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Don't Know How to Stop

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Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:43 am


This darkness was something else, far making it harder to throw out her attacks then Jikan had thought. The magical life stirring the world around was hard to tell and make out. Bits and pieces were given to Jikan’s senses. A dark deep growling sound, voice? The swelling shift of the wind as something came by. Heavy labored breathing. Then with a suddenness something came, a large hand that closed in. Just as Jikan braced to face the impact of the strike. Nothing. Wide eyed it just phased through her.  An unknown concern. She felt no physical pain, no internal change in her mental state or magic. Did the attack fail for some reason?

Tch”, Jikan sounded as she shifted her feet. It was odd, this occurrence. What was going on here and what of the others? With the darkness it was hard, practically impossible for her to see. All she had was hearing; the sound of people running. Blades slashing, impacts to the ground. There was a storm brewing. Wait a minute...

It was a quick realization as Jikan spun around in the darkness. Her nose, blessed by the art of the dragon slayer. Radared to her a shift in the environment. Scents that she had gotten accustomed to; Yuueri and Alisa, had seemed to vanish out of nowhere. They could not be dead.  Beyond the realm of strength they had been a thing to make Jikan doubt such a possibility; well.  There was no smell of it.  No burnt flesh, no blood. No ash. As spread out they all were, Jikan surely would have smelled or heard that. What then? Did they get transported by that strange hand? It was magic after all? And why-

In a second a blood mist graced Jikan’s presence. A burst of a form, the deranged damaged form of the Shogun made out of blood appearing before her stabbing her before disappearing once again. Piercing through to her. A widened eye meeting her gaze before Jikan’s body fell to her knees. A gasp before the mana petals glimmered for one last time before swirling in a dance. Returning in Jikan’s gripped left hand back into the form of Senbonzakura. Darkness came as her body went limp falling face first to the ground seemingly in defeat.

Then a well of mana shined for those that could see within the magical darkness, a soft blend of colors. Dragonic scales growing out covering Jikan’s body as she returned to a knelt position. The gray  scales across her body vibrant with the Sanguine dragon’s power. The gray aura covered her in a coat of energy as her right eye glowed with her magic. The red colored eye of the death god in Jikan’s left eye took on a hue, a purple glow to them as well to Jikan’s body that danced and swung with her magical transformation. Destructive power in every fiber of her being as Jikan coughed to her feet. “You got to do more than that to put me down”.

Stats :


Abilities / Perks:

Summary :


scatter, 4 posts
Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, 4 posts

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:58 pm


"Good I had made it in time." Kaito having saved Jin from what might have been death for him Kaito turned and he touched the side of his head activating his mana vision so he can see where everyone is by their mana and where the shogun was. and then he sees something strange reach from inside and swipes and he watched as about half the team was torn away from the battle in an instant and Kaito watched the mist that the boss turned into following her mana and he readies himself but he knows that he is going to have to wait. Kaito's cloak falls off of him as he transformed to a dragon force looking form  his skin turning to scales that swirled of arcane energy and light his body nearly seemed to shine like he had evolved as a dragon slayer with an aura of arcane and light radiating off of him and he looked like a humanoid dragon and he follows the woman with his hand as he was reading to unleash a spell the second that this woman comes out of her mist like form.

Revy pulled back and she waits to hear from Kaito where she needed to go or what she would need to attack as she needed to make sure that she didn't become a burden to the team as they fought but she knows that Kaito would never say that she was a burden to him but that was just something that she needed to accept as at this moment she was blind in this darkness but she knows that when it is time Kaito will yell out a command to her and she will move to make the attack on the other woman and this was going to be a rough one and she already knows it.

Kaito's spread:

#103Jin Tatsumi 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:23 am

Jin Tatsumi
"Saved my life. Thanks." He added as they rematerialized. Jin felt his hands after the strange shift in his physical state. Before much else could happen a wave washed over them. A dark magical force with fierce power. Jin braced himself but the menace washed through him without harm. Some of his comrades at arms were not as lucky. The force tore three away from the fight. Three strong allies were gone in a flash leaving them there to pick up the rest. At least the companion was gone. And the three that remained...were his preferred company. Most of them battle allies many times over.

