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The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki]

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:20 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
After securing the vault, the dwarven rescue patrol had departed, heading back to the main hall with their injured being carried. Whispers had been moving back and forth in the crowd, many wondering who was behind the attack and what was stolen from the vault, but the moment Morgrym called out an order to keep vigilant of the surroundings, the whispers stopped. For that moment, the only people that knew of the truth were Morgrym, Lumikki, Brone, and two of the guards who were now resting on makeshift stretchers.

They eventually made it back to the main hall and were greeted by the rest of the clans who awaited their return. Many embraced one another, but there were barely any shouts of victory or joy, for the atmosphere of worry and defeat was in the air.

"What the Hel happened?" Dordon asked as he and Frare inspected their son for injuries.

"There were stone golems, but we took 'em down" Brone said as he removed his helmet. His expression and tone told his parents that there was more, for the young dwarf couldn't hide his frustration.

"Then why are ye fuming, lad?" Dordon pressed. Before Brone could reply, a horn a was blown to draw in the attention of all the dwarves.

"All clan leaders to the war room!" Morgrym sternly shouted, he then looked to Brone and his father, "Dordon, bring your son as well" he then walked off down one of the foot bridges.

All the clan leaders had brought along at least one attendant, but no more than two. They all made their way across the foot bridge through a set of double doors that led to a circular chamber where a large round table sat in the middle. There were chairs there, but only those who were elderly took seats. Most of the dwarves fell into conversation, concern, worry, and frustration moved between them as Morgrym was pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to gather his thoughts as well as his emotions.



The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:01 pm


Lumi, who would hardly stray far from her father, continued to hover above Morgrym as she waited. And so when he blew his horn, she was not caught off guard. Only patiently observed until her father led her into the war room.

It took less time for the Dwarves to shuffle and divide themselves this time, the criteria being as specific as it was led not debate on who was needed to join. As they all collectively moved over, Lumi would glance over to her mother sitting with Frare. It’s good that she’s not alone… The thought would hang in her mind as she coasted the little air they had and settled herself in the room.

Besides the obvious table and chairs present for those who enter, the room would be decorated with colossal statues in the likeness of the Dhain Dwarves of before. A veneration to the men who helped free them from the earth's core so that they make a new life above land. Lumi was hardly paying them any mind as she was too anxious over the current incident, though she would stay at one that stood in front of her as she remained perched on another. Her eyes would trace over its finer details as she stared blankly in anticipation.

A chill in the air would hang prevalently, but the Dwarves below would either be too heated or agitated by their nerves to notice it. And with the climbing tension, so too would Lumikki’s irritation grow. If she could get word on the thief, his name, his appearance. There would be nowhere in Iceberg for him to hide as her ravens are ever vigilant.

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Nerili11

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#3Brone Heavyaxe 

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The dwarves were speaking over one another, their voices ringing until Morgrym's shout silenced them "The Hrútr vault has been breached and the Riva Sapphire, our heirloom gem has been stolen" he said with a sense of full control despite the anger that was shown in his eyes. Everyone began to whisper amongst themselves, "By a dwarf of the Lerformare clan" Once he announced this, the war room fell silent, the chill in the atmosphere caused several dwarves to shiver, many had widen eyes, many clenched their teeth in anger as well as clenching their fists.

"Were they not banished!? Who invited them!?" Grungde of the Brandarbetare clan had shouted while slamming both hands upon the table. He looked around the room waiting for someone to answer his question and incriminate themselves. Many of the younger dwarves seemed confused.

"Who are the Lerformare clan?" One of the younger dwarves asked, causing several dwarves to grown in irritation at the clan's name as if it were taboo.

"There were seven clans amongst us since the days we first surfaced from below" Morgrym's tone slightly changed, it was calmer, bringing up old memories that should have been locked away, memories several clan leaders refused to speak of. All the dwarves remained silent as they listened to the head clan leader reveal their history, "The Hrútr Clan was the original clan between it split into seven after reach broke through the surface; we were asked to keep the Riva Sapphire to remember our history, including the tears shed from all that we lost and the pain gained." Morgrym then sat in his seat and leaned on a propped up fist as he stared across the room, looking into the past.

