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Unexpected Effect [Epic][L]

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 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:32 pm


Name: Unexpected Effect

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Quilla/Mishiko

Story: Quilla went on a long adventure to Joya as it seems the Country calls for her constantly. Unlike due to her ambitions, this time she is wanted for the sake of Izanami. She is requested to prepare for a long journey and go back to Joya to see what is needed of her. The Goddess wouldn't tell her what she wanted Quilla to do once she got there nor how long the Journey was going to be. Is the Goddess hiding something from her and what happened to the human male she sacrificed to Izanami? Within the Journey things may or may not happen, the unexpected.

Wait, why am I a child?


  • Quilla needs to write and send letters off to those that she intends to say goodbye to those she feels are important to her before her long Journey.
  • Within a blink of an eye she sees herself as a child and now must go through whatever this life may be. Who's life is she seeing?
  • She needs to find a way out of this and, wait is she enjoying this?
  • Perhaps if she goes through with it, Quilla will find out what is happening.


 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:23 pm


Name: Dear You

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Quilla, before her long journey needs to write letters to those important people that she cherishes even though she partly cannot act towards them. She is unsure where this journey will take her, but she intends to at least let them know she was going to Joya. Hopefully, she can find a good little mail boy to send these letters for her.

Enemies: N/A


  • Get ready for the trip by packing up.

  • Write letters to your top three people.

  • As soon as you're done writing, they need to be sent so hopefully you find someone who can!

  • After you finally find someone to take your letters and walk away, you instantly see nothing.

Name: With“You”

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Cries, soft words and warmth as she feels as if she was in someone's arms. Quilla remembers giving her letters away, but now she was seeing blurry visions and experience odd things. Where was she and what was happening?

Others:  Izanami, Lee

Enemies: N/A


  • Experience the Early life and figure out where you're at.

  • As time goes, you'll notice that you're a baby and seeing through someone else's eyes.

  • You'll realize and see that the people of this child are Izanami and Lee.

Name: Happy! Lucky! Dochy!

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Time flies fast when you're trying to figure things out. Quillareine has lived what seemed to be of several years, but what day and year was it for her once she gets out? She suddenly has siblings, a family and now she's enjoying it? Relive the life as if it was yours.

Others: Izanami, Lee, Susanoo, Tsukiyomi

Enemies: N/A


  • Get dressed by your mother and listen to instructions.

  • You'll hear a name be called out towards you, a name of the person you are, but you know no one of it.

  • Act normally and enjoy a playdate with your siblings.

  • Have Quality time with Lee, Izanami and the others.

Name: Epitaph

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Go through her 'school' years within this realm and experience the person's dramatic, warming and the traumas. Sometimes even the strongest people are targeted by the weakest. She needs to completely survive these years. Will this girl who she's living through live up to their mother's name? Quilla feels a little jealousy.

Others: Susanoo, Tsukiyomi

Enemies: Ayako, Ayame


  • Go to your teachings

  • You'll be bullied by some other demigods of a boy and his group.

  • During battle practice, you will fight against the leader of the Demigod boys.

  • Once you beat him, you will then be bullied by the girls.

  • During one of the scenes of you being bullied, your siblings appear and beat them up.

Name: Irregular entropy

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: So much has happened already and throughout the time, you've made friends, have rivals and everyone thing seems so real. Quilla is almost forgetting who she actually is. She is enjoy this life than her own that she had to go through. She couldn't wait to experience teachings from her mother and father. It's time for graduation though! What is the next step? She still needs to make sure no one knows who her mother and father are.

Others: Ayako, Lee, Izanami and Siblings.

Enemies: N/A


  • Go through the last day of the battle practice grounds.

  • The sensei will be extra hard on you for some reason, but Ayako defends you.

  • Study for your exams and do well on your test!

  • Out of no where you will become popular and be asked to the Royal Decree.

Name: Tsuisou no despair

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Things happen, war happens and that will never change. War will always be the option for some people. She was told to go into the Joyan war and battle among the people. She has heard there were Demi humans on the other side on the enemy team. Who was there? She needs to win this fight for the sake of the Gods and Goddesses.

Others: Joyan Allies, Demigod Allies

Enemies: Joyan Enemies, Ayako


  • Quilla will realize that the war seems familiar, but it isn't the same one.

  • She will have to fight through the horde of Joyan Enemies.

