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The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius]

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#1Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:15 pm

Odin †

Almost four years. That's how long it had been since Odin had seen Caius in person. Deep inside Sieghart mountains, trying to locate an ancient key that unlocked the very tower they now stood atop, the mage had left them. For a time, the Lich had figured his oldest ally to have disappeared -nothing could've killed him- but he was sorely mistaken. During the time between Eternal Nightmare's founding and the present day, Caius had been expanding his own little empire, something he'd had since long before Odin joined even Grimoire Heart. He had grown in strength and power even while Odin himself had reached a similar level. This was no longer Lucifer and Black: newbie and veteran, they were now equals. Odin had gained the respect of his former senior and, even while Caius had been building his own empire, the dark mage had still found time to help his new guild master. He had never left the guild, despite what many had thought to be the case. He had simply worked from the shadows, staying under the radar so as not to spoil his own operation.

Entering the crowd to speak to Caius, Odin couldn't help but remark, "We've been in this game far too long my friend." Since the beginning, Grimoire Heart attacking Crocus. Very few active mages could still remember that time, and fewer still had been present in the thick of it. And all of them; be it Odin, Caius or Alisa, were now famed names in their own right. They were the old generation, but they were still at the top of their game.


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:34 pm

Damn it was good to be back. Though he did have a passion for handling his criminal enterprise, he needed a break every once and a while. Who better than his fellow guildmates back at Eternal Nightmare. Now that the whole squad had gathered on the roof, he could get a feel of what their latest goals were. Before he could talk to anyone, he heard someone talk to him. It was non other than his old friend and Guild master Odin. Caius threw up his hands in delight as he approached.

"I hope the game never stops. This shit gives me life. Do you know how many good stories I have from this bag alone?" Caius pointed to the satchel of body parts he had in his hand. Earlier in the meeting, he had spilled them but managed to scoop them back up and zip the container. "By the way I got some premium bones for your collection in here. Got to keep those bones shiny and fresh right? I'll toss it in the usual spot once we are out of here."

Glancing around the room, Caius surveyed all the members before turning back to Odin. "It looks like you've been busy. A bunch of new faces and our numbers have grown. So what's the occasion?" Truth be told he was out of the loop. Odin was really the only one he spoke to over the past few years. For everyone to be here it must be something big.

Hi I'm Caius
#3Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:24 am

Odin †

Odin couldn't help but laugh as he spoke to his friend. He made a very good point. The things they had both achieved, the stories they could tell. If either of them ever wrote an autobiography, it would surely be a best-seller. They had lasted longer than many people in their business could and that alone was testament to who they were. The bag of bones -in Caius' hand, not Odin- was something of a running joke between the two men, however the Lich couldn't help but appreciate its usefulness. It was all too easy for Odin to lose limbs in battle, and having a spare skeleton or two would always come in handy. That and he found great pleasure in building his shrine to Morrigan out of the bones Caius collected. He always had a way of finding the best. "Words cannot express how glad I am that you're back." There was something different about having Caius around, a feeling that Odin wasn't the only one left from his generation. It was refreshing.

Odin couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as Caius remarked how the guild had grown. They were no longer stuck doing the bidding of Zagan in exchange for power. They were a truly powerful group with their own skills and goals, not a ragtag bunch of misfits anymore. "Everyone's been away doing their own thing for the past few years, getting stronger and learning about the world. Zane's return just caught everyone at the right time, but I'm planning on using this occasion." It was almost the perfect set up. Everyone was here, everyone had come home, and it was the right time to announce the next stage of their plans.

"We're two of the only people alive who have done it once before, but do you wanna help me break the monarchy again?"


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:43 pm

To his surprise, there really wasn't any reason in particular that they all had gathered. It was just a coincidence that Zane had called them up here. Zane was the other member when he met with Odin and the guild first formed. They got along great with Caius being a demon and Zane being a man possessed by one. Though he abandoned them during their quest, he still managed to bust down the door leading into the catacombs which founded the guild. Caius still paraded that around as his crowning achievement to the guild.

Odin went on to explain that despite not having planned it, he still had a goal set in mind. As expected of of one of the most cunning dark guild masters in Fiore. That goal was to take down the monarchy of Fiore. Something they had done previously with Grimoire Heart. Though he lost that battle, their former guild master, Crowley was able to break through and take the crown. Caius whistled at the thought of it. He did not expect the plans to be that big.

"The whole damn Monarchy? That's ballsy you know? But that's what I like about you. Let me think" Caius paced back and forth while rubbing his chin in thought. It would be a lot of work but the stars did line up. He stopped and answered his friend. "Well you're in luck. I've taken over the underworld trade of Eastern Fiore so I was currently working on spreading my merchandise in capital right now. I suppose I can jot in some assassinations here and sprinkle some crack there. Fuck it let's run it back" It worked perfectly. This way Caius could kill two birds with one stone. "Do you need something down now or is it still a work in progress?"

Hi I'm Caius
#5Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:16 am

Odin †

Caius and Odin, back on the same team. The Lich knew he'd appreciate the ambition. and was overjoyed to hear that the demon of Grimoire Heart would support him, and had already made moves that could greatly assist Eternal Nightmare in their plans. Eastern Fiore was his, and the capital was next. He was going to be there anyway, so he could easily weaponize his influence on the underground to plant the seeds of discourse, and perhaps even more.

"For now, establish yourself in the capital. That'll make it much easier for both of us to make our moves." The drug trade may not have been something Odin knew a lot about, but that was why he had his generals: people like Caius who could become an expert and handle it himself. It required Odin to put a lot of trust in his allies, but that had never been an issue, especially not with the one before him.

"So tell me, are there any faces you remember from the old days? Are there any new members that you want to hear about?"


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:37 pm

"Works for me." Luckily for Caius, the mission was on hold at the moment. He could enjoy his time off a little more before going back to business. This was probably for the best. Caius had played it cool the past few years. Rather than dealing with most of the dirty work himself, he would get his underlings to do it. While it was very efficient, it made him rusty with his magic and in anything involving combat. Taking the capital by force would be a bloodbath. With this free time, he could sharpen his skills for the time when Odin called him back for his master plan.

Odin brought up the members that were gathered seeing if he remembered anyone. Caius scanned the room pointed his finger at the two that he knew. "Of course there is that crazy elf demon Zane from when we went to the dungeon together. Then we got the powerhouse ginger Venus. She was in Blue Pegasus last I saw her but glad to see she's switched over to the dark side. " Those were the only two he knew off hand. However, he didn't want to look bad in front of the guild master so he tried another by pointing to Erebus. "And that's uh what's face.. is it Mark? Mike? Something like that. It's been a while. You might have to refresh my memory and give me the cliff notes version of all these other members. Any other A plus ranks I should know about? " The weak ones didn't interest him too much. With his current level, the high ranks would be who he was working with the most.

