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The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance

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The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:11 pm


Lumikki Hrútr and Brone Heavyaxe, both fellow members of Paradise Dawn, had fought in many battles in the company of the other. It was through the mentorship and the care of the Dhain Dwarf, that the little raven grew to the Demoness that she became. But in all those battles long fought, the yearning to test their strength among other legends also settled in. It was becoming a reoccurring complaint that the young mage often had.

Brone, a warrior that respected and honored every battle, would see no difference among her concerns. Of course, with the swift answer of their coming opponents, there was an electrifying twinkle in his eye. For what warriors of his grit and metal could ever turn down such a momentous occasion. A chance to go all out once more but in the company of his family proved promising. Lumikki would agree, with a devilish look in her eyes and an impish smile, she would write back the answer and arrange for the coming day’s events.

As the promised day approached, Lumikki wove all things into place. Sending ravens with the paperwork to book their time in the arena and sort matters in the guild so that she wouldn’t be missed. Brone and her found their own ways up toward Seven, as the Dwarf was never keen for flight but there was no reason to share a horse in travel.

The pair approached the front and were met with stares of both apprehension and amusement. They’ve seen Lumikki participate in some battles before and noted her elemental might, but the prospect of the Shield of Dawn also attending was intriguing, paired with the soon arrival of the White Empress and their quickly rising champion, Knuckles Shi. Then this was already turning out to be an iconic fight.

Long fought most of their entries in solo battles, so to witness a fight among two pairs was enough to sell out many seats. The names on the posters only prompt sales to rise further from high demand. And so all the participants involved would be welcomed graciously and  be provided rooms to wait within until their big event.

”Are ye nervous Uncle? Fighting comes naturally to one with yer name, but an audience for such things is still rare? Do ya feel the chill for what’s to come? I’m curious how it’ll feel fighting me beloved and yer former Guild Master….though I would be lying if I didn’t have me qualms.” Lumikki spoke through the smirk on her face as she was both nervous and excited. Still, she couldn’t wait for the day she fought beside her lover as well.

They two would hardly have more time to talk as there was a knock on the door. It was there time to make center stage, and neither of them were the type to delay it. Lumikki was the first to pass through the door, her Snow Monarch Concealment bunched around her neck and Twilight veil snuggly on. Her Kal el cape with raven feather flourishes flapped softly behind her in the small breeze that proceeded them in the final hallway. But the air current would pick up greatly until they reached outside.

Deafened by the premature cheers, the crowd amongst the seats roared unanimously on their entry. Welcoming the fighters to the ring with greet gusto. The announcers as well will sing all their proceeding praises as to build up for the clash to come, but Lumikki was hardly paying attention to any of it as her eyes were focused on the scene.

And what a setting it was! The ring was split in two, as oppose to the tundra she was welcomed to before. Now it stood like a pit of fire and the crushing depths of the sea on the other side. Where two stepped, they were right down the middle. Both avenues an easy task to wander, that is of course if one could handle the searing flames. To which Lumikki were turn from in complete aversion.

Despite the towering flames that danced along the right of them, curled among the support pillars of the coliseum, it was paired with dancing flames that slithered among the maze-like walk ways. The paths were two meters in length and so spacey to walk through, and would be mirrored on the proceed watery side. Where the flames seemed like they reached for the heavens, the water seemed to touch the ever depths of below. Its surface hardly still with all the stirred below, nor pleasant for any who fell in. Where the fire was brutal in its heat, the water could serve death in its chilling grasp. And almost like the gods of Seven lending their might and fervor, the Sun and Moon would show above in each respective side. Bolstering the effects and chaos of each respective element below.

In the center of the arena, there was a large circle to fight within, its diameter veering toward twenty meters. It would serve as a platform for most of the clash, should the warriors let it. And a large barrier would separate the crowd from the elements so that they were safe from its blistering affects.

Lumikki and Brone would calmly walk toward the center, though she would stay onto the left which held the side full of water. The crashing waves constantly overlapping the walkway and slicking the path.

”Suppose it’s time Osborn!” Lumikki called out to her Uncle with excitement. The sight of her beloved sending another surge of giddy, glee. She was happy to see him and it would show on her face and flashing him a small wave where she curled her fingers. ”This’ll be something, won’t it?” She’d utter while meekly turning away. Fighting alongside her Uncle and beloved were still far too new experiences for her.

And upon the arrival of Alisa, Lumikki would throw her whole body into a wave, ”We meet again Lady of the South. A clash wasn’t how I had our next encounter in mind, but let us find some drink when it’s all said and done.” At the yield of her wave, Lumikki would swing her arm forward, grasping at a staff almost what seemed like thin-air and pulling it back with her two hands. The Abyssal Spine, a staff the sits within the in between, beckoned at her will and now sat comfortably in her clutches.

Learning from her mistakes before, Lumikki twirled her staff and took a proper bow, an introduction that was not forsaken or overlooked like before. But soon after the rise, she’d look carefully. ”Gunnar, me love, I will not suffer that pain once more. Send out Murder now so that I may fight in peace, or I shall not fight ye at all.” Her voice was stern and true, she didn’t mind if he benefited from the support of her bird, but she would not see him harmed.


The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:02 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
A battle was one thing, but a team fight? Brone was already intrigued. It wasn't until he arrived in Seven that he found out that his opponents were Knuckles and Alisa. He had frozen for but a moment when hearing her name. It has been a few years since had last seen her; that day was filled with a mix of emotions, but time has passed and he has grown, he could only hope the best for his old guild master.

He and his niece waited in their provided room for the time being until they were called. Like a routine, he would inspect himself in the mirror before every fight partially to psych himself up and partially to make sure he was geared up correctly, but the day he first viewed a Fiorean mirror, he saw a younger, shorter dwarf with brown hair and tanned skin. Now he saw a reflection of a more seasoned dwarf with little resemblance of who he was back then; his hair, though still tied in a ponytail, pure white as his beard, his skin now ashen gray from head to toe as if he lived within the coal mines, absent of light, his eyes no longer brown but shining bronze as if heated in the forge and the veins displayed around his body, especially where it's more noticeable on his face, two lines extending from the end of each eye running down his cheek... golden instead of blue or red. His body, now different, stronger, he felt he was barely mortal any longer... he wondered if anyone else would recognize him.

"Aye, lass, I'm excited indeed" Brone answered his niece as he ran a hand over his cold breastplate made of never-melting ice, "I know each of us... all of us will give a fantastic show" he turned to her with a wide smile, the golden lines on his face glowed a bit due to the rush of blood from his excitement. He could no longer feel his heartbeat, for his heart was no longer normal, and didn't need to beat, but the blood circulated all the same, "I never got te see her in a full battle, so I look forward te it" Brone thought about the day he met her for the first time and how she produced beautiful crystals with great precision and power.

Then the knock on the door came. Brone grabbed his blue helmet and held it under his arm as he and Lumikki walked out, heading towards the arena. The cheers from the audience put some bounce to his step. They stepped out into the area, upon a long walkway that led to the center platform that stood in the middle between an ocean on the left and a terrain of roaring flames to the right. Such an interesting arena to be able to adapt different terrains for making battle more unique. "This will be a day te remember, so have fun, lass" he would tell Lumikki as they made their way towards the center platform. As his niece would edge towards the water, Brone would take closer steps towards the blazing terrain, the heat not breaking a sweat upon him.

