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Kenzo Valens's Sheet

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#1Kenzo Valens 

Kenzo Valens's Sheet Empty Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:32 am

Kenzo Valens

Fortune Wheel - Victory Road - Dice Game

Name : Kenzo Valens

Age : 23

Date of birth : February 8th, X766

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Relationship : Single

Ethnicity : Half Bellan & Fioran

Class : Warrior

Race : Transcendent

Rank : S - Rank

Guild : Blue Pegasus

Tattoo : Center Back, just below the nape. Platinum Colored

Speech : #33cccc

Face Claim : Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - Bleach


Height : 190 cm

Weight : 84 kg

Hair : Light Blue

Eyes :  Light Blue

Overall :
Kenzo is a tall, muscular guy. He normally wears an open white coat with a black shirt underneath, white pants with a black Joyan sash and black boots to match. Even if most of the times he buttons his black shirt as to not raise any unnecessary stares from strangers, he just doesn’t like doing it while he fights, wearing it open and exposing his torso. The reason for that, comes from the large hole in the center of his stomach. With 10 centimeters in diameter, the hole goes all the way through his body. Instead of reveling his inner organs though, the only visible thing is a pitch-black wall.

Kenzo sports light blue spiky hair that matches with his light blue eyes. He has a sharp chin and nose, complimenting a sharp triangle pair of light blue colored eyebrows. Furthermore, Kenzo has cyan colored lines below his eyes that are reminiscent of those of a panther. Overall, his outward appearance gives off the impression of a mean, mischievous personality.

Kenzo’s most notable physical trait though, is the sinister half jawbone embedded to his right cheek, complete with a set of sharp bone teeth.


Kenzo’s personality is to say the least, complicated. In the surface, he never shows concern for anything or anyone. One could say he’s the kind of person that’s always watching his back. Living part of his childhood as a street orphan, Kenzo believes in the law of the jungle. The strong are those that survive while the ones that are weak get eaten. When faced with a situation where a stranger is in need or in peril, Kenzo’s first reaction will be to decide not to get involved. Unknowingly, he projects a fake persona of a cocky, mischievous person. While being a laid-back, sarcastic joker with those that surround him at first, Kenzo simultaneously denies his true self, yet longs for an identity.

However, this doesn’t mean that Kenzo is actually a heartless and despicable person. He has a soft spot for women above anything else. A scream for help of a defenseless woman simply reminds him of his mother’s last moments. Either way, he would never admit easily that he cares for someone else or is interested in the lives of most strangers while at the same time constantly seeking approval from others.

This dichotomy in his personality stems from his inability to protect those that he held dear in the past. Not shy by any means, most of Kenzo’s interactions remain completely superficial for him. As part of a way to protect himself, he seldom allows for others to get to know him behind his outward persona. In the end, beneath Kenzo’s detached personality lies an easy going, charming guy that cherishes his relationships with others.


  • Starry Nights
  • Training
  • Drinking
  • Fighting


  • Weak People
  • Street Performers
  • Non-Human Races


  • Become a God of War
  • Become Rich
  • Killing Demons
  • Removing his Curse


  • Loosing his Humanity
  • Loneliness
  • Being Betrayed


Kenzo’s story begins with his parents. Being born to a sorceress from Fiore and a legion commander from Bellum, Kenzo’s parents met in the field of battle in a border dispute between Bellum and the Peregrande Kingdom. Being an accomplished Fairy Tail sorceress from the magic land of Fiore, Kenzo’s mother traveled to the east while gathering information for a hundred years quest. During an unfortunate encounter, she was forced to join forces with a Bellan legion’s detachment to repel a large host of Peregrande’s knights. Proving herself powerful enough to hold back half of the enemy army during battle, Kenzo’s mother was escorted back to the capital city to be rewarded for her assistance.

Before long, his parents fell in love and decided to form a family. Finishing her reconnaissance mission for the hundred years quest, Kenzo’s mother sent back the information she had gathered to her guild master. As a side note, she notified the guild that she would stay in Bellum for longer than she had first anticipated. As such, the years went by, and before long, the couple gave birth to a young boy. The days were joyful and peaceful. As Kenzo turned 6 years old, he showed promising talent in the use of magic under the tutelage of his mom. He would spend his days learning about spells and magic manipulation, while also following his father to the barracks to see the soldiers train. In his mind, Kenzo dreamed with becoming a soldier like his father and leading the legions against Bellum’s enemies with his magic like his mother.

