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The Red Carpet (Open to All)

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#1Lisa the Narcissist 

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:47 am

Lisa the Narcissist

The lights, the cameras, the cheers, god, she loved it. Even for the likes of her, they all celebrated her appearance. Lisa stepped out of the carriage pulled by white horses, making her entrance. The Goddess was the maiden who all men and women desired on this night. Truthfully, her outfit was liable to be the best- not that it was a competition anyway. If it was, then she probably already won. Hundreds of people- possibly thousands- lined up abaft the barricades and awaited for the venerated guests to arrive. To be quite frank, it took little to no effort for the Narcissist to put this Ball together, yet she knew it was to be the best night Samhain had ever seen.

When you were a woman with aptitudes like Lisa, things tend to come easy. Sometimes it took a promise she would never keep, other times it took absolutely nothing. The chauffeurs hurried to hop out of the carriage and assist Lisa down the carpet. Don't be silly, of course she didn't require squires or anyone to come to her aid. These men were merely apart of her image. The King of this realm himself had fallen for Lisa, so while she may have been enemy number one in Earthland, here, she was royalty. With a dazzling smile and a strut that turned heads and snapped necks from yards away, the Seraphim ambulated towards the Mansion entrance. She waved to her fans, the plebians that worshipped her. Spineless, they were. Peasants. All the same, she relished in their praises.

"Lisa, over here!" one photographer shouted. "Lisa, give us a pose!" another bellowed. The Mistress of the Night obliged. She turned one way and put her left shoulder forward, then turned another to raise her arms in a seductive manner. *Click* *click*...*click* The Chauffeurs stood by Lisa's side, following her every move. When she finally entered her great halls, she noticed that she wasn't the first person in the mansion, but she had obviously been the most paramount so far. She hoped that the other famous mages who came after her would follow suit. After all, she only invited the best of the best.

Note: Those who post in this thread walking down the red carpet will receive 2x Pumpkin pops once.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:57 pm


She hated these kind of places. Gives attention to anyone who had fame or even a touch of notoriety. Fiorian wise, she had no fame, but she was known for who she was. She wore her long coat over her beautiful black dress that is too hard to describe in just mere words. Her eyes shyly gazed away as if she didn't want to be here. Once the paparazi noticed her, they clicked away, "Whoa, is that the Demigoddess of Joya?", one spoke. She gulped and grabbed the side of her coat with fur and twirled it around to shyly hide. People sometimes loved that shit.

"Izanami's daughter herself," another told another. Mishiko then sighed as these humans couldn't help it so she now grabbed the ends of her hoodie and posed with it, one leg a little more out than the other. "I am, indeed, I can't wait to see how beautiful this will be, perhaps, more beautiful than a sleeping face in a bed of flowers," she spoke seductively in her soft ghostly tone. She kissed her hand and waved to the crowd, summoning black, blue and purple flowers made out darkness as they had a dark aura. Falling from the sky and once they touched the ground, they'd disappear. One she was done, she swayed herself to the door to go inside.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:27 am


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Db7b038a2e192d2d781c60f20697c556

Yuurei never went to anything like this before. It was something he had never thought he would find himself in either. He was going to what was called a Red Carpet, which would lead to a masquerade ball. Yes, naïve man he was, but it was new to him as he was only within Fiore’s society for almost four years now.

He was told to dress to impress, and he figured he would wear an outfit more suiting to him. Of course, he was told not to wear that, but to wear something like a suit, which he would be disappointed about, but wear it anyways. His way to the ball that he was going to intend. Of course, there was more to it as he was arriving, he was told to have the mask, one that could be held with a stick.

It annoyed Yuurei that there was one thing after the other with these things. Still, he wouldn’t fight it and he would find one befitting himself. Once he had all of that it was time to head to the red carpet. When he got there, the people there would turn their attention to him. Their eyes were in awe when they saw the beautiful being walking through the carpet. He was famous all throughout Fiore, and one THE most famous mage of all Fiore.

They would start taking pictures and Yuurei would wave at them as he walked like he owned the place. His smile was so perfect and he couldn’t help but enjoy the attention that he was getting.