As he would see the red haired warrior Knuckles, the dwarf would clenched his fists and slammed them together, knuckle to knuckle in excitement, "Good te see ye, Knucks!" he called to him, the bronze in his eyes glowing as if they were about to set ablaze. Then his demeanor changed when he would catch sight of Alisa; years have past and he still remembered when he first met her.

They had just finished defeated a crew of pirates upon the ship when she arrived. He had his attention drawn to the raven-haired woman who referred to them as "Guildmates", "Pleasure to meet ya, lass!" the dwarf felt relief now knowing that another one of the Blue Pegasus guild members arrived. 'Formality' the dwarf then remembered he had to represent Blue Pegasus properly, so he lowered his axe and faced Alisa, a closed fist slammed against his armor where his heart was, then he hesitated, remembering he needed to practice 'genteel', so he replaced his closed fist with an open palm over his heart as he gave a bow, "Good day to you, miss"

Brone would bring a closed fist to his chest, then gently open it and placed the palm over his heart as he gave a bow, presenting her with a warm smile, "Good day to ye, miss".


#3Knuckles Shi 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:00 pm

Knuckles Shi

So it seemed like there was a newer twist than ever. For the first time in his life, Knuckles would be doing a fight that was a two on two in the arena. The Daemon had always thought it to be something that would be he and Lumikki versus others. Though it seemed like fate would destine him to be challenged by his Fiance and her uncle.  Well, that was fine by him, it would allow him to test just how strong he was now against both of them. Since his time against Lumikki, he had become able to handle more pain.  Not only that but he had acquired a new set of armor which he was looking forward to displaying at some point.

For Brone Heavyaxe, the man whom Knuckles sought permission to marry, and the Uncle who was more of a father figure to his Paetron Knuckles would seem like an entirely new warrior.  While yes, his armor had remained the same since the two had faced off last, Knuckles was not the same fighter at all. Knuckles had learned to combine the effects of his hammers to use at a more lethal standard of range, while also improving the effectiveness of his close-quarters combat skills.  

If he was facing them alone he knew his hands were more than full. He had wagered he could last as long if not longer than he did when he faced off against Yuurei, but not much longer.  Knuckles had pocket aces up his sleeve. See he had attained an item that would now help him track his wife, or so he hoped, and the item would help the effects of his mana burn from his storm.  The second ace would be something that would be a shock to most who knew Knuckles Shi.  

If anyone would have ever guessed who Knuckles would fight within a two-on-two combat they would have likely assumed it to be Ittindi. Ittindi would have been Knuckles' first choice, however last time the pair had a sparing season right here in Seven Knuckles had found that Ittindi had not been using his magic for some reason and that the Butler/Bestfriend of Knuckles Shi was a bit too squashy for people like Brone and Lumikki who Knuckles Shi had yet to beat himself.

No his partner today would be Alsia, Guild Master of Blue Pegauses. The Team of Guild Masters faced off against two of the brightest of Paradise Dawn. Knuckles had thought of others first truthfully, like Kon of the Rune Knights, but his whereabouts were unknown to Knuckles. Sir Toga, while powerful in his own right would likely be overwhelmed by the sheer power of Lady Lumikki's Dark Frost. Lady Alisa on the other hand had shown Knuckles while in their trials against the Void that not only was she a smart fighter who could assist others, but she had the offensive power both with range and close combat.

He had tasted the effects of her spells firsthand, testing her and Toga's spells to judge their strength, and had found Lady Alisa to be a cut above most.  The most alluring feature of Alisa was that her magic was designed to kill those like Knuckles and Lumikki being dubbed Demon Slayer Magic. Much Like Lady Lumikki's magic which had been crafted to slay Gods.

He hoped with any look that the recent battles against the void creatures would give them a fair fighting chance against these two Iceberg fighters. Though Knuckles already had a sound plan in mind, one he had briefly discussed with Lady Alisa.  Warrior versus warrior and mage versus mage what be what was expected but that would not be the case.

As Knuckles readied himself to exit the gate with his partner, he looked over to her as Murder rested on his right shoulder. "Remember, if you see an opening take it. I do not care if I am in the way. Use me as a tool to land blows when you can. I am not so weak that I care if you hurt me. I am a reckless fighter anyway I do not use defensive-style tactics, so fight like I am not even there. Brone will try to be a shield for Lumikki, but I will force him to defend against me or he will lose more than just his focus. "

His tone was cold, but stern there was no chance of death here, people were protected from the battle as the people within the ring were perfected from all sorts of ill effects from magics on a permanent scale. It was the perfect place for those who sought to better themselves could go all out without fear of anything negative happening to them or others.

With a recap of his plan, Knuckles lifted his arms as he summoned his gear forth over his new brolic body. His body rippled with muscles replacing that form Skinny tone body he fought with before.  His training had really scaled up and because of it, he had progressed rather quickly. That Angel being the goal line to know he had made it. Before the Angel could be reached he needed to break through the Shield and the Demoness.

His body glowed with a red aura before both hammers found themselves in his hands. Mjlnoir in his right hand and Shattered Mjlnoir in his left. The twin hammers raced with lighting once they touched his flesh lighting up the cavern they would emerge from.  Wrapping around his head was a white mask-like helmet that was every bit as scary as the merciless wraith of the daemon in combat, the clown clout helm which born two wooden horns from the forehead cementing the image of evil and a demon under it. Paired with the helmet was a studded leather armor ordained with feathers, the clown clout armor.

Both items Knuckles had blessed with his first Norse ritual to give him strength, and they enhanced the man four times his normal strength alone.  When the gat raised Knuckles turned to Murder and shrugged his shoulder. "Be a safe friend. Stay here until I move out of the distance of your enchantment but stay away as much as possible. "

Knuckles exited the gate as the light of the sun. No, this was a heated light flame rippled across the area yet it was not overbearing, the opposite of a waterscape. Knuckles shook his head chuckling as he walked out of the gate and looked forward to his foes.  Lumikki welcomed Alisa, then addressed him.

"He is behind me Frør Dróttning, ease your mind. Though do not tempt me with an advantage to dismantle Lord Brone without your support my lady." Knuckles joked of course but not about dismantling Brone. "Yes, a good day to you too My Lord Brone. But this battle will not go as our last one did. Best bring out your beast power now if you still can. You have lost a great advantage giving those arms of yours up.  

His gaze from under his helm burned into Brone, his Shingami Red eye setting the weakness within the man's armor and the man himself, though something was off about Brone. His eye could not see what but there was something not right about his state of being.  Only time would tell Knuckles of what that change was. It would be foolish to think that man had not changed and bettered himself either, though Knuckles was damned confident he had caught up to the man if not only two strides behind him.

Knuckles looked around to the crowd around them and lifted his hammers to the sky letting out a battle roar letting his blood be fueled by his warrior spirit. "For the Gods of all Norsemen I dedicate this fight, take this offering as tiding from my warrior spirit!"

It was already time to get started!

WC 1323

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:01 am


This was new for Alisa, for sure... She hadn't done nearly as many sparring matches in recent years, and most of her fighting resulted from supernatural threats such as demons, dragons or creatures from the void. Alisa rarely felt the need to bring out her full strength into a sparring or exhibition match sutch as this... But here she was. Team fights like this were rare as it were, more often than not she'd end up facing off a single foe by herself, or as part of a team versus he same titanic enemy... Now, a two on two like this... Was practically unheard of throughout her entire career. Almost shocking when she thought about it really, had such a need never really come up? However, instead of extra dimensional enemies, her opponents were people she considered allies, friends even, on a battleground where people all across Ishgar came to test their mettle against one another:

"Surprising you called me for this, Lisa. Been a while since I've seen you put so much effort into a fight~", the succubus teased, her voice sultry and honeyed as she arched her brow at Alisa.

