just knock it out. You will get a fancy award ribbon and able to take its' head as a trophy if you so desire if you win. Only rule is: you cannot use magic.

Red Bull Batalla: Not all Bull events are physical. Stella enjoys a good freestyle fight vocally as they diss each other. There are six rounds and each round a different person. The prize will be a fabulous chain necklace, box filled with Stellan's famous chocolates and cigars and a cooler of their best alcohol. Who knows, maybe you'll make a diss track.


  • Must be from a guild and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty or personally accepted to join.
  • Create a topic in Stella and end it with the tag: [ESG - Big Bulls:]
  • Type 2000 words about enjoying the Bull Festival and participating in one of the options if not both.
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP.

Guild Event Review Sigme10

Guild Event Review Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:23 pm


Empyrean Divine's Event has been approved.

#13Odin † 

Guild Event Review Empty Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:15 pm

Odin †

Festival of the West - Eternal Nightmare

With Eternal Nightmare having brought prosperity to the West of Fiore and holding every city within, it was decided that a festival would be held to commemorate the occasion. Each city would host its own event, allowing any and all peoples in the West to partake in a collection of games, contests and battles to celebrate. And with this added popularity to the West comes certain challenges for its people, resulting in more ways for the average mage or adventurer to make money.

Event Details

  • Throughout this event, completing quests within the West of Fiore grant a 10% Experience and Jewel increase which stacks with other bonuses.

  • All posts made in the West (including quests) by members of Eternal Nightmare throughout this event count for double when calculating guild levels.

Event Conditions

  • This event is only open to Eternal Nightmare members or allies with permission from the guild.

  • This event will run until January 1st 2022. All posts made on the day of January 1st 2022 (going by the site's timezone) will count towards any effects of the event.

Festival of Fall

To celebrate Eternal Nightmare and the Western Festival in Fiore, Baska City has used its typically boisterous citizens and found the perfect spot for its Autumn festival. Stalls have been erected selling everything from traditional masks and outfits to exotic food imported from other countries. Many citizens and tourists are dressing up in the garbs of the season to enjoy all the festivities, and the firework display at the end of the evening promises to be spectacular.


  • A topic shall be created in Baska City for Eternal Nightmare members and allies to join. Participants are free to create their own topics following entry.
  • Many stalls and festival games have been setup around Baska City, with a firework display being prepared for the evening.
  • The dress code is casual, however traditional clothing such as kimonos and haoris are recommended and available for all.
  • Masks are available for allies of Eternal Nightmare to use to hide their true identity from the public eye, so as not to reveal their beliefs or desires to the crown.
  • Completing 2000 words over any number of topics with the tag [Autumn Festival] with grant the following rewards:

    • 250,000 Jewels
    • 10,000 Experience
    • 400 Fame/Infamy
    • 7 Attribute Points


Guild Event Review Empty Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:35 am


Enternal Nightmare's Event has been denied do to having bonuses. Guild events are activities a guild can do for quest rewards. Will approve after those bonuses are removed.

Guild Event Review Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Guild Event Review Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:54 pm


Magnificent Mardi Gras

Celebrated as a religious holiday in counties of Illuminian tradition, for sweltering Southern nations the last day of feasting before fasting has come to carry a whole other meaning, a day of dancing, feasting and celebration. Between the sweltering, alluring parades on the streets and the masquerade balls on the rooftops, it's a day of free spirited revelry where everybody's welcome to the party.

Parade preparations

On the afternoon before the parade, it's time to finish preparing your costumes and work on your dance moves, practice with the people who'd be sharing the stage with you. Between the more tribal theme traditional in Stella, or something more modern, you're welcome to design your costume however you see fit!

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [MMG – Preparations]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Casual.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Samba Parade

In honour of Stella's renenwed independence, this particular celebration draws influence from a particular region of that country where people strut their stuff in stylish and showy costumes

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [MMG – Samba]
  • The topic must have at least three other participants in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Costume.
  • Roll a dice with your first post.
  • When rolling, the character's Constitution divided by 10 (rounded down) is added to the dice score.
  • Whoever gets the maximum dice total will win 2 million Jewels (From Alisa's bank)
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Masquerade ball

In stark contrast to the lively, vibrant Carnival going on outside, the masquerade ball just oozes mystery. While costumes are otherwise recommended, at the ball every participant is mandated to cover their faces with a masquerade or any other mask of whichever kind.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [MMG – Masquerade]
  • The topic must have at least three other participants in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Costume.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Mysterious Meeting

