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Don't Know How to Stop

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Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:15 pm

The member 'Jikan' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 91


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:18 pm


Reroll using Millennium puzzle

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:18 pm

The member 'Jikan' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 1


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:19 pm


Reroll using lucky clover

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:19 pm

The member 'Jikan' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 28


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:43 am


Tempris was gaining distance and watched the firefight of spells and destructive magic. None of the attacks headed towards her so she used this chance to make her own move. As soon as all the spells resolved from her allies, the girl lunged forward and attempt to hit Meinu with a powerful palm thrust and grapple the assistant while shoving her away from the shogun. Separating the two and hopefully breaking any synergies between the two Joyans. "Please cease this resistance. The history and records need to record. Fate has dictated as such."

The girl was not using her strongest tool but this was because the target was the shogun. Having Meinu alive would better help with records of the Collective Mind. She was sure Kon would be please with such a prisoner. Should it proved to be more difficult, the girl would before to bring out the tool that she felt the most connected too. Should this hit, it would deal 2S rank of physical damage.

roll 1 for Meinu


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:43 am

The member 'Tempris' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 12

#58Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:02 pm

Game Master
Something within the Shogun made her feel some sort of worry, sadness as Meinu was downright bleeding. She was hurt unlike ever before. Did Ayame actually care about Meinu? The woman was always see and shown as callous besides for her own self. "S-shogun..." she spoke softly. Not out of wanting her to save her, but out of pure love for the woman. Even if Ayame acted like she didn't care about her, sometimes ignored her, Ayame - unlike anyone else, actually listened to her, gave her a home, and not cast her out. "I... won't fail you, and if I do, it will be me trying my best," she whispered as started to transform into her actual form.

Meinu transformed into a dog-like demon. Her head was of a white canine, white eyes with kanji in them and half of her body of the same. The bottom half of Meinu's body was spiritual-like, see-through as she was 10 meters tall. Bloody tears ran down Meinu's white fur as she stepped onto the ground, releasing wind damage to all people, shredding armor of her foes if hit. Her legs wobbled as she was trying her best to stay up.

Ayame couldn't believe what she was seeing, she gritted her teeth and glared at all of them. Firstly, she wasn't going to show that she truly cared about Meinu, but not enough to use her certain two abilities. Secondly, she reached for her gun and that was when she started to tear up. "I won't let you go down without seeing me hurt them..." she spoke and chuckled insanely. Her arm lifted upward and shot out a summoning circle. It twirled and summoned bullets that not even shields can block.

Meinu went for everyone with Wind+Darkness damage, summoning wind-like blades at all. Doing x2S rank damage.

Shogun brought out her gun and shot the air, summoning a barrage of bullets that will fall on everyone. If they're hit, it'll go through their shields/barriers and hit them for x2 Damage. This does Darkness/Arcane damage


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:02 pm

The member 'Game Master' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 4, 10


#2 'Dice 20' : 19, 2


#3 'Dice 20' : 10, 13


#4 'Dice 20' : 1, 13


#5 'Dice 20' : 12, 2


#6 'Dice 20' : 16, 20

#60Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:05 pm

Game Master


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:05 pm

The member 'Game Master' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 14, 10

#62Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:23 pm

Game Master
Meinu was hit for enough to hit her to her Phase II

Shogun wasn't harmed during this round

Shogun got angry and shot a barrage of bullets

Meinu transformed into a large dog-like beast with a ghostly-like feat from the waist, down.

Their hits:

Missed Meinu

Shogun hit Yuurei and Renji for x2, this goes through shields and barriers, Meinu missed you

Shogun missed Jikan, Meinu hit Jikan for x2S damage. unless weak to wind or darkness.

Meinu hit Kaito and Revy for x2S rank,
but the Shogun was accidently hit by a bullet of her own as it fell on her, receiving x2 Rank damage.

Tempris was hit by Shogun's barrage and was hit for 2S rank damage. Goes through barrier/shields

Jin was hit by Shogun's 2S Damage - goes through barriers/Shields and Critted by Meinu, hitting for x3S.

Alisa was hit by Shogun's 2S Damage - goes through barriers/Shields

#63Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:26 pm

Game Master
New Ruling
You may only use one Rerolling Item in a Fight. If you get the wrong dice, it is still used. As I will convert the number and judge it upon the best of my ability.

This is to make sure the topic is clean and not full of dud posts.

If you do not post any actual rp in the post, you will lose points that you gained from the rerolling.


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:13 pm


◈ --- ◈ --- ◈ --- ◈

So much was going on, Meinu was close to death already as she saw the form of her being a dog. There was a specific name for the demonic presence, but she didn't get paid to think about it. After that fail of a hit from her chains, things went down like crazy. All the hits towards Meinu as Mishiko felt like something sinister will happen once Meinu went down. Her head turned for a split second to see Ohta there with a serious face. He was shielding the best he could for everyone. She couldn't imagine how she'd act if Ohta went down. She couldn't let that happen. Something old within her started to wake up in a thumb of a heartbeat, but didn't fully awaken just yet.