“Yuurei why are you here? Can I get a picture of you?” They asked.

Yuurei would do a few poses for the cameras as they would take pictures of him. He would look around and he figured he would answer this. The entire time Renji was with him wearing a matching outfit as he would just move behind him.

“I’m just here because I was invited and I figured I’d have fun. It’s not every day I get to take a break from work.” He said with a smile on his face as he would keep moving around the area.


#4Kazimir Seiryu 

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:48 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The Red Carpet (Open to All) Z_5df328fd6a760

Kazimir pulled up next to the red carpet. "All these invaders seem to have a flair for the dramatic it seems," he spoke. The doors opened and he could see the last few people making their way down the red carpet. That universe's Alisa seemed to have the same tastes as their own. In front of him was the famous commander of the Dawn. Beyond him, an unfamiliar face made her way inside. He could see the narcissist already in the ballroom.  

He stepped out of the carriage, a heavy black boot eased into the soft material of the carpet. The wind mage emerged and made his way down the carpet. A slowly brought a mask up to his face, concealing himself, even though his new appearance was still unknown to the world. The paparazzi barely took pictures at first. They whispered questions about who this face was. Until one of them said..."It's the man that attacked Era," the flashes lit up.

Kazimir ignored it and moved through. Questions fired off, but the mage kept his focus forward until he entered the building. "I'm here...to say hello."


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:41 am


"This dress...", Karisa muttered softly while in the limo that was on their way to the red carpet. "It was mine, yes,~" Eris replied darkly and smirked. "You look quite lovely in it," she looked like a proud mother even though she wasn't hers. Finally, the car stopped, a man in a suit opened the door and camera lights started to flash, "Over here!" she heard as soon as she stepped out of the car, one heel at a time. Her long, beautiful hair flowed behind her with the lilac-colored sheers that flowed with once she stood up tall. Her red eyes gazed everywhere as they looked straight. There was a man in front of her, tall, silver hair and something within her made her want to go up to him, but why?

She hasn't checked her magic to see who they were, nor did she bother to. She has yet to see his face, but she had to ask him who he was. The funny part is, no one would know who she was due to how reputation worked once you change your looks. The beautiful goddess cat walked slowly on the red carpet, "Look over here, my goddess!", she looked and flashed a shyful blush with a motherly smile. She didn't know people would call her that, "As a beauty yourself, do you think you'll win the contest coming up?", one asked. Karisa posed with her hand on her hip, letting the wind elegantly sway her hair and sheers from her dress perfectly for a photo. So many clicks were heard, "To be fair, it would be an honor to win, but I will be happier seeing others happy when they win," she leaned over a little and gave them an air kiss. "I must now find my husband, hoping he's here," she lastly responded before swaying her large hips and flipping her gorgeous thick lilac hair.

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Sigme10
#6Jin Tatsumi 

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:39 pm

Jin Tatsumi
The Red Carpet (Open to All) C3d9ed187dbc443f1403f904366da3b3

Jin sighed with slumped shoulders as the car rolled up. He hadn't seen her for some time. The doors opened and the mage put on a happy face. He stepped out and waved at the crowd. Inside he was ready to help the invaders in their assault on Earthland. Finish the tasks that Odin had set out to do at least. But with everyone in the core group leaving...what even was the point anymore. He had nothing to do but either carry on or go back to his free-floating ways. As soon as he uncovered what heinous act took her away.

"Glad to be here," he waved at the cameras but they all turned away from him. Some even whispered the question, 'Who is THAT guy."

It was still a funny thing to think that after all he had been through, he was still fairly unknown. It made the paladin let out a laugh and hold his side as he shuffled toward the ball with unkempt hair and a loose-fitting shirt. The cameramen scuffed at his looks, while others shot him a side eye. In reality...he was just here for a good time.

"Time to drink."


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:19 pm


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Shin_a10

Kaito was invited to and told to dress to impress and he figured it was more of a higher class thing, so the clothes that he made to wear for this ball was meant to look a bit more upper class he had no idea what really to expect from this but Revy told him to wear a little crown thing and add somethings that way that he will look mysterious yet dashing as well as made a mask that would he think match well to his clothes.