Hi I'm Caius
#7Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:30 pm

Odin †

He remembered the founders of the guild -well, mostly- which was a good start as far as Odin was concerned. Considering how long Caius had been working outside of the guild, effectively since the guild's creation, the Lich was glad he even knew a couple of the names. His next phrase made Odin chuckle though. Not because of the context: Caius was at a level where he would only really interact with those at a similar level to himself. The last time he had worked with someone weaker than him may have been Odin himself, but the Wizard Lord had no plans to waste his friend's potential on meaningless tasks..

No, the chuckle was because of the answer to his question. Glancing around at all the Eternal Nightmare members gathered, Odin pointed to perhaps one or two of them, before looking back at Caius, "Those are the people not at your requested level. We have grown extremely powerful during these past few years, amassing an army of powerful mages and adventurers sympathetic to our cause." Taking a moment to think about who he would pair up with Caius in the future, Odin then gestured specifically to one woman, her skin knotted with stitches that made her look almost like a doll. "That is Nuala, someone I owe my life to. She helped me out of a tricky situation and I owe her for that. She's been around for a long time too, so I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better ally for your needs."


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:45 am

Two of the members that were pointed out were weaker than he had asked for. Caius was sure he would meet them down the line but at this moment he didn't have interest in them. As for the upper rank mages, Odin pointed out one in particular that he didn't know. A woman named Nuala. Turning over to check her out, he saw beautiful woman with heterochromia and an almost doll like appearance. Despite her looks, she was one of the most dangerous members they had.

Using his elbow, he nudged Odin in the side of the ribs. "I can see why you invited her in. She quite the looker huh?" Caius had a good laugh before crossing his arms and asking the real question. "But for real though. She saved you? The wizard lord supreme? You have got to give me the details. What type of fucked up situation did you get into that she had to bail you out?" Caius was brimming with curiosity. Odin was one of the most powerful mages he knew. If he got into trouble, it had to be something big.

Hi I'm Caius

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:50 pm



Heavy rain poured down upon them as though the gods were crying for what was yet to come, for better or for worse. This was something that he had been planning for quite some time now. An attack upon a former friend of his whom he had not met in over a decade, turned dark guild master. So much had changed for the ranger and yet from the rumors he had heard about the lich little to nothing had changed outside of their renewed disposition towards the occult. Just what had brought about Kon’s sudden desire for vengeance was unclear whether it was the heft bounty that they possessed or the personal vendetta that he had with the Lich. Knowing it would a foolhardy endeavor to simply enter the Eternal Nightmare Guild Building unassisted, Kon had requested the aid from two unlikely candidates, one of whom had been growing steadily in the ranks of Infinity Wolves, the other a far more obscure chose and yet Kon knew he could trust the two of them.

Kon was still largely inexperienced with the layout of Oak City, however, had made every effort to study the surroundings in the short period between him coming to the area and getting to the guild building itself. His attire had been formal, yet professional, comfortable, yet practical bearing resemblances similar to those he wore as the Guild Master of the Sentinel Syndicate hoping to blend a darker aesthetic sense with Dark Guild members. Of course, much of this facade was for naught with him being soaked to the bone and his ensemble revealed Kon’s distinct markers, his golden eye, prosthetic right arm, everything that Odin knew about at least up close. His “best man” would have to see the vampire first, something that would prove an immense challenge, to rival Kon’s extensive optical prowess would be a tall feat in itself.

Approaching the Guild Building itself filled Kon with a combination of anticipation but he also felt a great deal of hesitance towards what was just about to happen. In essence, he was beginning a war against Eternal Nightmare, he could foresee the chaos that would ensue as a consequence, the deaths, the destruction. Despite all of that, it merely reaffirmed his decision to go right into the heartland of their territory, attack their Guild Master and either send them to jail, a disgrace for any high standing dark mage or Kon’s own defeat which could lead to fair greater ramifications. While it was certainly true that Kon was now a light guild member the prospect of a long drawn-out conflict left him practically salivating and he could only imagine who else might get involved in the events yet to come. All he had to do now was wait for his back-up while he looked eagerly at his prey from outside.


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity) + 40 (Headpiece of Xorvith)
Adjusted Strength 581
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 283 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain) - 60 (Headpiece of Xorvith)
Adjusted Speed: 163
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 8,850/8,850



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Headpiece of Xorvith
Slot: Helm
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Wyvern's Surplus: You receive a 10% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Wyvern's Grace: An improved jump and lunge up to 5 meters.


    Name: Headpiece of XorvithRank: S-RankMana Cost: 500Requirements: The SingularityType: DefensiveElement: ArcaneRange: 25 metersCooldown: 5 PostsDuration: SustainEffect: The user "tears" the wyvern spirit from their helm causing its purple ethereal form to sit upon their head, once in the real world the spirit will defend its host hurling itself into spells that would otherwise harm them. Overall the wyvern is capable of moving at spell speed, has a durability of 2x S-Rank and may move independently of its own accord.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:08 pm


Lucretia wasn’t exactly a stranger to the rain, nor was she really a stranger of going against things that were clearly out of her depth. But when Kon had asked for assistance in fighting a lich of all things? Normally Lucretia would leave those powerful undead alone but the way that Kon had asked her for help made her feel like there was something more to it just being a simple undead. The information that was readily available about the person that Kon wanted to fight was indeed impressive even in the little amount that Lucretia looked over. She’d grit her teeth a little bit and look to the other Infinity wolf. There was something about the ‘calm’ before the storm of the battle that was yet to come that was making Lucretia want to fight all the more. The beast within her was yearning for combat and she’d let out a deep guttural growl.

Oak city was one that she had only been to once but it was just like any other city and like that she would treat it with the respect it deserved. Her already black armor would fit with the darker aesthetic that the dark guild masters possessed but she somehow doubted she walked like one. The confidence in walking out in the open, the butt of her spear giving a steady thump as she walked with it. A single hand all that she needed to do so at this point. Not of her own strength but that of a borrowed from the yeti brace.

Lucretia was practically right behind kon, maybe a little off to his right as she wanted to be close to her guildmate but not too close. In the case of one of the eternal nightmare’s members having some ability that would strike the two of them at once. She had no qualms about starting a war with darkness itself; she had been fighting against it since she was a babe and would continue to fight against it up until her death. Hell given her tenacity she might just get back up to spite people that thought her dead. She’d glance at kon and if he looked back she’d give a small nod. If not. Silence was the only companion for the moment. There was no words needed because they flat out knew what they needed to do here.

This wasn’t so much about sending a message as it was a war proposal. One she felt would likely stir others to action. If they desired the same as the wolves did.

[fighty bits]:


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:39 pm


Khnurn Atenhotep

Plip... Plip... Plip...

The sound of the constant downpour of rain was music to Seika. He had been stationed in the west for some time now. A constant presence among the people of Oak, Baska and Astera as he worked to secure a foothold and keep the growing menace that was Eternal Nightmare under wraps. The conversation he had had with Jove had brought forth a rather proper point however, he didn't need permission to do his job. If anything, it was his job to ask others if they had permission to do as they pleased. It was time to walk the talk as many would say and put his foot down on the fiends and vagabonds who had been terrorizing all of Fiore for as long as they did, and that foot would first land on the infamous Dark Wizard, Wizard Lord, and Guild Master of Eternal Nightmare himself.

