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Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium]

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#1Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:52 am

Khalfani †

Name: Clues, Corruption, and Lords

Difficulty: Medium

Participants: Khalfani

Story: During the two year Time skip, Khalfani had been busy handling a plethora of things. Working with his guild master for the plans they had, traveling to Desierto and meeting their grandfather for the first time, but most importantly, destroying the human trafficking ring that connected Fiore to Stella. Still, there was so much more to be done. The Vampire had come to find out that the human trafficking operation stretched all over the world. Iceberg, Savannah, Minstrel, Enca and even Desierto. With the leads they had, it was time to move on to find more information about the chain in Desierto and to start, he would need to travel to Minstrel. Drugs, weapons, rare items, body parts, people, are all just some of the things the shadiest Lords and Ladies of Minstrel sell to accumulate capital but as Khalfani struggles to find more information, they end up getting caught up in the shenanigans of the criminal politics.

Objective: Search for clues regarding the Human trafficking chain and Accidentally build a reputation in Minstrel.

Name: Following a Lead

Rank: B

Type: Neutral

Participants: Khalfani

Summary: Khalfani travels to Minstrel, following an almost one year old lead. This lead, leads him to a mysterious small man who sells potions that apparently can change your appearance. This man is called "Conan the Coward" because he has a reputation for being a coward. With the information Conan gives the Vampire, the search begins in finding their first big target who may know even more information about big names in the Human Trafficking operation.


Conan the Coward: Conan the Coward sells cheap items that nobody ever wants, but he always has some information that's hard to come by. He's called Conan the Coward because he's easily punked and will do about anything to save himself from being hurt. He's untrustworthy, lack honor, and just plain old disgusting.

20x Soren's House Guards: Soren's house guards are grunts that are loyal to Lady Soren. They help her move expensive body parts around the world.

Lady Soren: Lady Soren does whatever she needs to do to survive. She is a widow and a Lord who runs an empire selling potions and illegal items. Although she is Endorsed by Vampire Lord Ozo, she does not sell for him. Instead, she is a partner. There is nothing more Lady Soren hates than incompetence. She's also extremely racist against dwarves and uses "Dwarf" as an insult.

  • 100,000 J
  • 7,500 XP
  • 5 SP
  • 300 Infamy or fame

  • Create a Quest in Minstrel.
  • Hunt down Conan the Coward.
  • Beat Conan the Coward until he reveals information about Lady Soren.
  • After retrieving information on where to find Lady Soren, go to her estate and demand to speak to her.
  • Her guards will not be willing to speak, so find a way to sneak into her base.
  • After sneaking into her base, one of her lackeys may spot you.
  • If he does, he'll call for the others and you'll have to Kill them all.
  • After you kill them all or sneak into Lady Soren's room, She will see that she is cornered and cannot beat you and will try to flee.
  • Capture her and make her give you information either by striking a bargain or defeating her.
  • Either kill Lady Soren, or let her go.

Name: Caught Up

Rank: B

Type: Neutral

Participants: Khalfani

Summary: It's a new day in Minstrel. After finding the next lead from Soren, Khalfani makes his way the building she had sent him to a building in the poorer region full of crawling addicts on a drug that turned them into crazed carnivorous beasts. With nothing but time wasted, Khalfani makes the decision to continue searching, starting at the place they had previously came from. Things take an unexpected turn when the Eternal Nightmare mage is approached by a group of Vampires and Elves who had been secretly following him. Word spread fast about their defeat of Lady Soren's operating base unbeknownst to them, but why were they following him? It was time to find out.


10x Drugged out Cannibals: Simply put, these are cannibals that became addicted to a drug that enhances your strength. They're mindless beings who only want flesh.

5x Vampire & Elven Assassins: Vampire & Elven Assassins that work for Vampire Lord Ozo and were ordered to watch over Lady Soren.