"The Djuptnere Clan disappeared once we came to Iceberg, desiring to keep te themselves, taking the Blood Ruby with them, the blood of Dhurain which was said to give long life to the clan who holds it; we had long since lost contact with them, and figured them dead or just lost in time" Morgrym had spoken of them as if they were a myth, but his tone got serious again as he spoke with disgust, "Then there's the Lerformare Clan, who held the Mystisk Amethyst, which was said to give the clan it's magic; at first we accepted the gem and the clan's usage of it" The rest of the dwarves in the war room shifted their stances, as if everyone got uncomfortable, "But they began to use dangerous sorcery; though they were warned to keep their craft tamed and within their walls, time went and one day we found they corroded and poisoned the rocks and stones with their magics, causing sickness and destruction... so they were banished".

This was the first time Brone had heard of both the lost clans, though he had heard whispers they were two missing clans, but never knew of them. He understood now that Grektor's magical ability was due to him being of the Lerformare clan, the dwarves of sorcery.

"It seems one of the Lerformares have found his way into the halls again" Morgrym said before he gestured to Brone to speak.

Brone suddenly had all eyes upon him. He took a look around before beginning "I first met Grektor when I had returned home in the mountains of Fiore, he had infiltrated me clan's vault and stolen the Hjärta Emerald and managed to escape" the last part of the sentence, Brone had clenched his teeth, feeling ashamed, "Second time I ran into him north of Fiore deep underground, he had a large ruby in his hands before he escaped my grasp once again".

Several dwarves whispered, they were surprised the ruby was found, wondering if the Djuptnere Clan were still alive, but Brone didn't confirm, so they were still a lost clan.

639 | 981


The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:58 am


Lumi sat back dismayed at what her father was uttering as she like the younger Dwarves, was not privy to this family history. The young girl grew up with many fantastical tales of the family’s clans, as their glory was attributed to all. And in so, they basked in all the joys and woes together. Though there were many, the stories told to her felt scattered and far away. As if she had pieces of the whole picture but was never close to a full understanding. But now to hear that there was not only one, but two clans that weren’t mention, the latter of which being banished for magic. It was a lot of information to take in, yet Lumi was only compelled to hear more.

What she did not expect was who would speak next, nor what he had to say….

Two run in encounters…, Lumi pondered to herself. Trying to understand the recantation of her Unlce and his experiences with this thief. But what could he need with such relics? She knew very little of them as there were never a reason for Morgrym to explain. If they had an innate power, then she never knew. What more, she wasn’t aware of how shunned magic was within the clans. It rippled through her with a bitter shame. To stand among them as an abomination, but it shouldn’t come as much of a shock to her. Magic wasn’t favored in Iceberg. Tolerated at most, but nothing one rejoiced. It would then be wielded by a selective few, perpetuated by families and lineages. To which Lumi would also derive not just her existence but power, albeit more corrupted than her family would dabble. But it was the prestige of the Omena that garnered them adoration within the clans as their powers were of the true tundra and their raven forms were not only prolific but seen as blessings from the Allfather.

“ If he gave Brone a problem, then what’s the plan?” Lumi mimicked the voice of a young Dwarf within the room. “ How’d we track him?”


The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Nerili11

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#5Brone Heavyaxe 

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:52 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Several dwarves seem to hesitate on speaking, some looked amongst one another, seeming to hide shame, but it was Bianra of the Långsiktighet Clan, who had spoken up, "We had our Oga Opal stolen from our vault, the stone door was forced open, such a feat, even a dragon couldn't do, must have been powerful magics" everyone turned to her in surprise; her brother, who was deemed the heir of the clan was trying to pull at her arm, to keep her from speaking and revealing the truth, but the stern younger dwarf held her place and kept her sight on Morgrym with respect. "We kept quiet, worry of shame, but never thought the other clans would suffer the same fate" she said this, but Brone could tell it wasn't her decision to keep quiet, but her brother who, though is acting clan leader due to their father's illness, was rumored to be cowardly.