One day, his mother received a letter from the Fairy Tail guild master asking her to return as quickly as possible to Fiore. Seeing this as an opportunity for Kenzo to know his mother’s home, the Valens family decided to travel together. The contents of the letter would change Kenzo’s life forever.

The night before their departure, an ominous feeling swept through the air. The details of whatever happened are still fuzzy in Kenzo’s mind. The only thing he remembers is the feeling of waking up in a cold sweat after hearing his mother’s plea for help. Trembling, the young boy walked down the stairs into the living room. What came next is still something Kenzo does not remember very well. There are flashbacks of him seeing towering presence, a demonic figure with grotesque wings and horns that held his mother by the neck. A flash of an image of his father charging at the beast and being impaled by the demon’s long claws from its free hand. Time froze, sound left the world. Frozen with fear, Kenzo stood motionless while his mother wrestled with the demon as he opened a portal into a dimensional rift. Before the demon finished, his mother called for his name as she chanted a spell. Kenzo could feel his mother’s magical energy enveloping his body in a blue-ish hue while the whole room was filled with a golden light that emanated from her hands, blurring his vision and rendering him unconscious.

Waking up the next day in a puddle of blood and sweat, Kenzo’s mother and the demon were nowhere to be seen. The only evidence left that what occurred had not been simply a terrible nightmare was his father’s lifeless corpse. As he dragged himself to his body, a searing pain scorched Kenzo’s stomach. Where once before laid his skin and belly button, a pitch-black hole cursed all the way through his torso. Fear immediately took control of his body, as the missing part of his stomach hurt as if he was being stabbed by red hot blades. However, he had no time to waste. Ignoring the pain and the shock, Kenzo quickly ran to the library where his mother kept her magic tomes. Struggling to even move, he used his whole strength to open the chapter on healing magic. Without thinking twice, the young boy attempted a high-grade spell to heal his father. He had never attempted a spell so advanced before, but there was no time to waste. As he focused on making the ethernano flow through his body, the pain on his stomach surged to a peak. As he uncontrollably tried to stop the pain, he felt as if something was coming out of his right cheek. Tearing through his flesh and bone, a sinister half jawbone slowly formed on the right side of his face. The more he channeled his magical power to the healing spell, the faster the jawbone materialized. After it had completely formed, the pain knocked the young boy out. Sadly, Kenzo not only lost both of his parents that day, but also his ability to use magic.

The years passed and Kenzo survived as a street orphan in the capital city of Bellum. His memory of that fateful night growing fuzzier as the time passed. The local authorities determined that the sorceress from Fiore had killed the Bellan commander, leaving behind a child with the brand of the devil. Thrown into the cruel reality that humans don’t care for anything other than their lives, Kenzo was left to fend for himself. Spending weeks on end starving and dreaming of something to eat, the young boy learned that the only way to survive was by constantly stealing and fighting. Only those with power and wealth could afford a lifestyle of peace. Kenzo promised himself that he would become stronger and richer than anyone else, making sure that nothing would be out of his reach again and no one would be able to take away from him the peace and comfort that he would construct for himself.

As he grew up as a thug in the streets, he became acquainted to a group of mercenaries from the west, managing to convince them to let him join their quest for riches and glory. For almost ten years, Kenzo would fight the daimyo’s battles in Joya. Making himself acquainted with the way of the warrior that Joyan samurai were known for, he quickly adopted the use of the katana. Even if his days were full of slaughter and battle, he slowly felt like he had found once again a place to call home. With time, many young orphans like him had joined the mercenary band and with each battle they survived the boys grew to become brothers.

