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II. Raven Night Ring

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II. Raven Night Ring Empty Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:30 pm



Name: Raven Night Ring

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Rare

Quantity: Unlimited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 1x S-Rank


Description: A ring which allows the user to cast the Raven Metamorphose spell to turn into a raven.


Requirements: None


  • Name: Raven Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Raven Night Ring
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a raven. Their feather color is always black. The user can speak while in raven form. The user can't cast spells while being in raven form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in raven form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:26 am

Getting this. 15% discount from RK Lieutenant perk.


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:39 am


Hatsuharu has purchased a Raven Night Ring for 425,000J.

#4Joshua Graham 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:23 am

Joshua Graham
Buying this for Joshua

#5Venus Rosé 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:00 am

Venus Rosé

Joshua has purchased a Raven Night Ring.

#6Cytha Mcdonald 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:28 am

Cytha Mcdonald
Id Like to Purchase this


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:41 am


Cytha has purchased Raven Night Ring.

II. Raven Night Ring Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y
#8Odin † 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:10 am

Odin †

Buying for 250k to replace my Oul's Ring (it was free so no resell required)

#9Venus Rosé 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:14 am

Venus Rosé

Odin has purchased Raven Night Ring for 250,000 Jewels.

#10Ezekiel II 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:46 pm

Purchasing with 10% discount for 225,000 Jewels


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:59 pm

Ezekiel has purchased the Raven Night Ring for 250,000 Jewels.

II. Raven Night Ring Maxresdefault
#12Venus Rosé 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Mon May 03, 2021 6:54 am

Venus Rosé

I'd like to purchase Raven Night Ring.


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Tue May 04, 2021 12:02 am


Venus Rosé has purchased Raven Night Ring for 250,000 Jewels.

#14Cytha Mcdonald 

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:47 am

Cytha Mcdonald
would like to reclaim my ring


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sat May 21, 2022 10:08 pm

Buying this for 250,000


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sun May 22, 2022 11:25 am

Cytha McDonald has reclaimed Raven Night Ring.

Dan has purchased Raven Night Ring for 250,000 J.


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sat May 20, 2023 12:13 am


Placing an order for 250,000j

II. Raven Night Ring Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

II. Raven Night Ring Empty Sat May 20, 2023 9:15 am

Lumikki has purchased Raven Night Ring for 250,000 J.


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:57 am

I love irony so might as well buy one of these for 250K (Rare-unlimited)


II. Raven Night Ring Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:31 pm

Ursula has purchased Raven Night Ring for 250,000 J.

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