Odin Morningstar.

Seika had actually laughed when Konyo had brought the idea to him in his office. Attacking and bringing down the escaped convict who had broken out of prison after Shichiro had gone out of the way to put him there in the first place. It had been a sore point that Seika had had for the past two years now. Ever since Shichiro had left the Rune Knights, the leadership had been essentially left in shambles and the amount of new recruits had dropped to an all time low. This meant that those who were left had to pick up every scrap and piece that they could to hold back the tide. But in the process they lost even more good Knights and warriors. Hitomi had been one of those 'casualties', lost to the inevitable wave of paperwork and constant calls and meetings. The woman had simply burned out of working for the organization and had left, and in a cruel twist of fate, had returned back to where she had left originally. It was the second major sore point that Seika had with the Dark Guild and he wasn't going to lie and say that he didn't intend to take out his frustrations on the guild about that with this raid.

Plip... Patter... Plip... Platter...

He suited up in his attire, donning his Captain-Commander uniform under the light of a single wick lantern that rested in his office. His face was stoic and focused, eyes staring blankly ahead as he buttoned up his uniform. His aides stood nearby, holding the remainder of his outfit as he prepared for the second largest operation he had been a part of since becoming a Rune Knight. It was funny, he had never intended to get caught up in these petty games that other humans played. He had only joined the Rune Knights as a means to make a large amount of money to fund his pilgrimages, but slowly over time he had began to actually get involved more and more with these people. It was something that was pointed out to him by Hitomi after a long night on the town. He actually tried to keep the peace, to keep the public calm. He spoke less of Sol outside of when it was necessary. This place, this country. It was drowning him. Erasing everything that made him unique, made him, him.

Frowning as he placed his helmet on his head, latching it behind his skull but not pulling up the full components of the visor, he realized that something had fundamentally changed within him. That change wasn't good, nor was it wholesome. He had been watered down, tamed and made obedient. In a way, Khalfani had been correct. His harsh stance on life had been entirely eroded into this law abiding citizen facade he put forth to ensure that nothing bad happened to his people or his brother. But tonight....

Shhhh... The sound of a deep inhale as he picked up Senju Nigiri. The blood red sheath already carrying Ryujin Jakka inside.

Shahh... A loud exhale, accompanied by smoke and steam as the giant exited the compound out into the rain.

He looked forward, the sight of the Eternal Nightmare guild that sat directly across the city from the Rune Knight barracks here in Oak. It was time to cut the shackles that had been laid upon him by his cohorts and boss. Perhaps, tonight would be the return of something beautiful. Holding out his left hand as his right slid the scabbard into its holding position on his uniform, a light glow began to emanate from the hand just before he clenched it. A twisted grin would cross his face as his body began to glow and break into pieces of light, the heavy winds and rains carrying the scattered particles across the city.

It wouldn't take long for the particles to coalesce back into the shape of Seika as he stood to the left of Kon, his right hand resting on the pommel of his sword as the light quickly reformed his body, his right eye currently visible along with most of his body. He didn't greet either of the two warriors, not out of disrespect, but merely because no words needed to be exchanged here. From here on out, they were here to do a job, and that job would be completed before the downpour over their heads concluded. Deciding to take the lead of the trio, Seika would stride forward, his body still reforming as he merely placed his hands on the great wood of the doors before blowing them off their hinges. He didn't know what would be behind them, and he didn't care.

Tonight. Tonight he was going to remind a lot of people who he truly was.

Invasion Begin
Combat Information

Combat Summary

Post Info

I gots a song to play. Play it around half way through the post to get a good feel of the mood.

Resource Management

Word Count Information
Post WC: 965
Fight WC: 965/2500

Last edited by Seika on Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total

#12Khalfani † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:27 am

Khalfani †

*posts from Khalfani do not count in the round count*

Khalfani was in the back of a carriage moving through oak to be transported to Era, but until then, his eye would see all that was happening within Oak city. Specifically, his eye had been focused on Eternal Nightmare. Nine hundred in the sky his red eye would allow him peer down on the building. The first thing he noticed was Caius and Odin on the roof, but the next thing he noticed was enough to shake him up. "Konyo? What are you-" he began to think before seeing someone more important arrive on the scene. "Khnurn? What the hell are y-"

Eternal Nightmares doors crashed open. "..." It was a raid no doubt about it, but why now? This was the worst possible time for Khalfani to turn himself in. Alas, the Rogue Prince was completely helpless. Konyo was cold-hearted, there was nothing that would stop him from killing Odin, and Khnurn? Khnurn was a blazing spirit. He didn't care much about anything when there was a task at hand. Khal knew his brother like the back of his hand and truthfully, he could be even more threatening than Konyo. Khnurn enjoyed the thrill of battle and Kon was a merciless killer. The two of them alone meant bad news for Eternal Nightmare. Bad bad news. However, Eternal Nightmare had powerhouses too. Khalfani was certain that they had the better chance at coming out on top.

There were people like Venus who was strong enough to take any of them on by herself, Odin who had been the most known dark mage in the world with power great enough to be named Wizard Lord and Erebus who's name struck fear into virtually everyone in this city, but would that be enough? Would they actually hurt his brother? Would Khalfani have to kill them all? So many emotions and thoughts pulsed through the slayers mind. As much as he hated the idea of the people he cared about most fighting each other, he had to watch. In fact, part of him was just as excited as he was nervous to see this unfold.

Activated Belserion's Eye: Watching this topic

Mana: 2,250/2,750

Belserion's Eye:

#13Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:22 am

Odin †

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] AobAnNe

Odin couldn't help but sigh as he entered the magical elevator that would return him to the entrance floor of the guild hall. He knew this day was coming of course, but the timing? In the middle of a celebration for all of the guild, it seemed duty came before anything. He of course told his guildmates where he was going, and some of them were perhaps going to join him on the endeavour, but all Odin knew for sure is that there wasn't any real way for him to escape. He'd been warned about the approach of the two original people almost as soon as they had began pathing towards to guildhall: the infrastructure and cultists he had around Oak city coming in very helpful there, and of course Odin knew Seika had been in the area for some time. Just like the Wizard Lord himself, there came a point in one's reputation where it was basically impossible to keep yourself hidden from prying eyes.

He still had time before they arrived: the long, winding path towards the guild hall gave ample time for anyone to prepare for an attack, allowing Odin and the rest of the guild to either gather their effects, or head to a safe space. Not everyone was ready for the fight, and Odin wasn't one to pressure any of them. After all, given the people gathered, they were here for him. Axe in one hand, shield in the other, even his ring and earrings were equipped, not that he expected them to make a difference but this was a fight where he couldn't go in half-ready. This was a fight for his future, more important than any previous. It was time for people to know, and truly fear, the name Odin Morningstar, and the guild Eternal Nightmare.

