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IV - Huginn and Munnin

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IV - Huginn and Munnin Empty Wed May 25, 2022 7:15 am



Name: Huginn and Munnin

Slot: Companion

Race: Ravens

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

  • Strength: -
  • Speed: -
  • Constitution: -


Height: 20 centimeters.

Appearance: A pair of black ravens.

Description: A pair of black ravens that sit on the shoulders of their partner and offer them information through the intel that they have collected.

Lore: In Icebergian mythology, Huginn and Muninn are Odin's two ravens. Huginn is the old Icebergian word for “thought” and Muninn is the old Icebergian word for “memory”. Every morning at sunrise he sends them off to fly throughout all of the realms to gather information on what is happening. In the evening they return to Odin in Asgard and tell him everything that they have seen and heard.


Requirements: None.

Additional information:
  • It is implied that in-between topics, Huginn and Munnin fly around to gather the information listed under their perks to share with their partner.
  • Huginn and Munnin cannot be used to assist in combat.


  • Speech (Limited): Huginn and Munnin are capable of using limited speech. The speech is only used to relay information to their partner. Huginn and Munnin cannot hold proper conversations. Furthermore, when Huginn and Munnin speak to their partner it will sound like a raven's gurgling croak to others. Thus, only the user can understand what Huginn and Munnin are saying.

Companion Perks:
  • None.

Partner Perks:
  • Huginn's Reconnaissance: Huginn secretly observes topics to share the information with their partner. The user can select one open or closed topic of their choice in which they were not present and know everything that happened there due to Huginn's Reconnaissance. The user may select a single topic once per month They must post in the chosen topic simply stating that they are using this ability, and they must have met at least one of the participants in character. This information may not be relayed to others. Should this trust be broken between the user and Huginn, both ravens will leave permanently.
  • Munnin's Reconnaissance: Muninn secretly observes topics to share the information with their partner. In topics, Muninn knows information about other players as if they have a maxed-out reputation. Munnin can then share this information with the user. Muninn can only share this information with their partner though and this information may not be relayed to others. Should this trust be broken between the user and Munnin, both ravens will leave permanently.

Last edited by Naga on Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

IV - Huginn and Munnin Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:09 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Purchasing Huginn and Muninn for 2,500,000 jewels.


IV - Huginn and Munnin Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:04 pm

@Brone Heavyaxe has bought Huginn and Munnin for 2,500,000.

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