Morgrym met her gaze; he didn't scold her, but gave her nod in acknowledgment, this prompted the others to speak, "Our Huggtang Diamond was taken as well" this time it was Thondor of the Starkmithril clan. Eyes were on him for a moment, but were soon moved to Gungde, his clan the only ones left in the war room that hasn't spoken of their gem. After a few seconds of silence, the dwarf hung his head low and gave a heavy sigh, this was all that was needed to confirm that the Blas Citrine was also taken.

"Then that's six of the seven gems that were taken" Morgrym said, his tone weighing heavy, his hand stroke his beard as he seem to be in thought.

A young dwarf's voice was heard, though no one could confirm who it was; another dwarf second the question, asking what was needed to be done, and how to find Grektor, Morgrym was quick to reply, "Each clan shall send out their best scout, tell them not to engage the Lerformare, but once found, return at great haste" He said this and everyone nodded, but when Morgrym picked up his head, his eyes no longer lost in thought, but stern with an expression that demanded his order be followed immediately, the clan leaders quickly spoke to one of their own and sent them to deliver word to their own respective scouts.

After the sound of shuffling feet quieted and the war room fell quiet again, Brone spoke up, "More than likely he has the amethyst of his own clan... so why does he need all the gem?... A powerful spell or something?" This was a throw away line, or suggestion, but the last statement brought worry to the war room. Brone has faced against several mages since he's become an adventurer, and he's lived amongst mages, so such a thing wouldn't be farfetched. By the reaction of the room, most of the dwarves probably didn't think to consider such a possibility, but assumed it was simply out of greed and spite for being banished.

"What kind of spell would the seven gems be used for?" A dwarf asked. Everyone looked around the room, wondering if someone had the answer. Brone, who's perception was far better than most dwarves, noticed a raven perched on one of the statues above. He wondered how Lumikki was taking all of this, wondered if she had any clue to provide. He also worried if she was hesitant to reveal herself, for she has yet to openly reveal her form or magicks to anyone; then he realized how the tone in the room was when the discussion of magicks came up. The room practically spat at the Lerformare name, banished for their usage of magic, but it couldn't have been about the general usage, but the abuse, right? The four armed dwarf tried to convince himself that the clans wouldn't be closed minded to turn against his niece... a bead of sweat dropped from his brow.

"Whatever it may be, we'll act once we hear back from the scouts, preserve yer strength be patient, for when the time comes..." he slammed the obsidian black axe onto the table, embedded it into the stone, black ice spread from the crack and frozen air emanated from it, "We'll hunt'em down and retrieve our treasure!" several dwarves cheered.

718 | 1,701


The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:21 am


Lumikki was at a loss of words. She was too anxious to show herself and to meek to add to the events. For now, the order to scout ahead and find a trail was wise. After all, they’d need a scent to follow. But Lumi sat back, pressed against the cold stone of the statue she made a seat of, hoping that there was more that she could do.

If this lone Dwarf did use magic, then one could wonder only wonder the spells in his arsenal. She could already mull over the golems being his working, but in his element deep within the earth. What more could he do? What danger could he inflict.

Lumi thought it was time to press on for more information, even if the questions didn’t occur to the other dwarves whose minds were only on their lost treasure.

“ Brone of the Heavyaxe clan! Yer a warrior true if there was one. But tell me, how did ye lose to some mage. What spells did he harbor toward ya? How was he strong enough to stow away yer precious gem? Spell Cleaver is a fine ally, aye but it’s only one. Tell us then lad, what ye reckon we do. It doesn’t do us well to go in blind when we have our glory to reclaim. And what ye think of it Morgrym? How do we plan to fight the threat?” This time Lumi impersonated an older voice, hoping that the depth would give validity to her inquires and claims. In this time of respite, important things needed to be known. At least if we wanted to make sure our men come out alive.

“ Safe to say he had a hand in the golems yea. We made quick work of ‘em but left alone it could prove a problem. That doesn’t leave much option for approach does it? How do we plan to break the groups should we need it?” She shifted to the voice of another to facilitate more thought on their situation and pretend at the start of a conversation. She let them take over from there.

