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Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders

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Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:16 am


Dark Universe Raiders


Powerful mages and adventurers from the Dark Universe have crossed into our world. Unlike the no-named raid parties, these are powerful individuals capable of causing irreparable damage. We must band together and stop them before it is too late.

Event Conditions

  • Dark Universe Raiders are non-player characters that can be battled against by a party.

  • The requirements to battle them are listed in the individual listing of each Dark Universe Raider.

  • Each member must meet the rank requirements to participate in a battle versus a Dark Universe Raider.

  • A party may at most consist out of three members.

  • Users may only battle against a Dark Universe Raider with one character at a time.

  • In order to participate, one person must use the template below to sign up for their party. Once the party has been approved, the steps below can be followed to continue.

  • The Dark Universe Raider makes the topic. The topic may then only be entered by the approved party.

  • Once started, the participants can enter this topic without traveling. The topic doesn't take up a slot either.

  • The topic starts with a 50-meter distance between the Dark Universe Raider and the party.

  • Only a single party may battle against a Dark Universe Raider. This means that a Dark Universe Raider is considered unavailable to battle if they're already in a battle.

  • In case one party member leaves the thread, it's possible to recruit a replacement member to complete the party.

  • Participants in a battle versus a Dark Universe Raider have 24 hours to reply. Should they miss their turn, they're considered KO'ed. This affects rewards.

  • Dark Universe Raiders have 72 hours to reply to the topic.

  • Post deadlines aren't enforced automatically. Give your roleplay partners due warning if you intend to skip them.

Last edited by Naga on Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:22 am



Name: The name of the raider
  • The names of the members participating in the battle along with their ranks and guilds.


Name: Kars
  • Jonathan Joestar (S-rank) - Phantom Blood
  • Dio Brando (S-rank) - Phantom Blood
  • Robert Speedwagon (S-rank) - Guildless


[b]Name:[/b] ???

#3Daiko Flayme 

Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:17 am

Daiko Flayme
Name: Lisa the Narcissist

  • Daiko Flayme (S-Rank) - Blue Pegasus
  • Esperia (X-Rank) - Fairy Tail
  • Nana (B-Rank) - Eternal Nightmare


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:52 am



  • Jikan (X) Sleeping Calamity
  • Quillareine (X) Utopian Demise
  • Jin (S) Eternal Nightmare


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Tue Sep 06, 2022 5:30 pm


Name: Jikan the Merciless
  • Sho (A rank) - Halcyon Eclipse
  • Lucretia (S Rank) - Rune Knights
  • Erebus (S Rank) - Eternal Nightmare

#6Khalfani † 

Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Tue Sep 06, 2022 8:04 pm

Khalfani †
@Daiko Flayme @Nana and @Esperia may start start their battle against Lisa the Narcissist.

@Jikan @Quillareine and @Jin Tatsumi may start start their battle against Esperia the Cruel.

@Sho @Lucretia Wolfenstein and @Erebus Gresham may start start their battle against Jikan the Merciless.

#7† Aleja 

Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:29 am

† Aleja
Name: Kaz the Malevolent
  • Alejandro (Rune Knights - S-rank)
  • Alisa (Blue Pegasus - Z-rank)
  • Jove (Rune Knights - S-rank)


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:00 am

@Alejandro @Alisa and @Jove Augustus may start start their battle against Kaz the Malevolent.


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:08 pm


Name: Saturn
  • Yuurei Starlight (Z Rank)
  • Kaito Todaro (Z Rank)
  • Brone Heavyaxe (X Rank)


Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders Empty Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:58 pm

@BRONE HEAVYAXE @YUUREI and @KAITO TODARO may start start their battle against Saturn The Sadistic.

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