Once he arrived he saw a lot of people there looking at him and taking pictures and causing a scene at all the people and Kaito wondered who he would see inside as he heard this was a party for famous people and he really only knows one of the more famous people by more than just their name though people still avoided really talk or look at him as he walked the red carpet trying not to be too nervous as he was not really made for this kind of thing after all as he was more the loner type that didn't enjoy large gatherings and once he gets past all the people asking questions and trying to figure who he was he walked inside to try not to ruin the party.


#8† Aleja 

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:07 pm

† Aleja

When Aleja received an invitation to the biggest Ball of the year she could no longer think of anything else. Samhain was a beautiful place to say the least, but she hadn't found many things even remotely fun here. Tonight though, mmm she could just taste the wonders it would bring. Once she received her invitation she immediately did two things to ensure that the night would be perfect. The Lady of House Celdrua first checked to make sure Manzo had an invitation and then she sent letters to damn near every major designer she knew. Manzo wasn't too crazy about the event. Still, he really didn't have a choice in the matter. Aleja was determined to drag him along regardless. She even put in requests to have his stuff custom made.This occasion called for something spectacular but nothing too crazy. She knew she wanted to show skin, be bold, and flaunt her "womanly" body. Simple yet extravagant, classy with a hint of raunchy. Hundreds of thousands of jewels spent as she ventured to figure out what outfit best suited tonight. In the end it was all worth it.

The carriage that the lovers rode in had truly been a spectacle to behold- a vehicle fit for royalty. Did you expect anything less for the Heir of House Celdrua, one of the most renown Elven families in Fiore? The carriage was painted matte black, laced with gold, and victorian styled to fit the theme of this little affair. And to match the carriage you ask? Aleja wore basically nothing. A silk sequence cape draped from her shoulders, a golden plated bra top, and bottoms laced with a nude colored inside that matched her skin tone. Her lower half sported sequence leather heels to match, stretching halfway up her thigh, and to top it all off? A golden, diamond encrusted headpiece and chains that dangled from various parts of her curvaceous physique. Of course she also had a mask, but that was the least exciting part of the outfit. "Extra" was her middle name. Her outfit was a testament to freedom and fashion. It was also a statement...

Aleja could wear practically nothing and she'd still step on necks.

As she rode towards the red carpet, she leaned upon her beloved; a man she hadn't expected to be so involved with. Virtually nobody knew that they were associated so the fans were in for a bit of a treat tonight. When the carriage finally approached the Red Carpet, Aleja awaited her queue. The driver of their victorian mobile hopped off and walked to the center of the carpet as it quieted down. Nobody knew who'd been inside the carriage because there was no indication o who the passengers were. Her presence...their presence, was worthy of the most dramatic reaction. "Ladies and Gentlemen...Manzo Mattori and Aleja Celdrua!" the suited driver excitedly announced in his Caelese accent. The crowd began to roar, cheering even before Aleja and Manzo could step out. The fame that came with being a mage was a given, but Lady Celdrua was most excited to show off her outfit. The driver's assistant hopped off the mobile and opened the door for Mr. Mattori just as Aleja's door sprung open.

After Manzo helped the lady down, the two would begin walking together. Camera's flashed all over, almost blinding her. People pushed to get as close as they could to her and Manzo, gagged by the two of them stepping out together. Unfortunately, they'd only find themselves blocked by the barricades and armed guards. Aleja was famous for many things. Not only was she a Celdrua, but she was also a former Captain Commander. Now, she was considered "Crime Sorciere". Getting to that level was small feat, all things considered. I mean it'd only been a few months since the elf started her "Career" as a mage. Ale would begin her performance by halting in her tracks to pose. Facing the left side then facing the right, allowing her hands to seductively caress her body, even turning for hair flips and a nice booty shoot. Ya had to give the people what they came for!