Perhaps he wasn't as strong as he could have been by this point: there was space in his arsenal for more copied spells due to Rhaeduil's Eye, but that was no longer important. The Lich would waste no time though, activating his Greed magic as the elevator descended. He would be sitting on his throne as the doors to his hall were blasted open. It was perhaps a 30m distance from one end of the room, where Odin sat, to the other end: where this brutal act of vandalism had just taken place. Sitting on the edge of his chair, ready to move and not giving his opponents any form of opening, the Wizard Lord's words would be welcoming. One might even say warm.

"Well this is an auspicious day. Desiertan royalty coming to claim me. And Kon, my old friend, how's the eye? And... don't tell me." Odin recognised the face of the wolf: a member of the new guild just as Kon was, but her name escaped him. Besides, it's not like he had more important things to be worrying about.

Racial Abilities:


Statistics and Mana:

Spells Used:


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:31 pm

Well this was just great. Right when he thought he could kick back with his guild members, trouble started to brew up. Odin had detected that outsiders were coming to the guild hall for him and warned his members. This was bad news. Caius no longer had his ethereal magic at his disposal. He couldn't explain it but he assumed it must have been some type magic blockage demons get from time to time. It was like one day everything was right in the world and then the next day it was removed for no reason. Whatever the reason, this called for a tactical retreat.

"So long story short I got no magic right now. Wish everyone luck but I got to get the fuck out."he said as he gave his guild mates a thumbs up and started to transform.  Black demonic energy covered his entire body and start to manifest into wings and turn his eyes blood red. The good news was the invaders were coming from the front which was their only entrance. Not only that, Odin and other EN members that wished to fight took the elevator down to distract them.  

Being on the roof, Caius flew himself in the air and jumped off towards the back of the guild hall. This would cover his escape as the ancient tower was 100+ meters tall like a skyscraper. His wings would help him glide down lower to where he would accelerate at top speed in the air to get the hell out of there before it turned ugly. The mountains behind Eternal Nightmare were vast and wide and had no paths to help navigate. Weaving through the mountains, Caius wished the best to his guild but he knew sometimes you just had to get the hell out of dodge.



Transformation -10% mana:


stat stuff:

Hi I'm Caius
#15Achlys † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:46 pm

Achlys †


Everyone was having a good time during this gathering at the roof of the Eternal Nightmare guild hall, some of the members already left the place but some others are still at the roof. Until the atmosphere suddenly switches, put people on alert. But there is still time for everyone to make up their mind, prepare themselves for a fight or head to safety. Achlys is still confused about the situation and decides to follow Odin who gets himself ready for a fight. Achlys also prepares herself, she gears up, puts on her mantle, and all other items she uses to fight. She looked at how Odin got all in with his preparation for this fight and had a feeling that this might be an important fight to win, for Odin and maybe for Eternal Nightmare.

This fight might be the biggest fight she will ever get involved in, so she wants to give her best at this fight. She follows Odin into the elevator and for the first time, she gets to witness Odin activating his magic. As they get off the elevator, Odin gets to his throne and sits on it, while Achlys is standing on the right side of that throne. She feels like she will be ready for whoever will come from behind the door on the other side of this room. When suddenly the door was blasted down and three figures could be seen coming out from it. Achlys never saw any of those people before, but based on their appearance she can tell two out of three. It’s Seika, a well known Rune Knight and Kon from Infinity Wolves. Odin greets Kon like they are really close while Achlys is just there getting herself ready and on full alert.



Racial Abilities:


Statistics and Mana:

Last edited by Achlys on Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


#16Hitomi Minamoto † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:45 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Hitomi didn't know when she passed out on the lush bed within her room of Eternal Nightmare's Guildhall. She hardly ever stayed in the building as she had been roaming around in Fiore with Seika, the light in her life. Heavy rains poured down outside and all seemed calm, of course In her slumber she wasn't aware of what was coming and how it would change the course of her and many other's future.

Dreams of a moon who's light rivaled the sun appeared within her slumbering mind. It spoke to her, telling her to never stop chasing the sun because when they caught it they would be whole again. Hitomi didn't understand at first until a figure of light appeared in front of the moon. She couldn't make out who it was but she could smell it and she knew exactly who as soon as she did. She tried her best to run towards him but she couldn't move and the closer he got the brighter he got before he exploded into light and a deafening sound pulled her from the dream.

Cold sweats and heavy panting dragged Hitomi out of bed. That dream she had felt a little too real and what made it worse was Seika's scent wasn't going away. He couldn't have possibly had been here? So why could she smell him so strongly as if he were in the building. Throwing on some fresh clothes and grabbing Kusanagi and whatever else she needed on her persons, the very confused woman left her room and made her way downstairs.

It didn't take her long to reach the main hall, in fact she walked in at the same time Odin sat in his throne with another woman standing on his right side. Hitomi had come in to the area from the left side of Odin but she could see the light from outside coming in through the door. Walking towards Odin but with her attention focused on the doors of the entrance until her eyes met the reason for this chaotic scene.

So her sense of smell wasn't wrong. Seika was in fact here and accompanied by two others she did not know. Her face remained calm but she was wracked with surpise at his presence, she knew with the scene in front of her Seika was not here for pleasantries. Now walking until she stood on Odin's left side, her eyes never leaving Seika, she was at a crossroad for certain.

" please don't tell your here to take me out to dinner. I'm not ready at all. Or maybe it's my time to do my time, hm my light? " She smiled at him as if they were the only two in the room. Deep inside she knew why he was here but it was better to hear it from him

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] AV4nNet
old sheet
#17Jin Tatsumi 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:16 pm

Jin Tatsumi
Jin had wandered down into the main hall on the way to the kitchen. With a bushel of food in his arms, he walked across the hall when he stumbled and loaves of bread spilled out behind their leader's throne. He sighed and picked up the loaves that fell. As he was kneeling behind the throne, the elevator pinged open and Odin along with Achlys crossed the room toward the throne. Odin took his seat with his magic activated.

Hitomi entered the room and stood next to the two others. Jin popped his head out from the space behind the throne that was just big enough for two bodies side by side. A loaf of bread still hung from the corner of his mouth as he gulped it in. "What are we waiting on?" The doors burst open a few moments later the door burst open. Jin swallowed the last bit of bread with wide eyes and a sigh.

Whoever they were they looked strong and tension permeated the air. He looked between the group as they exchanged familiar words. And it all reminded him of the war in Bosco, where he had stood alongside Hitomi and Odin. Only this time he was more useful.

"Well...I suppose it's conflict again," Jin rested one arm on the back of the Throne. He analyzed the field calculating how best he would support the others.

Gear and stats:


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:47 pm


Erebus began his day like any other, just some labor and some training— a little personal time, and now? He was ready for anything, the walls around his person were calm, but a storm was taking place downstairs, Erebus took his place in combat as he always hand. Wielding a dagger blade, but he had some new tricks up his sleeve.

Successfully dual classing as Rogue and Summoner, Erebus has achieved an unthinkable skill. Ambidextrously able to strategize and move through combat and assail against a threat with sharper senses than the average rogue— and just as skilled as any other Summoner of the S-rank category. He wasn’t at his perfect yet, but he was strong. Strong enough to be a principle of respect upon entering the scene, and as strong as he could be today.