As Alisa finished putting on her armor, she had a puzzled, but amused succubus slipping on a leather black leotard, not bothering to hide her demonic nature, merely indulging her curiosity as she helped zip Alisa's bodysuit up, Yamato already strapped to her hip and ready to be drawn:

"I suppose holding back would be doing them a disservice? Not only Knuckles, but Lumikki and Brone as well."

Alisa, on the other hand wasn't surprised to receive Knuckles' invitation. They'd teased the idea of a sparring match in the near future, and when he reached out to her, that's what she expected. Instead, the master of Sleeping Calamity proposed a different bout, for the two of them to team up against Lumikki and Brone of Paradise Dawn. Alisa and Knuckles may not be guildmates, but they had triumphed as allies on two separate occasions against the forces of the void, and were now familiar with each other's fighting styles. Once she was geared up, Alisa met up with Knuckles at the gate, two fighters, fully equipped, the rumbling cheers of the crowd outside already making themselves heard:

"Don't worry... Considering who we're up against, it's unlikely my blows end up hitting you by accident. Likewise, if you need to blast the entire battlefield, go wild as much as you want. I can defend myself just as well~... Meanwhile, I'll keep Lumikki's attention on myself.", flashing him a smile, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail, nodding at his analysis of their opponents. Each of them masters in their specific domain, "Still... I'm looking forward to fighting beside you once more~"

Alisa would have undoubtedly struggled against Brone, who could outmatch her in close combat, and likewise Knuckles would have struggled against Lumikki who could face him from afar.
The airborne Goddess of Winter in the skies, and the Axe wielding God of War on the ground, each of them had their matches made. Each titans in their own right, and as far as Alisa was concerned, this was a battle between Guildmasters. Brone may not be one himself, but he was stronger than many Masters she'd known.

Alisa may have never fought Lumikki or Brone before, but they were both famous enough in their own right, and had some notions of their fighting styles... Airborne combat was hardly Alisa's area of expertise for she too would much rather keep her feet on the ground, but she could do it, especially with Liv here to assist her. With their strategy lined up and their gear equipped, the two fighters finally stepped out into the limelight, the sun's glare shining down on them as soon as they left the tunnels, and yet Alisa's eyes flared with awe, astounded by their makeshift battlegrounds of water and fire. She'd been expecting a large stony battleground, ready to be trashed by the countless attacks flying left and right, but instead she was greeted by hot wind blowing as a veritable inferno raged on one side of the battlefield, while water adorned the other one, leaving her hair fluttering about:

"My~... The Sevese really don't hold back when it comes to their Colosseum huh?", she noted, conjuring her sleek metallic visor from its pocket dimension, obscuring her eyes, leaving only that faint smile tinged with excitement.

Alisa kept to the water side of the battleground, choosing the side opposing her fellow mage, climbing up onto the arena, and immediately coming face to face with the same dusky beauty with whom she'd shared that fateful night of drinking and conversation, a mere few months ago in Hosenka:

"Delighted to see you again, Lumikki~... Nothing makes food and drinks taste better than a good workout before them?", Alisa all but giggled as she returned that wave, her smile widening at the sight of her from the opposite side of the field, before letting her hand fall right back on the hilt of her blade, "Lets give out Sevese hosts something to remember~"

"Ohoo, so you must be the Raven Queen Lisa told me so much about? I sure hope you won't mind if I join you for those drinks afterwards~ I'm Liv by the way.", the green haired Demoness immediately took notice of the only other fellow Demon in the battlefield, the only other one she'd ever met who wasn't aligned with the Abyss.

Alisa hadn't seen Brone in years... Her smile warm and welcoming as she laid eyes on him again, feeling a pang of regret not to have gotten to known him better when they were still in the same Guild; in fact it seemed as though she knew him better by second hand accounts from Lumikki and the various tales of his exploits that reached her ears:

"Fufu~... You still haven't gotten used to calling me Alisa, hm Brone~?", hearing those same words now, after all these years... It brought her back to their very first mission together, facing off against those pirates... Brone looked virtually unrecognizable compared to when they first met, having grown stronger, far beyond any other Dwarf Alisa had met... But she still recognized his voice, and her pink lips curled into a smile, "It's a pleasure to see you again. Now that I think about it... This is our first time facing off against one another~?"

By contrast, Alisa hadn't changed much... Her evolution into a Demigoddess had kept her body in her prime even with the passing years and as a result, she'd look exactly the same as she did all those years ago. Her equipment, on the other hand, had changed visibly, with Alisa now wearing a long black coat over her bodysuit, and having lost the greatsword she once wielded and instead replaced with a much smaller Katana around her hip. With Knuckles' battlecry announcing the start of their contest, Alisa reached for her sword and took her stance:

"Then... Let's have a good clean fight...!"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:12 pm


A look of relief washed over Lumikki’s face and was soon replaced with a slight smile. ”I’ll honor the same and tuck mine away Gunnar~ It’ll keep thing’s simple.” Soon enough Alisa’s presence was made known but so was an interesting guest as well. They’d chime in with the desire to join but Lumikki was lost in their curious appearance. Taking a bit to confirm her suspicion.

”Hmmmm tasty…another Demon…I would love for ye to join us, but could I take a bite of ya. I’m curious of how ye taste, but I’d offer a bite back from ye as well…” Lumikki was quite intrigued by the succubus among them, her fangs gnawing at a talon as she gave it thought; but soon enough she’d remember where she was and who she was among. Her eyes slowly trailing back to Alisa before Lumikki would turn her head entirely. ”—Just a reflex at this point. I won’t bite…” The Demoness made a habit of consuming other Demons, so her curiosity of the taste of others became an overwhelming hunger; but she was trying to curb such a craving on the behest of Alisa who advised otherwise. At least in her company…..

”Kukuku, clean as fresh fallen snow…” Lumikki chuckled with a mischievous gleam in her eye. ”I’m honing me status as Demon of honor, should I say. Tempering me excitement to maintain a certain level of grace, if ye would.” As Lumikki spoke, her four wings began to emerge. She’d take a few steps back before crouching and promptly kicking off. It was a soundless take off, her wings like owls not making a sound.

Once in the air, Lumikki spun around twice. Her staff reacting to the surge of mana, manifesting two massive lavender magical circles below them. Her little dance ending with her striking her staff toward the heavens before throwing her head back and letting out a blood curdling screech. It was heavy with her mana, pulsing is a disorienting aspect that sustains within the mind. Echoing her scream within their minds. She’d lick her lips almost as if in ecstasy, the satisfaction of releasing her howl brought her great pleasure. It was a rare thing for her to enjoy considering her usual brand of opponents.

In her giddiness, Lumikki tipped backwards. Almost flipping in the air before she suddenly halted, dropping her staff back into the realm of in between and drawing the circle to open personal abyss. From which she’d pull her precious harp the slowly encroached with ice. It’s glinting metal now covered in the motif of black wings and flowers. And now Lumikki would coast the skies playing the medley of two sorrowful songs in her attempt to dismantle her opponents moral.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:28 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The platform was clean and polished, well crafted and tended to regularly by what Brone can tell as he not only looked at it, but stepped upon it. He took in the craftsmanship, knowing well that the combatants that currently stood upon it will cause great destruction. Luckily, Huginn and Muninn had informed him that the barrier that separated the battlefield and the audience was strong enough to even defend against Yuurei's abilities, meaning neither one of them need to worry about causalities.