With pain still stricken in his body he cast a small heal to rejuvenate himself. His hand pointed at himself and a beam of light cured some of his wounds. The rest of the team moved in place to eye the mist. Jin strafed along with them never letting the mist from his eyes. He had to wait and see what sort of healing anyone else may need once the foe resurfaced.


#104Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:18 pm

Game Master
She glared at them in silence as she smirked once the blade waltz was done. Three people were gone, one was slashed hard enough to trigger some ability the person had. Her ring shined instantly as she just stood there. The armor and gear that was gone were now coming back together as if nothing happened to it. She motioned her body, "Ah... back to normal," she muttered and then felt the healing of her sword. Everyone forgot to roll for damage, so she will have to. Rather or not they were inflicted was not her problem, but her eyes then looked at Meinu's dead body that was being controlled. Her angry, tired eyes looked at the one who then appeared out of nowhere. "Ugh, and here I thought I got rid of you..." she rolled her eyes at his comment, "You're quite annoying yourself," she then lets the blood of Jikan drip down into the floor flood of blood.

She smirked as she will just have to wait for 4 more turns. The gun formed in her hand as the sword was in the other. The sword and gun were pointed toward the respected person. She knew while this ability was still up, she'll be able to get through defenses. "Eat this!", she shot a bullet from her pirate-looking gun. It went towards Mishiko and it spreads into two bullets to hit Ohta and Mishiko herself in that order. After doing that, she immediately slashed her sword with her other hand, sending a ranged crescent attack toward the others.

She shot a double bullet toward Mishiko and Ohta. If it hits, they will receive S rank damage each. Goes through DEF

She swished her blade to attack a ranged bloody crescent moon-like projectile. If this hits, they receive A rank.

Her armor was repaired from her ring's ability for 5S.

Rolls: 1st: Ohta's and Mishikos, 2nd: The bladed attack, 3rd, who gets hit with burn from the sword's ability.


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:18 pm

The member 'Game Master' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 11, 5


#2 'Dice 20' : 11, 12, 3, 17


#3 'Dice 20' : 10, 2, 11, 8, 6

#106Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:15 pm

Game Master

People prepped their spells/abilities.

Yuurei came back with their guild spell.

Jikan was able to get back up due to their ability

Shogun missed Ohta and Mishiko

Shogun was able to hit Jikan and Jin for A rank damage with the sword ability

Kaito and Jin were hit for A rank damage by the passive burn


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 10:07 pm


Mishiko spoke, and he appeared as Yuurei did a magic trick. Ohta rolled his tired eyes and his barrier sadly had to go down. Everyone from their standpoint was defenseless now, but he knew what he'll have to do if it comes to it. Standing by her side, he was ready to protect her if anything came her way to harm her. Mishiko on the other hand sighed and motioned her fingers as she had Meinu finally release her spell. A twirling wind instead barriers around Mishiko as Meinu's barrier could only defend one person at a time. As Meinu did that, she decided to go forward to slash Ayame with her weapon. She was hoping she'll clash with her, if she was able to hit her, then this will be over faster than it would have been before. She was careful and before this, she smirked at Yuurei's words and was thankful that everyone else so far was okay. Something different was happening though as a long ribbon-like appendage formed behind her, attached to her as if it was ready. When she engaged on the Shogun, it attempted to impale her.



Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 10:07 pm

The member 'Mishiko' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 5


#2 'Dice 20' : 8


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:11 pm


Yuurei would wait for her to speak; he didn’t know exactly who was who in this darkness. He knew where they were, but that was it. He waited patiently and she would speak; he had a smirk on his face as that was all he needed. He was hoping that they would be able to end this right now. He would activate his Yang Gauntlet’s spell now as he would push off the ground to the Shogun. She had revealed her location with her talk, and her attacks. That was good and he figured that everybody would do something of their own to her. He hoped as a collective they could finish her off.

The Seraphim would make his way to her at a blinding speed and when he got next to her, he would swing his left arm on her face. He was launching everything eh had into this punch and making sure if he landed it, that she would feeling it even in the afterlife.

Migi was doing his own thing and he figured he would stretch two meters with the appendages that he had created from Yuurei’s arm and he would strike her as well. The two appendages would rush down the Shogun attempting to cut her down as well.  