Few Nightmares were as reckless with abandon as the tattooed entity that took the vassal of a once magicless human. Erebus had gone the distance and traversed just as hard as anyone else. Maybe he was slow to this show, but he was here now. He arrived donning all his latest gear, placing two boots on as he finished dressing in loose underclothes like a swashbuckled of older times, and mounting a metallic chest piece known as the Warrior Armor, he decided upon giving his cloak up— now in the hands of Venus, however unlike the Cloak Erebus was the sole inheritor of this cowl. A token of reputation earned when the Mysterious Merchant gave him the magical, lecherous, cape piece. Beneficial didn’t begin to describe how handy the new powers would be, especially the goal of blood he had drank, it’s results had changed him. He was different now. An additional set of arms were hidden beneath the veil of Corpsemourn, steadily feeding on his life, to give him the power to cross into purgatory however, he would use both as if they were all he had, and besides Bach. They quite honestly were all he had. He was a rogue, a summoner, and now— a master of Life and Death.

Erebus had no helmet, so if one noticed him now. As opposed to when they had only just recently seen him, the assassin would be in this new appearance. Perhaps the person upstairs was merely an actor all along; whatever may the case, it was a story for another day.

Two silver earrings glimmered from his young, masculine face. Dirty blonde hair sat back, spiked and Erebus had a blood red color behind his eyes that begged the question of whether he was human at all. The Mage took his place off to the side his master and stood there with him to defend their territory. Whatever happens was now left to fate and skill, two twisted sisters in their bid for glory. May the strongest side prevail, and with due haste. However, Erebus stood ten feet to the right of Odin, when he came off of the Lift. His eyes scanned the three fighters on the opposite end of the room and he didn’t draw any attention off of them.

Erebus needed to make sure he didn’t jump any guns. Iron dagger and Maiden’s voyage were already gripped beneath the cape. Everything Erebus had coming for these guys, was one sleight if hand away from being the end of everything. He’d prove that herein, if he could win today. He’d never be forgotten. Today— Erebus chose payback.

Konyo was Konstantin, Erebus only knew he hated that guy’s work ethic from their quest a few years back. He’d heard of Seika or whatever, but to be real— Rune Knights are overrated and Erebus didn’t have a spot in his heart for understanding one, and whatever the hell Lucretia was suppose to be, Erebus would cook her. His battle instincts were hot and center— if he fell, so be it. At least he went down swinging for his friend, his leader, and the rest of the guild.  

Erebus would be ready to engage with the first one of these guys that came his way, and almost taunted for it. Erebus raises a hand, the side of his cape lifting, but nothing revealing. He was ready for the ultimate price, whatever way he may which have to take it. He noticed Jin, Hitomi, and that power house Achlyss.

This was a fight in their favor. Erebus trusted faith in them all.

750 words


  • Melee Weapons: +10% Strength [Rounded Up] +1xA-rank durability (Daggers)
  • Break My Stride: The user can walk through Binds as if nothing happened or is affecting them.
  • Bubble Magic spells apply binding, breaking a bind with physical strength results in one rank higher damage than the bind set by Offensive spells or Supplementary spells.

  • Battle Through Summons: Summoners cannot use Offensive-type spells themselves except for the spells attached to items. Their summons, however, may use Offensive-types.
  • Utilize Summons: Summoners suffer a reduction of 10% to their Strength, Speed, Constitution, and Endurance.


366[b] STR L | 256R
109 (+160 Judgement Tarot) = 269
110 INT


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:35 am



A villainous smirk framed Kon as he savoured what was about to come, before him was the Eternal Nightmare Guild Hall with Seika destroying the very entrance with barely any magical involvement, hardly recognizable even through Kon’s Millenium Eye, but there it was. Before him, Kon saw Odin sitting down as if anticipating their arrival, his appearance was unmistake with the exception of his skull, Kon still possessing the original left Odin relying on those he seemed to have scavenged. Such a shame his original was so refined, his new one left him feeling disappointed. Despite his increased distaste towards the man turned lich Kon refrained from letting loose a bolt in his sheer anger towards him and for reason. As they entered what would shortly become a battleground, already guild members had begun to crawl out from the woodwork. On either side two members of Eternal Nightmare stood like pillars ready to defend their Master.

Both sides consisted of a man and a woman, whose abilities at least to an extent were revealed to Kon with a quick glance. As if the flair of Odin’s centrepiece the two women held immense magical prowess and respectable physical durability, however he knew nothing about them as individuals, how odd it was to be able to see the ins and outs of a person without being able to place a name to a face. His fangs were almost bared when he realised that the violet haired maged possessed Darkness Magic. Untainted or unmodified it would do next to nothing to the vampire, anything they may do to directly harm would be for naught. The vibrantly pink haired mage of the duo was even more obscure holding arcane magic, leaving Kon at somewhat of a loss, the broadness of such an element had always vexed him when fighting against such a mage, one moment you might be thinking you’re fighting a Archive Mage the next a Gravity Mage.

The men of the group interested Kon the most though definitively Erebus who had undergone perhaps the most changes of those he had encountered since they had last met one another. It hadn’t been a pleasant one, with Kon vaguely remembering leaving them behind or some such. Whether or not he harboured it against him, Kon cared little afterall Erebus looked good all things considered perhaps a bit chunky… Things had to be on the up and up for them with them now having water magic as he could faintly remember them not even being able to cast a single spell, though he could easily be wrong, it had been many years since they had seen one another. Perhaps what was more chilling of the man was their facial tattoos that were as clear as daylight to the Hawk eyed ranger.

Intricate and tribal in nature, unmistakably with definition and story with each line etched into their skin. It was a brave decision and certainly not one that Kon would be willing to do given the social isolation it might cause him. The other man didn’t hold Kon’s attention for more than a few glances, a powerful mage though not on par with the others around him. Maybe they had an ace up their sleeve that would put them on the same level as everyone else similar to Lucretia. One thing that he did fret over was their light magic which might hinder the Archver at least to an extent.

All he knew though was they would be fighting an uphill battle, one which he had started and one which he would continue until they were in jail or he could no longer fight. He wasn’t, of course, foolish enough to just indulge in the bloodlust that was brewing within him. A dialogue had begun on Odin’s end with another Eternal Nightmare member addressing Seika directly thereafter. “Tcch…” As he would be forced to let further conversation begin between the two parties roaring to fight one another. Bow drawn ready to aim at any one of the guild members in front of him at any moment, Kon retorted back to the Lich jabbing at his own loss. “How’s the new skull?, I’ve been using your old skull as a paperweight.” His reply could easily be lost to the wind had his opponents attacked, ending short or even never been said, however he assumed that despite their misgivings and their uninvited presence that Odin would at least in part find humour in dredging up such ancient history. His “death” felt and truly was years ago at this point and yet he could still remember that confusing day which divided the two.