Seeing Alisa's smile warmed the dwarf's mechanical heart, "If ye alright with me calling ye 'Alisa', then Alisa it is, then" he laughed happily; he thought back to when they had fought the crew of pirates together, her magical prowess and the sword of light showed how powerful she was compared to him, Brone knew well that he wouldn't be able to reach her if they ever sparred, "We never met blades, no, but I've no doubt ye would have cut me down quickly back then" He gave her a determined look as he normally would with any fighter, his expression showed he was ready; the nervousness he felt back then when facing her was gone, for he had grown so much in the span of two years.

The moment Brone locked eyes with Knuckles, he felt his body lock for a quick second. There was something about his left eye, the red pupil seemed odd, piercing, as if it was looking directly into his soul. The dwarf figured it must a demon thing, and he shook off the feeling. The confidence from Knuckles hinted his growth, his voice seem to have slightly changed as a white mask slowly materialized over his face, and his iris went from white to black, such an intimidating appearance, "I may have given up those two extra arms, but know that me strength had not been lost, Sir Knuckles" the dwarf assured him as he slipped his blue helmet onto his head. Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere grew colder.

As Knuckles gave his dedication to the gods, Brone drew his golden shield into his left hand and his golden sear into his right hand. He brought the flat of the spear tip against the shield, causing the metal on metal to ring out as he called out a battle cry, frozen breath escaping his maw, emphasizing Knuckles' dedication.

The battle began.

Lumikki immediately took to the sky and began casting her spells. The air froze, dropping the temperature of the arena further and to make it worse, a black mist crept along the platform until it spilled of the ledges; black ice patches began to appear scattered throughout the platform. Then... the music began. The familiar harp that Lumikki strummed like a lullaby from the dark Abyss. Brone wondered for a moment how he didn't feel the affects of her spells as well as the sounds of her harp, though it reached his ears, didn't cause that familiar sensation that made him want to drop to his knees; it must be his nieces magical prowess that kept him from succumbing to the chilling affects.

Brone wanted to hold off on using his transformation, wanting to prove to Knuckles that giving up his extra arms wasn't a disadvantage, that he still the stance of a formidable foe, but the red hair warrior called out to the dwarf's transformation, and Brone didn't want to disrespect his nephew-in-law.

He shouted a battlecry that rang in the air. His body grew in size, from a four and half feet tall dwarf to an eleven foot tall polar bear. His body wide, his cloths magically grew to match his new form, and his white hair broke from the tie, no longer a ponytail but out and wild. His eyes, still a glowing bronze, matching Knuckle's demonic red.
Battlecry of the Werebear:

Brone exhaled a cloud of frozen air that dropped to meet the black mist crawling on the floor, then he rushed forward at Knuckles, the black mist parted as he made his way to his rival, covering the distance in 2 seconds. He would then thrust his spear right at the man's chest, the spear tip surged with electricity.

683 | 1,446

Battle Log:

Brone’s Spread:

#7Knuckles Shi 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:01 am

Knuckles Shi

Now came the joys of doing battle with his future bride. The chilling effects of her magic that would dissolve his strength and speed. Though Knuckles did not care about that this time, or rather he would not have to worry about it much this time as he had a plan for her little harp and the effects it would apply to his body.  As Lumikki grew her wings Knuckles lifted his hammers to the sky and called out to the god of Thunder Thor. Each god of Thunder from this realm and the Void realm would bless the Daemon with the power of the God of Thunder, allowing Knuckles to enhance his physical stats.

Lightning would strike down into the hammers while electricity raced over his form, his body growing in strength, speed, constitution, and endurance.  This effect alone was almost enough to offset the magic that would come from Lumikki's magic.  However, he had come prepared for on his right hand laid a glove, a glove that could track all metal objects around him within a certain range. All though currently they were on opposite sides of the arena, Knuckles would soon change that despite whatever plans Sir Brone Heavyaxe might have.

While his hammers pointed up Knuckles also cast his Void Storm to the area, the dark cloud started to instantly form above the arena as rain and lightning began to fall upon the arena. Lightning lighting up the dark skies as a bit of a wind would settle in as well.   Upon the storm of the void forming, terraforming of the void would start to cover the arena yet again. He wondered if this was why his matches always had different arenas for him to fight in so that they could cleanse the corruption of the void.  Who was to say for sure?

With the void storm here all parties besides Knuckles would instantly feel mana draining from their body and would keep doing just that until there was nothing left fueling it.  This would happen at the same time Knuckles had buffed himself with the Power of two Thor's. However, these were not the only things that happened.   At the same time, Knuckles would allow his Obsucra to consume his body as much as it could, using the power of Lumikki to bolster himself.

Ebony energy would cover his arms and torso, it would cover half his face, and his back would sprout wings of energy from them.  This would allow the daemon access to the skies, able to travel up to 15 meters in the air. not only this but it would also enhance his stacking with the blessings from his gods.  He had become attuned to using the powers of both sides of the coin to access new heights of power. As far as he knew he was the only one who used both Demonic and God powers in such a manner.

He could feel it through the overwhelming good that came from Brone, and today Lumikki had a bit of too much good within her as well feeling his obscure reacting to it bolstering his powers even more.

It would be at this time that Brone would be making his own transformation.  He was expecting a polar bear again instead it was a Lion. So it seemed Brone had improved some, which was good. It would be a true test for Knuckles.  Unfortunately for Brone however, it would not matter much. Knuckles had been fighting Yuurei who had really allowed Knuckles to figure out plans when dealing with super crazy strong people.  It was about time people put Knuckles' name on the top of that damned list.

As Brone moved towards Him, Knuckles flapped his wings going vertical in a lunge. In less than a second he was 15 meters in the air.  His hammers were still held within the air as he called down a thunderous strike down on Brone, twice—one from each hammer as he looked at the Lion of a Man.   The right arm seemed like a great place to have both strikes come down as one.    

Knuckles would twirl while in the air as he then threw both hammers at Brone's left arm casting their Mjlnoir throw from both hammers, each would home in on their target as Knuckles casted a secondary spell from Shattered Mjolnir breaking the hammerhead into 8 parts. Each would be bolstered by the storm boosting the amount of damage done.  

Knuckles still flew within the air, and held out his arms recalling the hammers to each hand they belonged to. Once they would find themselves back into his grip the Daemon would perceive the damage done and plan his fighting style from this point out.

WC 793
TWC 2116

Battle info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:29 am


Seeing both Knuckles and Lumikki dismissing their companions had Alisa looking to Liv... They were right, after all they already had enough combatants in the field. But Liv saw right through her:

"Oh nonono, don't even think about it Lisa, I'm staying riiiiight here with you~", she wiggled her finger, a stern, yet flirtatious look in her eyes that always left Alisa a little nervous.

She was always happy to flirt with whoever but... She never get used to having a clone of her great great grandmother seducing her, and simply flashed wry smile, and relented:

"Fine... In that case, at the very least we can do that."