The season of Carnival lends itself well to subterfuge, with all its costumes and masquerades.So it should come as no suprise that distinct groups of people from the various guilds could meet each other in secret, without anybody being none the wiser: Between the loud revelry outside and the masks they wore on the way, none would determine their identity until they took them off in private. For the Guild masters of light and neutral guilds, this means an opportunity to discuss sensitive matters.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK or CS
  • Create a topic in Hargeon and end it with the tag: [MMG – Meeting]
  • The topic must have at least three other participants in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Costume.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:10 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Guild Event Review CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Guild Event Review Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:34 pm


Overall comment

Objective 1
- Please it state it awards 7 Spd points.
- Are you sure you dont want to award normal quest rewards like exp and fame as well?

Objective 2
- Please it state it awards 7 Con points.
- Are you sure you dont want to award normal quest rewards like exp and fame as well?
- Unless your planning to donate the jewels yourself, I cannot approve this reward

Objective 3
- You didn't include who can partake in this event.
- Please it state it awards 7 End points.
- Are you sure you dont want to award normal quest rewards like exp and fame as well?

Objective 4
- Please it state it awards 7 Int points.
- Are you sure you dont want to award normal quest rewards like exp and fame as well?

Please DM me or send me a PM when changes and questions are answered

Guild Event Review Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#17Kazimir Seiryu 

Guild Event Review Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:07 pm

Kazimir Seiryu

Fairy Tail United

Guild Event Review AAAABRX2pxBrLNu6vPMi4fdWAxF8gvhbInN3yv2nZsGOBdg6K1kcppBd5XrJ0gORFEzrm8FGNS2s-JfIDHxRfJWC1yJlIEPHtBBOcv5LdzvI0JC7NKqF

With the Fairy Tail guild in a weakened state, and the public loss of the long-time guild master Adriana, pockets of resistance have arisen in the area. Dark cults and organizations seek to claim more dominion over the land and further push the Fairy Tail guild out, or at least test the bounds of the guild.

The sudden surge of mana across earth land has given people more power. Dark groups and gangs have arisen that wield magical power now. One such group begins to launch attacks around the city in increasing intensity to test how far they can go. Now that they have their own magical firepower they feel bold enough to try and remove the Fairy Tail. The group has rounded up innocents and caused discord. Along with them are beast tamers that have trained magical beasts to attack as well.

Now the guild must band together anew and face these threats as the new faces of the guild emerge.

Old Home with New Faces

The guild has turned over membership and new faces are dominating the halls. The Guildmaster will start a topic in which the members get to know each other and the guildhall. Participants may help plan the event and host it, or partake in the festivities and merriment.

  • Create a topic in the Fairy Tail Guildhall in which you are helping set up or participate in the party. and end it with the tag: [FTU – Phase 1]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED or CS
  • 2,000 word count required
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.


As the party is going strong, A sudden explosion lights up the sky from the town. Some buildings are on fire and people are being attacked by a gang and their beasts. Some people are taken, hostage.  The attackers turn out to be mostly low-level thugs with a few strong leaders and beasts. Defeat the enemies and ease the public by inviting them to the party at the guildhall and give them a safe place while the city is restored.

  • Create a topic in Magnolia where you rescue citizens, treat the wounded, or investigate where the attacks are coming from. End it with the Tag [FTU-Phase 2]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED or CS
  • 2,000 word count required
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Fate Restored

The mages have returned back to the guildhall to treat the injured and give haven to the people affected by the attack. A perfect time to get everyone's mind off of things by finishing the party. During the party, it is discovered that a core group of the gang used the fires as a distraction to infiltrate Fairy Tail. Some members will need to continue the party to keep the peace while also protecting the people and mages injured by the attack. Others will go to some of the more inner sanctums of Fairy Tail to drive back the intruders.

  • Create a topic in Magnolia where you either defeat the intruders that have snuck in or keep the party going so the guests are distracted and protected. End it with the Tag [FTU-Phase 3]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED or CS
  • 2,000 word count required
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.


