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In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem]

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#1Salem E. 

In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:17 pm

Salem E.

Salem checked himself out on the lake surface. He found the Joyan fashion sense to be amusing. They were more into heavy stuff and armor. He thought it looked nicely designed. He was even getting used to it. It was just an odd sensation for him to be wearing armor that was like heavy scales. His standard fair has always been on the lighter side. In Desierto heavy armor was not favored. The blistering heat of the sun and sand would start to boil people in the armor before long. So they mostly stuck to light weight clothes and focused on maneuverability. This was a new look.

A flourish of checking his gear and he made his way to the meeting point. Salem got roped into helping out more. It was not his fault. He enjoyed shiny things and free armor was cool enough alone. Not to mention the chance to see all the sites and sounds around. It was a fun chance for him to experience new things and grow. Truth be told, spirits were often a stagnant type, always tied to their function they normally tend to just be that. As an Oasis spirit he was even more tied to that. His first time leaving Desierto was in this form. It took him some time to get used to it and it still surprised him.

Salem got tied to a regiment in the back. It was with the healers since he did such a great job before. The Fae got lucky enough to be a guard, or unlucky depending on who was asked. The healers were the last to get attacked by monsters considered to be unintelligent and the first to get attacked by bandits and other intellectuals. A plus side was that even though they were in the back they had an ample amount of protection. It made it easier for him to relax about it. Not that he depended on them too much. In the end Salem was determined to rely on himself for protection the most. If not it may lead to a battle that ended with a more permanent death.

The group had no less than four thousand people in this regimen of fighters. Salem was almost getting nervous; he did not know a familiar face till he saw a furry one. A tall dark and handsome figure was enough for him to do a double take before they started marching. It was who he thought it was. They started to march and Salem had to be careful. Since they were not formally trained they were not expected to be inside a formation. Since he was traveling with them, he was expected to remain orderly and tried to keep everything else in order. So he could not just start shouting or running over. Waving his arm to see if he can get the Furry one’s attention. Salem was able to take some steps over till he got closer.

“Fancy seeing you on this march. I tried to get out but they got me. Did you volunteer to come along or did they get you too? Knowing you it would probably be the first one.”

He made his voice sound an octave lower than usual. Salem also tried to make sure he was heard by only the people very close by. It was the beginning of the march and Salem wanted to make some small talk. If he did get too bored on this trek, who could predict what kind of trouble he would cause for everyone involved just for the heck of it. Salem was a relaxation fae and was made for fun and games. Being bored went against his very nature. He may try to suppress it due to his benevolence but his nature cannot be suppressed forever. Salem may not be negative in what he planned, like an impromptu swimming pool. It was just not always the wisest choice of the group. Like muddy and wet ground would make it harder for everyone else to march. That was not a thing he wanted to do. Even if mud was a very fun thing with many uses.

WC: 694


In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:39 pm

Compared to the joyan people he didn’t really wear armor; didn’t really fight in the same way that they did. So being offered equipment was puzzling to him. Tilting his head to one side and just giving a small wave of his hand. Much to the dissatisfaction of the joyan armorers. They didn’t even have something in his size, but they wanted to try. Feeling a tug on his leg saturn would look down to see Echo huffing slightly. The little mindrache was really out of place compared to everyone else wasn’t he? He’d scoop up the little guy and set him on his shoulder.

I have a bad feeling about this saturn.

Why’s that?

Echo didn’t seem to have a reason for it due to him just huffing and latching onto saturn so he wouldn’t fall when the demi-god walked. He wasn’t with the formation and stuck out like a sore thumb. They had told him not to be in the area since he would just draw attention to the healers. Honestly out of the two of them echo was probably the stronger one at the moment which many people wouldn’t expect.

He was in the midst of getting an explanation about the general situation from Echo; who unsurprisingly was really good at paying attention for the behemoth and practically was a translator for his weird ways. So when saturn turned his head upon seeing movement he was… greeted with the visage an an armored individual. He didn’t immediately recognize him but his nostrils flared and the demi-god’s grin seemed to split his face a little more.

