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V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl

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V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:58 am



Name: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl

Slot: Weapon

Type: Harp

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Frost

Damage: None

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: This harp was made through the scraps of an ice wyvern that was slain within Iceberg, it retains the beast's fearsome powers for those that dare wield it. Made with the icebergian focus of versatility the harp can be used both as an instrument of music and also a weapon of war being worn in combat as a headpiece to terrify the wearer's opponents.


  • The user must have a class capable of utilizing Magic.

  • Intelligence: +50


  • Second Helm: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl is classified as a weapon it can be worn over the users head or another helmet if they already possess one whilst still giving them the other effects associated with the item
  • Second Helm: Debuffs cast through the Vanguard's Frozen Cowl prevent healing spells from working on targets up to the relevant rank of the spell cast, this effect is capped to A-Rank when fighting against opponents that possess fire magic.
  • Eternal Mist: Debuffs cast through the Vanguard's Frozen Cowl also apply around them as a fine mist reaching up to the relative spell Area of Effect Range, targets impacted by the spell through the fine mist do not have a sustain cost associated with them as long as they remain within range. Allies can not be made immune to this effect.
  • Glory to the Ice: The user can cast through the Vanguard's Frozen Cowl to cast spells as exclusively Frost-based while causing their durability to be increased by one rank, defensive spells receive +1 for their current ranks worth of durability.


  • Name: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl's Blizzard Call
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Frost
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user strums the strings of the harp and plays a short melody. The melody serves as a morale drain to all enemies within the topic. This causes enemies to become tamer and receive a 50% decrease in Strength, Speed, Constitution, and Endurance, enemies that possess a fire-based weapon or have fire-based magic are only reduced by 20%.

  • Name: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl's Chilly Ballad
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Vanguard's Frozen Cowl
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Frost
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user strums the strings of the harp and plays a short melody. The melody serves as a morale drain to all enemies within the topic. This causes enemies to become more enfeebled and receive a Minor Frost Weakness.


V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:59 am

@Lumikki may purchase this item first by using a commission ticket.


V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:46 am


V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Img_8610
V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Img_7815

I claim my crown now

V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:57 am


@Lumikki has claimed the Vanguard's Frozen Cowl using their mystic custom commission.

V. Vanguard's Frozen Cowl GPIjkMz

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