There was one way they could fight together without adding an extra combatant to the field. Then again, this was the perfect opportunity to test their combined power against suc titanic opponents. And it helped that Lumikki seemed equally interested in her fellow demoness:

"My~... And I thought I was the temptress? A fair trade if I ever heard one. Though succubi don't feed in the same way you do, you know?", the Succubus nibbled her bottom lip, visibly enticed by the proposition, but at the same time, Alisa had told her a thing or two about their sparring partners, and among other things that Lumikki was spoken for. So she simply flashed her that alluring, understanding smile and winked, "Not to worry, I'm happy to mingle however you'd like~?"

Alisa, on the other hand, remembered that conversation clearly, and couldn't help but chuckle and smile as she saw how much she'd taken her words to heart:

"Much appreciated Brone~ Mmmm, and as you are now, I wouldn't be surprised if the roles have reversed?", Alisa ran a hand down her hair with a curious, admiring tone in her voice.

Considering the matchup, she could tell the two warriors would be more preoccupied with each other and the two mages would do the same. But they'd soon have a chance to see for themselves as the two warriors let out those bellowing battlecries. Alisa immediately felt the chill in the air as both Lumikki. Cold enough to slow down even one of icebergian blood as herself, frigid enough to put that icy void cavern to shame. Wasting no time, the Succubus turned into a spectral form and flew straight into Alisa, and in a sudden burst of magic power a pair of leathery bat like wings emerged from Alisa's head and back, the unmistakable power of an Obscura melding with her own. But there were consequences to letting a succubus posess you... Lust is hardly the best emotion for the heat of battle... But that excitement drove her all the same:

"And I must say... In this state, I can fully understand the effort it must have taken you? This feeling is... Quite intoxicating~", her voice had all but turned into a purr as Alisa licked her lips, inhaling deeply as she focused only on her opponents, slowly draining mana from Lumikki and Brone with her very presence, while leaving Knuckles unharmed... Even though the power of his storm attacked her own mana pool in turn, this combination of effects made it clear their battle would be a short one, at least for the mages involved.

And as Lumikki kicked off into the air, Alisa followed. She accelerated quickly, and at first it looked like she was more than capable of outspeeding her. Her visor lit up, marking her opponent as her target, hampering her ability to cast magic... But once Lumikki let out that screech that made her wince, everything changed. Even though she expected an attack and tapped her foot, no damage was actually thrown at the diamond hard layer of armor as Lumikki's hindering magic permeated through her body. Though she had her resistances as a Demigoddess, they did nothing in the face of a God Slayer. Much like Alisa's Demon Slayer against her, the two had advantageous magics against one another... But even as her whole body tingled with the freezing cold, she could already feel her body fighitng off the hindrances:

"Fufu~... Then, I guess I'll keep you company up here?", Alisa couldn't fly as high as Lumikki did... But that didn't stop her attackig from below. As she reached her maximum height, both hands fell on her sword as she unsheathed it with a clean, sweeping slash. And at that moment, a storm of sword slashes would instantly appear at Lumikki's location as her sword cut across the fabric of space to slice at her target, instantly envelloping the Ice Queen., "HAAA!"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:45 pm


Not long after Lumikki had kicked off the ground, Alisa would join her. Not before a small spat with her companion that ended with the hunter becoming possessed, the features of the succubus were now only faintly mentioned in the White Empress. With new leathery wings that adorned her head and sprung from her back.

Meanwhile, Knuckles would go through a transformation of his own. Combining the power of her very Obscura with a foreign power of his own. The fridge shadows wrapped about his skin while also merging with the blessings of Gods. An odd mixture he would only know as she felt it out of reach.

With large wings, Knuckles entered the air before her Uncle could touch him. To Lumikki’s surprise, his eyes were not on her at all. No, with hammers in hand he’d heave them toward Brone; but not before allowing the corruption of the void to invade, its very presence was diminishing her own and she loathed it. What vexing concoction, it mirrored the Abyss in its ravenous desire to consume and transform and it would be for that reason that Lumikki detested it. Finding fault in all things that rendered her insignificant while expressing means akin to her own. Yet she had no time to suck her teeth from frustrations. Alisa would push her transformation further with what seemed like gems coating her very skin mere seconds before cutting the distance. What more, the very sight of the Goddess was hindering in ways she did not fully understand. With her World’s eyes, she’d ponder the reason but it would take time. All she could do was take a defense stand and prepare now.

Lumikki’s fingers worked quick to plucked at her harp’s strings. The melody she play was one of heavy and hardy tones. Squaring off with many cords at once so that it ended as heavy as it felt. All the while the magical circle illuminated from her work, flicking and manifesting behind her head, resembling a demonic crest or halo before settling on the image of a runic crescent that lingered. Armor, black as obsidian, would adorn her compact frame. It left no skin bare as it hungrily consumed her. Wings would grow from many points: the helm, knee plates, and boots. While runic etches would carve its way atop the surface of bigger plates, calling to the powers of protection and overcoming battle, before fluttering out into feathery flourishes. Her helm covered much of her head, and a band of darkness would overlay above her eyes, leaving only her nose and mouth for others to see. The back of the suit had four holes intending to free her wings should she need to, and from her waist down hung a black fabric like skirt that sat atop a plate of ice, to which to big black wings adorned her hips and provided more protection from the sides. Plating with ice crystals and many shades of blue and purple adorned her neck and chest. It was almost like gazing upon a Valkyrie.

the armor:

Lumikki could hardly brace herself. On the pinnacle of Alisa’s ascent, she’d swing of one of two swords. Sending a flurry of slashes her way. The black shimmering armor was able to withstand, though lashes etched itself onto every surface. Flourishes such as wings and feathers would chip and break off, while all the runic details were now ruined and erased.

The impact pushed upon Lumikki like a crashing wave. Not enough to be sent flying but enough to understand the difference in strength. She was used to Yuurei, a prominent hunter in his own right and a devastating force to Lumikki like scorching brilliance of the sun. But now she faced her other counter, the ruthless radiance of a Demon slayer. Wielded by the grace and finesse of Lumikki’s other antithesis, a blade wielding Goddess.

Lumikki gritted her teeth, fangs piercing her bottom lip deep enough that blue streaked down to her chin and neck. The Demoness understood where her focus will lie much like her beloved did. Sadly the frost mage would have to comply, leaving Brone to manage himself. But he was skilled and would probably fair better than she would now.

Lumikki pulled back with nimble wings, she dare not get closer, choosing to create a distance instead. Yet the hindering feeling kept welling up within her. Choking points of her mana and power. She would have to choose her next steps wisely. Her fingers plucking at the harp in exasperation. The melodies were clunky now as her anxiety was swelling. It was not for comfort that she did this, but for confusion. In between all the nonsense she played, Lumikki wove in spells.

As the Demoness picked up speed, circling around the other airborne at around twenty-five to thirty meter away. Circles would form around her, staying where they had spawned despite her moving away. Lumikki only had the nerve to play one, worried by the venture of her growing weakness could soon claim her. And like a wounded animal, she’d have to plot her next move carefully.

Many magical circles formed in the air, flickering into existence like a cord wreathed in lights. The hovered and spun in place while the shadows and frost got to work. Spinning weapons with impeccable likeness to their legendary counterparts. If one were to notice, all the weapons in Brones arsenal would be forged among them. Knuckles’ hammers were amid them too. All the myths hovered among them, even the Yamato would now glimmer with them too. It was Lumikki’s tribute. In part to honor her previous Guild Master but to also display the love she held for stories and weaponry alike. Her father, a skilled blacksmith taught her all he had to give, and Lumikki would never let such love and passion die. With every myth, every story, she would immortalize them in her spell and assure they stand the test of time. But now, they would also work in her favor, they would strike down her foes as they have for their masters. And so they would Alisa first and foremost and Knuckles if he was not to far within.

