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Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers

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Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:50 pm


A raven has long been sent with a written message by the Demoness to a guild mate of her’s. An illusive man named Alaric for which she enjoyed to tease. She figured the two of them could spar and polish some of his skills. After all he was an ambitious one, if not, ravenous for catastrophic mayhem. At least that was what she could figure from one with such explosive magic like his.

|Greetings Lyall,

Figured you could enjoy more exercise than the ball for training spells. Come meet me and my companion for a play fight. You can try with her first and if you beat her I’ll step in. Sounds fun? If so, follow the raven to where I will be waiting.

From, your favorite guild mate

” And you want me to fight him Revna?” Teveni, her harpy companion inquired. She was not bothered by such a request, she too needed more experience in battle. How else would she serve to be more useful as time went on, especially when the arrival of one such annoying Daemon.

” Aye, figured it would do ya both some good. And let him have more fun than fighting lil ol’ me outright. It’s not like I play fair.” Lumi sat atop a black frost chair, made of jagged ice on the base but smoothed and elegant on the seat and back. It was almost artistic in nature, but that was because she enjoyed working on her craft. She wore a long dress with shades of reddish purples and blues and metal accents scattered about. What looked like bandages were wrapped around her neck. And an open book sat on her lap as she took a break to talk to her companion. Three of her ravens sat on the back of her chair watching over, while another one flew in the sky to rely and sightings of her guest.

Teveni was a harpy no taller then around three feet. She had for wings in total, two that acted as arms as well and another pair by her hips. She had talons for feet and plumage that ranged from deep midnight to various purples and blue hues. The head and face of a human and eyes often closed shut. She held herself with poise and often spoke in a polite manner, even when her words would often come out back handed. She was a sliver of Lumi herself, darkness once stripped from her as a child returned in a different form. And it was because of this that Tenevi was over possessive.

” Try not to be too cruel Vee, ye need to learn how to make friends.” Lumikki said before returning to her read. ” I hardly need a dog for a friend my Lumi.”

” Quite the feisty one isn’t she? She kinda grows on me though.” Gunvald said while looking to Lonu. ” Yes of course you have a taste for the sadistic don’t you.” Lonu retorted, he was not sure as to exactly how he felt about the harpy, but he sure didn’t want her sights on him.

” Of course someone as brutish as you wants something as, as, as terrifying as her!” Trygve squawked in frustrations. All the while Lumi laughed as she turned to the next page.


Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#2Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:01 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric was near the small training ground outside the guild. Since his run-in with Azure and the subsequent spar, Alaric felt he needed to improve. He wasn’t fast enough. His punches were not hard enough. He needed to be sharper. He gave the dummy a quick strike to the head followed by a quick series of blows to the gut region. With a clawed open palm he would land the final blow, right to the side of the dummy’s head. Out of his peripherals, he saw a black moving object headed towards him. Alaric spun around and readied a spell but immediately dismissed the magic circle when he realized what the object was.

“You’re part of Lumi’s flock aren’t ya?” The raven seemed to be carrying a note from the mistress of frost and shadows. Alaric shifted his weight to his left side. “A play fight, huh? Could be fun I guess. Though, I’m not sure I want to be on the receiving end of Lumi…” He shuttered just thinking about her icy magic. Her presence alone naturally froze out half the guild when they were drinking. “Alright, well, show me the way.”

Alaric walked a few feet behind the bird as it cruised through the sky. It wasn’t a long walk before he met the raven queen in all her glory. Sitting atop her throne of shadow and ice. Around her were black ravens, all with intense eyes staring at him. There was another creature there, a harpy? Alaric gave her a smirk. “Not in the mood to play fetch today, huh? What’s with the cloak and daggers or do you just prefer the drama of a carrier raven.” He looked at the raven who had rejoined her murder in the surrounding trees. “So, what’s this play fight you mentioned? Hear about my latest antics or something?”