"Ms. Celdrua! You look beautiful! Tell us, why'd you leave the Rune Knights at the peak of your career?" One of the reporters shouted from beside her. Aleja slowed her pace to respond. "I'm hardly at the peak of my career, hon'- and some things just aren't meant for everyone.~" her voice was soft and strong, confident and gentle. Ale was no stranger to this lifestyle. Every honored guest deserved to enjoy their carpet moment. Aleja could only speak for herself, but she was sure that many of the guests of honor weren't working as hard as they were just for the fame. Notoriety was just something that came with it the territory. Each of them were stars or heroes in their own right- and even though her leader, Yuurei Starlight, was "THE most famous" mage in Fiore, Ms. Celdrua was "THAT girl"- and that fact alone trumped everything, period!

The arrow of love held onto Manzo's arm whilst they answered questions on two different sides of the carpet- if Manzo decided to speak at all, that is. Aleja focused on the left and Manzo would be on the right - he, of course, led the way. "Lady Celdrua, what are you looking forward to tonight?!" Another reporter shouted. "Oh gods, the food! I'm so damn hungry!" She chuckled. So many reporters and press called out. "Aleja!" over here and "Lady Celdrua!" over there. She'd continue walking before being approached yet again by another reporter. This one was wearing an Underground Magazine pass around his neck. "Ms. Celdrua, hello!" to which she gave a single introductory nod. "Hello, Xavier.~" The Wood-elf knew Xavier was going to ask the question that people really wanted to know.

"So I see you're here with the Casanova of Blue Pegasus... You know I've gotta ask girl; are you and Manzo an item? Why are you two here together?" The elf giggled. She didn't stop walking towards the entrance but she decided to entertain Xavier. "Uhhh...Manzo is...a very special person. We're here together because there's- uhh... no one I'd rather be here with. I think he'd say the same~." It was hard to contain her laughter, but of course she did so with grace. Just mere moments later and finally...she was inside the paramount mansion.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:15 pm


WORDS: 500 | Floral Façade  

Good gracious~ Nothing seeming to prepare one for the experience of having so many clamouring faces and clicking lenses waiting for them as they made their entrance to something which they could only hope matched their introduction, Sofia Serena couldn't help but feel her lips curl upward as she felt those plush red fibres bowing to her presence and the people beside them ever more, and found her impish spirit growing all the more because of it.
“What's the matter, boys and girls, see something you like~?” Grinning from ear to ear in fact and stepping in a slow and purposeful loop in order to ensure that each and every set of eyes had the chance to see her very many good sides, the goddess with the green gaze pushed her hand back through her hair and flashed a wink to one or two of them as she flaunted herself in fuchsia tones and flowers as well, and looked every bit the vision of springtime that she always seemed to embody. However, right now she kind of hoped that petals weren't the only things budding from her image.

“You're all far too sweet~” For that reason only seeming to indulge the attention that she received all the more and dragging her top teeth across her lip as she did so, after a moment the mischievous minx seemed to strike a pose to really wow the bodies which were gathered around, and spread her heels apart just far enough to really show of the split in the hips of the dress she was wearing and drew her hands up herself as she did so. Mitts climbing high and rolling over the splendour that she sported and that which lay beneath before crossing paths in a crescendo, all she could do was tilt her waist forward to really show off the hourglass state of her build and let her hands fall down, with one on her outstruck hip and the other beneath her jaw.

I think she's going to love this, isn't she~? The latter the perfect runway for the emerald eyed enchantress to lay out the last of her gifts as she pursed those lips and sent a sizzling smooch soaring from them, all the while she could only think about the woman who she had arrived with and who was also waiting in the proverbial wings for her own spotlight, and opted to reward such grace and patience with a little bit of hyping from the woman she loved as well.
“Now, don't get too carried away… The real spectacle is only just beginning~” The fox easing her position for that reason and then smirking as she turned back the way from which she had come to beckon toward her beloved black belle, already she felt shivers at the prospect of the cool allure she knew that alisa was carrying at the moment, and could hardly wait to see how the most fetching of all in Fiore was about to knock everyone's socks off. Herself included, as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:20 pm


WORDS: 1030 | TAG: @Halloween | GALA

"Oh, she wouldn't dare...", Alisa's brow twitched as she read it... It's not that her evil Alter Ego had decided to throw a party in the Samhain dimension... Not even that she'd somehow charmed the King of Halloween. Rather that she had had the unbelievable gall of sending personal invitations not only to Sofia, but Alisa herself of all people.