Just as they shot forward, Lumikki would also spill forth another spell. If she were to be wounded, it wouldn’t be her alone. All would suffer her pain to the extent in which she could still unleash it. The moment she made up her mind, the air within the stadium became sheer cold…it was a chill that could slow the blood and brittle the bones.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#10Brone Heavyaxe 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:57 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
It seemed as if the world fell into darkness as the scenery changed. The sky bled thick storm clouds and all seemed gray, devoid of color, the only source of color seem to come from the quick flashes of blue lightning that surged through the clouds. This was the second time Brone had witnessed this, so he knew well this was summoned forth by Knuckles, so it was expected; already as the large polarbear ran across the platform towards his opponent, he felt his magical energy being siphoned from his, devoured by the void that was called to the battlefield.
Void Storm:

And like Brone, Knuckles had called forth his own transformation; the black obscura enveloped part of his body, causing him to grasp at the demonic power that he bargained with, the power was so intense that the flashes of blue lightning changed to flashes of black, the obscura even affecting the storm itself. Wings sprouted from Knuckles back and he took this chance to quickly launch himself into the sky to avoid the attack coming at him. Brone came to a halt as his golden spear missed it's mark just by a second. He looked up to view the winged demon, who held up his hammers towards the sky, the werebear-dwarf knew what was coming, so he bellowed another warcry, causing the magic within his breastplate made of pure ice to quickly sprout all throughout his body just as black lightning began to flash above them both.
Fierce Winter:

Within a split second, two bolts of black lightning shot down from the sky in such speed, Brone couldn't react in time, just as like last time; after the initial battle, he realized because the lightning was so fast, there was only one move that could defend against it and that was the Fierce Winter spell that now coats his body, but the werepolarbear-dwarf didn't expect two bolts of lightning to be called. The two lightning bolts shot down then arced to strike at Brone's right side, lightning up his arm, causing black static to quickly flow throughout his body, shattering the ice armor before digging into his arm. Brone felt the heat of the lightning surge through his arm as he felt the copper blood vessels within heat up, burning him from the inside. But also, some of the black lightning, in that same instant with great speed as it came back down, shot back up in it's return stroke towards it's source. Though this shouldn't have normally happened with Knuckles' spell, the magic of Brone's golden spear caused this as recoil.
Tempest Revenge x2:

Time seem to return and Brone was able to move, his body jerked from the static charge, his mechanical heart thrummed for a second from that reaction, while his right arm was smoking from the attack, the sleeve to his white under shirt was scorched and burned to ash while the white fur of his transformation was blackened, but he could still feel his arm, his grip was still tight around his spear. He looked up to see Knuckles was already working on the next attack, both Mjolnir's were heading his way. Brone quickly lunged back to gain a better vantage point to defend himself, and as he did, he confirmed his suspicion, both Mjolnirs were locked on his point, they curved in the air to adjust to his movement, there was no way of dodging them. Then the second Mjolnir shattered into several pieces, "Damn!" Brone cursed as he gripped his shield tightly and grounded his feet against the platform floor.

To his surprise, both Mjolnirs, the whole one and the shattered pieces, had flown towards his left side, aiming for his arm, and to the werepolarbear-dwarf's fortune... towards his shield's proximity.

The hammer of the first and the shards of the second all slammed into the golden shield with rapid succession, sounding as if a dozen cannon balls assaulted a fort's wall all within a second. Brone's strength held as he gripped his shield tightly. After the assault stopped, the two hammers flew back to their wielder while the golden shield remained unscratched, though static danced along it's metal, residue from Mjolnir's power. The werebear growled as he looked up at the demonic warrior, it seemed that all the combatants were in the air now, leaving Brone on the ground where he felt comfortable, but this battle wasn't about comfort.

In an instant, a lavender magic circle appeared that covered  the entire platform; Brone felt as if his copper veins, which were heated up a moment ago had just suddenly froze, his breath froze and a deep chill ran up his spine. Judging by the circle and the spell, it must be Lumikki's working, such a powerful spell was able to not only cause a deep chill to envelope the area, but to also make even Brone shiver was dangerous.

Brone needed to act now, and despite his hatred of leaving the ground, he had no choice but to join the others in the air, the white fur cloak upon his back sensed his thoughts and flapped happily, giving him the power to take flight as Brone launched himself into the air. Within 2 seconds, he would cover the distance between him and Knuckles, all the while pointing his spear at him, jutting it forward with great force from his strength and momentum.

883 | 2,329

Battle Log:

Brone’s Spread:

#11Knuckles Shi 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:46 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles watched as the lightning crashed down onto Brone's spear arm. The first spell had hit a layer of Ice magic which protected Brone from the attack. Thought as the lightning met the magic spell it would shatter the shield instantly as it had appeared. Knuckles smirked as Brone had used the same tactic as Yuurei. Paradise Dawn really had smart warriors among them. The second lightning strike would find purchase cleanly though, successfully landing and draining mana from the warrior.

The ice and fire below made an excellent parallel to the fighting styles of the two warriors. Brone was what some would refer to as a Tank, while Knuckles was more of a Bruiser. While each could take a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage, they were two different paths and were the best at both of the routes they took. Knuckles wondered if he would now be able to call himself the strongest Non-mage in the world if he beat Brone. He presumed so.

Knuckles then watched the hammers hit the shield but somehow this shield did not break. That was good to know. As the hammers came back to his hands, Knuckles watched as Brone was lifted into the air, that was a new one from the Dwarf. Though Knuckles wondered just how much the Dwarf would be able to hold that spell and his transformation after being drained of so much mana.

A Chilling Forst would hit him and by default Murder as well since the attack covered the entire arena. That Poor Bird only ever got caught by Lumikki. Frost washed over him and hit him, the frost was Lumikki's for sure. Unfortunately, his armor was blessed by the gods thus as the magic tried to go through it the magic of his armor pulled some of the damage meant for him into the armor. The chilling magic added some wear to the armor, and some indeed did go through to Knuckles himself. This kind of spell had hit him before in fact he had been hit by this spell before.

Knuckles could see Brone coming, but more than that he could feel him coming from the power of the glove, so even though the frost had washed over him Knuckles was able to react in time lifting his Mjolnir up, to catch the spear with the head of his hammer. Both weapons would exchange blows transferring the damage to both weapons. Knuckles had met the weapon with his main hand, which had forced him to go cross-body, however since Brone was flying towards Knuckles, and was already shorter, though he held a spear the high ground was in his favor. Knuckles brought the hammer down in a true motion for a hammer sending the flat face of the hammer into the tip of the spear Kncoking it in a parry motion driving all the motion and strength behind the spear blow to be redirected in a different angle than intended.

As if the Storm above knew that soon the fight would be all but over. Lighting crashed down as the rain waters started to freeze with the presence of Lumikki. The roaring flames beneath them all would start to die as the sleet began to fall onto the flames. Smoke from the dying flames would begin to lift into the air, but since they were not enclosed and with a storm currently raging it would not hinder anyone's sight at this moment. Everyone was at least 15 meters into the air.

It was time for the Daemon on the edge of ascending to counter the attack from Brone. As the two weapons met, the Daemon used his wings, being a veteran of Air combat at this point, to aid in a mid-air flip twisting to get around to Brone's back, seeing the charred fur of Brone Knuckles used that as a target as he swung his offhand straight down as he had done with Mjolnir earlier but this time it was Shattered Mjolnir.

