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Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans

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Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:07 am



Name: Project Valkyrie: The Swans

Slot: Modification

Type: Race

Class: -

Quantity: Limited

Element: Frost/Darkness


Long ago in the frozen north of Iceberg, a nation had amassed a large army with the backing of a dark wizard possessed by a being from the Abyss. Village after village, town after town they had devoured on their march. As the army was soon to leave the north and begin their march down into Bosco's forest, they would have to cross a pass in the mountain range. Horns echoed throughout those hills catching the army by total surprise. From the mountains, the people had begun to fight back. Though they may have been slaughtered, they would give it their best to cripple the army before it entered into the more populated regions of Earthland.

Seeing the people slaughtered, the noble creatures known as Valyries descended upon the battlefield. With them, they brought aid and strength. With brilliant wings and sharpened blades, they sored through the skies slicing their foes down one by one. Amongst these beings were two sisters, Hlaðguðr and Svanvartr. The White and Black Swans as they were called. The two of them were able to do together what it took ten other Valkyries to do.

Though they had noble causes and valor the Valkyries and the people there that day fell to the army and its fabled dark wizard. Their story did not end there. Before their souls left this world, the wizard was able to store not only their souls but the souls of all their fellow Valkyries that fell with them. Using his twisted magic, the mage was able to create a symbiotic being that was able to tie itself to those beings touched by the Abyss’ magic. These beings came to be known as Project Valkyrie.

The Valkyries used in the project often resulted in failures. Taking the form of a shadowy-like goop with a mix of starry sparkles, the shadow will latch onto its host and be able to regulate itself. Those who attempt that do not have Abyss traces will find that the shadow will begin to feed from their own flesh and blood and eventually kill them within a short amount of time. The shadows offer great use and utility depending on the Valkyrie that was used for the project.

The Swans it was decided were to be merged. Their mixture was a coin toss but one that proved to be successful. Due to the potency of the beings that formed the shadow it was deemed too powerful to be linked with. No creature, even those from the Abyss, seemed to be able to withstand its power. Locked away it became. Tucked away waiting for the sands of time to pass it onto a being worthy of the sister’s strength.

Hlaðguðr and Svanvartr, better known as the White Swan and the Black Swan, will take on the form of a constant pair of shadows beneath their user. One will be oddly white while the other your traditional black. These shadows converge as one at their master’s body at all times. They may be extended up to 2 meters from the body and even become 3D when needed. They can be considered a limb for fight-based mechanics but cannot hold any items of their own nor can they be permanently removed as they are a part of you as much as you are a part of them.

You will find Hlaðguðr and Svanvartr grant the user grand abilities and powers and if given the chance perhaps even more. The powers the sisters give is matched with what they demand in return. You will forever be locked with the spirits of both fallen sisters within you.


  • The Modification can only be obtained by Lumi
  • The Modification cannot be used by one who is either too good or too evil. The fame cannot exceed 50% more than their infamy nor can their infamy exceed more than 50% of their fame.
  • The Modification will compel the user to aid those who are weaker and unable to defend themselves.
  • The Modification can only be obtained and used by a member of the Norse religion. If the user opts to follow a new pantheon the shadows will free themselves and leave them.

  • Linked Fates: While in their shadow form, the twins cannot be harmed or targeted by any known abilities or skills. It is when they emerge that they become vulnerable. If the swans are dealt damage directly toward their CON, the owner will have that same damage mirrored onto them, bypassing any resistances or defenses they may have.

  • Bound by Death: While in their shadow form, the twins are limited to only 2 meters away from the user to interact with. Once they are emerged this range is increased to the spell's range.

  • Limited Resource: Each of the sisters is tied to a particular element. Hlaðguðr is tied to the element of Frost while Svanvartr is tied to the element of Darkness. Each sister can only use her element and gains a natural minor weakness to the element that theirs is weak to. Fire and light elements respectively.

  • Honor Bound: Once emerged from the shadow of the user, the sister must remain outside of the user’s shadow for the following five rounds of posting. Cooldown reductions do not apply to this cooldown.


  • Queen of Swans: Hlaðguðr, Svanvartr, and Lumikki are bound in bonds deeper than blood or the common laws of man. The three are linked magically and through it, they all gain a natural immunity toward each other's magic spells. Lumikki and the Swans may cast Other-buff or heal-based spells on each other but not themselves.  

  • Dance of the Valyries: While within your shadow, you can have either Hlaðguðr and Svanvartr extend themselves up to 2 meters away and become 3D. This allows them to deal physical damage equal to the user’s strength attribute minus one-tier. The shadow moves at the user’s lunge speed. While each shadow may be used simultaneously for this ability, they may not strike the same target. While a shadow is in use for melee combat, Lumikki will not be able to strike as well.

