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Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour

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Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Thu Jun 02, 2022 3:54 pm

Quest: Prove Your Valour

Rank: B

Type: Good

Requirements: None

Chief Kahuna Wailani: Upbeat and laid back, Chief Kahuna is the jovial sort who many might not realize is actually the leader of the town and the whole island in general. Traditional in nature but not lost in his dogma, he respects and welcomes outsiders and is a subtly spiritual man, who believes that the grand designs of the gods are beyond mortal comprehension, and therefore embraces a mantra to seize the day rather than worry about the big stuff.

Kohana Wailani: A mite feistier than her father, Kohana is the adult daughter of the Island's Chief, who some consider a little too tomboyish and rather the energetic foil to her father. Adventurous and active, she has trained with tribesmen and often joins in hunts and other more physically demanding activities her patriarch is getting a little too old for, and seems to be the principal component of the resistance against outside invaders.

Summary: The chief has taken notice of you, and has decided to arrange a little challenge to test you as a friend of the island! Head to the top of Ahi Mountain to retrieve a rare flower, and bring it back to him!

Elite Tribal Warrior x5 Per Participant: Elite Tribal Warriors wearing masks to appear like demons of their native folklore, they have been assigned to obstruct you on your way by that sneaky chief, providing you with the opportunity to do battle with them and prove your skill and honour as a warrior!

Objective: Head up the mountain with Kohana and retrieve the rare blue tiger lotus which grows on the summit.

  • Meet up with Kohana at Ahi Mountain, beginning your ascent as the chief's daughter acts as your guide and witness to your achievement.
  • The route is somewhat arduous, and designed to test your determination and stamina.
  • Reach the peak and enjoy the view, before picking a single blue lotus from the small patch that grows here.
  • Heading back down, the path seems easy, this is a cinch!
  • Oh no, you have been ambushed by masked warriors, fight them off!
  • Whoops, it seemed in the heat of battle Kohana has rolled her ankle on the rough terrain, treat it if you have the magic or otherwise help her back down.
  • Report back to the chief to present the (hopefully intact) flower you retrieved, and receive both his respect and honorary membership in the clan!


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:34 pm


I will be taking this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:03 pm


Sign-up: Link
Mission Link: Link
Reward - Yuurei:
  • +10,500 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +155,000 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +5 Speed
  • +300 Fame

#4Khalfani † 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:41 am

Khalfani †
Yuurei has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:46 am


Kaito is on the mission


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:49 am


11,250 Experience (10% human bonus+10% companion+20%guild+10%Div)
190,000 Jewels (20% human bonus+Empress aura 20%+20% rep+10% companion+20%guild)
300 Fame/Rep
5 spd

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
@Kaito Todaro has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:39 am

Taking this quest


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:43 am

195000 J (Human 20%, New Member 30%, Relic 20%, Armor 20%, Reputation 5%)
12000 XP (Human 10%, New Member 30%, 20% Guild Lvl 2)
300 Fame
5 Strength
No extra reward
Required words: 825 (-10% Guild Lvl 2, 20% Necklace, 15% shield)



Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:08 am

@Kishin has completed this quest.

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
I will be taking this with Alexandre

#12Go D. Drakkon 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
Mission Link: Link
Go D. Drakkon Reward:

  • 13,500 exp (15% Armor, 20% Ring, 10% Relic, 20% Companion, 5% Weapon, 10% Guild Level 2)
  • 145,000 Jewels (15% Helmet, 15% Armor, 5% Weapon, 5% Relic, 5% Ring)
  • 5 Intelligence
  • 300 Fame

@Alexandre Reward:

  • 7,500 experience
  • 160,000 Jewels (20% Ring of Muu , 20% Lady Luck Coin, 20% MoneyBag's Necklace)
  • 5 Constitution
  • 300 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:29 am

@Go D. Drakkon & @Alexandre have completed this quest.

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Lightning_bolt_simple
#14Michael Winters 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:07 am

Michael Winters
Taking with Toga


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:31 pm


Mission Complete!
For me~
+ 180,000 Jewels  [New Member Bonus (30%), Ring of Muu (20%), Lady Luck Coin (20%), Rune Knight Rk.2 Perk (10%)]
+ 9,750 exp (New Member Bonus)
+ 300 Fame
+ 5 INT

And for   @Michael Winters
+ 175,000 Jewels [New Member Bonus (30%), Companion Bonus (25%), Blue Pegasus Level 4 perk (20%)]
+ 11,250 exp ( 50% increase from New Member + Companion Bonus)
+ 300 Fame
+5 SPD


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:07 am

@Toga and @Michael Winters has completed this quest.

#17Fei Yu 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:12 am

Fei Yu
taking~ almost there...


Explorers Belt, Oakley and Shield lower my WC needed by 50% meaning I only need to do 750 words~

Jewel Bonuses: 100,000 +15% (Faifnir Skin) + 20% (Belt) +10% (Nyancelot) +20% (Ring) +15% (Necklace) = 180,000 J total.
EXP Bonus: 5000 + 15% (Faifnir Skin) +15% (Nyancelot) +20% (Tarot) +15% (Necklace) = 16.500
300 Fame
5 SP to Int


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:17 am

Yu Ming has completed this quest.

#19Salem E. 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Salem E.

I will be taking on this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:33 am

I'll take this

#21Salem E. 

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:36 am

Salem E.

Mission: Mission


Explorers Belt decreased WC needed by 20%. Frosch decreases WC needed by 20%. The 900 words have been met

Jewels: 175,000 = 100,000 +15% (Faifnir Skin) + 20% (Belt) + 20% (Ring) + 20% (Guild)
EXP: 9,375 = 7,500 + 15% (Faifnir Skin) +10% (Guild Bonus)
300 Fame
5 SP to Int


Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:02 am


@Salem E. has been rewarded for completing their quest!

Luluhawa Island - Prove Your Valour GPIjkMz

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