However, misfortune rarely strikes once. For Kenzo, this meant that everything was about to change again. After a particularly successful raid to an enemy camp, the merry band of mercenaries celebrated by drinking themselves to sleep that day. What no one expected, was that an enemy group would ambush and massacre the members in the darkness of night. One of Kenzo’s comrades in arms had decided to betray them in hopes of obtaining a larger portion for himself. The men fought valiantly against the attackers, left and right Kenzo’s friends died. As he saw the corpses of those he called brothers pile up, the young mercenary was consumed by a burning rage. With each strike of his sword he drew the blood of his enemies, and with each life he took an ever more sinister smile grew on his lips. The jawbone on his cheek emitted an ever-darker aura with each life he took, slowly making his light blue eyes shine in the darkness of night. As he fought for his life, Kenzo’s mind slowly fell into the abyss in an all-consuming hatred. He is not even sure if he slashed some of his brethren in his fury, but he fought until he had the head of the one who had betrayed them all. However, the enemies were just too many, and the man was left with no other option but to retreat.

Barely escaping with his life, Kenzo once again mourned the death of his parents as he felt hopeless. There was nothing left in the world for him again, except for that cursed hole in his stomach and jawbone in his cheek. Aimless and desperate, Kenzo tried to remember what had happened the night his parents were killed. Sadly, it was impossible for him to make sense of his memories. The only thing he knew, was that whatever attacked them that day was not of this world. If he wanted to recover his past, he would need to uncover the truth behind his mother’s past. As he arrived to Fiore in search for answers, his peaceful and happy days with his family and later with his brothers in arms seemed like a dream.

For now, Kenzo wanders through Fiore in search for a clue. Taking jobs as a bounty hunter and a mercenary wherever he goes. He doesn’t know where this path will take him. And yet, he feels that deep within his memories lies the answer as to why the hole in his torso hides more than what first meets the eye.

Last edited by Kenzo Valens on Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:35 am; edited 26 times in total

Kenzo Valens's Sheet IgtZBYS
#2Kenzo Valens 

Kenzo Valens's Sheet Empty Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:09 am

Kenzo Valens

Base Statistics
Damage: 3x S - Rank
Lunge: 12.5 m/s
Run Speed: 25 m/s
Hit Points: 3x S - Rank
Lunge: Twice per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
Pain Tolerance: A - Rank

Full-Gear Statistics
Damage: 3x S - Rank
Lunge: 15 m/s
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Hit Points: 3x S - Rank
Lunge: Twice per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
Pain Tolerance: A - Rank


Magnetite Stone

  • Drawbacks attached on items that would hinder the user's speed instead raise their speed for that amount.

Weapon Mastery

  • Novice: +5% (+26) Strength


  • Masamune: +140 Strength | +40 Speed
  • Beowulf's Axe: +100 Strength
  • Helmet of Ares: +60 Speed
  • Heavy Dwarven Armor: +40 Strength | +40 Speed


The Sun : You will be required to role play as though it were daytime, explicitly stating it is in your posts. Should you enter a topic that's been stated as being the night time, then your presence will shift it into day. If you are interacting with a character that has the moon card then the latest person will impact the time. You may complete 10 posts after receiving the roll in a topic titled "The Day [Character's Name]" This must be done solo and can be stopped and started at different locations. After successfully isolating yourself, your character gains the Daywalker aura.

  • Day-walker Aura : After bathing in the glow of the sun, you have come to embrace its warm clinging to it even as it disappears into the horizon. Users under the Sun card may use: Praise the Sun which allows them to act as though it is day-time at a mana cost of 5% base mana per turn receiving a one post cool-down reduction and a 20% mana reduction or 20% to all stats as a Non-mage. Should an opponent be within 5 meters of the user while Praise the Sun is being used they will be partially blinded until they leave the 5 meter radius.



[VI. Mythic] - Masamune

Name : Masamune

Slot : Weapon

Type : Katana

Class : Mythic

Handling : Two-Handed

Quantity : Limited

Element : None

Damage : +140 Strength

Durability : Indestructible

Description : A powerful katana capable of dispelling spells it hits.

Lore :

Details : The blade is 2 meter long and the hilt is 30 centimeters long.

Requirements :

  • The user must be a Warrior.

Ability :

  • Dispel Magic : Masamune dispels spells upon contact. The wielder of Masamune must pay the equal amount of mana as the spell they dispelled.