  • After she gets rid of a few, someone in armor and sword appears to challenge her.

  • Once you kill them, you will realize who it was...


 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:56 pm


Name: Death Parade

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Seeing who you killed, it makes you ballistic as another part of you becomes uncontrollable. Within Ancient Joyan times, Mishiko became known as the one who killed everyone in the battlefield, ally and enemies alike. Collecting the souls and bodies of those who reminded you of those you see as important, you drag them to your domain. This event made Joyans' fear your name and your name became banned from any child sharing the same name.

Others: N/A

Enemies: Everyone on the Battlefield; Joyans and Demigods.


  • As you witness 'their' death, you will become uncontrollable and no matter what you do, you cannot stop killing.

  • Many enemies and allies try to stop you, but you kill everyone, you become thirsty...

  • As you try to stop yourself, you end up killing everyone. Before you could continue your rampage, Amaterasu drags you back to their realm for judgement.

Name: Judgement Day

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Chained by the Divine Heavenly power, Quilla, who is playing Mishiko is dragged up to the Heaven Palace where she is judged for her crimes of killing Joyans who worshiped them and the Demigods within the war. She felt sudden relief as if something was no longer controlling her, but now she was pissed. She didn't mean to kill Ayako or any of the Demihumans! Her own sister was going to judge her as Amaterasu is the ruler of the Heavens.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A


  • You will be taken to the Heaven Palace Throne room where you will see everyone waiting.

  • In chains and constraint, you will still be able to see all who are there. You realize your mother is there and so is your human father as well as many others.

  • They will count down your trial and let you plea your innocence.

  • Mishiko will be known as Goddess of Beauty, Maddness/Chaos and Death and name banned from ever using it, Earthrealm and theirs' alike.

  • No matter what you say, they will see you as guilty.

Name: Butterfly Effect

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: You were seen as guilty, guilty for someone you felt you had no control of. Was someone sabotaging you and your life? Your own sister sentenced you to Life as a human before she could come back to the Heavenly Palace to live a life as a demihuman once more. Once she opens her eyes, she realizes who's life she has been seeing this whole time.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A


  • Get prepared to be thrown down the river of Rebirth Judgement.

  • Without realizing it, you also brought Ayako's soul with you.

  • Everything will seem like a trail through the abyss, but then you go through the light.

  • You will then see Quilla's adopted father who she swore she killed.

Name: Thing Of Grace

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Quickly going through your own childhood and the history you have been going through so far, you realize there was someone you knew in front of you. Ayako, being one of the crewmates looked just like the Ayako from Mishiko's life. It stops right when you get off the boat and to your place. The things she then notices when she watches herself  from a different point of view.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A


  • Go through the simple views of Quilla's childhood.

  • As time passes, the war from Quilla's lifetime rises as the same events happen.

  • Quilla will get tired of seeing it and life will show her what recently happened.

Name: Voices in my Head

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: Blackened sight as she sees no more. All she hears are voices and things that happened after Mishiko was sent to eternal in the human realm for a full human lifetime. Without being there, the woman realizes that she was framed and Ayako was reborn in the human realm as well.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A


  • Witness the events that happened in the Heavenly Palace after Mishiko was punished.

  • As time passes, it will seem Ayame was the one who framed you, but never was caught.

  • After several decades or so later, Ayame was finally caught due to her trying to do it to someone else.

  • Ayame's punishment was also being reborn in the human realm, the same time era as yourself and she's... the Current shogun?  

Name: Ascend

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: After seeing the event that happened, she is suddenly woken up in a realm of light as the portal ascends in front of her. She finds out what all happened and why it did happen as 'Quilla' had many questions about the things she has missed. Thankfully, she then reunites with Izanami and Lee.

Others: Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, Other siblings.

Enemies: N/A


  • You will see a portal of light, welcoming you upwards towards the sky.

  • Rather you fear the worst or not, once you see what is happening, you'll see the Heaven Palace welcome you back.

  • They celebrate and ask her questions as she finally realizes what all happened.


 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:33 pm


Quillaraine has gained approval to start this storyline.


 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:29 pm


Quest List

Dear You

With you




Death Parade

Judgement day


Thing of Grace

Voices in my head




 Unexpected Effect [Epic][L] Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:10 pm

Quillaraine has been rewarded for this storyline.

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