She knew this wasn't a trap, not after everything that happened in Fiore during the war, and certainly not all neutral ground. But part of her saw this not as invitation, but a provocation. And one she couldn't let slide without an answer. However... She'd give her that answer to her face... And enjoy her party while at it~ After all since this woman was herself, surely she had the same incessant desire to be a good host? With a chuckle at the thought, Alisa finally left the shower with a towel firmly tucked around the fullness of her cleavage, and stepped inside her walk in wardrobe, stretching an idle hand out with a low, appreciating hum as she ran it over the various numbers on display... What to wear~... Her lips curled with a hint of mirth, after all, dressing up to an event like this was always a pleasure. Whether she ordered them off talented tailors or simply purchased them off renowned designers, Alisa Vollan had countless outfits, she bought them on a whim or impulse and ultimately forgot she even had them... Arguably more than she could ever wear in the forseeable future. And she seldom wore them more than once except for those prized few favorites. At times like these, she needed only stroll around and sift through them, until she found what she was looking for. And all that time, the Lithomancer's thoughts wandered to her beloved, after all, there was only one woman whose admiration Alisa Vollan yearned for, and it certainly wasn't the congregating masses around the party. Even now Alisa couldn't help but tremble at the thought of Sofia Serena seeing her in this dress... She almost wished she could keep it a secret from her until the party, just to preserve the element of surprise:

"Ohhh...? And how come I never wore this one before?", thinking out loud, she finally paused when her digits felt something satisfying, a touch of the finest, most delightful deep blue silk in the shape of a dress, nibbling her bottom lip as her she turned her gaze to the garment in question.



At the sound of that stiletto hitting the red carpet, the whole crowd fell silent... Even the camera shutters quietened for a the first time in minutes as the endless flood of veritable celebrities poured in one after the other. No matter how much Alisa strove to deny it, anybody could see the resemblance. That commanding presence that left all the onlookers picking up their jaws, without even a single a single word, bore a striking resemblance to the same one their host also commanded when she made an entrance. As those long, elegant legs finally stepped out of the limousine, giving way to the picture of feminine grace of Blue Pegasus' Guildmaster, the woman herself could only smile with a cool, collected faint smile, eyes casually looking the mansion up and down with an almost dismissive glance:

"My, so this is what she chose for her home...? Ufufufu~... How impossibly gaudy~", with a subtle shake of her head as she stood there, Alisa's hand resting on that full flare of her hip, as though sizing up what her alternate self was capable of... All while flaunting that long, flowing blue dress, hanging loosely off her voluptuous visage, cut along the length of her shapely thigh and with a deep, plunging cleavage proudly on display as the neckline reached well below the ample, well rounded swell of her bust and almost down to her navel, all of it squeezed into place by a black leather belt around her waist, highlighting the sinuous lines of that hourglass shape.

Alisa didn't really need escorts, but Manzo and Daiko both insisted, and well... She had to admit, these guys were were good at it, knowing exactly where to be, at the right place at the right time. No sooner than she stepped out did one man in a suit and sunglasses show up behind her, draping that long white cashmere coat over shoulders just as she began to feel a chilly wind brushing against the bare skin on her back, her long hair fluttering with the breeze as she finally stepped forth towards the mansion, her eyes soon falling on her breathtaking bride as she awaited her right at the entrance. The White Empress bit her lip, barely registering anybody else around her, as even the budding murmur and rising cheers, she could only hear the drumming of her own heartbeat as she took in the sight of the woman she loved. Thus beckoned by her beloved, she began walking along the red carpet with a subtle sway to her hips, accompanied by that rhythmic clacking of her heels. Before long, the crowd could no longer contain their excitement and the shutter of cameras made itself heard once more, those loud, bellowing cheers making the sculptress chuckle gracefully as one man dove past the security, only to be promptly held at bay by her attentive personal escorts:

"Now, now, don't be hasty... Maybe you'll find me at the party~", she winked, those plush lips curling just a bit wider as she brushed a loose tress of hair behind her ear, that long, glimmering earring swaying subtly as she addressed the man directly, that smooth, almost purring voice.