Bonus :

  • Speed

Spell :

  • Name : Masamune's Full Negation
    Rank : S
    Mana Cost : 500
    Requirements : None
    Type : Offensive
    Element : None
    Range : ~
    Cooldown : 5 Posts
    Duration : Instant
    Effect : The user raises the sword into the air and points it to the sky. Almost instantly, it will disable all spells ongoing at that moment in the topic and put them in their cooldown mode. Besides that, it will add an additional 3 post cooldown for one time to each spell that has been negated by this spell.


[VI. Mythic] - Beowulf's Axe

Name: Beowulf's Axe

Slot: Weapon

Type: Axe

Class: Mythic

Handling: One-Handed

Quantity: Limited

Element: Frost

Damage: +100 Strength

Durability: Indestructible

Description: An Axe with a sinister look to it. Beowulf's Axe is 1m long with a large blue axe blade attached to the top. The axe's blade is shaped quite cruelly with spikes running along the back for goring. A rusted chain can be seen wrapped around the head and handle of the axe.

History : Much about Beowulf's past has been lost to time, all that is remembered of who he was before being a hero was that he was born in the country of Iceberg. One of  Beowulf's most notable stories is how he would charge into battle, slaying demonic beast's left and right, bathing in their blood. With a sweep of his magical axe he could unleash a freezing cold flame that froze all who came in contact with it.

Stories also regale of how he never lost against the element of fire, that was before a battle that changed all that. In a struggle for his life against a Seraphim, Beowulf was defeated with fire, and scorched beyond recognition but still lived. Left with horrible third-degree burns that burned off his sweat glands and left harsh scarring he was forced to spend the rest of his years covered in bandages. The fire left a deep fear seated within his psyche and he would freeze up whenever confronted with fire from that point onwards.

Beowulf is said to have disappeared after the battle with Izrael returning to his homelands to protect them from invasion. On his death bed, Beowulf went into seclusion never to be seen or heard from again. His tomb is a mystery lost to time and has yet to be found.

Drawback :

  • None

Ability :

  • Frost Fire : A unique ability possessed by the Axe of Beowulf is the ability to control a super cold fire whose temperature is that of sub-zero. The flame is light blue in color and cold to the touch while releasing a cold mist. The Frost Fire can ignore all Frost Immunities and Resistances to deal Frost Magical damage.
  • Frost Touch : Water created by Beowulf's axe while remaining in a liquid state is below sub-zero in temperature. Anything the water comes in contact with freezes over, this quantified by binding their targets with the equivalent rank for damage.
  • Frozen Skin : The wielder has a moderate resistance to all frost-based damage.

Spells :

  • Name : Sweeping Frost
    Rank : S
    Mana Cost : 500
    Requirements : Beowulf's Axe
    Type : Offensive
    Element : Frost
    Range : 30 Metres
    Cooldown : 5 Posts
    Duration : Instant
    Effect : A pool of icy cold water is released from the axe spilling across the ground covering a 30m area. Anyone besides the user standing in the pool will be filled with a chill as the temperature in the area drops tremendously. Everyone in the icy cold water beside the user will receive 1x S-Rank Frost Magical Damage and suffer a 20% decrease to all stats for the remainder of the topic.


[V. Legendary] - Helmet of Ares

Name: Helmet of Ares

Slot: Helm

Type: Helm

Class: Legendary

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Lore: The legends in Seven tell the story of Hepheastus, the God of the Forge, being tasked by Zeus, the King of Gods, to create a helmet fit for the greatest warrior among the Olympians. Thus, Hepheastus worked on this item at the heart of a volcano for centuries till it was finally complete.

Upon presenting it to Zeus, the King of Gods summoned his children to compete for the title of God of War. The fighting was fierce, but Ares prevailed in the end after defeating his opponents. Thus, Ares was awarded with the item. Despite winning the helmet, the violent nature of his fight awarded him with nothing but resentment from the rest of Olympos.

In Earthland's warring ages, Ares reigned supreme among the mortals and aided those most devout to him. Though, when his followers, with just cause, wanted to defeat one of their enemies, a few of the Olympians decided to aid the others instead. This resulted into Ares losing the war and the faith of his followers in shambles. In the end, it was Hepheastus whom had made it happen, for he became aware that Ares had an affair with his wife.