A little of both actually. I was trying to sort things out with payments and hearing that they needed healers I offered my services again. In which they ‘got’ echo who was snooping around for a quick snack.

In my defense the hare smelled really good

Echo pouted a little bit and saturn snorted, reaching up to pet the mindrache on the top of the head. The little dragonid huffing again and just accepting the pats. Saturn didn’t seem to lower his voice at all and didn’t even seem to be taking this situation entirely seriously. Though his role was often more passive and he didn’t understand the nature of things here. A few strange glances from those around him and saturn would just cock his head to one side.

Echo managed to hang on for dear life for this and huffed somewhat abruptly, prompting saturn to reach back up and make sure the little guy didn’t fall off. Given that he didn’t have the same stride it was probably easier for him to remain on saturn’s shoulder even if he was faster.

I’ve seen a few of the people we helped earlier in the back lines. Some look happy, some less so.

Saturn felt echo grip his neck a little tighter and the demi-god tilted his head again, following the squeeze in an effort to see what the little guy did. He was a very perceptive lil guy so there was no reason for him not to ‘listen’ or ‘look’ when they tried to warn him. It was something that would probably be useful down the line.

I thought I saw something…

That is just some leaves Echo. Don’t worry.

Echo squinted slightly at one of the trees, huffing again and letting the demi god adjust how they were sitting on his shoulder so as to not take up too much movement from the demi-god in an effort to let them stay seated. Saturn gazed down to the other and eventually let what he was thinking emerge…

You didn’t strike me as someone that wore heavy armor Salem.


Last edited by Saturn on Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Salem E. 

In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:10 pm

Salem E.

‘WHAT IN THE THIRD REALM OF FLYING FUCK IS THAT?’ Is what Salem would have shouted if he was not forced to be silent. In all his time he had never come across small flying creatures like this thing that could speak. When he was pure spirit they did not exist. No one he has come across at the moment had a pet like that either. Salem had to collect himself to respond and ask a lot more kindly.

“Oh, I normally do not. I wore it more for looks than practicality. Speaking of Saturn. Who is your little friend? I do not remember such things being able to talk. Is it another spirit but in a different form or a hybrid faunus of sorts?”

Answering the question Salem turned to show off the blue armor that matched the staff resting on his back, before looking up. Salem was peering up heavily at the creature that was riding Saturn. It was interesting to look at even if it was weird. Listening to it chatter about was cool alone. Salem never considered having a pet seriously before. If he could get something small and adorable he would be happy with it. Maybe like a snake. He had them a lot before. Getting another would be cool and even kinda fun. The odd thing about this specific creature was an instinct feeling of repulsion to it. Salem would have loved to check it out more with his Fae site but his ocular powers are too weak to do so at the moment.

Salem would listen carefully to the answer. He would put it in the back of his mind as the next event started to happen. From the forest came a whistle followed by a roar. A large white tiger popped out of the forest. It barreled towards the soldiers, swiping its claws left and right. The shieldman managed to prevent any immediate damage, the force of the swings did send some people flying. Salem wanted to move but kept to his objective. He did not have to fight the creatures attacking the lines, only if the creatures attacked the healers. Since Saturn was back here, he thought it would be best to keep him alive.

Not noticing right away, Saturn’s companion was accurate. A lone shinobi made her way to the closest healer, here at the back lines, and turned him into a past tense being. The drop is what caught his attention. Salem got the staff off of his back. He held it in two hands and prepared to use it. Glad that he got some basic listens in stick combat. He should at least do himself the honor of being able to fight with his fists, since the regular ways had never worked for him. This would be the best he could do.

“Stand behind me as I engage. Do what you can but be careful.”