"Miss Vollan!! Lisa the Narcissist targeted Hargeon specifically during the war. Do you believe she has a grudge against Blue Pegasus, or yourself? Are you sure coming here is safe?"

The question baffled her, Alisa's brow rose, only for that stunned look to melt into a low, elegant chuckle as her hand rose over her mouth. Just what kind of question is that? Alisa Vollan had been battling her own limits every since she started on her journey as a guild mage. The thought of fearing another version of herself never even crossed her mind even for a second:

"Why of course it's safe. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to her at her own party~", she inquired, chiming back as she flipped that long, flowing black hair behind her shoulders and stepped forth, her gaze once more turning to Sofia, whom she'd soon reuinite with, offering her beloved her arm and a slow, loving kiss to her lips as she finally met up with her, "You look absolutely stunning my love~... Shall we?"

Still, she couldn't deny... This whole time she'd felt a electrifying tingle shooting all across every inch of that pale alabaster skin. If she was going to a party... She'd want nobody else other than the bewitching beauty at her side. And if she was going to compete with someone, well... She'd want nobody other than herself~

"Oh... I suppose we need one of these.", completely disregarding the part about wearing a mask, after all, Alisa was never one to hide her face. But now that she stood at the doorstep, she complied with the given dress code and produced a white masquerade from her pocket dimension, placing it over her eyes before strutting her way inside.

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Red Carpet (Open to All) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:06 pm


The knight of the ball was upon us. Manzo was unsure of how he felt about going to a ball hosted by someone who attacked his home, and basically paraded around as the worst possible version of his bestfriend and mistress. It was not something someone with the amount of loyalty he had could simply just abide. But for the sake of everyone there, his date, his mistress, and her wife, he would put on his best face, and try to keep a stiff upper lip. Truthfully nothing would make him feel better than to shove one of his two blades through dark Alisa's heart.

But her time would come, all their times would come, especially Alisa's and Esperia's doppelgangers. But that was a thought for another time. He truly didn't want to keep aleja waiting. He knew that most people would wear suits but he felt it more appropriate for he to wear something that showed his dedication to his identity. Something that truly spoke to him.

He thought nothing was more appropriate than the ceremonial Yukata his mothers purchased for him the day he returned to Joya to save Lily from his ghost of the past Kenpachi. It was a simple black and white Yukata with the mattori clan symbol adorning it. He stepped outside of the hotel he was staying in with Aleja. She had already gone out to the car at this point and had been waiting for him.

He stepped into the limo with her as it began to make it's way to the mansion of the lady of the land. His nerves were getting the better of him. Everything in his mind told him this had to be a set up of some kind. Even if it wasn't he wasn't overly fond of making nice with the enemy. But for the sake of all involved he would not make scene.

After a while of driving the limousine pulled up to the red carpet. Aleja would be the first to get out, because it was only right to allow your woman to have her time in the light. To truly let her shine and feel special, it was a feeling that no one should rob from anyone for that matter. It took no time for the two to be swarmed by reporters wanting to know why the former captain commander would turn her back on the rune knights.

Well who wouldn't, at least in his mind, he knew she had other reasons for wanting to remove herself from that equation and he couldn't blame her one bit. As he was approached for questions, they were simple ones such as what was he doing here with her. "It's a date, I really didn't think I'd have to spell that one out for you." It was true, he put on a mask in the shape of a fox on the side of his head while he pulled from his other pocket a cigar.

He put the cigar to his lips and lit it, he took a quick puff from it and grabbed the hand of Aleja, interlocking their fingers. A clear sign that they were together. "I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful you look tonight. Though I'm sure all the camera's flashing helped you realize that a bit." He wasn't the best at words but he wanted her to know he did genuinely think she was lovely tonight.