Combat Log:

Spells Used:



Migi's Arm:

Shinigami's Red Eye:


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:11 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 10


#2 'Dice 20' : 14

#111Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:54 pm

Game Master

Jikan's turn has met the 48+hr mark since the last poster. It is now Kaito's turn.

Jikan will meet their demise.


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:09 am


Kaito seeing as the woman reappeared in his vision he knows it is now or never he has to make the attack count here and he takes aim and he swings his hand that had his fingers pointed and when hand had swung like he was cutting through the air, a spell fired forward it was a mix of his magic and light magic from the new form that Kaito had taken and he had to hope that this will hit, it has to hit as it looked like the woman was on her last legs if he misses than all of this was for naught an he can not let the team down and he yelled out to Revy to go in and attack as well as this needed to be all hands on deck this was not going to be something that was easy or can just be shook off this was a final show down that had the weight of freeing the Joyan people from the shogun hanging on it and Kaito knows that they need this.

Revy action.

Revy hearing Kaito's call to arms she readied her sword and she ran forward toward the woman, she made sure to watch her step as she got close to her to make sure that she didn't trip over anything or fall and embarrass herself as she needed to make this land and it had to be a clean hit one that would make sure that she would be able to say that she was here and that she had made it count. Revy got to the woman and she swings with all of her might the sword going right for the woman and if the woman had any weaknesses the sword would change to the weakness and do more damage to the woman. Revy would back up from the woman after this attack as she doesn't want to get caught up in any of the woman's tricks if she had not already been fell by some one that was here.

Kaito's spread:


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:09 am

The member 'Kaito' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 17


#2 'Dice 20' : 12

#114Jin Tatsumi 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:25 am

Jin Tatsumi
Yuurei had magically returned to the battle and things erupted in more chaos than before. The team moved to a rapid offensive amidst the enemy's attacks. It seemed like as soon as he got healed, more damage found its way to him. Blades and fire ripped into members of the team. The attack battered his armor but at least he wasn't going to be bleeding out on the floor. It pushed his feet back, digging into the ground.

Most of those around him were still holding on aside from those cast out of the battle. Armor and defensives were battered but no one seemed on the brink. Jin took this chance to free his whip and move into combat. He swished it backward and whipped it forward with a crack. He was still not keen on using it, but he was at a mana disadvantage and needed to save them for the most critical moments.

He popped the whip at the shogun hoping it would hit and leave a lingering disadvantage on them.



Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:25 am

The member 'Jin Tatsumi' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 6

#116Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:19 pm

Game Master

The Victory Ending

The Shogun believed she had the upper hand since she had her ring and her armor, but what she didn't rely on was the fact that Mishiko's allies were so powerful. Her eyes glared as she tried to defend herself, but even after defending against one attack, she kept getting hit. "I should have activated it sooner, but it seems to be too late now...", she muttered tiredly. The bloody arena disappeared as her black hair hung low. The sword disappeared and became just a stick, body slumping. Her armor was destroyed, and her ring was gone due to the attacks between Yuurei, his alienated abilities, and Kaito. She wasn't going to go down yet, or so she believed. "I-I won-", she was about to yell as she picked up her gun for one last show, but noticed a shadow looming over her bending body. She was tired, too tired to continue this so her arm died down and now was hanging, giving up. Mishiko on the other hand looked tired, dead in the eyes, and finally took the final blow which the kunai chains went through her body, into her heart, and took it for herself as it was brought out. She had Ayame's heart in her hand and then the body of the Shogun Ayame fell.

It was finally over as her body started to glow and disappeared, leaving the remains of her gear. With her heart in one hand, she put her weapon away and gave it to Ohta. She walked to grab Ayame's sword and turned to look at the group, nodding respectfully. "It's... finally over," she spoke with the same tiredness and deadness from not sleeping for a year and so months. "You all may grab one thing that she had as respect and a trophy of today's victory," she insisted.

#117Game Master 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:21 pm

Game Master

Everyone on this topic may now post here anything they have or need to say or do while claiming a specific piece of gear. There is no copy of anything, ex. two people may not claim two rings as there is only one. This is an option and you can DM Mishiko for the item slot and theme of your claimed item.