WC 323

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:53 pm


” Oh they’re just friends of mine Lyall. And don’t mind me just yet. I figured a play fight would do us both good, I needed Vee to practice her move set. If ye don’t mind.” Lumikki’s vessel shifted from her Demonic form to her human vestige as she spoke, the dark dispersing and peeling back from her skin like the rustling of leaves in a breeze and the petals of flowers flying in the wind. She took a pause to scan the page she was leaving on, running her finger over the words until found a preferred place to leave on.

When she finally looked back up to Alaric, there was a gleeful smile on her face. She was excited to see him come so promptly. ” If ye could beat me companion, then I’ll step in. Not full force mind ye, but to help ya push yer limits. Consider me offer kinder than an angel, Yuurei smote me shortly after I joined the guild. But I’d rather nurture our teamwork than let ye suffer hating me. Kukuku, as Azure might.” Lumikki brought up her left hand, extending the finger with an armored ring. She promptly carved a circle in the air opening her dark void to toss her book inside. Hopping of her makeshift chair just as she relaxed her magic,  the ice together by her magic began to break away. ” See I’d like to avoid the same mistake with ya, mate.”

Teveni stepped forward, placing herself in front of the Demoness. She turned her had back to utter some words to her master in response.” Part of me wishes you repeated it again, but I agree that I could gather more experience this way. I am tired of being left out of those fights of yours.” Turning back to Alaric with eyes still sealed shut, she shook her body in a way that ruffled and displaced her feathers before setting in a readied pose. All to get comfortable before the battle starts.” Thank you for doing me the kindness of letting me sharpen my talons Alaric. I won’t look down on your contribution in the slightest.” She spoke in a voice that was so soft, yet so cold. It far contrasted  the way she talked to Lumi, it was a voice that sounded passionate and affectionate just before it was drained of all life and interest now that her attention shifted.

Lumi clapped from behind her harpy, making one sound that would echo in the air. ” I believe in ya both.” She’d utter as her wings unfurled and she took to the air, four black wings would protrude from her back while more adorned her head and hair. Lumikki was getting out of the way as not bother the chaotic mage in need of space for his spells, and once she took off so did all her ravens. Moving to the fringes to be safe from harm as well.

Tenevi clawed the ground beneath her before pull all four of her wings back at once. Kicking off into the air only a short way up from the ground. Both pairs flapped in a rhythm, alternating the ones that would push the air. And when she was ready, the harpy got to flying. Taking around four seconds before she picked up any speed as she circled Alaric. In one of her rotations, as she was approaching a crag, Tenevi would use it as a point to kick off. Aiding her in making a sharp turn so that she could fly at Alaric. She would make an attempt to swipe at him with one of her claws as she soars by and promptly lower herself further to the ground. Using her lower talons to claw on the rock surface to slow her momentum as she lands.

From there she would swipe her higher left talons in the air to conjure a black magic circle. A large black talon manifested from darkness would also attempt to cut into him.



Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#4Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:10 pm

Alaric Holloway
“Umm, yea sure. No worries. It will be good for me to get some experience against aerial enemies..” He shifted his weight to his side. He was rocking back and forth momentarily while his arms shook off to the side. “So, how you want to handle this? The first one to give wins the round? I’m not trying to beat ya yup too much.” He gave the harpy a smirk, cocky for a man who had never experienced an encounter with such a creature. Lumi’s form shifted and the shadows seemed to melt and grow with each passing moment. He truly feared that woman stepping in. Something about her was intimidating and it wasn’t just because she was a demon.

Alaric’s fist tightened, he could feel the leather of his glove tightening. Azure had proved speed wasn’t his forte, but strength was. One clean blow, and he could do some serious damage. He would just need to bid his time and wait for her to come. He could do that, right? Not let his emotions get the better of him? Once the two settled their rules, the harpy, known as Teveni, started her move.