The Red Carpet (Open to All) LGnxHvk

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:07 am


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Masked Malfunction

Shit…! The vision of a vixen even so brazen as Nikki Marcello seeming to widen as a carriage pulled by skeleton slowed and she was given a chance to see all the dazzling and well-dressed figures who were stepping up to the event of the century, with flashes abounding around for them the black beauty couldn't help but look down at the saucy scantness she had chosen for herself and find that she was rather significantly underdressed, even if she did look rather stunningly so.
This is what I get for getting my info second hand from a guy with a pumpkin head, I guess? The invite she had gotten a little jumbled up thanks to the figure who had offered her it and as such this scarlet eyed siren arriving in ebony lace which left so little to the imagination, her fine frame looked practically divine draped within the patterns of flowers and coiling threads, but that was probably to be expected when she had nabbed this from one of the best lingerie stores in the land. Now, however, she couldn't help but wish she had grabbed something to wear over it, just a little.

"W-Wow… Miss Marcello, that's quite the statement…!
Can we ask what's prompted you to make such a bold display?"

Afforded only the 'cover' of a jet black boa to wrap around her neck and a simple domino style mask that she held within her grasp, as she stirred from her carriage it was easy to see why the figures that lined the crimson catwalk were left silent for a second by what she was wearing, and even easier to comprehend why all of a sudden their flashes seemed to erupt with more whiteness and brightness than a snowstorm as well.
“Honestly… I heard this was one of those tarts and vicars type things?” At least one of them seeming to maintain just enough composure to question her garb as a pair of stiletto heels carried her up the rosy rampart and the dark dish not dodging the issue either, she figured if she was going to wear it then she might as well own it, and so she answered the query with a sense of honesty and barely a bit of blush as well.

“Guess I got that wrong huh?” More than confident enough in her body however to take all of this in her stride, while it was a little bit jarring to realize she had her assumption wrong ultimately she had been assured enough to attend something far more risqué without all that much trouble, and guessed that if nothing else she would give the people here something to talk about at least.
“Oh well, at least this means I'll be giving the place as one hell of a view, eh?” Always one who liked to defy the crowd after all and knowing that she looked more than damn good right now, all that nikki could do was smirk and slip her little mask over her eyes as she strode forward with a swing in her hips, and an expectation that she would be leaving every man and woman and anything beyond that with quite the memory for the evening as well…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#13Kanna Kusanagi 

The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:06 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 300 | Three wishes

Now, Kanna felt decidedly underdressed here. When Nikki had hit her up to talk about a Halloween party and to "pick a sexy costume", not for a single minute did she consider she'd been walking down the same red carpet as all these literal celebrities.

"Shit... She didn't tell me it was this kinda party.", she mused, brow arched as she took in the snapping shutters and cheering crowds, the brightness all but blinding her as she stepped into the spotlight

To her credit, the blonde took it in stride as she stepped off her ride and onto the red carpet, clad in a bright, showy yellow costume akin to something a Desertian belly dancer, the silken finery fluttering with every step she took as her jewelry chimed ever so subtly with every sway to those full hips. Unlike a fair number of people walking across this red carpet, Kanna was virtual a stranger, devoid of anything even remotely resembling fame or infamy. But even with nobody knowing who she was or where she came from, she still earned the awe of onlookers as they simply gawked at the mysterious blonde, her curvaceous frame adored by countless, distinctive tattoos that still hinted little at her identity:

"Now where the hell did that chick get off to...?", out of all the hundreds of people at the venue, there was only one person she actually knew, and as she reached the end of the Red Carpet, she looked left, then right, cocking her hip to the side as she scratched her temple

Now Kanna was used to wearing revealing outfits... Not out of any desire to show off, but rather practicality, finding them comfortable and easy to move around in, and beside, helped keep her fresh too. Nothing worse than being smothered by layers upon layers of stuffy clothes. But even then, this outfit was anything but... All too often she found herself pulling that loose top back up as it drifted just a few inches down, grumbling softly as she adjusted her outfit with a visible jostle in her firm bust... Next time she was defenitely wearing something a little more comfortable. Still, she pushed all those thoughts aside once she finally came face to face with the woman she'd come here to meet, picking her jaw off the floor as she caught sight of her wearing little more than lacy lingerie:

"Holy shit Nikki... Did you forget your outfit a home or summin...?", she quipped, walking up to her partner in crime as her jade green gaze washed over that sinuous shape proudly on display, that telltale nibbling her of her bottom lip obscured by the veil hanging down over her face, "Still... Looks pretty damn good, I'll admit~"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:23 am