The Lighting and Arcane damage would sing to the testament of Knuckles accomplishments. There was a high chance he could Knock Brone out here and now, the man had seen better days. After his Off-hand strike would come down. Knuckles would follow through with his main hand, though this time the hammer would strike to the back of the head of Brone's helmet.

Knuckles never got tired of hearing the sound of Metal on Metal, and of course, this time around the deafening booms of his mythic hammers would echo through the battlefield like lighting had just struck twice, and like before it was the same spot. There was something new that happened for the first time that even Lumikki would not know of. On top of the mana being drained from Brone from his Shattered Mjolnir hit the effects of his glove would also set in.

The modification would apply the on-hit effects to Brone from each hit, not only would Brone find he had less mana, but he would also find his magic from his items harder to reach. As if a Damn was being built from the flow of his mana to his items. When Knuckles landed blows with his weapons, the shard applied an effect like Bane magic to the opponent, making it more taxing to use their spells, while also increasing the time it took for them to recover from using these spells. That meant for Brone, his limited resource of mana which Knuckles had been taking away with each attack, was now going to be used more to do the same. This was the power of a Sleeping Calamity member, and Knuckles, well he led by example for his guild.

The Calamity here was Knuckles, and his strategy for winning was simple, hit your opponent with an overwhelming amount of force be it magical spells or weapons. Make defending from those attacks painful, if you did manage to block those attacks make it costly, ensure his opponents could not escape his touch, and those who did make them pay with a combo of spells that would hurt more than the touches of his hammers. Give them no chance to breathe, and destroy their mind when they think of options. All while they were subdued of losing all their mana, making it critical which spells they needed to cast to fight off the savage Daemon, and make those spells less rewarding because it would tax the hell out them. Giving them some many things to worry about that they overthought the battle, all while Knuckles just chased them down with the damn Clown Mask on his head. Laughing as he destroyed them.

Now it was time for Brone to make the choice, keep up his transformation in attempts to outclass Knuckles in whatever aspects that form allowed him to do so, or let it fall to reserve his mana for spells. Perhaps it was to keep the form and try an all-out attack before his mana ran out to best the Daemon in an overwhelming attack which would be too little too late if Knuckles was keeping up the tabs of the fight. While Knuckles was not sure how much mana Brone had, Knuckles did know as a warrior who lacked magic himself just like Brone, that using all those spells and transformations was already taxing on the very small pool of mana they had. They did not have the reaches of mana from the constant casting of spells and the use of magic since childhood to grow their pools. They were not chosen for that life, but Knuckles had been chosen, he had been chosen by the Odin or Thor of Two lands to wield the power of Thor the God of Thunder, he had been chosen by an Ancient Demon in the Abyss of Hell, he had been chosen by Lady Lumikki, the Demon Queen of Iceberg. All four had chosen him as a Champion, a warrior, or a tool of destruction to defeat those in the way of their ideals and wants. This was the acclimation of all that power, the binding of powers blessed by Gods and powers given by sacrifice of his soul and himself to become a Legendary Warrior Capable of even standing toe to toe against the most Well-known non-mage in all the lands. Brone Heavyaxe, and today, Knuckles was going to be known as the Daemon, no the Warrior who defeated him even if they would say it did not count because it was not a one-on-one.

That was okay because the daemon was only getting started.

WC: 1457
TWC 3573

Battle info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:51 pm


The sounds of crackling thunder and clanging metal below presented a constant temptation, Alisa would have loved to watch the battle between Brone and Knuckles with her own two eyes, but she had her own opponent right before her. Getting distracted now would have been a grave insult to this dark Goddess of Winter with whom she felt such kinship towards. She couldn't afford to waste even a single motion as with the pressure her abilities placed on the Raven Queen, she too would devote every ounce of her energy towards Alisa, away from the battle between her Uncle and her lover. She'd shared a battlefield with Knuckles twice, but she'd never seen him get truly serious. The crackling storm filling the air kept burning away her own mana not unlike the effect her energy drain had on others, making it painstakingly clear that no single fighter in this quartet would be able to keep it up for long. At the same time, that eerie melody, enthralling to the ear, kept sapping her strength... And with Lumikki's speed and most importantly, her current height, Alisa had no way of reaching her in Melee range.

She could only strike from afar as Lumikki too transformed into a majestic, fully armored Valkyrie, the very figure of the mythological guides of the fallen. Alisa's lips curled wider... A fitting form for the feathered femme, and one she'd never forget, following her closely as the demoness flapped her wings to preserve the distance between them... Alisa could feel some of the bone chilling cold easing up, a clear sign of Lumikki shifting her attention to defense rather than all out attack.

All the strategies Alisa had refined to best foes who could outspeed and keep her at bay, the abilities she'd amassed to take down demons from the Abyss... By sheer coincidence, these abilities lined up perfectly with her opponent's fighting style. But a fighter as experienced as her could sense it as well, and would come at her with everything. Alisa felt a lump in her throat as she watched her opponent closely, knowing one false move could cost her dearly.

The sculptress flew forth as the Ice mage flew away, trying to narrow that distance, watching her every motion as she conjured a myriad magic circles all around her... Something was coming! She could see the familiar shapes of the carefully crafted weapons, a clear reminder of Lumikki's innate sculpting ability that she'd shared on that fateful night in Hosenka... Even a replica of that very same sword in Alisa's hand numbered among them. Alisa would have loved to admire the craftsmanship... But her sharp instincts warned her of impending danger just as Lumi launched the swords towards her, and she responded with a shout:

"HAA!", a white magic circle appeared in front of her mouth, from which a whirling storm of razor sharp crystal fragments erupted, shooting forth.

Seeing the magic circle and the swords forming around her opponent, Alisa timed her counter attack and responded with a bellowing battle cry, roaring with all her might towards the oncoming swords, letting her instincts guide her until the two spells collided. But even though she could defend against the first attack, there was nothing Alisa could do against the second one. She felt that tingle along her upper back, stronger than before, a clear signal that something was powerful was coming. But no matter how much early warning she had at her disposal, there was nothing she could do against the merciless grip of winter:

"Ghhh...!", Alisa could only brace herself as her eyes widened underneath her visor, raising her idle hand over her mouth as she rose her guard more out of reflex than anything, the sudden, ice cold freeze gripped the air faster than she could respond, a merciless, biting chill that nearly froze her in place, "Your mastery of magic is nothing short of impressive Lumi."

Her crystalline armor cracked under the cold, those visible lines spreading all across her gleaming white crystalline frame, and she could help but express her admiration for her opponent's power. Her own spells could match her in potency, but the sheer speed of Lumikki's own was nothing short of overwhelming, pushing her back and making it harder to get close. The moment the spell hit her, Alisa swept her hand on reflex, causing a large magic circle to appear directly underneath Lumikki, from which a sudden eruption of crystalline mana would burst forth, a crystallizing pulse, ready to shred through whatever resistances it found.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:38 pm


”And yer prowess in slaying me kind is apparent Empress…” Lumikki was still soaring about, in her panic she didn’t want to stay one place at once. Though she was not wounded per se, it felt like she was attack in an internal she could not comprehend. And with a cynical cackle, she finally understood that this was just the feeling she had a tendency to inflict.