She flew up and started to circle Alaric. He moved his body slightly but kept a defensive stance, hoping she would come to him first. Herr had to assume she was a quick one, when half of your body was devoted to keeping you airborne, it was kinda the only thing it could mean. She glided through the air, moving around him. He followed her with his eyes. As she approached a rocky wall, He saw the harpy’s legs bend back and use the structure as a way to propel herself toward Alaric. So fast! He didn’t have time to dodge but was able to raise his arms up and take the brunt of the blow, right to his left arm. He winced but it wasn’t too bad. Her claws hurt, but he could handle it. As she flew past him, he saw her using her talons to change her trajectory. Likely a follow-up attack. He dug his feet in and a magic circle appeared, catapulting him upward into the sky. Narrowly avoiding the blast of darkness magic that sliced into the ground where he had just been standing.

Now, airborne, he was at a disadvantage. A snap of his fingers his downward motion shifted and he was aiming right toward Tenevei, slightly above her current position. His right hand was wound back and would be propelled forward with his whole might right toward the harpy’s head. He she didn’t move, he had hoped to cause her to be forced downward toward the ground, becoming a cushion for his fall.

WC: 462
TWC 785


  • 3x S-rank HP - 1x B rank = 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank + 1x B-rank HP left
  • 1056 Mana left


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 139
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 61
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

1110 - [25 (+20% - 10%) - 25 (+20% - 10%) ] = 1110 - 27 - 27 = 1056



Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:46 pm


Teveni, fresh from whipping around after her landing and sending out her attack, was shocked and bemused by her opponent’s reaction. Seeing him prop himself into the air opening him to another attack was savory. And the harpy was keen on seizing the moment. Tenevi swiftly began to bring her wings in, preparing to cross them for the trigger of her next attack. When she saw the look on his face and swivel in his moment, she grimaced. Sucking her teeth as she quickly lunged backwards. On the highest point of the arc, she uncrossed her wings. The darkness that clung to her wings loosened and shifted before her. Passing through a black magic circle which caused the dark flecks to warp and twist into honed blades with the likeness of feathers. They spun rapidly in place before halting in an instant and flying toward the dropping Alaric. The ground busting opening from the power of his impact. Casting stones and rubble to fly and the dirt to kick up in the air. It obscured him within the dust but the harpy kept her eyes for where he would be.

” Surprising mobile for a dog, Alaric. But you won’t know the true taste of the sky when you have to singe the wind to get there.” The moment a claw from her talon touched the ground, the harpy short hopped to the left in a bought to prep herself in regaining momentum. And she began to take off running, taking a few seconds before she could pick up a lot of speed, running just about to ten meters away. She was circling the man once more and when she felt just right, the harpy would take off once more. Soaring in the air just around five meters from the ground. She held off another move, waking for a moment to strike once more.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#6Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:50 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric let out a wince of frustration as the harpy could push herself backward right as he would have crashed into her. He got that for expecting to beat a bird in the sky. Alright, I’ll set a smokescreen upon impact, it should buy me a moment. His body slammed into the ground and just as he was going to summon a magic circle, a volley of dark feathers began to pelt him. “Argh” He cried out as he felt them slice through his natural buffer and right to his flesh. He gritted his teeth, becoming both annoyed and angered.

The harpy’s smart comment about him being nimble wasn’t helping him think clearly. Alaric had a temper and it was starting to bubble. It was too early in the match though. He needed to snap back and focus. The harpy’s blast had caused a minor smokescreen that Alaric simply leaped out of and towards the area he thought the harpy to be. Emerging, he got a clear view that she had actually moved further away from him and up into the air. He stopped where he stood and gave her an annoyed look.

“Hmph, look. I’m tired of these games of tag that people want to have. We can make this quick or we can make this painful.” He stood there, waiting for Teveni to respond. She was still probably eight or so meters away and 5 meters higher than him. He didn’t really have a ton of spells to contend with her but if he could get a little closer, he had an idea.

