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Helmet - Helm of the Unyielding Titan

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Helmet - Helm of the Unyielding Titan Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:20 am



Name: Henaes' Helm

Slot: Helm

Type: Helmet

Class: Mythic

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Limited

Element: Fire

Durability: 3x S-rank


Description: Older than the Sevese Pantheon of Gods, the Titans were powerful beings of mythical proportion capable of moving mountains and splitting the oceans with easily, many were slain with the arrival of Zeus who seek wished for a world safe for his children. Hyperion was one of few to survive Zeus’s wraith and instead chose to make the void his domain, empowering those who would worship him with powerful artifacts made from his flesh. One of which is the Helm of the Unyielding Titan, a representation of their fortitude and desire to live despite their shortcomings. Offering powerful abilities, they were highly coveted yet remained bound to the original owner even in death.


  • The user must be capable of casting magic.
  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.

  • Strength: + 40

  • Speed: - 60


  • Pain for Mana: When the user or the Helm is struck by the user's offensive spells, they will receive mana equivalent to the base amount for one rank lower than the spell back in return.
  • Hyperion's Boon: While wearing the helmet, the user's mana pool is increased by 20% or by +500 per rank whichever is higher.


  • Name: Grace of the Hyperion
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of total base mana
    Requirements: Henaes' Helm
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Fire
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user incorporates the will of Hyperion into themselves providing them with greater access to their boons. While in this state, the Helm of the Unyielding will be considered indestructible with it being absorbed into their head, meanwhile the user's head will receive a minor magical and physical resistance.
    • Greater Pain for Mana: When the user or the Helm is struck by the user's offensive spells, they will receive mana equivalent to the base amount for the rank of the spell back in return.
    • Refracted Damage: Magical Damage that would have otherwise been dealt to the user is instead mitigated through the Grace of the Hyperion with the user instead receiving half of the damage with the remainder being converted into mana. This effect only applies to other sources and not the user.

#2Alaric Holloway 

Helmet - Helm of the Unyielding Titan Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:34 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric is sacrificed their monopoly set while restricting their access to medium and heavy armor, can not obtain any slayer-type magic, ever wield shields, or obtain anything in the pouch section, and receives the Helm of the Unyielding Titan.

Helmet - Helm of the Unyielding Titan 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Helmet - Helm of the Unyielding Titan Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:55 pm

You have claimed the Helm of the unyielding Titan

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