  • Messangers of the Gods: The user may send either Hlaðguðr or Svanvartr to be a witness and messenger for Lumikki. Lumikki may elect either sister to go anywhere within Earthland and roleplay without the need to adhere to the travel rules. When entering the thread, they will have a similar appearance to Lumikki but be either all-white with white hair or all-black with black hair. They may interact with others and speak as if it were Lumikki herself speaking as they are all tied to each other in this sense. The Valkyrie will have only 1x S-rank in durability and can be broken. While away from their master, neither Hlaðguðr nor Svanvartr can cast magic.

  • Eyes White as Snow and Dark as Night: While emerging from the user’s shadow, Lumikki, Hlaðguðr and Svanvartr will have their field of vision shared. While Lumikki cannot be blinded naturally due to her race, if one of the sisters is blinded the others linked will also be blinded, bypassing the resistance.


  • Name: Hlaðguðr, the White Swan
    Rank:  S
    Mana Cost:  5% of the user’s total base mana pool per post
    Requirements:  Project Valkyrie: The Swans
    Type:  Champion Summoning
    Element:  Frost
    Range:  35 Meters
    Cooldown:  5 Posts
    Duration:  Sustain
    Size:  Hlaðguðr replicates her master’s figure but becomes all white
    Strength: 30% of Lumikki’s base intelligence stat rounded down.
    Speed: 70% of Lumikki’s base intelligence stat rounded down.
    Effect: Lumikki will be able to stretch one of her shadows up to 10 meters away from herself before that shadow begins to rise and take shape.
    Hlaðguðr will emerge from her master’s shadow becoming a pure white version of her master. The figure’s hair will be snow white as will her skin.

    Effect: Hlaðguðr is treated as having minor resistance toward frost magic. Hlaðguðr may use her master’s magic as if it were her own. They can not however cast signature or item-based spells. Nor will they benefit from the reduction in mana cost granted by Lumikki’s Intelligence attribute. All spells cast by Hlaðguðr will be of the frost-elemental. Hlaðguðr and Lumikki share mana pools and cooldowns for spells. Hlaðguðr may not use any spell that is being sustained by Lumikki or on a cooldown. Hlaðguðr will not benefit from enhancements that Lumikki may herself possess but will benefit from the effects of her magic.

    By paying double the standard mana cost of a spell, Hlaðguðr can cause her bind-based spells to be treated as one rank higher than normal when trying to escape them.

  • Name: Svanvartr, the Black Swan
    Rank:  S
    Mana Cost:  5% of the user’s total base mana pool per post
    Requirements:  Project Valkyrie: The Swans
    Type: Champion Summoning
    Element:  Darkness
    Range:  35 Meters
    Cooldown:  5 Posts
    Duration:  Sustain
    Size:  Svanvartr replicates her master’s figure but becomes all black
    Strength: 30% of Lumikki’s base intelligence stat rounded down.
    Speed: 70% of Lumikki’s base intelligence stat rounded down.
    Effect: Lumikki will be able to stretch one of her shadows up to 10 meters away from herself before that shadow begins to rise and take shape.
    Svanvartr will emerge from her master’s shadow becoming a complete black version of her master. The figure’s hair and eyes will be black as night.

    Effect: Svanvartris treated as having minor resistance toward darkness magic. Svanvartr may use her master’s magic as if it were her own. They can not however cast signature or item-based spells. Nor will they benefit from the reduction in mana cost granted by Lumikki’s Intelligence attribute. All spells cast by Svanvartr will be of the darkness-elemental. Svanvartr and Lumikki share mana pools and cooldowns for spells. Svanvartr may not use any spell that is being sustained by Lumikki or on a cooldown. Svanvartr will not benefit from enhancements that Lumikki may possess but will benefit from the effects of her magic.

    By paying double the standard mana cost of a spell, Svanvartr can cause her darkness offensive darkness spells to linger on a target. This applies a damage-over-time effect. This will cause that target to suffer damage equal to one rank lower than the spell’s post following the spell striking them. This will drop by another tier the post after that, and continue doing so until it applies D-rank worth of damage after which it will fade away from the target. Only one Touch of Darkness application may be present at a single target at a time.


Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:08 am

@Lumikki may claim this Commission by linking the commission burn.


Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:46 pm


I am claiming this


Can you clear it from my page as well please

Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:53 pm


@Lumikki has claimed their commission piece!

Modification - Project Valkyrie: The Swans GPIjkMz

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