  • 100,000 J
  • 7,500 XP
  • 5 SP
  • 300 Infamy or Fame

  • Make a thread in Minstrel.
  • Entered the building Soren directed you too only to find crazed, carnivorous humans feasting on bodies.
  • The Carnivorous humans will attack you. Kill them.
  • Finding nothing of worth, it seems like you've been set up.
  • Leave the building only to be attacked by a group of cloaked vampires assassins.
  • Lose to the assassins before being kidnapped or beat the assassins, leaving one of them alive to trail without their knowledge. Either way, you will end up in front of a Kingdom in the mountains.

Name: Vampire Lord Ozo

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Khalfani

Summary: After being kidnapped or trailing the last one of the assassins that attacked him, Khalfani ends up in the mountains in front of a large building surrounded by guards. There's no choice, Khal is out-numbered so he submits and is taken in to meet a Vampire drug lord. The drug lord isn't what Khalfani expects him to be, and although Lady Soren was his underling, the Lord has decided to strike a bargain in exchange for Information regarding the Desiertan human trafficking ring in connection with Minstrel. What would you do? If Khalfani doesn't take the deal then he'd walk out with nothing to show for, but if he took the deal he'd only have to do one task in exchange for information. However, things don't happen right away. The Vampire Lord offers refuge to Khalfani until the next day to get acquainted. Little did the Desiertan know, this Vampire Lord was hiding something major.

Vampire Lord Ozo: Vampire Lord Ozo is a fairly new vampire, being around 80 years old. He's smart and slick with his words. Not only is he a recognized crime lord, but he also has his hands in politics. Ozo will always be seen smoking. He loves to feed and have a good time. His motives are only money.

Jasper: Jasper is werewolf and Ozo's most trusted friend, if not his only friend. Jasper hardly talks and does what he's told. However, oddly enough, he's even older than Ozo. Stern, straightforward and always by Lord Ozo's side, Jasper is loyal to the bone.

Enemies: -

  • 100,000 J
  • 7,500 XP
  • 5 SP
  • 300 Infamy

  • Approach the large estate either tied up from being kidnapped or on your own.
  • The guards outside of the building will begin approaching.
  • The Chief of Security, Jasper, will make an appearance so that no fighting breaks out. He assures you that he wants to talk.
  • Allow yourself to be taken to meet Ozo the Vampire Lord.
  • Ozo offers you a deal in exchange for valuable information. Accept it.
  • After accepting, Ozo will offer you a night of refuge in preparation for the task you accepted for the following day.
  • In the meantime, indulge Ozo and become acquainted. Learn more about him, and suspect something off about him.
  • After a night of hanging out with him, go to your temporary room and rest for tomorrow.

Name: A Favor for a Favor

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Khalfani

Summary: It's the next day, and after a night of dealing with Lord Ozo, Khalfani is ready to do the task at hand and obtain the information he needs. Vampire Lord Ozo meets Khal over breakfast, which of course is none other than a table of mesmerized men and woman, and of course food if he would prefer. Vampire Lord Ozo reveals more of the details for the Desiertan, telling him when and where to meet the client to deliver the carriage of drugs. A simple task really, but the job was tedious and would take the entire day to complete.


Vampire Lord Ozo: Vampire Lord Ozo is a fairly new vampire, being around 80 years old. He's smart and slick with his words. Not only is he a recognized crime lord, but he also has his hands in politics. Ozo will always be seen smoking. He loves to feed and have a good time. His motives are only money.

Shel: Shel is Ozo's top buyer. She's all about her coin and drink.

Enemies: -

  • 100,000 J
  • 7,500 XP
  • 5 SP
  • 300 Infamy

  • Make a topic in Minstrel and meet Ozo in the morning for Breakfast.
  • There he will go over all the details for you.
  • Pack the carriage out front of the building.
  • Venture out alongside Ozo's men, meet the client, and deliver the boxes of unknown things.
  • Return to Lord Ozo who will be pleased and then tell you to meet him in the main hall while he freshens up.