WC 273
TWC 1058


  • 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank + 1x B-rank HP - 1x B rank = 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank HP left
  • 1056 Mana left


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 139
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 61
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

1056 Mana left


Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:57 pm


” I’d rather make this painful canine….If you wanted this short, than you should asked my Revna to fight you instead.” Vee hardly paid his quip any mind, she was more focused on doing things well. She knew now that he was more slippery than she thought and getting closer was probably what he wanted. Lumi hardly granted her any details gathered from her sight. Not like the Demoness very well could. Explanation was affixed to some kind of hex that makes her speak gibberish instead, but the harpy didn’t mind the lack of insight, it made the battle feel more real.

She needed to manage wandering into the unknown to come out stronger for her master. And just as important as the motivations to push her, was her own selfish desires to deny the man his satisfactions and draw out his suffering. Vee would say, that in this moment she felt so alive. And the harpy wanted to nurture these feelings of her’s. Hoping that it would help her ascend closer to the Demoness she often flew by.

With the emergences of Alaric just below, Vee began to shift her flight path. Adjusting it so that it was no longer a proper circle, as she was beginning to step into her next move. As she passed another crag that jutted from the ground, Vee swiped at the air to conjure her dark talon again. This time the black magic circle appeared by the stone and the impact of her spell would break it off and send it right toward Alaric. Using the claw and the rock to grab his attention and take priority.

When the stone would make impact, she willed the talon to crush the stone and break it before him. Vee would turn onto him again for another slash of her claws. Whether her attack connected or not, she chose not to stop fly. Instead she kept momentum and continue circling, hoping to catch him in free opening, or make another of her own.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#8Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:14 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric smirked at her response. Indeed, if he wanted to make this quick he would fight Lumi directly. But that was a death move in this instance. Her thought, he had an inkling that he could beat the harpy. 60/40. That’s what he thought his odds were right now. So far her bite wasn’t too bad. It hurt here and there but he could manage. He just needed to land a blow. “You’re right. I would have just fought her if I wanted a quick fight. But let’s be clear. This painful route. It’s for you. Not me.”

Alaric noticed the harpy nearing another rock structure. Another push-off and dive bomb? He had to expect an attack. He was right, the harpy struck off a large chunk and came hurling the rock at him and rushing shortly behind. Hmph was all he could mutter. At least she was coming towards him. His chase was ending. Alaric extended his left hand, and two magic circles appeared in the sky right on the flight path of the harpy. If she were to continue to fly through them. Each explodes, combining their blasts. This would cause the blast to become a B-rank explosion in force. Something he was only capable of achieving when bringing two spells together like this.

The force of the blast would have been large enough to engulf the area before him and where the harpy had flown moments before. It would have been ample enough damage to destroy the rock she held and help diminish the force of whatever spell she had been using. He’d show this harpy, that wolves were not some house pet. He tightened his fight and waited to see where this wounded canary would fly. Ready to chase after her.

WC: 301
TWC 1359


  • 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank + 1x B-rank HP - 1x B rank = 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank HP left
  • 1056 - 55 - 55 = 946 Mana Left
  • Burst Movement [On cooldown 1x more post]
  • Impact Boop [On cooldown 1x more post]


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 139
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 61
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

946 Mana Left



Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:56 am


Tenevi dove in toward Alaric with all her momentum. The harpy was ready to get another hit in, but when she saw the look his face and his hands raising. The harpy knew she would have to brace herself. Tenevi pulled her wings back throwing her upper body behind as her talons were stretching forward. Much like an owl would appear as if prepared to snatch up prey. But she was not planning on piercing through the explosions and take her chances. The harpy couldn’t risk losing feathers and wings.

With a brief crossing of her wings, the dark amplified by the growing light of the blaze would latch to her as she cut through the air. Two wings made entirely of shadow and darkness would form and harden, guarding the harpy from the impact of the growing scarlet blooms. It would take the brunt of the damage as she came close to the man. Only falling away when she loosened the spell reveal her incoming talons.

