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Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:04 pm


" Layman's terms Uncle, the book just covers the stories among different folk about how they viewed darkness. Dwarves don't see the dark the same way, let's say....humans do. Hel, they don't even see it the same way among themselves. So the book covers the many tales collected. As to why it was in me hands, well a lass needs to know how to be the creature that goes bump in the night in aaaall cultures." A smirk showed on her face as she mentioned her mischief while bobbing her body in a giddy sense. As if this brought her much joy from even the sheer thought of it. " Ye'd be amazed how many folks fear the dark as if we all weren't born from it."

" Though I am curious about yer thoughts teacher. Ye've adapted the darkness for quite neutral reasons." Her shadow would rise from behind as if it would embrace her, before promptly warping its form. Sharp and jagged edges seemed to come for its silhouette before solidifying into a talon of dark frost coming from the ground. Lumi plopped onto her seat and crossed her legs. And her Uncle would start blowing smoke from his nose like she would imagine a dragon might. A soft giggle escaped her lips, as she did not forgo any of her childish traits or pleasures. It was like they strengthened when she was reborn. Lumi clapped her hands in enjoyment. " Do ye still make the circles?"

Eventually, Megan would return and the Demoness would hop off her chair. The talon retracted as if it snapping back to its original form and with it whipping back to place, a small wave of cold air blew past them. " Finally! Off to eat now~" She stretched her arms upward before touching the nape of her neck for a moment. Her arms settled and clung behind her back as they got to walking. The mess hall was hardly a walk, as it was located right beside the dorms. So it would not be long until they settled. " Where do ye hail from lass? Is the food good there?"

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Nerili11

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#27Brone Heavyaxe 

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:23 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Thankfully Lumikki was able to give a proper shortened summary of the book without the need of the gnome to extend it. Brone nodded, understanding why his niece would be interested in such a subject; more than likely such a read would be able to allow her to strengthen her darkness magic, even though the dwarf wasn't sure how magical spells worked, he was still happy for her.

To Lumikki's request, Brone happily blew out smoke rings into the air that trailed after one another as Gnicholas answered the young lady's question, "As I've told you before, darkness, naturally, is the absence of light, but what the 'scientists' don't realize is that the essence of darkness is the counterpart of light, even if it holds no physical form; creatures since the dawn of existence have feared the darkness and even used it to protect themselves; for something that doesn't technically 'exist' it holds one of the greatest power, for it is older than that of light" Gnicholas rambled on while Brone tuned him out. When Megan arrived and waved her down.

Lumikki was quick to lead the group towards the mess hall and the dwarf wasn't arguing, but joined her happily. Once they arrived in the mess hall, several guild hirelings were about, mercenaries and staff attendees. Brone had requested a stack of baked potatoes, steak and ale, for he hungered for a warm meal.


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:07 am

As she arrived Lumikki asked her where she was from "I am from Caelum. I came to Fiore to travel and learn of different cultures and places, as well as to just explore and experience the world" Fiore wasnt her ending destination, she would've explored east, central, west and south Fiore before moving onto a different country alltogether, but because of her incident she had to stay here

Soon Lumikki would show her where the mess hall was and she followed her, she did noticed Gnicolas and waved back to him. She noticed that Brone was quiet, she wondered if he was ok or did he just let his niece take the lead of this tour. Brone did say he liked ox and she never tried that. She wondered what was it like. Was that like a warriors dish, something extra energetic that she couldnt handle? She imagined it as much


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:43 am


” Caelum ye say, I’ve met another from those lands—Uncle, now that I think of it. Where does yer family hail from in Fiore?” She jerked to look at him as she asked, her face scrunched in bewilderment. She often forget that he was in his lands while she was far from her own. But as the sensation passd through her, she promptly looked back toward Megan.

” Uncle and I derive from the same clan, albeit the family is broken into smaller clans of their own. I’ve wander from Iceberge meself. It has its beauty and splendor, though I really need to find the time to explore more of this one. Oy Gnicolas, where would ye venture worth visiting first. I’ve been privy to the ideal of passhing through Central like a storm.”

Lumi finally dug into her meal akin to the one her Uncle had ordered. More interested in being full than anything else at the moment.

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Nerili11

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#30Brone Heavyaxe 

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:30 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The meal had quickly arrived and once the plate was placed onto the table, Brone began to dig in, barely giving himself time to breath in between bites. Gnicholas, however, never enjoyed being adjacent to the dwarf, given how much of a messy eater he was. So he sat himself beside Megan, opposing the dwarf, and ordered black tea.

Brone admitted he wasn't as well traveled as his his parents or uncle, which explained why didn't know anything about Caelum, "We're from the mountains in South Fiore, but me and me cousins were born here" he said through a mouthful of potato before he swallowed to continue explaining, "All the previous generation, me parents, uncle, aunts and all moved here from Iceburg more than a hundred years ago, back when the clans were closer together" Gnicholas picked up on this; Lumikki, being of human descent, had a shorter lifespan, so saw a hundred years as making Fiore the clans native home, by his assumption of course, but for the dwarf, as he had implied in his statement, such a timeframe was nothing to his race.


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:08 am

As Megan ate, she curiously listened to both Lumikki, Gnicolas and Brone speak of their home or place of origin and clans. Everything felt so foreign to her in regards to their conversation. Once she was free to speak by not having food, she would say "If you ever travel abroad to Iceberg, I would love to travel with you." She has never been to Iceberg so if they were to go there, she'd love to visit the place.