Maybe one day Odin would be able to reform and they’d be able to re-establish a relationship between the two, but that was not today, he instead seeked nothing but blood at least figuratively. Even now Kon hoped to use whatever remaining humanity a skeleton might hold to alleviate the oncoming chaos and confusion that would be created. Any disagreements were distinctly down to the two of them, Odin and Kon, Seika had been invited as a courteous to the Rune Knights and Lucretia as a budding fellow Infinity Wolves member. As a result Kon would offer a simple alternative one that would impact everything that was to come. “I recognise you as my equal as I hope you do myself, however I think it would be in both your interest and my own if we were to fight one on one, while your other guild members fight each of my colleagues two on one, I’d hate to blow up one of my own, just as I’m sure harm to yours would be equally unpleasurable towards you.” And yet while Kon did offer a more personalised conflict between each-other, Kon’s right eye shifted quickly to Erebus marking them ensuring he was always in his mind’s eye.

A final gesture of goodwill to a former friend whether he agreed to the proposal was irrelevant to Kon, fighting Odin by himself or them both in a group, he would still be fighting an old rival. The courteous had merely been offered to minimise the damage he’d end up doing to the guild hall when he fought the lich though he couldn’t attest to his colleagues on abilities as to whether they wouldn’t destroy everything before them. It felt almost like a waste for what might happen if he were to decline the offer or they attacked Kon and his allies. He could already imagine the damage created from what was about to come, the flames that might be created from his bow, Seika’s own magic and the rampage Lucretia might inflict upon the finely detailed guild hall. Even as he began to talk, Kon’s draw extended, ready for him to lose a bolt applicable to the situation he found himself in, though still lingering below his opponents feet merely needing less then a moment to lock on and let loose the dogs of war.

Given their relative current distance of 30 metres not many could actively attack them without overreach or moving towards them, two very clear indicators both which would be met with either a precise shot or a more expansive one depending on whether many decided to advance towards them. Neither would be a difficult feat with them being virtually stacked together with Odin and the relative distance between Kon and their group being optimal for the ranger. Were it a single aggressor to charge at them, Kon would lock onto them, focusing on their head with none of them wearing helmets despite everything that was taking place around them and letting loose a basic shot, enough to leave a lick of flames upon them and a nasty graze to most. Were they to be charged in an onslaught, a single bolt turned meteor would be shown kind, destroying anything in its way which would lead to Kon’s disappointment.


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity) + 40 (Headpiece of Xorvith)
Adjusted Strength 581
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 283 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain) - 60 (Headpiece of Xorvith)
Adjusted Speed: 163
  • 15 M/s Lunge
  • 30 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 7,820/8,850
Fight Word Count 1799/12500
Mana used: 1030
Spells cast: Marked on Erebus, Lock-On on first Eternal Nightmare Member to attack, S-Rank Arrow Shot on first Eternal Nightmare member to attack or Marked on Erebus, Lock-On on first Eternal Nightmare Member to attack, S-Rank Meteor Shot at Eternal Nightmare



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Headpiece of Xorvith
Slot: Helm
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Wyvern's Surplus: You receive a 10% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Wyvern's Grace: An improved jump and lunge up to 5 meters.


    Name: Headpiece of XorvithRank: S-RankMana Cost: 500Requirements: The SingularityType: DefensiveElement: ArcaneRange: 25 metersCooldown: 5 PostsDuration: SustainEffect: The user "tears" the wyvern spirit from their helm causing its purple ethereal form to sit upon their head, once in the real world the spirit will defend its host hurling itself into spells that would otherwise harm them. Overall the wyvern is capable of moving at spell speed, has a durability of 2x S-Rank and may move independently of its own accord.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 1:32 pm

With the appearance of seika near the two collected wolves and quick destruction of the guild hall doors lucretia felt her blood start to boil. They had come here for a fight and what she saw sitting across from her; nearly thirty meters away made her want to fight all the more. Here icy blue eyes taking a long few moments to stare at the lich sitting on that throne. It was like something out of a damn story of three warriors attacking the heart of darkness. The lack of initial dialogue while they entered was definitely something that seemed like it would continue until…

The lich spoke, he was grandiose in his appearance for sure and even further he had picked quite a layout for their guildhall to start with a throne room of all things. She had been used to it being something along the lines of an inn but… Tastes differ. His words sounded muffled to lucretia; not because she was afraid no but because she had already made up her mind about this fight and anything that would be said by the opposing side seemed to just make her want to get at it more.

It took a few moments more to process that he knew Seika and knew Kon; it didn’t surprise her that he didn’t know what her name was offhand. Compared to those two she might as well be a mewling babe in a storm as much as the others were concerned. There was a small snort of derision and she’d set the butt of her spear on the guildhall floor. If they were being courteous and the undead in front of her at the very least wasn’t anything like the draugr or skeletons that she dealt with up in the north… Maybe a little bit could be returned.

Lucretia Von Wolfenstein.

Did she really need to use her full name? No, not really but the woman wasn’t about to let that insult go to waste for the lich. Maybe he’d get a chuckle out of the answer or maybe he’d just wave her off. She didn’t care. Her eyes inspected the various individuals that came out of the woodworks. The first of them was a purple haired woman; Achlys. She didn’t know much about the woman themself other than the fact they were in eternal nightmare. But if they could stand that close to a lich without flinching even in the slightest…

Lucretia wasn’t as well read or maybe as well informed as others here either. The next to follow was a pink haired woman that addressed seika as though they were the only two here. Maybe an old flame? Or… Lucretia glanced at Seika; not to ask him what was going on but more wondering the relationship of the two. She knew as much about Hitomi offhand as she did Achlys which was to say not much other than their names and association with the guild they were currently invading.

That was a strong duo to start with and it only got a little stronger as Jin was leaning against the throne. Very close to the lich and very much so in the same realm of confidence. And why shouldn’t they be? They had the numbers and power if suited to them to make quick work of most invaders. She didn’t even really have to guess his affiliation if he was here; that made it’s own link now that he was present and so close to Odin.

The last member to ‘arrive’ was Erubus. Who like Odin was someone that you heard much about from just the rumours alone. But where the rumours ended and the actual facts started would be difficult to differentiate. She’d grip at her spear a little tighter when he arrived; her blood practically screaming in her veins. Oh did she want to fight this mess of people; her people and her culture revolved around it often enough and this was just one of those times where you wanted to go all out. She could feel the beast inside of her clawing at her heart’s door and she had to calm it down when she heard Kon’s attempt at a jab at odin as though they were two siblings on opposite sides of the same war.

Kon taking odin somewhere else was an offer that Lucretia didn’t initially realize was on the table and for a moment her eyes slid off her opponents. Depending on the answer from the lich they would get a very different fight. Lucretia bit the inside of her cheek and her attention switched to those in front of her. If this turned sour she’d have to close the distance between her and the nearest fighter.

She felt a small burst of adrenaline as her eyes slid along the potential fights she could have here and there was an amused chuckle that rolled off of her lips. Oh did she have an idea of who she’d be fighting if it did break from a group fight to a bunch of duel.

You’re too kind Kon.

She wanted to get this going but if there was going to be a little bit of talking first to set the standards of thing she wasn’t opposed to holding herself back for a little longer. With them being outnumbered the woman’s picks were between… Achlys, Jin and Erubus. Maybe even two of them at once. She had a feeling that Seika likely would try to fight Hitomi based on that initial greeting but she didn’t know the relationship between the two in the slightest.