Ares disappeared and swore to get revenge over the rest of the Olympians for humiliating him. In the legends, it is said that Ares gifted his helmet to the man who would one day become the founder of Bellum, blessing the young nation to conquer all of their foes one day.

Requirements: None


  • Speed: -60


  • Ares' Domination: The user is unaffected by both buffs and debuffs from others.

Name: Ares' Executioner
Rank: D-S
Mana Cost: 200-1000
Requirements: Helmet of Ares
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: ~
Cooldown: ~
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user can extend the length of their weapon while holding onto its hilt by shouting 'Execution'. The length of the weapon can be increased up to 10 meters. It takes two seconds for the weapon to reach its maximum size. The cooldown and mana cost applied to this spell is based on the selected length increase.

  • 1 or 2 Meters: 1 Post Cooldown (200 Mana)
  • 3 or 4 Meters: 2 Post Cooldown (400 Mana)
  • 5 or 6 Meters: 3 Post Cooldown (600 Mana)
  • 7 or 8 Meters: 4 Post Cooldown (800 Mana)
  • 9 or 10 Meters: 5 Post Cooldown (1000 Mana)


[IV. Unique] - Heavy Dwarven Armor

Name : Heavy Dwarven Armor

Slot : Armor

Type : Armor

Class : Unique

Weight : Heavy

Quantity : Limited

Element : None

Durability : 2x S - Rank

Description : This simple and elegant armor is one of the most favoured choice by many Dwarves. While the armor is not lavishly decorated, the perfection of Dwarven smithing is still very obvious. The plates of the armor have a dark grey tint with golden borders, and they are held together by a fine chain mail underneath.

Requirements :

  • None

Bonus :

  • Strength : +40

Drawback :

  • Speed : -40

Abilities :

  • Steadfast : The user is not affected by any knock-back effects.


[III. Rare] - Pocket Dimension Ring

Name: Pocket Dimension Ring

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Rare

Quantity: Unlimited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 1x A-Rank

Description: A magical ring with a pocket dimension to store equipment in it.

Requirements: None


  • Pocket Dimension: The user can have their equipment stored inside the ring. In topics, the user can summon and equip their items immediately using this effect.


[V. Legendary] - Magnetite Stone

Name : Magnetite Stone

Slot : Relic

Type : Stone

Class : Legendary

Quantity : Limited

Element : Non-Elemental

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A magical ore found in deep trenches, such ores can only be obtained at dusk on the first day of every third month.

Requirement :

  • The user must be a Warrior.

Abilities :

  • Drawbacks attached on items that would hinder the user's speed instead raise their speed for that amount.


Dhan-Galhoul's White Eye

Name : Dhan-Galhoul's White Eye

Slot : Modification

Type : Eye

Class : -

Quantity : Limited

Element : -

Description : A single eye from a dark elven raider which has been stored perfectly inside a magical jar. The eye can be placed into someone's socket in order to obtain certain feats.

Lore : Dhan-Galhoul battled his father, Nher-Galhoul, to claim succession according to old Dark Elven ways. Upon losing, Nher-Galhoul removed his son's sight in a way which prevented Dhan-Galhoul from ever regenerating it in the future. The shame would have prevented most of pursuing such efforts, but not Dhan-Galhoul. In time, Dhan-Galhoul became one of the most excellent raiders in the Dark Elven armies. He pushed himself and reached a new level. Even though his sight was gone, he could still observe anyone around him through a new mysterious added sense. In the end, Dhan-Galhoul defeated his father and became one of the Talos, however, he lost one of his eyes permanently during the battle.

Requirements :

  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant in one of his topics.

Notes :

  • The user must sacrifice one of their own eyes or must have an empty eye-socket for the transplantation to succeed. Somehow, the Mysterious Merchant can magically do it for you in an instant upon purchasing it and choosing whether you want it left or right.

Feats :

  • White Eye:

    • The user has 360º unobstructed sensory of anything physical and magical within a field of 10 meters diameter.
    • Sensory does not mean equal sight and thus colors cannot be observed, for example.