Tenevi kicked down both her legs, her talons outstretched to carve him with her dagger like claws. Then I stand they were brought down, she would kick up to rise into the air once more. Circling around again to watch and observe. She understands now that constantly going in would prove troublesome, more so if she wasn’t clever on how she did it.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#10Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:11 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s eyes fixed on the scene, unwavering and unblinking. As the explosions settled, Alaric was disappointed to see that Tenevi had used her wings to cover herself from the blasts of his bombs. He was annoyed but at least she had not dodged again. She was starting to take him more seriously it seemed. Finally. Alaric glared at her with intent to counter whatever she was trying to pull. He had exhausted a good deal of mana. If he kept using so recklessly, he’d be wiped clean within five minutes.

Tenevi dove towards him with a speed he wasn’t going to be able to match. Alaric was already anticipating chasing after the big bird little did he expect her to come at him with both talons poised and ready to strike. “Getting too cocky there.” He’d raise his left hand taking the blow. His eyes widened from the pain. He gritted his teeth and bore through it. Before Tenevi was able to push away, Alaric summoned a magic circle beneath him and launched upward, barreling right toward the harpy. His goal, grab on for dear life. If he was able to latch on, then he’d be able to wallop until she crashed to the ground. Maybe his added weight would also cause her to become unbalanced and crash.


  • 2x S-rank + 1x A-rank HP left - 1 B rank = 2x S-rank + 1x B-rank HP left
  • 946 - 27 = 919 Mana Left
  • C-Spell Suicide [On cooldown 2x more post]
  • Secret Bomb Art: Second Layer Seal [On cooldown 1x more post]


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 139
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 61
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

946 Mana Left



Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:28 pm


After the harpy jumped back toward the sky, she only faced up above. Quite oblivious of the stunt the wolf below would be performing as he launched his way just behind her. Tenevi could only feel his hot grip on her legs for a moment before cumbersome weight yoiked her down a bit, the shock of the moment struck her heart as she really did not expect such a startle. She did not take him to be this desperate.

" Cocky?" The harpy retorted back quickly, her frustration was already brimming in her singular word." You're the one petty enough to steal a ride above. But if you want to kiss the sky so much, let me oblige..." Tenevi would hiss as all four of her wings pulled back and beat down strongly. Her temper was rising and so was he.

Three beats of her wings later, she looks down to see her passenger clutched to her leg. Relying on her lower wings, she pulled her upper two back, revealing talons that were glinting in the light of the passing day. The harpy sent down one talon, soon followed by the other. She aimed for his face but settled for his arm when she could get it. She managed three swipes at him before pulling back her wings again to regain some of the air she lost in her attack, but she didn't break for long as she crossed her wings and pulled them back. If Alaric was still clinging to her leg, she was going for a point-blank Moonless Feather Storm. The shadows among her wings were pulled forward and through the black magic circle, before spinning themselves and shifting into dagger-like feathers. As they were falling downward, she was using all her wings again to pick up air. Eager to make distance once more.

Yet because of the ordeal and her answer to his decision, she was greatly winded. The harpy was heaving in place as she did not have the strength to begin taking back off in a circle once more.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#12Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:29 am

Alaric Holloway
“Gotcha!” He snarled. He grunted but held tight. His left arm, which had taken the brunt of her previous attacks, was bloody and hung there limply but his right was gripped tight. Devil’s Right Hand furthered his grip on the harpy, but she wouldn’t take his presence lightly. Alaric and Tenevi rose higher and higher into the sky. He was becoming wary that the fall may be more dramatic than originally thought. Fuck! He internally cursed. Tevevi’s claws lashed towards him and Alaric had no choice but to let go to avoid the razors. As he fell back towards the ground, he snapped the fingers of his right hand. Two small magic circles appeared on either side of him and raced outward towards the harpy.