Name: Changing Course

Rank: B

Type: Neutral

Participants: Khalfani

Summary: Khalfani awaits anxiously in the main hall. The guards around them are keeping a close eye, because of course they don't trust him, but Khalfani is a man of his word. Finally, when Ozo comes out he is dressed in the most expensive of fabrics. Truths are revealed about his status and his operations before asking Khalfani to join his ranks. It turns out that the Vampire Lord is involved in trade regarding human trafficking with Iceberg though he is but a rook on the chest board. This truth is revealed in hopes that Khalfani would trust him and understand the criminal world. Enraged, Khalfani plans to take Lord Ozo on but his underlings would only place the odds against him. However, Ozo has grown fond of Khal and offers a 1 V 1 duel to the death. If Khalfani should win, his life could change dramatically.

Others: -

Vampire Lord Ozo: Vampire Lord Ozo is a fairly new vampire, being around 80 years old. He's smart and slick with his words. Not only is he a recognized crime lord, but he also has his hands in politics. Ozo will always be seen smoking. He loves to feed and have a good time. His motives are only money.

  • Unique Custom
  • 7,500 XP
  • 5 SP
  • 300 Infamy or Fame

  • Meet Vampire Lord Ozo.
  • Speak with him and allow him to reveal the truth of his work, ultimately giving you important information.
  • Lord Ozo will ask you to join his ranks.
  • Reject Ozo and prepare to fight.
  • Lord Ozo instead, Honors you with a duel. Accept it.
  • Kill Ozo, take his Crime Lord Band and take over his estate.
  • Jasper alongside most of Ozos begin to leave. Let them and disband the household.

Last edited by Khalfani on Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:52 pm; edited 4 times in total


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:23 am


Please address some of the missing stats on your NPCs otherwise it's fine and can be approved once that's been done.

#3Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 3:49 pm

Khalfani †
it is done.


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:32 am


This Story line is approved to begin.

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:07 pm


This storyline has been pulled as the creator wishes to change the location for the storyline quests.

#6Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:04 pm

Khalfani †
Edited. (posted for the record)


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:24 pm


The location changes have been approved and the user may continue their storyline.

#8Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:43 am

Khalfani †
Following a Lead completed.

  • 100,000 (Base) + 20,000 Jewels bonus (Empress) = 120,000
  • 6,000 (10% Rep) + (10% race)
  • 2 END
  • 200 fame

Last edited by Khalfani on Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:36 am

Khalfani has completed: Following a Lead.

#10Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:02 am

Khalfani †
Caught Up completed.

  • 100,000 (Base) + 20,000 (Empress) + 20,000 (Human) = 140,000
  • 8,625 XP | (5% Rep) + 10% Human
  • 5 CON
  • 300 Infamy

#11Achlys † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:08 pm

Achlys †
Khalfani has completed: Caught Up.


#12Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:26 pm

Khalfani †
Vampire Lord Ozo completed.

  • 100,000 (Base) + 20,000 (Empress) + 20,000 (Human) = 140,000
  • 8,625 XP | (5% Rep) + 10% Human
  • 5 CON
  • 300 Infamy


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:53 pm

Khalfani has completed: Vampire Lord Ozo.

#14Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:40 am

Khalfani †
A Favor For a Favor completed.

  • 100,000 (Base) + 20,000 (Empress) + 20,000 (Human) = 140,000
  • 8,625 XP | (5% Rep) + 10% Human
  • 1 CON | 4 END
  • 300 Infamy


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:20 am

Khalfani has completed: A Favor For a Favor .

#16Khalfani † 

Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:01 pm

Khalfani †
Storyline completed.

  • 100,000 (Base) + 20,000 (Empress) + 20,000 (Human) = 140,000
  • 9,000 XP | 10% Rep | 10% Human
  • 5 END
  • 300 famy

    Unique custom ticket


Clues, Corruption and Lords | [Storyline | Medium] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:35 pm

Khalfani has completed this storyline.

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