The fae only gave the warning because he did not want the furry butt to get taken out. Salem barely had time to raise his staff, when two throwing stars were lodged into them. He was unfortunately closer to the shinobi than he would have liked. Salem was not too happy about their current situation. On one side they had a man eating beast, on the other side they had a large cat. Salem was not the toughest but he started to smell a plot. An unexpected attack on two fronts would be a bad loss. Especially, if most of the casualties were the healers. It would make it a lot harder for them to win the final battle. The best he could do was try and protect from the immediate threat. That being one of the most deadliest things in the realm. A woman with an urge to kill, or so his body was telling him. Since to pure spirits, gender was more of a preferred look. Rather than the whole genitals and reproduction thing going on.

WC: 666 TWC: 1360 / 2750


In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:37 pm

Honestly if salem had erupted in confusion saturn would not have blamed him; when he and echo had first met there had been a strong exchange of confused words and even more so the lil guy had had a good head on his shoulders. Being much more ‘down to earth’ than the demi-god was. Saturn perked a little bit when Salem spoke of their armor, followed by asking about echo. Saturn glanced to echo who didn’t seem to mind the attention. Standing up on the shoulders of the giant he’d give a little wobbly bow before sitting back down.

I’m a mindrache! We’re a type of treasure drache. Though like saturn here I’m also a demi-god. So kinda like cousins? Oh! My name’s Echo. Pleased to meetcha!

Well the armor looks good on you. Blue’s a strong color.

The both of them were also extremely friendly it seemed, echo had no problem actually speaking up about himself it seemed. He’d flick his ears and was about to say something before the tiger attack. Saturn almost stepped forward before realizing his place; biting his lip as he saw the people go flying. This sort of thing would have been avoidable with proper scouts…

Saturn was about to say something before Echo jumped down from his shoulder, gritting his teeth. Unlike the constant cheerful expression that was on Saturn’s face echo had a myriad of the stuff to work with it seemed. Or maybe he just wasn’t born like that.


If the both of us are in the same place that’s bad big guy, don’t worry about me.

Saturn’s eyes locked onto the shinobi that appeared and saturn himself would adjust where he was standing to be behind salem. He had a few ideas in regards to how he could help but salem would have to do some leg work. Echo on the other hand seemed to be squinting really hard at the Shinobi, trotting up next to Salem. He was a fast lil guy. Saturn on the other hand would be mumbling to himself, adjusting his own stance and getting ready to heal with the strange abilities he possessed. Or at least what he felt was strange. Saturn sniffed at the air and after a few long moments spoke.

...Their scent doesn’t seem familiar; I don’t think they’ve been to the camp.

Maybe you can wait to figure that out after they’ve been handled saturn.

Echo adjusted and seeing that salem had taken some attacks to his staff, casting a worried glance back to saturn who just waved him forward. The little guy sprang into action, shooting forward to try to tackle the shinobi only to get sent flying with a kick. Though rather than grunt in pain…


Saturns perked up as the mindrache was launched like a football and he had maybe a second before he had to extend his arm up high enough to catch the poor guy. Unfortunately because of his size and relative light weight he was easily physically handled. Saturn let out a little tsk and already felt like he didn’t like this lady. Especially for trying to attack two of his friends. The innocence that was often present on his face and in his heart didn’t waiver and he’d step forward; his hand already glowing lightly over the mindrache’s head.

You don’t need to fight us, you can just leave and we can forget this happened.

Saturn was hoping that the shinobi would take his advice and just book it. If they survived he could track them and they could maybe fight the shinobi on their home turf away from their healers. They could use his strange scent ability to keep on the hunt. Though to be honest he wasn’t sure how well it’d do once she left his range.


#5Salem E. 

In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:18 pm

Salem E.

It could only be considered luck that Salem did not hear the demi-god answer from the sidekick. Salem had issues with the Seraphim and the Nephilim. He blamed them for various problems plaguing the place. If it was not for them fighting their mortal enemies. Life would have been very different. As such a mention of a demi-god status would at least earn an eye glare from him. If they were related to one of those, it would be even worse. The prejudice inside of him was decently rooted until further notice.

The focus of their attack was taken down by the same sidekick. Salem built a moderate amount of respect for the thing. Like a toddler taking down a pinata. Salem grabbed the staff with both hands. He walked up to the captive and brought it down as hard as he could. He did not spare the girl as he ended her right there. If he did not do it others will.