Alaric wasn’t but two or so meters in the air, which was more than enough height to knock the wind out of him but not so much to cause him too much damage. He lay there wheezing for a moment before it was like instincts kicked in. His eyes morphed into a yellow iris. Fur began to protrude from his body. His bones twisted and snapped into new shapes and angles. He felt his body aching all over. Letting out a scream that morphed into a howl of sorts, Alaric bolted upward ready to hunt his prey.

His nose picked up on her. If she had prepared a spell, he would tank it, opting to find and bring her to him one way or another. He could not stop his mind from slipping from him. It felt angered and more primal. Less like Alaric, more like the wolf. He never enjoyed feeling this way, feeling like he was in the backseat of his own body. “Argh!” He was able to mutter as he tried to get his bearings. After a moment, he rushed towards the harpy, his claws ready to sink into her flesh. Would she take it back to the sky? He’d have to wait and see.


  • 2x S-rank + 1x B-rank HP left
  • 946 - 27 = 919 Mana Left
  • C-Spell Suicide [On cooldown 1x more post]


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.5% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END Full WW Transform
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 174
  • SPD: 59
  • CON: 77
  • END: 17
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

946 Mana - 56 = 890



Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:29 pm


” You’re showing your real colors now, aren’t you?” Teveni screeched back, she had the time to gather her breath but his transformation brought out the feral in her that she rarely allowed to show. All her feathers were shifting and ruffling. Those on her head and chest we prominent a t standing on their ends. Meanwhile, all four wings flapped vigorously.

” Should have saved yourself the trouble and showed the fangs and claws from the start.” He was just about done shifting form, his fur, and bones were fully settled in. The harpy paid him all her mind as he began making his way toward her. All his movement made her feel uneasy, like the werewolf was trying to close the gap.

” So this is how he appears when he shifts to a beast….” Lumi observed from high above. Her sharp eyes could make out every detail clearly as she watched over the battle. Down to the beads of sweat that slid off his brow. Now she got to enjoy the sight of another wolf before her. Only knowing the presence of a lover she held in the past. The general gist could be considered the same, but to someone who cared for the person underneath the fur, the differences were blaring. And while her old friend was more lean in frame, calm in the eyes, this one was more stout and feral. She mulled over the sensations that could drown the man beneath. Was it like the abyss while it choked out her mortal form? Or could it be both the pains and pleasure that one is a curse to bear, aimed to levels that would make any sane person rip themselves to shreds. She could not say, only hold her questions until after. But the shift in his form did spell out one thing….this battle would not last that much longer and soon would she maybe need to pry her bird from the wolf's gaping jaws. Still, it was not yet time to step in. This was a moment for them both to get stronger. If not by strength, then by strategy. But as a sole reminder, the beast that prowled below the Demoness should never be forgotten or even overlooked. The sky would begin to lose all color as the clouds began to churn in the air. Their pure white cotton appearance morphs into a brewing storm. As if the water within them was egged on to take on a more menacing presence. And all the droplets pressed together now threaten to overflow in a frosted form. A chill would cling to the air as a wind whipped along the field below. Probably not enough to alert the beast but rather cool some of his heated form. None that she provided would deter the battle below but only move along the stage from one scene to the next. The crescendo of this clash would rain hard, but the snow of the Demon would rain harder.

Teveni swiped at the air, a black circle flickering for a moment before the shadows pulled into the form of a massive talon once more. Its clasp opened before swinging for the werewolf to claw the beast, all while Tenevi took the moment to gain more air. She sought out a more comfortable five meters within the sky. Opting to circle Alaric once more so that he may never leave her sight, or just as easily, jump for her if she stayed too long in one place. Now with him in this form, she would not be able to dive in easily. Every close encounter was likely to cost her.