She backed away with a dash backwards and waved her hands in mid-jump while her weapon was in her other hand. A large summoning circle formed in front of her, creating a large 4x4meter wave of blackened sea water going towards Meinu and Ayame. She made sure to stand close to Ohta now as she wasn't going to do any close combat against Ayame for now. Something was cooking...



Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:13 pm

The member 'Mishiko' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 12, 7


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:07 pm


Yuurei wasn’t sure what the problem was, but he couldn’t land a hit on this woman. He would shake his head though as he figured that he would get close to the woman. He wasn’t sure what everybody was doing, but he would get out of the way of their attacks, and once it was clear, he would go in for close combat. Yes, it was what he was known for and he figured this would take her out completely. His Gae Bolg was still going though; it was a continuous attack that he had no control over anymore. It would continue to follow the Shogun until she was hit or he ran out of mana.

He did see an attack coming from the Shogun. It was some sort of area attack, and he would move around to try and dodge the attack. However, the attack that came from Meinu would surprise him, and he would dodge her attack. This would lead to him getting hit by the Shogun’s attack and he would grunt from the blow, but he would shrug it off as he didn’t have time for delays, plus his resistance to her attack made it weaker than it would normally be. Once he was close, Migi would grow two blade-like appendages from the arm and it would strike at the Shogun from two meters away. Yuurei would be attempting to do some tough damage if he landed a hit on her. His eye made it possible and his training would hopefully flourish here.

“That Kind of hurt Ayame.” He had a smirk on his face as he was attacking her.

Renji would dodge the attack from Meinu as he moved around to make sure she couldn’t hit him. Still, because of this, he didn’t see the Shogun’s attack and he would be hit by it. He thought the suit would protect him, but he was wrong. He would feel the pain from the attack and it would seem like the Shogun had the ability that pass through their armor. It hurt a lot and he was pissed because he felt like it was time to leave things up to Yuurei. Still, it would seem like it was the right thing to do. He would attack the Shogun’s companion and leave the rest to the Guild Masters and their representative.

The Exceed would focus on Meinu and he would send another slash through the Jeweled Sword Zelretch at her. He was hoping it would hit and cause her to fall, so he could help Yuurei with their fight against the Shogun.


Combat Log:

Spells Used:
Renji Appearance:


Migi's Arm:

Shinigami's Red Eye:


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:07 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 9


#2 'Dice 20' : 11


#3 'Dice 20' : 19


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:49 am


With a thud Jikan felt her blow land. A flip away to further the distance and a stream of attacks from the others followed suit. A coordination of effort seemed to be focus on the Shogun's little bet. As pretty and strong she may appear, she had a nasty inside. That was clear from her voice, and...the transformation that came. Showing her true appearance. A large dog looking beast. Fierce and hungry with a ghostly-like feat from the waist, down.

Landing on her feet as she eyed the shift with a soft amusement. It was a long long time since she had seen a demon. The last time, well, the last time she could remember was when she was much younger. With a shift of mana, Jikan would change her perception. Her eyes looking to the Shogun as she brought out her gun and shot into the air, summoning a barrage of bullets from above like an airal strike. With a number of nible hops and running. Jikan dodged side to side as she made her approach back towards Meinu; avoiding the Shoguns attacks but making her a closer target for the companion's wrath. The darkness wind blades coming in a wave of slashes that threatened to shredd her cloak to pieces. When all was done the black and red colors of Jikan's Calamity Robe would flow to the ground. A bit of annoyed eyebrow raised in response as she would have to pay for a replacement when this was all done now...

Or at least that would have been how she felt if it wasn't for Otha's magical protection.  The 4 meter mirrior like barrier eating the brunt of the attack spell.

The pink petals shimmered once again as they flowed around their master. An outstretched hand pointed to the Shogun as an stream of petals fell from above the moment her and Yuueri had a moment of distance between them. Threatening to cut into the ruler's body for 1xS. With a trained focus Jikan would keep her eye on Meinu though. Her red eye peeking out from her hair as she looked at the fleeting life of the demon. "You time comes to an end soon Meniu", Jikan spoke in a stiff voice as she shifted her feet. Placing her left foot in front of her right with her right fist coming up to a guard in front of her left. Biding her time as Renji shot out an attack towards the beast. Waiting for the moment the creature evaded the blow or was hit. Flying in from the side to throw out a hook punch to its side.