[Fighty bits]


The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:54 pm


Khnurn Atenhotep


When people think of the primordial, the very concepts that began all that would be the foundation for the universe, the gods, the realms, and the very mortals that existed within. People rarely consider just how integral all these concepts, these very forces were in everyday life.

Creation... The Concept of Life. It was the Beginning. The beginning of the universe, the beginning of time, the beginning of consciousness. You name it. It was. Creation is found in all things, and all things could consider Creation as part of them.

Destruction conversely. Was the End. Death, Decay, Silence, whatever you wished to attribute to it, it was. Destruction wasn't necessarily evil, it just was. All things had an End. It was just the nature of the Universe.

And then there was Truth. Truth held Creation and Destruction to their tenants. Truth was the glue of the primordial trinity. It was Law. It was Order. It was Chaos. It was Entropy. All things that existed between Creation and Destruction bowed before Truth for it governed all but the others.

These concepts weren't something that normal beings could tamper with. They were absolutes in their own right. To be it must be Created, to exist it must follow the Laws, and when it's existence finally ceased, all things must Die. They weren't 'Evil', they weren't 'Righteous', they just... 'Were'.

But what happens when beings with immense power, immense influence, and immense boredom begin a game of whims and wishes that play with these very absolutes. What happens when the games that those beings play are disrupted, halted, stopped. Well...


A lone figure stood before a great sparkling creation. Thousands upon millions of worlds, grouped by their various universes and subsequent galaxies. In one of the many existences that were possible, this figure stood alone. Not by choice, but rather in patient wonder as one of their many trees were finally bearing fruit.

Here stood one of the many versions of what could be a God of Chaos. An entity so minor and meaningless that they likely didn't even have a name, yet so powerful and absolute that even with their minor status they ruled over several universes themselves along with several other Gods, Goddesses, and Entities. Their focus was on a particular world in a particular universe. One of many iterations of what could have been. It was always interesting to see what true Chaos could be, how it could shape and mold a universe into taking a path that it would have never taken.

A person here. A word there. Minor events in the grand scheme of things, but in the true sense of the concept, chaos bred change. Chaos wasn't merely random, but a simple grouping of a 'random' set of predetermined circumstances that were minutely changed to achieve the greatest divergent outcome possible. It spawned empires, and destroyed planets. Entire universes were born and subsequently destroyed by the sheer 'randomness' that Chaos bred and manipulated.

Soon however it was joined by one more. It's sister deity, Fate. An enigmatic creation that operated truly as the opposite of Chaos. Whereas Chaos simply manipulated the events to create the greatest potential outcomes. Fate seemingly dictated that which was and would seemingly always be. In the realms that Fate controlled and was a part of, there seemed to always be a constant. Whether the world had magic or not, whether certain individuals would rise to prominence or fade into obscurity. Just as Chaos could shift the parameters of a universe to breed randomness, Fate could equally shift the tides to always predetermine what should and would happen.

And now here both stood, testament to their natures across from each other. The creation blinked once before disappearing entirely, fading into a dusting of light that slowly reformed into an intricate board of figures. Both sides clearly manipulate their pieces at a whim in a great dance. It seemed that once again their game was afoot as two pieces in particular moved to come at a head for what could possibly have been the millionth time. Who knew how many times this game had been played between the two. And though the pieces and tactics changed, eventually one would become the winner and the game would begin anew.

Neither spoke, for language and rather the concept of communication was not so much as beneath them but rather not necessary. They had done this so many times that they knew what the other was thinking, they were two sides of the same coin after all. It would be as simple as the shifting of yet another piece. The great glow of light coming from it would have burned the sight of any normal mortal, but in its opposite was a great void, a darkness that could swallow even the greatest of creation. To which would win this time the gods did not know. That's what made the game so great to watch.


Sol shifted.

Great masses of heat and energy bubbling and bursting forth with fury as it watched from far above as its Chosen Champion moved forward once again towards its destiny. It did not know how it had come to this. The entity was not all knowing, nor ever powerful. Truthfully it only had as much power and influence as its many followers granted to it through their worship and patronage. And thus while the God of the Stars could be considered powerful to many, it truly was limited in scope and impact. It could be said that Sol truly only had domain over the worlds it shone upon, illuminating them in its vast warmth and providing them with its love and affection.

But recently it has begun to feel an urge. A terrible nagging dragging feeling to inflict pain and misery upon those who it cared for. Perhaps it was a byproduct of its Champion's many personality traits bleeding back through their connection. It was one of the many downsides of establishing something as finicky as an Avatar. While the God could greatly influence their Chosen in many ways, their Chosen could just as easily influence the God if the God was not nearly powerful enough to avoid such corruption. It was why many Gods and Entities avoided invoking such a thing before they grew powerful enough to establish their own domain and set of rules.

Sol had been warned of this when both Amun-Ra and Amaterasu had heard of what it had done, but for Sol there was no other way. It could not let its Champion fall. There was too much at stake for it to lose a Champion, and the Entity turned God could not afford to wait for another to rise and take its place. So Sol had taken measures into its own hands, and in effect had likely weakened its own stance in the Cosmos. But the deed was done, and now the true effects of what it had done were coming back to bite it.

It wasn't as if Destruction wasn't part of Sol's nature. Sol was a 'God' by proxy it was the Sun and the Stars itself. It provided Light, Heat and Energy that created the conditions for life to grow and prosper. But it could just as easily burn it all away with a mere whim. Most mortals failed to understand this when they worshiped it however and thus when it was born from said Worship, it tended to lean more towards Creation than anything else. Benevolence for the sake of Benevolence. But what would happen if that side of Destruction was evoked? Would it still be worshiped as a benevolent God? There to provide light and life to all who prayed for its blessings? The Entity did not know.

But beyond that, it feared this interaction that it could witness from its Champion. There were forces at play that had led to this. This wasn't as simple as removing a Cult, or taking down an otherworldly being that had overreached its bounds or who had been partially evoked to cause death and destruction. This creature that its Champion now faced. Was a product of something terrifying. Something far more powerful than Sol itself, yet had possibly less influence in the realm than it itself had now. What was such a creature doing in this realm and why did it harbor so much familiarity with a being of immense power and fortitude. It baffled Sol greatly and now drew Sol's complete attention. The outcome of this was to change everything.

--- Plot Stuff Ends Here ---

When Seika made contact with the doors, he idly marveled at their make, even as he destroyed them without a second thought. The doors were made of quality materials, aged woods and hardened steel. Expertly crafted into heavy bastions that have withstood the test of time, weather and probably countless invasions upon those within. The history that they likely have witnessed and been a part of was something to behold on a normal day but for all intents and purposes none of that mattered to Seika.

