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Saturn's Sheet

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Saturn's Sheet Empty Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:39 pm






Relationship: Single

Class: Spellsinger

Guild: Rune Knights




Head: Rings of Saturn

Body: Raiment of the Justiciar

Ring: Greeds Mark

Relic: Burned Relic Shard



Cape: Ormus Hundred Hoods

Last edited by Saturn on Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:22 am; edited 24 times in total


Saturn's Sheet Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:55 pm






  • Scourge of the Abyss:  Demons receives a Minor Resistance versus Darkness.

  • Unwelcome Guest:: Demons receives a Minor Weakness versus Light.

  • With Obscura and Mana:  Nullification only reduces the damage of a Demon's spells by two ranks instead of fully canceling it. If the user is an adventurer, this applies to item spells instead.

  • God Slayer:  Demons can purchase God Slayer Magic.

  • Abyss Gazer: Demons cannot be blinded by Darkness-type spells.

  • Obscura Enchantment: Demons may enchant weapons to change their elemental alignment to Darkness-type for the remainder of a topic. This also changes the element of the spells attached to the weapon.

  • Demonic Synergy: Demons receive a 2 post cooldown reduction and a 30% mana cost reduction on Darkness-type spells. This applies to elements mixed with Darkness-type as well.



Saturn's Sheet Q4bGqQe
  • Name: Hidden Form, Disguised
    Mana Cost: 0% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Sustain
    Lore: Demons tend to disguise themselves while roaming Earthland. It allows them to blend with society without setting off any alarms. Fortunately, not all Demons are capable of performing this move to deceive others.
    Effect: The user disguises themselves with an illusion and appears as a normal human. This is the secondary FC of the user in the character application. The disguised form looks nearly identical to their undisguised form without anything that could be considered demonic. Some may be able to see through their illusion through magic or items. If this form is not used, the user is in their base form.

Saturn's Sheet XTZieQe
  • Name: Base Form, Unleashed
    Mana Cost: 1% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: None
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user removes their disguise and reveals their demonic humanoid form. The unleashed form is the primary FC of the user in the character application with a power-up. The attributes of the user are increased by 10% of their base amount. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 5%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 10%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Saturn's Sheet GhhGIfm
  • Name: Half-Transformation: Demon
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as a Demon; at Least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Lore: The true form of a Demon is quite monstrous, however, before revealing it they often tend to use their merged form. The merged form is a combination of their humanoid appearance and their true demonic form.
    Effect: The user reveals their merged form which is a combination of their undisguised form and their true form. The merged form is the third FC of the user in the character application. The attributes of the user are increased by 25% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 50%[Speed] instead of 25%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 10 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Saturn's Sheet BmjR7Dj
  • Name: Full Transformation: Demon
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as a Demon; at Least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user reveals their true demonic form. At most, the user may increase by 5 meters in height. At least, the user must increase by 2 meters in height. The true demonic form is a monstrous appearance that is a demonic beast e.g. a giant serpent, spider, wolf, etc. The true appearance is also submitted in the character application as the fourth FC. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. The user may select a single attribute that is increased by 70%[Speed] instead of 50%. This attribute cannot be changed in the future. In addition, the user reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 15%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will suffer a reduction of 25% This only affects those within 25 meters of the user. Lastly, the user can fly up to 15 meters. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.



D-rank Spells:

C-rank Spells:

B-rank Spells:

A-rank Spells:

S-rank Spells:


Last edited by Saturn on Sat Nov 02, 2024 6:44 pm; edited 36 times in total


Saturn's Sheet Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:56 pm






Topics Ongoing: [59]

203/200 200 post ticket[X Rank Restart]:
Beach: 12
ASR: 6
SF: 6
BH: 6
KWKW: 18
DD: 16
FS: 1
SS: 1
LS: 1
FTA: 7
XRDG - 2
L: 19
FTA2.0 - 6
Sand - 8
SB - 3
SOC - 4
Su - 1
EIC - 1
EH - 1
LL - 3
TT - 3
TB - 1
ADW: -12
DD - 11
JS - 1
CTS - 1
TLS - 10
TFOM - 3
BP - 2
TFI - 3
SOTD - 2
FOS - 3
CAM - 1
DW - 1
JOTD - 2
DS - 3
ROD - 3
WBP1 - 2
WBP2 - 2
ACR - 1

Demon full transformation[100/100]:
Sand: 1
A Demon without...: 12
DD - 13
JS - 1
CTS - 1
TLS - 13
TFOM - 2
BP - 3
TFI - 3
SOTD - 3
FOS - 3
CAM - 1
DW - 1
JOTD - 2
DS - 3
ROD - 3
WBP1 - 2
WBP2 - 2
ACR - 1
BTR - 4
Of our bones - 1
The hills - 1
Onward - 2
Huddled in the shadows - 2
Cut with a keen edged Sword - 1
Long Past that Last Sigh - 2
We Are All Guests Upon The Land - 2
Three Days to Cross - 2
A Few Words on Themes - 2
An Oath, Until the End - 2
Faces To the Wind - 2
Children of the Fallen - 2

Topics Completed: [24]




D-rank Quests Completed: [3]

C-rank Quests Completed:

B-rank Quests Completed:

A-rank Quests Completed: [30]

S-rank Quests Completed: [43]


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