Stats :


Abilities / Perks:

Spell used :

Summary :


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:49 am

The member 'Jikan' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 11, 4


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:08 pm


Kaito watched as the Shogun seemed to have shot herself and he sees the others attack flying in and it hit the shield lucky for Revy and Kaito that the shields had taken the damage for them. "Mishiko remind me I owe you dinner some time after this." He was teasing a bit which was a bit out of his character but that was fine. Kaito signaled to Revy that he was going to aim for the Shogun as his main target as he had seen what her attacks could do if they hit from what it did to the others that had shown up so he swings his pointed hand and a slashing wave of dimensional magic flew forward toward the Shogun.

Revy having watched her shield take a beating knows it can't last for ever, she saw Kaito's signal to her knowing his signal to switch targets she ran from the other enemy toward the shogun and she goes right at her with the sword that Kaito had given her to fight with and she takes her luck and goes for the swing on the woman that had hurt the others and was a risk to Kaito.

Kaito's spread:


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:08 pm

The member 'Kaito' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 9


#2 'Dice 20' : 9


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:19 pm


Tempris fell to the ground taking critical damage. Underestimating the shogun's strength was a grave mistake, however the battle was not over. Tempris looked towards Meinu who seemingly turned into something horrible. The girl knew the woman tried to attack them with a deadly attack but the shogun's attack saved her, ironically enough, and allowed Tempris to avoid it.

Since she was closes to this new Meinu, Tempris decided to continue fighting her. It was time to unleash her magic. The thought sent tingling excitement down the girl's spine. It felt right, needed, necessary. Yet it also felt scary like by using the spell, she would be engulfed by something not herself but... greater. Either way, the wheels of fate were rolling. The girl made like she was holding a weapon and then made a vertical strike as if she was slashing the air. A magical circle enveloped both Her and Meinu and then an explosion of white and blue fire engulfed them both healing Tempris for 1 A rank of damage and damaging Meinu for 1 S rank should the spell land.

-350 mana from Purge all Sin

(assuming healing is successful)
2S1A/4S Health
2,150/2,500 mana

Tempris used Spell to heal herself and damage Meinu
Name: Purge All Sin
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Holy Flames of Illumin
Type: Healing/AOE
Element: Light
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown:5 Posts
Duration: Instant
The user makes a vertical swinging motion as if holding a weapon or a vertical swinging motion with a weapon. This creates a magical circle 4-Meter Diameter magic circle under the user. A 16-Meter Diameter magic circle is created at the target location. When the spell activates an 8 meter radius explosion of white and blue holy flames purify all who are inside the magic circle cleansing them of their sin and heresy. This Heals the CON of everyone in the area by 1 S-Rank.

#73Jin Tatsumi 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:58 pm

Jin Tatsumi
"Ah crap," Jin gritted his teeth as after he shot his healing spell for an offensive, a serious wave of destruction had come their way. Bullets hailed forth blended with blades of wind. The small companion morphed into a demonic creature that caused jIn to dig his heels in deeper. The wave of wind blades crashed into the barrier that Ohta had put up thankfully, leaving it with small remnants left. Luckily he could preserve his own barrier for now. The bullets, much like his own magic, eased through the armor and the barrier tearing into his flesh with ease. He stumbled back a bit from the blow and saw some of his allies ravaged by the same attack. He coughed blood and caught it on his sleeve as the bullets pierced through him.

With a hand to his chest, he cast another spell creating a similar circle of healing as before. He extended his hand outward and a large circle appeared around him, healing some of his wounds. He swung his hand out wide and brought the healing circle to all his injured allies and then toward the enemy once more. "Stay Close, I'll do what I can." was all he said as he hoped the healing would get to them in time. He thought he had more time but with attacks that could go through armor, he had to be more alert. Blood had already spilled on the battlefield and yet it felt like things has just begun.


roll #1 Shogun
roll #2 Meinu


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:58 pm

The member 'Jin Tatsumi' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 18, 12


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:54 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Mishiko | OUTFIT


Very few people had the ability to go through magical defenses like this... And fewer still had the ability to do so when attacking so many damn people at once. Alisa gasped as the attack when through her guards and struck her defenses, without even damaging her barrier, but then, how in the devils:

"Why you...!", without wasting a breath, she snapped at the Shogun and her lapdog, swiping her arm towards her target and producing a gleaming diamond blade that would soon erupt into a massive crystalline blast at the slightest explosions, "Guess it's more than mere luck that let you put down roots on that seat."

She growled, hurt, but nowhere near out of the count yet. Soon, she felt an invigorating aura rushing through her, a spell cast from someone she'd never consider a friend at any other time that not this one, but here they were, fighting to take down the very same foe. Surely they'd go back to being enemies once they got back to Fiore, but that could wait until this slaver waste of biomass was six feet under:

"Alas... It ends today...!", she growled, having made sure to aim her crystalline blast right at the woman's feet, so she couldn't simply sidestep out of the way to avoid her big explosion.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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