Name: Shadow Runner

Slot: Mount

Race: Dhuilin

Quantity: Unlimited

Element: Darkness

Requirements: None

Description: In the past, Dhuilin appeared very similar to horses, but this changed over time. Dhuilin are magical creatures which possess a small amount of moldable mana inside of them. In order to survive, the mana inside the Dhuilin slowly changed into that of their surroundings. This process also changed their appearance. Dhuilin are no longer capable of doing it, and the elemental mana of the offspring is now based on the parents. It is a rare sight to see them used as a mount, for Dhuilin won't let themselves get caught easily and are difficult to tame.

Perks :

  • The user receives a 30% wordcount reduction on traveling.
  • The user can take on extra person with them on the Dhuilin during their travels. The extra rider will receive the same wordcount reduction.


[II. Uncommon] - Winged Lemur

Name: Kin

Slot: Companion

Race: Winged Lemur

Class: Uncommon

Quantity: Unlimited

Element: Arcane


  • Strength: 5
  • Constitution: 7
  • Speed: 8

Physiology: The winged lemur is equipped with large, membrane-like wings attached to its arms that allow it to take flight. It has a prominently black face with two proportionately large, green eyes, and its fur is mostly white with several black stripes. Other color markings and variations have been seen. The winged lemur has two very wide, long ears on its head that give it fantastic hearing. It has a monkey-like tail, which is usually black with two white stripes at its tip. It is also very quick and agile. The lemur seems to have a very acute sense of smell, as it is able to detect food at a moderate distance.


  • The user can only purchase this with their main.

Perks :

  • Flight: The companion can hover and fly up to 2 meters.
  • Scavenger: The companion is capable of finding trinkets and other interesting things during quests which grants the user an increase of 10% in jewels when completing quests.



  • Weapon : Sword, Axe, Spear, Hammer

  • Armor : Heavy, Shields


  • Weapon Mastery : Warriors receive a 25% discount on training the Weapon Mastery and cost discount for a sword, axe, spear and hammer  and heavy armor. Starting Warriors may claim a common heavy armor, helm, shield and sword, axe or spear set upon approval of their character from the shop.

  • Armored Movement & Wielding : Warriors are used to wearing heavy-weight armor and wielding heavy weapons. The speed reduction that is applied for wearing heavy armor and wielding heavy weapons is removed.

  • Best Defense is a Good Offense : Warriors can wield shields alternatively they may dual wield one-handed weapons.

  • Minor Magical Resistance : Warriors receive one rank less damage from magic.

Weapon Mastery

[Novice] - Sword

Novice :



Intermediate :


  • Here [0/7500]
    (25% WC Reduction from Class)




Indulging oneself into getting stronger and advancing beyond human capabilities, they would achieve enlightenment or superhuman feats or... that was what was promised. Humans have always been fixated on reaching new levels to surpass the mortal plain and break through the confines of their bodies. For generations, mankind has made sacrifice after sacrifice to evolve to strengthen their magical cores and achieve new levels of heights. Those who have managed to surpass their mortal bodies and rise beyond simple humans rise to unlock potential deep inside their bodies to become closer to Gods. Awaiting to be unlocked and accessed, the power of a God, the power of both creation and destruction.

Purchase: Here


  • Minor Magic Resistance : Transcendents receive Minor Magic Resistance.

  • Fast Growth : Transcendents receive 10% more exp when completing quests.

  • Unlocked Potential : Transcendents retain the potential of humans receiving double attributes every rank up. In addition, Transcendents' also gain 50% more mana every rank.

Name : Unchained

Mana Cost : 5% of Total Base Mana

Requirements : 100 RP Posts as Transcendent

Type : Transformation

Range : Self

Cooldown : 3 Posts

Duration : Sustain

Effect : The users eyes begin to glow as flame like tribal markings appear over their entire body. The markings begin to crack before shattering as the users potential is unleashed.  All the Attributes of the user are increased by 40% of their base amount. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be cancelled by artefacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Post Count for Transformation - Done!

Last edited by Kenzo Valens on Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:08 am; edited 34 times in total

Kenzo Valens's Sheet IgtZBYS
#3Kenzo Valens 

Kenzo Valens's Sheet Empty Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:58 am

Kenzo Valens










Kenzo Valens's Sheet IgtZBYS

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