Oh how bitter was it to know the suffering one handed others so freely. Usually the humbling experience was enough to make one reevaluate their baneful nature, maybe shirk the hexes and curses for more directness in their work. Yet that didn’t work on her. Lumikki was per usual, falling into her inner turmoil; but it did not play out in such ways. Instead she was once more sorting through the intricacies of her very being. Trying to find value and purpose in what she did, what she has. As if this encounter sent her to another state of shock much like those she would suffer when clashing with Yuurei, another overwhelming being.

In disembodied hisses, the whispers of the Abyss muttered hushed dribble within the confines of Lumikki’s mind. Tucked closely along every notion she analyzed for her arsenal and assault were insecurities, weaved intricately like dazzling fine ribbons tied around all the things she thought she held dear. Despite the turbulence of her mind scape, Knuckles was barred tightly from such connections to her thoughts and emotions. He could only perceive her as empty echo in the distance or a wind howling in the cold Abyss.

Tears ran down Lumikki’s face as the crux of her passionate emotions began to strike painfully, it was like an overwhelming pressure bubbling from within and it felt close to pushing her into a state for temporary madness. The Demonic nature nestled within was now striking with sharpened talons, urging her to berserk as punishment, all while pressure build up in her head so condensed that her skull felt like it was throbbing. Lumikki desperately fought the urge to claw at her own flesh to alleviate her frustrations, but she could not quell the bubbling emotions that pour from her eyes. She never wanted to be seen like this….she didn’t have to be seen like this…..but her mana, she was bleeding….this had to end…

And in the spiral of emotions, passions, and thoughts. It spun so fast and haphazardly that finally it snapped. She snapped. Now too dissociated to connect with the thoughts and feelings of uselessness, she flung herself to the feverish desire to relish in the pain instead. Drowning in it if it meant that she could be freed from her inner torture. But such wicked burst has a tendency of wanting to also drag others in.

Lumikki took in the helplessness like a candy one could swirl with the tongue and savor the flavor. Internalizing it like she was searing it into her soul. Did the magic of a Demon Slayer have the power to invoke the nature of a Demon? Did it inspire the worst of the beast as the cornered monster unleashed its fowl and desperate ways? Did the notion of such magic require one to first embrace demonic aspects in their nature first?

Lumikki didn’t notice the magic circle from beneath her. She was lost in the thoughts, feelings, the wind whipping at her face, and the shame of having her loved ones around. By the time it burst, the mana and crystals rupturing in the space around her, Lumikki was reaching the peak of her madness. Her armor now shattering like the last of her restraint. It crumbled away, pieces breaking off and chipping into cracks that sunk deep, much like her capacities. It was like the internal was now etched on her image and flesh. Her blue blood pouring from her wounds as her armor did nothing to stop the shards. It burned more than incisions usually did, like it was searing her as well; but Lumikki could not tell. Her mind was far away.

In a quick and cold gesture, Lumikki froze over from within. Her face now devoid of emotion or care. Her priorities not longer on her safety, but on glacial destruction. No more was the wounded the creature that bleed with tail between her legs. Should she go out now, she’d at least present a terror first. An awoken desire to be as intimidating as the Demons of the Abyss.

The frost mage, locked in place, plucked feverishly at the strings of her harp. The melody was a mix of eerie and deranged, with some of the notes being too sharp or out of tune. It seemed the Demoness was more occupied with getting the chords needed for the spell, but no longer the craftsmanship of her work. But even with the stone look of her face, she couldn’t stop the tear from trickling down from her eyes.

Her eyes, already glowing their purple and fuchsia hue, now showed hints of gold in the left sphere. Lumikki was locking onto Alisa with hopes drag her down as well. Her tunes now invoking magic circles that spun and wove an arrow dripping with shifting darkness, and the crackling and cracking surge of her pseudo lightning. Both of which would seek the goddess.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#14Brone Heavyaxe 

The Song of Slayers woven into a Warriors Dance Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Brone Heavyaxe

The golden spear was darting forward, attempting to strike true, but the legendary divine hammer met the weapon's tip, deflecting the blow with great force. The large werepolarbear growled as a reply to the red haired warrior's counter, but he wasn't surprised by the quick thinking and agility which merits his skills. Lightning strikes from above, echoing the clash of metal and metal; rain falls upon the battlefield, dousing the flames that were coating half the battlefield below, causing smoke to slowly rise and spread to cover and envelope the platform where the four fighters were initially standing, though luckily the smoke didn't rise high enough to reach them as they have taken flight.

The rain droplets dripped from Brone's brow, his white fur damp from the rain and sweat as he kept his eyes on Knuckles. Without taking his sight from his opponent, his divine insight allowed him to be aware of the two women; he gritted his teeth, aware of his Lumikki's state. Blue blood mixed with the rain as his own red blood did as well. The music from the harp was rushing, the cords thrumming like a heartbeat, worry filled the werepolarbear, but he couldn't leave his focus on his current battle, for it would risk Knuckles getting behind him, speaking of which...

The red-black demon flew over him and positioned himself behind Brone and was quick to strike. But luckily for the wet werebear, the divine insight allowed him to see Knuckles as if he had eyes on the back of his head, so as Shattered Mjolnir came in for a strike towards Brone's right side, Brone would cause his spear to instantly switch places with the black axe Dhuraindarin all the while Brone was in motion to counter; he would twist the black axe so that it's blade would meet the shattered hammer, intending to shatter it for good. Simultaneously, because the golden spear had vanished, the spell that held the transformation was broken, the wet fur faded like smoke as Brone had shrunk to his true form. Still moving, Brone sensed the other Mjolnir was coming in for a strike, so the dwarf raised his shield and position it behind his head to block the attack. The hammer met the shield, the metallic ringing mixing with the sound of thunder.

A single silver bang drooped down between his eyes and down his nose, his eyes facing the crowd that in the stands who cheered as they witnessed this epic battle, all the while the dwarf was able to defend himself while the daemonic warrior attacked while using his wings to his advantage. Brone knew that he wouldn't be able to defeat him in his realm, the air, especially when the dwarf didn't have enough experience in such terrain, so he decided to try and change things. He would twirl his body to face Knuckles while swinging his black axe, arcing it overhead and as he brought the blade down to attack the redhaired warrior, he activated the innate spell within his blue helmet. The axe would cause an icy cold wind to erupt, spreading throughout the battlefield. Brone would also allow his weight and the force of his swing to take him down, dropping out of the air and plummet into the raising smoke and vanishing within the plume.

Thankfully the cloak would slow his descent enough to soften the land enough to keep himself from harming himself, but as the axe, which would still slicing through the air, hit the floor of the platform, a crack ran up and down. Brone stood up and took the moment to catch his breath while gripping his shield and axe tightly, his divine sense reaching out to view above the smoke to make sure to keep an 'eye' on Knuckles as well as Lumikki and Alisa. The spell to maintain the bear transformation and to keep flying was just as taxing as the spells that the opponents were using to siphon him and his niece, but now that touched the ground, he could think better, feeling solid surface beneath his feet.

The cold air from Brone's spell, along with the cold emitting from his helmet's passive magic, mixed with the cold of Lumikki's spell caused the temperature of the battlefield to drop so much, that the water was completely frozen. A frost would quickly creep up the magical barrier that protected the audience, making it no longer invisible, but now seemingly to become a large cylinder wall of ice with the combatants within like a cage match.

Brone hid within the plume of smoke, and because of the cold air, the smoke became more dense and heavy, causing it to keep from raising any further.

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