Guild Event Review Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:16 am


FT and BP's guild events have been approved

Guild Event Review Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#19Odin † 

Guild Event Review Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:09 am

Odin †

Festival of the West

To celebrate the return of past members, the beginning of new stories, and the growth of Eternal Nightmare's power and renown, Odin has decided to host a series of events to showcase his appreciation to the members of his guild. Using his sway as a prominent member of society in Oak City, he has set up three major celebrations for Eternal Nightmare to partake in, dubbing the whole event the first-ever, but likely not the last 'Festival of the West'.

Swineherd Pub Drinking Contest

What better way to celebrate than with a party at Oak City's finest drinking establishment. With Odin himself serving the drinks, even providing a few signature picks that he's concocted over the years. This may begin as a simple drinking contest, but things are very rarely that simple. Who knows, perhaps trashing the Majura Gallery after a night of drinking will be a great idea...

  • A topic shall be created in Swineherd Pub for those wishing to enter.
  • After the first round of introductory posts, Odin will serve the first round of drinks. Roll the Dice 100 to see how you fare against the opposition.
  • Each round, the user with the lowest roll is eliminated and the next round begins with new drinks all around.
  • The game rewards will be as follows:
    • 1st Place: 500k Jewels
    • 2nd Place: 250k Jewels
    • Anyone that rolls 69: 100k Jewels

    • Note: Extra Prizes will be granted via Odin

  • Creating other topics, with at least one other participant and the tag [FotW], in Swineherd Pub to complete 2000 words total will reward the participant with the following:
    • 250k Jewels
    • 10k Exp
    • 400 Infamy
    • +7 SP

Fit for a King

Renting out Castle Phantasm, the home of the most influential family in Oak City, for an entire week may have been more expensive than Odin had initially considered, but he promised to spare no expense for his members. Culminating in a meal prepared by the finest chefs in the West, the castle will be free for all members to explore. Whether it be to relax in the incredibly lavish rooms, enjoy the free food prepared for them, or simply fight each other on the castle grounds, anything goes for the entire week. After all, Odin's getting the bill at the end.

  • A topic will be created by Odin for the grand meal in the dining hall. It is optional to join this topic.
  • The castle is open to members of Eternal Nightmare, with its fully equipped library, kitchen, training room and many bedrooms completely available for any purpose the user desires.
  • Creating topics within Castle Phantasm, with at least one other participant and the tag [FotW], to complete 2000 words will reward the participant with the following:
    • 250k Jewels
    • 10k Exp
    • 400 Infamy
    • +7 SP

Festival of the West

The grand finale of the entire celebration. Every shopkeeper, bar owner and game maker has come out in full swing to create a giant marketplace in the centre of Oak City. Imported foods and drink from all over Earthland, games to make Samhain himself jealous and the chance to try the styles and accessories famed in Joyan culture. Festival attire is recommended, complete with a special craftsman with the unique ability to form beautifully intricate masks for whoever wishes to own one.

  • Wander around Oak Streets and enjoy the festivities, games and get your mask created by the Joyan craftsman.
  • Once most participants have reached the required word count, a topic will be created by Odin for everyone to watch the fireworks together, their beauty signalling the end of the event.
  • Creating other topics, with at least one other participant and the tag [FotW], to complete 2000 words will reward the participant with the following:
    • 250k Jewels
    • 10k Exp
    • 400 Infamy
    • +7 SP

Last edited by Odin on Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


Guild Event Review Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:58 am


EN's guild events have been approved

Guild Event Review Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Guild Event Review Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:11 pm


The Divine Celebration

Everywhere this is a random large party going on that turns out to be a huge Festival. Joya, a place of Festive and Beauty with a lot of night living. Empyrean Divine was made mainly after their Country and decided to do one last Celebration in their location [after a lot of payments and deals]. She hopes and wishes for all to join as everyone was equal to her and the Guild. As one of the great ones have said, shall everyone have a good time and party, rather it's chaotic, pure or just simply getting drunk.

Adventurers of the Damned

The party can't be anything without some adventuring first. Joya has stories of haunted locations filled with murderous creatures and demons. Many people who go in don't come back out, yet some who find these locations come out stronger than ever and stories. What will you find, and will you be able to tell the story?