"What is Iceberg like? I assume by the name that its snowy?" she would ask. Sure she could ask about South Fiore too, but she didnt wanna ask multiple questions at once. More like one at a time. So she'd now continue her meal as she would await the answer in great anticipation. The story of Iceberg. Lumikki's home. Yeah she could see it, imagine it. It seems like a snowy place that fits the Lumikki vibe.


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:01 am


” It’s not entirely a snow scape lass, though much of it is. There are forests as thick as the ones here, and mountainous crags by turbulent seas. The city I hail from gets quite cold though it doesn’t always snow over. But something I did find keen of me home was that there were waterfalls there too. Like the ones trickling by the base of our buildings. And in the winter, it would get cold enough that they freeze over. Seeing the light that bounced off the ice was dazzling. I prob should visit home more often, especially the winter. I miss all the cold.” Lumi went on as she ate her meal. She took a long pause to speak but she made her point now.

” Oh, now that I finally think of it…..Gnicholas, where do ye come from?”

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Nerili11

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#33Brone Heavyaxe 

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:11 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Oy! Ye should see it, lass!" Brone leaned in over the table towards Megan, excitement in his eyes as he talked about Iceberg, "The chilled winds so cold ye can feel yer own blood runnin' through yer veins! The howling winds in the tundra loud enough to sound like yetis, and don't get me started on the hot stag meat, mutton and the drinks would make ye want te stay forever!" Though he doesn't talk much about Iceberg, the dwarf couldn't help but feel a sense of home when he thinks about it. He rarely ever visits, but such are dwarves who are so rooting in the ground.

"Then don't start at all" Gnicholas shot a glare at the dwarf, who didn't pay him any mind but take a break from his flaunting his father's homeland to take a few more bites of his meal. The gnome then turned to Lumikki to answer her question with a polite tone, "I was born and raised outside of Magnolia. My grandparents had settled there long before humans had arrived, but once their settlement spread, we ended up moving towards the forest, then about a descade ago I got annoyed with the constant human traffic, so I moved up here to the mountainous area to which I found this monster of a glutton" he gestured to Brone who was washing down his meal with several gulps of his drink before belching loudly to Gnicholas' disgust.

"And what about ye, lass? Where yer from?" Brone asked Megan.


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:06 am

She leaned in and listened in awe as Lumikki described her homeland, she could only imagine what it was like. Maybe she made it far more grand in her minds eye, but nevertheless she loved to travel and explore and see where the currents of life take her. As Lumikki questioned where Gnicolas came from, she would turn her head to look at the gnome and see what he would answer

She would listen as he'd say he was from Fiore, near Magnolia and lived there long before humans. It was interesting to hear about life before a human settlement like Magnolia came to be. And of course, it was her turn to say about where she hails from "I come from Caelum. Its a country with a rich history, a unique culture which developed separately from the mainland, and was only ruled by outside influences during small periods of its history. Due to their isolated nature and drastic variety of landscapes, never in their history has a single power ruled all of the Caelese isles: Kingdoms rise and fall, with new ones born from the ashes. Most of the country's nobility can trace their descent to some long lost Kingdom: Even the country's most legendary King began his life as a peasant or so I have heard. Like theres a lot to say about it. But, I dont really wanna bore you with that. Some things are best to be seen and not heard"


Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:30 pm


" Aye, I could see the richness in that indeed lass. Ye know Uncle, I've been considering visiting there among other places. Which lands have ya touched? For a man of stone, I hope ye've seen more places than the few I joined ya in." Lumi would ramble as she bit into the last remaining bits of her meal. It hit the spot for sure and eased her mood. " Maybe more mates 'round here could use some travel in them. I worry the patrol is getting stagnant only having me as a monster to fight with. How will they handle other dangers?" She jested as she leaned toward Brone in a merry gesture.

The Demoness downed the rest of her drink and brought her mug to the table before rising. " Oy, it's sure been nice meeting ye Megan. Hopefully, we could plan a party for yer arrival and the glory of Uncle saving ya from some fate. Long as yer in the Dawn lass, the fate yer resigned in is ters to choose. We take care of our own, well, those of stature." Lumi broke into another laugh and glanced at her Uncle," We got our fair bit of lone wolves among us as well, don't we?"

Finally, the Demoness would turn away and begin to part. Her hand was held high to emphasize the gesture of her leaving." Till later lads. I had some errands to accomplish."

Curtain Call

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#36Brone Heavyaxe 

Paradise Home (Open to PD) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:18 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone would shake his head as he downed another bite of his meal, "No, never been te Caelum, but I don't mind visiting" he takes a moment to consider Lumikki's question, thinking back to all the places he had visited, albeit limited, My parents and the rest of the older folks traveled, me and me cousins didn't travel, though I did visit that future island, the island with the big fish, Iceberg, Joya, and a traveled around Fiore, but nothing more, but yeah, I don't mind seeing more in me lifetime" he then took another swig of his drink. Another belch would be the last straw for Gnicholas as he dropped down from the seat.

"And this is where I'll make my departure, it was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Megan" The gnome properly said his farewells to Megan before walking off out of the mess-hall with his tiny feet.

"Aye, lass, make yerself at home and ask for whatever ye like, we take care of our own" Brone said to Megan before he finished his drink in one last gulp. He then slammed the empty mug on the table, "Time for me te start me night shift, fare yerself well" he saluted Megan before walking off.


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