And so as she was picking up a new stride, the harpy bit into her lip from frustration. Black blood trickled down to her chin as she pondered what she could do next. At best, she would have to continue to whittle him down while keeping him at bay. Hoping that the distance she could make in the sky would hold her out from becoming an easy target for his jaws.        

wc met

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#14Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:19 pm

Alaric Holloway
She was fast that bird woman. Teveni had shot up into the sky again, so she would try. No more of that! He snarled. Tanking the blast from the harpy once more. He snapped his fingers causing a magic circle to appear behind the harpy. A blast would go off. If Teveni did not reposition herself in time, she would be knocked right toward Alaric’s location. His heart was thumping wildly. It was becoming apparent that he was going to slip. The blast of the shadowy talon from the harpy only sunk him deeper into his bloodlust.

The wolf had felt his frustration and seized its moment. His physique had bulged tremendously from his human form. He couldn’t feel it anymore. He couldn’t feel his humanity. It was as if he was no longer Alaric but the wolf. “I wasn’t planning on fowl for lunch, but it's beginning to sound appealing.” Was that his voice? It was deeper than he recalled. More guttural and primal.

Alaric’s legs bent and the magic circle formed, propelling him upward. He intended to collide with the harpy head one. His right arm reached towards her throat. His feet curled upward closer to his chest as if he was ready to full on tackle her in the sky full-on and use his entire weight to bring her down. His eyes were a deep orange hue now. The pupils fixed on the fowl and not her master. The wolf was focused on the meal before him and did no heed to the predator above. The one who had already warned him of her intervention if needed. The true threat in these woods. The wolf only cared about his belly and if it was full. Literally and metaphorically. It was a beast that felt nothing but rage and hunger. Alaric was fearful of the wolf. It was wild and untamed. He feared its potential for harm.

It wasn’t long after he was cursed that he had killed an entire family out in the countryside. They had let him and his mother sleep in their barn as long as they helped them keep the livestock and crops. They had been there two months when it happened. The first month the full moon came, he was able to slip into the forest and hunt through the night. The second time, he had not gone deep enough into the woods and had strayed too close to the family’s home. He caught the scent of their cottage and the rest was a bloody mess. It wasn’t the only time the wolf was able to take full control. But it was the one that made him fear himself and what was inside of him.

Alaric did not mean harm like this to the harpy. He was easily annoyed and dismissive of people but downright murderous was not in his normal emotion cards.


  • 2x S-rank + 1x B-rank HP left


  • STR: 76
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 51
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110


  • + 1.5% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END Full WW Transform
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 174
  • SPD: 59
  • CON: 77
  • END: 17
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1110

890 Mana - 56 - 65  - 33  = 736



Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:22 am


Tenevi attempted to lunge out of the way of his magical circle, but it all happened so fast that she couldn’t muster it. Her reactions would not be as swift as she’d like and so she quickly got wrapped up in the blast instead. Rocketing toward her beastly enemy.

That was until a black tendril would snatch her in the sky, pulling the harpy toward the ground abruptly and the cold chill would intensify. Black frost would streak along the werewolf’s fur like black blossoms creeping. They would bloom and unfurl, with frost dust reminiscent of pollen. Its frigid embrace would begin to sap the wolf’s strength but the Demoness was not done.

She matched his transformation with her own. A dark vortex would wrap around her small frame and grow ravenously.  The ball of billowing dark would drop from the sky rapidly, falling toward the werewolf still in pursuit. Only to clamp him down with her talon and press down with her full weight.

The darkness slowly peeled back like feathers falling away. Until finally revealing Lumi in her truest form, that of a massive raven at five meters in height with four wings. She bent forward so that her beak nearly dug into the ground beside him and her eye was just about leveled with his head.