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK, SC, EN or CS
  • Choose a theme/location from the choices   Here or create your own.
  • Create a topic in Joya and end it with the tag: [TDC: (name of location) or (The Damned)] if you choose to make your own.
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Guests of Honor: Hex Girl's

It's never too late for a Spooky concert as the Hex Girl's sing anytime of the year. They invite all to wear costumes to show who they really are or want to be and enjoy the party with some music, dancing and drinks.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK, EN or CS
  • Create a topic in Joya and end it with the tag: [TDC: Hex]
  • The topic must have one other person at least.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Dress code: Costume.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Festival of Equality

No matter how you feel, everyone deserves to live the way they were created to be, free to be themselves. In the night, party rises as people during the day create floaties and paper mache creatures to float around. Rather you are a creature of the night wanting to have fun or something else wishing to be yourself around others, come have fun with the celebrations of Equality with dancing, food, parade festivities and with the only two rules being; no killing and no judging.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK, EN or CS
  • Create a topic in Joya and end it with the tag: [TDC: Festival]
  • The topic must have at least one other participant in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Create a paper mache or floaty to take into the parade.
  • Dress code: Looking Fantastic as always.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Slumber Party

After all of your adventures, it's time to relax and enjoy yourself even more. Come join our lovely Slumber party filled with drinks, food, and games! You can even do your nails and hair as we have that provided as well. Want video games? We have that as well for this event as Joya wished everyone this once a good night.

  • Must be a member of BP, FT, IW, ED, RK, EN or CS
  • Create a topic in Joya and end it with the tag: [TDC: Slumber Party]
  • The topic must have at least three other participants in it.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Guild Event Review Sigme10

Guild Event Review Empty Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:25 am


Empyrean Divine's guild event has been approved

#23Khalfani † 

Guild Event Review Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:56 am

Khalfani †

Heroes of the North!

Defending Sieghart!

Nobody knows where they came from or why they came, but giant humanoid creatures have crawled from out of Sigmundr Passes and have made their way through Sieghart, terrorizing and eating the common folk. It is unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. The giants seem to not have any other thought behind their actions. They must be stopped immediately!

  • Must be a member of Paradise Dawn.
  • The guild master will create a general topic in Paradise Dawn which each member must post at least once in before breaking off into individual topics anywhere in Sieghart Mountains
  • The words in the guild master topic may count towards the WC requirement for this quest.
  • Create a topic in Sieghart Mountains labeled [HoTN: Defending Seighart!].
  • Must be created with at least one other PD member.
  • In the topic, lead (or be apart of) a squad to defend any location in Sieghart Mountains from the giants. Other NPC Paradise Dawn grunts will fight alongside you. Defend the common folk! The minimum amount of stats each giant has sums up to a total of 200.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics but you will only get rewarded once.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.
  • Roll 1 dice at the end of the quest. Members with the biggest roll number have the "most" kills or the "most impactful" kill and will get a 500,000 Jewel bonus from the guild master.


It's the morning after Defending Sieghart! Both Paradise Dawn and citizens of Sieghart have suffered great loss, so the energy is lower than usual. Homes, Family members, and friends have all been swallowed by the destruction of the giants. Paradise Dawn refuses to leave the people stranded and has put together an initiative to provide after care for the people. Word has traveled throughout the country about what has happened to the people of Sieghart, people all over have come to the North to help provide aid. The people are finally seeing Paradise Dawn as an entity they can depend on and are recognizing Paradise Dawn as heroes of the North!

  • Must be a member of PD, FT, BP, ED, CS, EN, IW, or SC
  • Create a topic anywhere in Sieghart labeled [HoTN - Aftercare].
  • Only Paradise Dawn members can create a topic in Paradise Dawn.
  • Fights cannot happen and Bounties/Contracts cannot be captured unless a participant is actively threatening the safety of the people.
  • The topic must be done with at least one other person.
  • Whether you're feeding people, helping build their homes, or giving them medical attention, help out the people of Sieghart mountains and provide aid with supplies from Paradise Dawn and/or your own supplies.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Can't Catch a Break!

Urgent! The Commander receives word that more giants have been spotted in Worth Woodsea and Orchidia crashing through villages and destroying countless homes. However, this job can only be done by Paradise Dawn. After being summoned back to the guild. Go and kill the giants, help the people of Worth Woodsea and Orchidia.

  • Must be a member of Paradise Dawn.
  • Create a topic in Worth Woodsea or Orchidia labeled [HoTN - Can't Catch a Break!]
  • The guild master will create a general topic in Paradise Dawn which each member must post at least once in before breaking off into individual topics anywhere in Worth Woodsea.
  • The words in the guild master topic may count towards the WC requirement for this quest.
  • The time is set at sundown.
  • In the topic, lead (or be apart of) a squad to defend any location in Worth Woodsea or Orchidia from the giants. Other NPC Paradise Dawn grunts will fight alongside you. Defend the common folk! The minimum amount of stats each giant has sums up to a total of 200.
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.