“Thanks for the take down. We need to switch focus to the other thing that tries to kill us.”

This is when he was almost wishing he had one of those guns he had heard so much about. A quick bullet to the tiger and it would have dropped. Not that the current weapon is bad. The staff had a good weight to it that made it really good at hitting stuff. It was how he was able to take down the girl in one swift blow to the head.

Salem prepared to go into the ring with the white tiger. However, the other group had it all under control. The tiger took a step on an innocent looking body of water. The water changed into ice quickly. Like a bad ex it stuck to the tiger, then it started to grow. Like a bad rash it spread over the tiger, locking it down. It was an impressive feat of magic to say the least. If Salem could not see the magic circle of the puddle, he would not have thought anything about it. Even following in the trap alone was close.

“Whoops. Looked like I moved too quickly on the killing. It was your kill and I took it from you. My bad Saturn.”

He gave the demi an apology. Not because he felt bad for taking away a person's life. He felt bad because he doubted anyone had an ability to speak to the cat. That would mean the only easy way to ask questions, would have been the human. Squad leader started putting them back into order. A quick check was made and it was time to move on. The people asked them some questions about the ninja woman but Salem tuned them out. He was not built for long conversations.

“So where do you two think we are heading?”

Salem asked the question in order to get the small number of people into chatting again. It was easier on the morale and kept his mind out of trouble. Not that it may have done a lot of good. As they walked, a slight mist was setting in. It was making it harder for the people to keep up with each other, except to Salem who was fine with it. He can see some people move about in the mist. They were not invisible but not fully visible as well.

“I kind of hoped we were heading to somewhere more pleasant. At least a place that was a lot less weird would have been better. I am already tired of the weird. I guess after we survive this we can take a break.”

The last sentence was spoken very silently. It would have been more of a surprise for anyone to hear him. Unless the person in question had some form of super hearing. Salem debated giving his friend heads up then decided not to bother with it. The pet could sense danger. It would have been better for it and Saturn. If Salem tried to say anything aloud. He could trigger a rapid response and screw over a lot more of the people here.

WC: 691 TWC: 2051 / 2750


In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:55 pm

Considering that the both of them were more or less active on their own and usually kept to their own troubles if it had been brought up both echo and saturn would have been able to present that information. Given that saturn was absolutely clueless about the realm of earthland and echo while more ‘down to earth’ still neither of them had any real experience when it came to the seraphim and nephilim.

Echo was actually kind of surprised that what he did had ended up with the shinibi getting taken out. Sharing a strange look with saturn but he wasn’t going to complain. Huffing and hopping out of the tall being’s arms like a kid hopping out of their parents grasp. Saturn’s gaze turned to the tiger and he was not sure how they were to handle it.

No problem but… Kind of wish I had more than just my body tch. I don’t think I can handle something that big.

You handle roast just fine.

That’s different that’s food..

Echo grumbled a bit and the two of them seemed to ponder what to do; they had the ability to take this slow right? Though the both of them were also equally as surprised that Salem was able to handle the tiger like he did. Saturn’s hands hadn’t even started to glow with that music again. He’d inspect the tiger; surprised at the strength of the beast and eventually would just make a somewhat passive motion with a hand.

It’s all right, I doubt that I was strong enough to handle this… and it wasn’t friendly to start. I’m so much better with animals when they aren’t consumed by someone elses’ music.

Saturn apologized to the people that asked about the shinobi because he had no answers and would shoo them away from the trio. Figuring that they would just stand out more if they stood around like this. Echo would hop up back on the demi-god’s shoulder and peer around. He had a good set of eyes honestly.

Maybe we’re creating a new front line?

Saturn could only guess the destination of where they were headed; Echo didn’t seem to disagree with saturn though the both of them were clueless when it came to wars or even what sort of tactics you would use in them. Saturn pondered it further as they walked; with the mist slowly setting in he’d look about. Echo leaned a little bit to peer about some more. He might not have actual danger senses but was just a perceptive lil guy.

