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The light in the night

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The light in the night - Page 2 Empty Thu May 23, 2024 7:44 am


Yuurei would look at the Watcher, his eyes glaring straight into the Guildmaster’s soul. They were engaging in a battle of wits waiting for someone to make their first move. The Requip mage wasn’t alone, and he knew that Lumikki, the future of their guild would be able to help even if just a bit right now. That was when it happened, the Warden of Light sensed it; Lumi had attacked or begun her assault. It would seem the young demon was tired of watching from the sideline and being a support.

He was fine with that, but why did she have to use him as an obstacle though. The sense of danger that came from her weapon was there, but his eyes never moved as he was still in a staring contest with the Watcher in front of him. Still, when it was close enough, he would do what she expected him to do. The Seraphim would move out of the way, using the speed of his transformation to avoid her attack. It would catch the man they were up against by surprise.

He was aware of the young girl but didn’t know that she would attack him any time soon. He had a smirk on his face as it would seem like this Seraphim had gathered some strong allies after all. He would see that he was being covered by her attack, and he would nod and laugh out loud from the blows of her magical prowess.

Renji would look at Lumikki and then at Yuurei and he figured they had a chance to send this man packing after all.

“Keep at you guys. They don’t understand how strong we are. Underestimating us because we aren’t beings like them is their downfall.” He said to the group.

Migi’s sharpened form stood true as he waited for Yuurei to attack. The Watcher would take the damage, and when he had enough he would blow the attack away with one of his own. That was a nice blow from the demon, and his eyes moved quickly to look at everyone and show acknowledgment.

“Interesting, is this woman going to join you to save Uriel?” He asked Yuurei.

The Seraphim would look at Lumi and then at the man as he cracked his neck.

“Yeah it seems she wants to see you guys suffer as much as I do. I think it’s for the pleasure, but I figured I would take her with me.” He said this to him

The Watcher would flap his wings as he looked at everyone and he would smile

“I will see you guys in our realm if you can find your way there. I look forward to seeing how much you all grow, but for now, I think this will be pointless. I cannot take you out with her weakening my powers. So, next time you abomination.” He said as he would shine with light bright enough to blind those who looked at him for a few seconds.

When it was done, he was gone, not that Yuurei could be blinded by it, but he would watch the man disappear from the area.


The light in the night - Page 2 Empty Thu May 23, 2024 4:03 pm


It worked, bet spell landed as she’d hope it would and what more Yuurei dodged as planned. A few more hits and she’d be able to devour what’s left.

But Lumikki would be naive to think that and too gung-ho for her good. The hunter wouldn’t linger much longer now that she was finally on the attack and a screech would out of her lips from the sheer frustration of his exist. As he left, a blinding light wash over everything but it didn’t bother her in the slightest. Instead Lumikki just watched the abomination flee back to the realm he claimed to of employed him.

” Leave it to them not to finish what they’ve started. Yet the enjoy their stupid facade of competence. A bunch of useless pigeons they are. Can’t even trust themselves to fight ye themselves.” Lumikki sneered as she pulled back up to Yuurie’s side. The Demoness could hardly maintain her form as her anger was spilling over.

” When would ye like to take yer fight to them? I’m sure by then I could help ye drop as many as ye’d like. After all, a feast of Seraphim is too rare for a Demon to pass on.” Lumikki, who rarely ever showed her malicious and sadistic nature to him, was now swelling with apparent bloodlust and hunger. Enough to reveal just the kinda of monster she really was. Though she still had the self control to maintain her fury and relax by him.

The light in the night - Page 2 Img_8011

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The light in the night - Page 2 Empty Thu May 23, 2024 6:16 pm


Yuurei would take the equipment that was on Renji and he would put it in his pocket space. The Exceed would see the fight was over, and he felt the need to return to his cat form. He would do just that, and he would shake his head. It would seem like they were testing him and his ability to come out of these situations. They were sure to analyze their strengths and be prepared for the battle to come. Migi would see this fight was over and the parasite would return to the man’s arm's original form. The Seraphim would land on the ground his form would change to his normal form, with wings.

His eyes looked at Lumi as she would talk about the Watchers. She slandered them and was annoyed with them. He would just shake his head at all of this and he would look at her and he would put his hand on top of her head. He would ruffle her hair as she would ask him when he was going to take his fight to them. His smile was genuine, but he knew it was time for him to do things on his own. Of course, he would bring her with him, possibly Brone, and Kaito who had seen them repeatedly.

“For now, I will seek a power far greater than what I have right now. It seems like the Gods of this universe and the world beyond this one are against me. It is the sad truth, but it seems like I was gifted with a power that not many have seen in this world. It breaks my heart, but that is how things are.” He said to her as he looked at Renji.

Renji would rush over to him and he would climb on his shoulder. It would seem like his best friend had plans and he was about to do something drastic.

“Brone has put a lot of trust in his niece, and where I would naturally give Brone this title, I figured it would be nice to give it to someone who wants to grow. Brone is at a point where he wouldn’t abandon his post anyways unless I say so.” He paused for a second as he took his hand off her head.

“What I’m saying Lumi, is that I am relinquishing my title as the guild master and giving it to you. I’m too much of a danger to this guild. I will not be leaving it. I will always be Paradise Dawn, and I’m still the Warden of the North. As long as you don’t jeopardize this place, then I will never be your enemy. Still, giving you this power allows room for growth in mistakes and experience. I hope you use it well. If anybody comes knocking I will indeed show up to protect my home. When you feel like you do not want this title come look for me and I will return.” He said this as he would take the key out of his hand.

He moved to a door near him and he would open the door. This would open another door to a different location. He would look at her, smile at her, wave at her, and walk in as the door would close and he would be gone from the North and to his new adventure to the East.

Name: Tal-Rasha's Traversal
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Tal-Rasha's Skeleton Key
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: -
Duration: -
Effect: Tal-Rasha, a powerful mage from Desierto, spent most of his life researching magic. Distractions were a curse to him, but many would travel from far and wide to seek Tal-Rasha's wisdom and expertise. Necessity being the mother of invention resulted in Tal-Rasha designing a highly complex spell to traverse anywhere he had been before. Thus, whenever Tal-Rasha would twist his key into the keyhole of any door, the door would open and create a portal elsewhere. This allowed Tal-Rasha to easily access his hidden libraries across Earthland to continue his research without delay. It is said that whoever possesses Tal-Rasha's Skeleton Key will be able to open doors elsewhere on Earthland, should they have been there before.



The light in the night - Page 2 Empty Sat May 25, 2024 10:14 pm


Yuurei did what she wouldn't have expected. With a hand on her head, a kind and comforting gesture, she'd hear him out." But I have the magic to kill the gods!" She'd relent mournfully. His words sounded so sad in her ears, like he was defeated and she didn't know why.

" Danger, what do ye mean danger? Yer the Warden of the North." Lumikki could hardly process what he said, let alone the mention of becoming the next Guild Master, though that notion would remain tucked in her thoughts for later. Now, she only thinks about how this seemed like a goodbye. It bought the childishness out of her as she relented his words. But before she could really let the moment sink in, he'd pull out a key." Ye know I wouldn't do harm to the North, who even could?" She mumbled as she observed him walking to the nearest door. Only to turn his key and open a way to elsewhere." Huh?! Yer really going? But ye can't! Ye can't leave us!" But he would, with a smile and a wave he was gone.

Curtain Call

The light in the night - Page 2 Img_8011

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