Everyone has been rewarded:
  • 75,000 Experience
  • 5,000,000J
  • 50 SP
  • 1500 Fame or Infamy (Bad Guilds have the option to choose Fame and vice versa for Good Guilds if they choose to)
  • Shogun Ticket to claim your chosen item once created.

You may DM Mishiko to let her know where you want your stats and if Fame/Infamy or claim by Statistic Sheet


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:27 pm


Yuurei would watch his blows land on the Shogun. They were massive hits, and he wasn’t the only one who had done their share of the damage. It was then that he would see Mishiko landing the final blow on the Shogun. He would see the woman as she looked defeated, and she had the blow dealt to her. When he saw the body drop to the ground, he would crack his neck and he would let a bunch of things be undone. One his right arm would return to normal as Migi could see the fight ha d been over. The next thing was that Renji would separate himself from Yuurei and he was exhausted from the fight. The other thing was that Yuurei had taken off his armor as he had stretched his arms into the air.

He had fun, and it would seem like the battle was over, which would be a huge hit within the war. He would look over to Mishiko as she had told them they could get something of their choosing. It would be their spoil of wars.

The Seraphim would look over to the mess around them and he would examine the loot that was around them. He would crouch down, and he would look at everything and place them down when he wasn’t happy with what he had seen. It was then he would see a ring and he would pick it up. It felt something between him, and the ring and he would look over to everyone.

“I guess I will be taking this ring. It seems like it can be useful or at least get me a lot of jewels in the black market.” He said as he would put it on his finger.

50 Strength
1500 Fame
Ring Specific item



Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:05 pm


Kaito glad that it was over but a little creeped out that the woman had torn her heart out, but he figured maybe the woman was like him and if she didn't take her heart the woman would raise again from the grave like he would with his strange necklace. Kaito walked over to the body and he reached down to the body and a strange thing happened and he wondered why he felt called to the woman's Earrings and he placed his hand toward the woman's face half expecting her to still just sit up right and grab onto him from trying to  take the earrings but Kaito is respectful and he gently removed the earrings that seemed to be calling to him and he holds them in his palm and he bows his head to the dead woman as she had put up a good fight worth respect and he wasn't going to disrespect her even if she had taken a decent dive into insanity later on in the fight.  "May you find peace and love in your next life with your friend." Kaito moved away from the body with the earrings in hand.

75,000 Experience
50 Strength
1500 Fame
Earring Specific item



Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:59 am


Jikan stood feeling the swirl of power coursing out of her. A stubborn tall stand but one of fragile legs. Pushed back to consciousness by her will, she felt the damage from that blade attack through to her very veins. It did an unavoidable bit of damage that could not go unnoticed. As the shogun slipped back into the darkness, only the continued trace and linger of her voice. The chaos of it all was hard but her enhanced senses allowed her to keep track of some things at least. She was still near Jin due to her previous attempt of attacking/blocking the shogun’s attack towards him and Jikan’s own attack towards the shogun. Kaito was also nearby, having shifted close to Jin as well, probably in some attempt to give aid she supposed. Yuueri, whose smell had vanished for a bit, had suddenly appeared back within the area. But Jikan still could not smell Alisa. That was a valuable fighting asset out of this mess…One that the others would have to deal with. 

Out from the shadowy magical darkness. Slashing through the veil, a crescent shaped arc attack came towards her and Jin. Digging into the ground with the heels of her heels, Jikan lunged forward, placing her body in front of the incoming attack! Attempting to shield Jin with her body. The purple glow of her destruction aura dancing around her touched the incoming attack. Clashing and nullifying it as it met Jikan’s body if everything went according to her plan. Rendering the damage towards Jikan and Jin, 0.

That was what Jikan thought would happen at least. For one reason or another the abilities of destruction did not work. Perhaps an inexperience with the new form. Or a complexity and stain of combing both upon Jikan’s body. The incoming attack crashed through as Jikan’s aura faltered and vanished. Overcoming Jikan’s body and leaving her covered in rocks and smoke as the battle continued. 

The battle continued and with the combined efforts put the shogun down. And like a zombie of death Jikan sprang up. Sitting up suddenly rising from the dead like an undertaker. With a fierce roar ready to continue the battle! …only to see that it was all over with. The group put an end to the shogun while Jikan was unconscious before plucking away at her body for looting. Going after the three others Jikan would shift to her feet bending over at the knee with a bit of a huff.