Maybe we’ll end up somewhere more pleasant after all the fighting is done…

Saturn almost sounded wistful and would adjust himself. He was having a little trouble adjusting to the war effort to be honest. It likely wasn’t a surprise to those that knew him well enough. The big guy definitely didn’t like fighting the same way some did. In fact he was a mostly peaceful individual that got tangled up in a big mess.

As though remembering something he’d reach out with a glowing hand to hold echo’s head who let out a small sigh of relief. That early spat with the shinobi definitely left its mark on the lil guy. Though past probably being knocked senseless he didn’t have much more in the way of ‘damage’ that you could see. Other than maybe his pride but that on its own would take time to heal. No magic could really heal the hurt in the mind from a bruising like that. Though if it could saturn would have liked to help…


#7Salem E. 

In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:47 pm

Salem E.

An announcement of a short break was given. Some of the soldiers needed healing and the last ambush did more damage than they thought. The only reason they neglected to stop before was because it was not a good spot to do so. The final battle was coming up and they needed all the strength they could gather.

“Welp. Looks like it is time for you to do some healing work. I can go get some food for the three of us. Would you like me to bring you back something, little one?”

Salem was kind to the small companion of Saturn. It was cute in a plushy kind of way. The Fae had an eye for cute things and it made the man want to tie it up and run away with it. Salem put his staff back on his back and left to grab some food.

The dried rations were looking grim. Not to mention they tasted like something he would eat when he started licking armpits. The only thing they had going for them was that they were really good for the body. So people would eat them without complaint. They just had to suppress their need to gag. Carrying the pack in his arms, Salem made his way back to the others. He ate his on the way and would pass out the remaining.

“Make sure you eat up. I would not want you passing out on this little trek. We are almost there”

A smirk from Salem was given on the comment. Joyan climate, while weird, was pretty nice. Desierto would have given most of the people present heat exhaustion at the very least. They would have needed to stop for more breaks or slow down carrying water to be this level of functional.

WC: 299 TWC: 2350 / 2750


In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:50 pm

Saturn made sure that when the break was called that he would need to attend to the soldiers that were hurt. He somewhat felt like his level of healing was only good for superficial things. In times of great need he would be found wanting if this was all that he was capable of doing. Flicking an ear saturn would smile warmly at salem. Echo perked up a bit at the mention of food.

Looks that way. Hopefully what I can do is enough.

If you could! I’m not super picky on food; just as long as it’s edible!

Echo beamed up at salem and would pad after the larger ‘demi-human’ as they started to handled the various injuries. Ranging from needing to set broken bones, to those with a few bruises. There was even someone that had somehow ended with their own sword stuck in their upper arm. Saturn wasn’t quite sure how that happened but he’d use his healing ability to push the sword out of the wound and let the skin close up over the wound.

He was deep into it when Salem came back, echo swinging his little feet back and forth as his larger friend worked. Saturn had a look of concentration and was using both hands to help heal a man who had received quite a blow to his stomach, a very deadly place to get wounded without proper medical treatment.

Thanks Salem! Hey Saturn!

Saturn was so focused it’d take the little mindrache a few times of poking him to get him to pay attention. He looked a little winded but would accept the rations, smiling warmly towards salem as he knew that they were responsible for helping them get rations. Saturn would idly chew on his dried rations [some kind of jerky maybe?] while tending to the soldier; humming a soft tune as he slowly watched the music seep into the man. Eventually the color returned to his face and saturn let out a relieved sigh.

That tiger did a number on many a person out there…

Losing a few healers is also bad. I know they lost two apprentices and a lead but… Didn’t expect it to hurt this much.

Echo was quite a chatty kathy and would speak between bites of his own rations; looked like a mix of flat bread and some kind of butter? It was even more questionable than what saturn was chewing on. But honestly it was to be expected. They would have better rations when they stopped and could actually cook. Trail rations were pretty awful in many countries.

At least it’s not in worry of being undercooked… though I think many people here would have preferred fresher food.