” Time to calm down me friend. No need to frenzy any longer. Should I toss ye to a forest to run it off? I know where the deer like to reside.” She squashed him further into the earth to make sure he could not move freely. She felt his muscles flex against her talons and she knew he was far from coming back.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#16Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:03 pm

Alaric Holloway
Before the wolf would feast on fowl, a swift and forceful meteor of a demon crashed into him. By smashing his whole body to the ground, Lumi used her talons to keep him there. No amount of thrashing would set him free. As he tired out quickly, already low on mana and stamina as is, Alaric’s mind began to come back to the forefront. His conscience that had slipped away found itself returning. It was patchy at first, his true self. Like coming out of a dream or maybe realizing you’re in one all along. His form, still a wolf, dug its claws into the soft earth. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to let go like that.” His fist relaxed as his body writhed once more. His flesh became bare of the ashy-colored hair that had been there moments before.

As the fur faded, a bruised body emerged. His face was red with frustration and perhaps remorse. Something dropped down his cheek, not much just a little trickle. Could they be tears? Alaric wouldn’t ever acknowledge them in the first place. His face could be a mask but his body still reacts. It still remembers. He had let it get the better of him again, the wolf that is. He might not have full recollection of the lust for blood and flesh that he had just shown moments prior, but his body felt it. He could taste the desire in his mouth. Its flavor becomes that of bile to him. He was sickened by himself and how easy he was to push to such a state.

Once again, Alaric was nothing more than a bloodthirsty wolf in human clothing. He waited for Lumi to let go of him. The shame he felt was overwhelming to the young man. He knew not what he could do to make up to Teveni and Lumi over this issue. He only hoped he had not lost one of his only friends within the guild.

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:33 pm


His remorse and pain was delicious, though she did not enjoy it maliciously. It was a byproduct of her nature to savor such reactions, even when she would rather bear only compassion. There were hinderances to being a Demon while trying to establish and maintain connections, but she would not let them sour her relations.

As the wolf in her claw shuffled and shed his second skin, Lumi would pour magic through her talon. Black flowers would rise and wilt in repetitious succession until the bulk of his wounds were healed. It was only after then that she would raise her claw, promptly nuzzling the bare man with her beak before also regressing to a more human form. Meanwhile Tenevi would watch from the side, not from fear but out of preference to stay out of the moment of conclusion. She need not agitate the mood any further.

” Fire under the forge,” Lumi would remark to his apology in a tone of laidback acceptance. ” I am aware of the struggle of wolves, still as a raven I favor ‘em. I would say, ye fought really well. I’m impressed. Ye faired far better than I ever had at yer level and with yer disadvantage ye did smashingly.”

Lumi would tuck all her excess gear away into her void and looked back to Alaric. ” I know some places in Orchidia to crash, would ye like to join me passing some time there? A drink after a fight eases the sore of it and good music never hurts.”

Curtain Call

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Img_8011

Pokedex Entry
#18Alaric Holloway 

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:42 pm

Alaric Holloway
Lumi’s words caught him off guard. But why should they? She’s never given him reason to believe that he was anything less than worthy of love and friendship. He laid there for a moment before pushing himself up from the ground. Still, with dirt on his face and clothes, he took a knee and lowered his head towards Lumi and Teveni. “I’m so sorry. I- I cannot excuse my actions. I hope that this encounter does not damper our relations. Ms. Teveni- His head raised as he locked eyes with the harpy. “Truly, I am sorry. I should never have given in. My bloodthirst in that moment will haunt me for the rest of my life.” He lowered his head back down.

With the offer of a drink, Alaric rose. “Only if you allow me to pay. And promise not to get me as pissed drunk as you did last time.” He remarked. Waiting for Lumi to lead the way. Today, a darkness Alaric feared came true. The wolf gained control when he was backed into a corner. Was it that easy? Was his willpower so pitiful that it could slip out like that? Perhaps, the answer was to further increase his own strength. Perhaps then he would be able to avoid these unfortunate situations. If he was not backed into a corner, perhaps then the wolf could not get out. He had much to think. Lumi might have awakened a new path in his training today.


WC 256

TWC 2940

Frost blossoms bloom among Scarlet flowers 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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