From the looks there were not many things left. Even less if it came to her interest. One thing did though. "Mishiko, a word for a second if you will".

75,000 Experience
50 Intelligence 
1500 infame
Companion Specific item


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#121Jin Tatsumi 

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:41 am

Jin Tatsumi
Jin watched it all come to an end. The swift carnage that swept over the battlefield was now silent as the shogun of violence fell defeated. The woman's hair dropped down and he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness from it. Or perhaps pity that things had turned out this way. Regardless, yet again it all came back to violence and death. Good or bad ceased to have such defined lines. It was goals against others.

Jikan had gone down in the midst of war. Jin turned now, that he wasn't under attack to see the woman raise from the rubble. A familiar aura radiated from her. It almost put a smirk on the man's face. Without a word, he shot a small healing spell out to ease whatever lingering pains there may be.

The paladin stepped forward with the others as they all scrounged the remains of the woman's items. It seemed a shame after all this conflict for things to end this way but it was always inevitable. He knelt down and placed a hand on the gun. "Why not," he said, finally looking to get rid of the whip he wore.

75,000 Experience
50 Con
1500 fame
Armor Specific item


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:53 am


She finally sees the woman die. She couldn't believe it took this long, but knew it was going to. The air started to clear and people started to take things from her body, which she allowed since it was a trophy thing. Her hand was still gripping the sword she wanted and then sees what everyone else was doing. Jikan suddenly wanted to talk to her about something. "What is it?", she asked, tilted her head and gazing at them with tired eyes. She stretched and yawned as she walked towards Jikan, a meter or so away. She wanted to sleep and once she got to leave, she was going to do her thing and finally get to the palace that was in ruins and fall asleep for months or so. She waited there and once Jikan said what they had to say, she was going to go. For now, she was just gonna stand there like a statue.

75,000 Experience
50 END
1500 fame
Her sword


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 3:06 am


Victory and sweet, light! Ah, it was good to see…the night again. Eh, it was just good to have all of her senses back. Now that it was over it was business to do in the land. But before that…

"Just something short. I wanted to know…what are you going to do with; her loyal companion now?", Jikan began as she stated to speak after Mishiko got close. Speaking in a soft voice audible to their personal space and the most advanced of hearing.

This ability Jikan watched Mishiko do. It was amazing and curious. She had no idea that THIS was the power that she had now. Just how much more did this woman have so hidden that Jikan did not know of??? Either way, she was simply flabbergasted and curious about this apparent skill to bring the dead back. 

"How long…does it stay alive?", Jikan continued to ask with a little emphasis of it. Trying to separate what was and what is bow. Wait…are they not the same now? Hmmm.

Either way it was best to make it short. Jikan needed new clothes and Mishiko needed to rest. They all did truthfully. "I don't see anything she had that was of much interest to me. Well….besides, it".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:23 pm


WORDS: 200 | TAG: @Mishiko | OUTFIT

Out of nowhere, she found herself ejected from the area. Alisa had some means of travelling faster, but none that would take her there instantly. Thus, she immediately picked out her skeleton key from its pocket dimension and held it firmly in one hand:

"Why, that little...! Just wait until I get back there.", Alisa deactivated her armor and all her spells to conserve magic power. With some luck, the battle might already be over by the time she got back there... If it didn't, this meant it had most likely gone south after number of allies was reduce to nearly half of what it originally was, "Divide and conquer huh? It's so painfully obvious it's almost revolting."

She snarled, her brow twitching as she strode across mostly destroyed sections of the city... She needed a doorway for this to work, but out here, it took her a while before she found one, and with a triumphant smile, she slipped the key into the hole and walked through the door. And found the battle over, her allies all fetching some precious artifacts they could find, claiming their share of the spoils:

"Oh, over already? At least this means we won without any casualties.", a little disappointed to have missed the action, but in the end, Alisa smiled at the sight of the flawless victory, and simply claimed a nearby helm that felt awfully similar to her own.

  • 75,000 Experience
  • 5,000,000J
  • 50 SP (Speed
  • 1500 Fame
  • Claiming a Headgear type ticket


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't Know How to Stop - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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