Sweet, Sweet Victory!

Job well done! Now you can take some time to relax! Paradise Dawn has successfully annihilated the monsters terrorizing the people of the North. All the people of the North are trusting of Paradise Dawn. Though it goes without saying that some members (NPC grunts) were lost in the battle. In honor of those that were lost and Paradise's victory, members celebrate by drinking, dancing, relaxing or anything else that helps you wind down on the ship ride home.

  • Must be a member of Paradise Dawn
  • Create a topic in Paradise Dawn labeled [HoTN - Sweet Sweet Victory!]
  • The topic must be done with at least 1 other person
  • In the topic, simply celebrate the victory anyway you want in the guild hall.
  • It is possible to be in multiple topics
  • Clearing the 2,000 word count will award you 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame/Infamy, and +7 SP.


Guild Event Review Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:16 am


PD's guild event has been approved

Guild Event Review Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#25Lee Nakamura 

Guild Event Review Empty Fri Apr 22, 2022 12:27 am

Lee Nakamura

Infinity Wolves's Moon Festival

The celebration of togetherness and friendship. Infinity Wolves wants to invite all of the Light and Neutral guilds to the first-ever event. Since the creation of the guild, the goal of bring everyone together and provide a safe environment for everyone, all races, and cultures. Infinity Wolves has provided over 100 families and members housing since its creation and helped numerous people get back on their feet. It's not just a safe house, but a place to give a second chance.

The Moon Festival takes place in the guild at night. There will be several events over the course of several days with many events. They are optional to participate in.

Night of Celebration

The first night amongst everyone is a cause of celebration. A huge relaxation of a tavern-like enviroment with ale, beer, and all sorts of funny shinaigans. The guildmaster will announce the cause of celebration and say cheers. Just a time to sit back and relax.
  • Must be from IW/FT/BP/RK/PD/CM/HE and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty
  • A topic will be made enlisted [Celebration] and all participants will be @'d with the topic.
  • In this topic, you may do whatever you want such as talking with other members/NPCs, staying to yourself, etc.
  • Type 2000 words and reward: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP.

Taste of Culture

Hot dishes and spices all around. Free drinks and platters made from all over the world by different races and cultures. Take a bit out of some Joyan Mochi or Elven Brandy. There are lots to go around.

  • Must be from IW/FT/BP/RK/PD/CM/HE and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty
  • Create a topic in Astera and end it with the tag: [IMF - Taste of Culture]
  • Within the topic, explore the different dishes and experiences.
  • Type 2000 words and rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP.

Fishing Competition

Infinity Wolves has quite the collection of aquatic life with extravagant aquariums. The guildmaster is looking for some new fish for her collection. Astera is known for the abundance of marine life within the bay. She's looking for anything that isn't in her collection already. Something that would blow her mind and her daughters. Catch the fish and keep it ALIVE.

  • Must be from IW/FT/BP/RK/PD/CM/HE and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty
  • Create a topic in Astera and end it with the tag: [IMF - Fishing]
  • Within a topic, fish for any species you'd like. Use any method you'd like on hunting it as long as it's alive and well. All supplies will be supplied by the guild.
  • Upon bringing it back to be judged on, put a picture of your fish and the name of it. If the fish is dead, you will NOT be rewarded
  • Type 2000 words and reward: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP. The winner will receive 500,000 Jewels.

Sea Monster Hunt

Details: Infinity Wolves is surrounded by water being located inside of a port city. There has always been a surplus in monster stories and sightings. Lately, they have gotten way too out of hand attacking port ships and causing delays. Many of the city's resources are depleting to due loss of cargo ships. To help combat this, Infinity Wolves has created a contest of who can kill the most sea monsters.
  • Must be from IW/FT/BP/RK/PD/CM/HE and have less than 1,000,000 Bounty
  • Create a topic in Astera and end it with the tag: [IMF-]
  • Type 2000 words
  • Rewarded: 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Infamy or Fame, and +7 SP.

Sign Up Sheet

[b]Name:[/b] (Name of character joining)
[b]Joining:[/b] (Names of the event(s) you're joining for sure. If there are not enough people interested in certain events then it will not reward the winner prize.)

Guild Event Review Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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