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Nerili11

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#7Brone Heavyaxe 

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:56 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Though Lumikki had stirred up the conversation again, Brone was too focused on his thoughts to figure out which of the dwarves had prodded him about his skill; if he would have kept a clear head, despite the change of voice, he could have recognized the playful tone that of his niece who was known to bother the dwarf, but that was lost to him as he gritted his teeth in irritation.

”The damn mage used earth base magicks, moving the rocks and dirt around him, even shifted the damn tunnels I chased him in” Brone spat out in a direction he assumed the voice was coming from, but none of the dwarves revealed where the source of the question was, for none of them knew, but assumed it was a bold dwarf indeed, ”Our first meet, he had me at the ropes, nearly sapped me life away, but I clung, my fire never went out” he pointed to the white of his hair, showing the outcome of fighting Grektor, then he drew forth Spell Cleaver and a number of dwarves awed in it’s design, ”But our next meet was no reply, I had him running with his tail between his legs; he shifted the tunnels all he could, the power of the earth at his hands, and yet I nearly had his head!” some of the dwarves cheered, feeling the courage to take on this new enemy, some of the older dwarves nodded and some simply stroke their beards, wondering if the young man was too headstrong.

Brone was slightly embarrassed by his failure of capturing Grektor, but his outburst, though fueled by his embarrassment, was mainly to stoke the flames within the youth, knowing that he’ll need the clans to keep the forge within them strong and blazing.

As for Morgrym, he paid close attention to Brone’s statement and figured what they were up against, a powerful mage, but nothing more, ”He’s powerful with magic, having control of the earth, just as his clan always aimed for” he said while resting his cheek onto a clenched fist. Everyone quieted and looked to their leader, slight worry crossed them; many of them were skilled fighters even if they didn’t have a profession that supported it, but magic was usually worrisome, so chaotic, unpredictable to those who don’t study it, ”But he ran from ye, Brone, unable to meet with ye hand te hand, and that’s his weakness” a slight smirk crept onto Morgrym’s face which was enough for the dwarves in the war chamber to laugh and cheer, igniting their confidence to full flame.

Time passed as the dwarves discussed what could be done. Morgrym had suggested the moment they heard word of Grektor’s sighting, all available warriors will immediately leave fully armored and donning their best weapons and head in that direction. Brone warned all to be careful of the earth around them and try to keep away from the walls of the tunnels and away from any other rock save for the floors which are usually of bedrock, a harder substance that could be more difficult for Grektor to mold, but this was simply assumption.

Then a young female dwarf came bursting in through the doors, drawing all attention to her as she said in tired breaths “I found him!”

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The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:23 pm


From the dramatic recanting of Brone, Lumi was pulled in. She took his performance like theater as she did all storytellers tell their tales. And in the conclusion, she drew a deeper appreciation from his white hair and hardy grit to push through all fear.

Lumikki thought back on their battles in Joya and the moment Brone was struck petrified in mid-fight. It always perplexed her the reasoning, but ultimately she figured he mistook her for a Valkyrie spiriting him away from his final moments. Even so, Brone shook it off and even her, before refocusing on the battle at hand knowing he had an ally by his side. And it was his will that often inspired her in moments of darkness and utter loss. When the fear rose and clutched at her bones, it would be him and her moments of sweet victory despite the fear that reminded her that she could overcome.

Morgrym would then chase out any of the remaining fears. Reminding the Dwarven assembly that if one Dwarf, being Brone, could chase the threat and their measly magic; then sure enough they all could. It was met with cheer and pride, with all there responding within their character. Lumi would keep her cheers silent as she awaited what would be next, though it hardly took long. A Dwarf ran rugged in her own right and crashed through their meeting room's doors.

It is time.... Lumi would think to herself as she readied her veil and faded from sight. Magic is better fought with more magic. But I wonder how strong this man's spells could be....

Curtain Call

The History of the Clans [Brone / Lumikki] Nerili11

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