The Red Carpet (Open to All) K0Q1LIx

Otsukimi didn't think she would find herself with an invitation to an event. She hadn't brought any attention to herself to warrant anyone knowing her but apparently she had done something right to have one land in her lap. Sher wasn't one to turn down a party but this one just didn't call her name, so she really didn't plan on showing up. Funny thing about plans though, they change, drastically sometimes. The carriage that she rode in had been pulled by six midnight steeds. She sat alone with the clopping sounds of the horses and the growing sounds of the party. She was dressed to perfection, a dark blue dress adorned with gold accents hugged her every curve, a swan like mask covering the upper half of her face, and the plushest fur shawl wrapped around her body. Gems, crystals, and jewels made her sparking and she looked like something out of a dream. Her only reason for showing up was because she heard from a few little birds that a Celdrua was showing up, and that was enough for her to make an appearance. At some point her carriage pulled up to the red carpet and she would be the next to walk it.

The carriage doors opened, a flood of light and the clicking of cameras greeted her. She wasn't known to the public and she hardly wanted to be but in order for her to get what she wanted she would need to be in the spotlight. Once those doors opened she put on a smile that snatch hearts the driver of the carriage cleared his throat before announcing in a booming voice what she hoped would be heard by all. Hailing from the Celdrua Family I present Maria Estrella Rosalia Amenalia Rose Celdrua! And so the words echoed even over the crowd who for a moment went silent. Most would have thought only one Celdrua was showing up and they would have been correct. Stepping out of the carriage and into the light she strutted along the red carpet, waving to the crowd and the cameras and ignore the questions and compliments. She moved slowly, seductively, and with purpose. All would see the return that had been lost all these years and it was entering the mansion for a family reunion and perhaps more.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 3:49 am

Emil hits the red carpet like it was made for him as he was clad in a near golden everything and his mask matched with that this is what he deserved the attention the spot light the people yelling his name and asking him questioned to know about him no Yuurei to outshine him now as he was here and he was going to make him the center of attention, spoke with a higher class of speaking and he clearly showed the depth of his vein thoughts and actions as every answer was just thinks that aimed to shine better lights on himself as well as his self proclaimed winning smile that could charm any woman and not one could probably resist it.

Indi the exceed followed behind Emil smiling and waving trying his hardest to hid the pure embarrassment he was feeling for coming with this cocky and total idiot, thinking that Emil was invited probably as a good faith move to get Kaito and Yuurei to show up to this event in the first place.

Emil says his good byes to his adoring fans and he enters the ball with a showy entrance of him flexing to show off.


The Red Carpet (Open to All) Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:57 pm


The Red Carpet (Open to All) 466d10ed8eaed07de82f15b6036c4b6800ba68c1_00

Jikan found herself receiving an unexpected invitation to an event. The name on the hostel drawing an eye of interest from her. Lisa. And bit the one from her world, but the twisted one from the invading world. It would be a lie if Jikan was not interested to see what this doppelganger looked like as well as what power she had under her sleeves. Due to this, she found herself accepting

The voices, the music, the scene and looks. Safe to say, it isn't bad at all. Jikan stepped out of vehicle for the night, a red mana motorbike. Pulling into the side as she made her entrance to the party. The lights, the cameras, the cheers, all were moving at max level for the wave of powerful and famous individuals that came on this night. She walked dawned in her outfit her black shades placed on top of her head as she walked down the red carpet, right hand on her hip. Light flashed, voices were heard, but all in Jikan's mind was curiosity at who the people were present here...and what they were.

"Amazon Amazon! Over here!!". Click CLick CLICK.

In response to their calls Jikan looked around, turning head her ever so slightly with an downward tilt. Her cool eyes meeting the cameras. Her other hand shifted, index and middle finger curling to pull her hair behind her ear. Her white cloak hanging off her shoulders as her black latex suit shined under the glowing night lights. Body curved out, shoulders back as she gave a final step in her red and black heels.

"Yes yes. Go ahead. Be quick though".

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