Saturn would comment idly, finishing up his bits and taking a water flask out to drink. He’d take a draught before passing it to echo; who would after taking his little from it offer it to salem. Though they’d understand if he’d turn it down. Echo and saturn even though they were more along the fresh side of being companions seemed to be close. Was it because of the nature of the both of them? Or perhaps a more personal connection? Only time or queries would reveal that.

I hope that when we get there it’s not just this group. That’d be bad.

I think there’s a few others Echo. Don’t be silly.

I’m just saying Saturn, if this is the only group that makes it the front is gonna be really wild.

Echo huffed a little bit and took a seat where he was at; watching saturn work with another wounded soldier. Some fellow with an arm in a sling and an bandage over his eye. While the golden demi-god was busy; echo would inspect the soldier.

Say I don’t recognize this one… were you one of the ones sent flying?

I’m part of the scout company that got ambushed earlier. You’re catching up to us now.


Echo looked a little surprised to get such a curt response and the soldier gave him a small yet playful salute. The little guy returned it and couldn’t help but notice his attire was lighter; the fella was very perceptive and it was probably because of that that he was able to make himself so useful to saturn. Though even if he wasn’t useful many would likely assume that saturn wouldn’t care. He liked various kinds of companionships; ranging from beasties to the humans or otherfolk that interacted with him.

Saturn would eventually inspect the mans bandaged eye, wincing slightly and shaking his head. There was no saving the eye but he could at least make sure that it wasn’t messy. The scout grumbled a little bit; something about the usefulness of one eyed scouts or something about it being ironic. The demigod made mention about potential magical replacements and the fellow seemed to brighten at this particular suggestion. He wasn’t even aware that they made magical replacements for that sort of thing. Maybe it came from the fact he was a lowborn peasant that just lucked into the role of scout…

Looks like that’s the last for now. I’ve never been to joya proper so this is all so fascinating to me. I hope after this is all done that we’ll get time to explore.

Saturn’s outlook into things was very bright and he’d smile warmly at the pair. Echo seemed a little upbeat regarding that and couldn’t help but mention all the food he couldn’t wait to try. Saturn let out a bemused chuckle and turned to salem.

What do you plan on doing after all of this salem?

He’d ask as he started to pack his things; noting that there was an order to march again. He didn’t want to get left behind especially after a vicious attack like the earlier one…


#9Salem E. 

In your heart shall burn [Event /Saturn + Salem] Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:32 am

Salem E.

“I plan on heading to my homeland for more training. Then traveling the world for a bit.”

The commander decided to make this stop permanently, as it would be a decent place for them to set up shop. Hidden with a chance for them to set up the backlines fully. The commanders in charge decided to pay for the extra soldiers with some money up front. That way they can spend money on the craftsmen before sending them out. It looked like they would be dead weight and the people in charge were nice. They did not want to cause the craftsmen extra harm. They would be needed for after the war.

“Oh cool. We are getting paid and stopping here. I was not expecting this. I can always use more money.”

Salem was not aware that the people were gonna pay them extra for the march. At least at the moment. The fae would have expected the money to come in later, at the end, if everyone ended up making it out alive. The extra paycheck was invigorating. Salem was glad to get the jewels. It would be able to get him a lot of stuff.

“I guess. I will see you two at the start of the battle. I am going to take this bit of money to check out some grimoires and what not. Anything that could give us an edge should be useful. Try not to spend it all in one place.”

Salem waved to the duo before heading to the equipment quarters. He wanted to see what he could learn and do. Not to mention he wanted to check around for a storage ring. Carrying the staff was nice, but it could be a pain in the butt to move around with. It was too heavy for him to carry with one hand. So his movement became more limited than he would like. If he could put it away, or control it with one hand, it would increase his overall battle ability. That would make it easier for Salem to survive in the long run.

The fae started whistling as he started to go on his merry way. He did not feel the tension from the up and coming battle. To him war was often natural. Salem just viewed it as another thing that was going to happen. Tomorrow was going to be a new day to move on and get through it.

WC: 408 TWC: 2758 / 2750

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