As soon as his hands had touched their lacquered exterior, the smooth mahogany that had been sanded down to soft yet firm wood, the energy and heat that his body normally always held within immediately began to flow into and deteriorate the bonds that held the wood and steel together. The wood cracked, smoked and burned. The steel softened and began to boil. Of course all of this happened at superficially quick rate, the heat expanding through the creation at such speed that literally as soon as his hand made contact the mere force of expansion and contraction on the structure and frame itself caused it to bulge inwards before exploding violently in a crash of fury and destruction.

The aftermath of such a spectacle would reveal the interior of the Lair. The Great Guild House of Eternal Nightmare. The designated home of the Wizard Lord and known terrorist, Odin Morningstar. The man himself sat in his gaudy throne on the far side of the room, across a growing expanse that seemingly illuminated itself as soon as the doors were blown open.

Great torches magically lit themselves just as Odin had sat in his chair just before the door opened, and were still lighting themselves even as Seika forcefully entered the guild hall. The many fixtures illuminating a grand space about fifty meters in length from door to back wall and over eighty meters in width from wall to wall, the ceiling seemed to stretch on for eternity but really was about twenty meters over the floor itself. The door itself was positioned in the direct middle between the two far walls and directly across from the throne which sat thirty meters away from it leaving an additional twenty meters behind the throne for access to the back rooms as well as a grand staircase likely to higher floors and a mysterious teleporter-like creation that could barely be seen from behind the raised dais that the throne sat on.

Before the Throne laid out was a large open space filled with two massive dining tables. Each one flanked a center pathway that was covered with an intricate royal purple carpet that was accentuated with golden flairs befitting the status and wealth of the guild. The far walls contained massive pillars that were about one meter in diameter each, spaced evenly along the walls. In between each banner was a great golden banner befitting the insignia of each of Eternal Nightmare's more prominent members. Light seemed to filter in from some sort of paned glass fixture that sat high up on the walls but the light itself was drowned out by the torches themselves.

The dining space sat lower in the floor, preceded by steps both leading to the door and up to the throne, placing not only Seika's group but Odin's over what would be assumed to be the future battlefield. The 'ground' floor only sunk a mere three meters into the earth, but it was enough to prevent the tables from blocking any line of sight from either side of their adversaries.

All in all it was a beautiful setting to not only live in, but likely to converse and grow with like minded individuals. It was incredibly terrible that it was about to be tarnished with fighting and blood shed.

Odin seemed to start the conversation as soon as the doors came off the hinges. As stated before, the man was already in his throne as if he had been patiently waiting for their entry. His words were loud and full of power as they carried over the distance to the group across from him. From the many rooms and locations in the tower, others seemed to filter in and fill in beside their leader, their positions clear as their intent was to stand by the leader and friend against what they likely viewed as a hostile menace. That was fine to Seika, they could believe what they wanted in the end. It would not change the outcome as he perceived it.

He would open his mouth to retort, cutting in before Konyo would have a chance to state their proposition as a way to show the purpose of their entry, "Odin Morningstar, you are hereby under arr-."

His words caught in his throat as the sight of Hitomi coming from behind and to the left of Odin truly caught him off guard. It was always agreed between the two that they would never speak of her apparent defection and subsequent return to Eternal Nightmare. It was a gross oversight and abuse of his position that he had never sought to incarcerate her for the abandonment of her post as well as the fact that she had returned to a known terrorist. All of that was ignored for the most part during their travels and adventures in Joya and had been agreed upon with their return to Fiore.

So when the sight of her standing beside what he could only consider was the greatest threat currently to Fiore, all of that information was suddenly returned to his mind, filling him with instant emotions of anger, betrayal and sadness. But it was the sudden arrival of a new emotion that stayed his hands for but a moment. It was the softness of her voice, the confusion in her face. The slight way that she stood and the concern in her eyes. Seika realized then that he loved this woman. And in a way by forcing her to essentially hide, by ignoring the gap between them both. He had inadvertently forced her to make a choice between who she was, and what she believed. But that did not have to be the case. No... There was still another way.

Licking his lips, Seika returned to reality, his speech silent, and Konyo's proposition finally voiced. It seemed he had only phased out mentally but for a few moments, not enough for someone to have launched a surprise attack that he couldn't have responded to, but enough to have missed what Konyo had proposed entirely and any byplay that arose from it.

In truth, even as he had only returned to a sort of waking reality, his eyes never left Hitomi. Of course he could still see the others and react to them, but in his eyes the only one there that mattered now was Hitomi. Odin was merely an afterthought. He knew that she was here. They had come to Oak to find out more about the cultists, so he knew that she would be in the Guild Building that she naturally called home. She had no reason to sleep in a hotel, just like he remained at the Rune Knight barracks up on the hill while he was in Oak. He should have known that it would come to this, but it was a gross oversight on his part in his willingness to take down a far greater threat that existed against the stability in the Kingdom.

Maybe he should explain himself? Or perhaps apologize? He was truly lost for words, but it would be the slight look in her eyes and the demure features of her face that would make up his mind.

His eyes had returned to Odin and time resumed.

Yet again this byplay was mere fractions of seconds. Thoughts were nothing in the grand scheme of actions in terms of the time they took. In that fraction Seika had made up his mind. And in his heart of hearts he only hoped that Hitomi understood what he was doing as the room suddenly filled with a great and terrible heat. It was suffocating how hot it was for those who were used to Seika's presence. It did not matter how strong you were, nor how resilient you were. Seika's form of heat was almost as absolute as the concept of heat itself. It was enough to instantly curdle and singe the floor around him as well as the beautifully luxurious carpet, the hanging banners and even hot enough to flash boil the rain that came in contact with it turning it to steam.

Literal waves of heat rose almost instantly from Seika's body, creating a sudden gust of wind that wouldn't knock back any of the people in the room but would be strong enough to blow out the torches and shatter to glass panes. None of it would fall upon any of the participants, but that wouldn't matter as Seika's actions would occur before anything was even shattered. In fact, even as the temperature rose, so did Seika's arms. His body quickly shifted in what could only be telegraphed as the casting of a spell as he raised his hands not to the ceiling, not to the skies, but to the very heavens themselves. And in those hands he grasped light and fury itself, and brought it down upon those who had deemed unworthy to stand in his beloved's presence.

He knew that Hitomi would survive this, even if she were to be caught in it. And hopefully once this was all over he could truly explain his actions. But Seika was no longer for words, even as he mouthed a prayer to Sol itself, wishing not only for victory, but for penance. This was no longer done for the good of Fiore. No longer did his actions represent that of Sol's. Seika had become like any other mortal that walked this land. A selfish individual who lashed out at the circumstances that had borne a situation that had now spiraled out of his perceived control. And so like any of those individuals he lashed out at all who stood before him. For like any other mortal that walked this land, he was but a petulant child before the whims of the Gods.

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Seikasolar

Light shined beneath his feat as a great brilliant golden circle of magic appeared beneath him. Spanning an absolutely gargantuan eight meters, it filled the space that he currently stood in and was visible to all before it. A little over a second later another magic seal would appear just over the throne, this time much larger, and much brighter. This magic seal would likely etch itself into the memory of all that saw it as the rapture of the heavens it was intended to be. This magic seal was over twenty six meters in diameter from great glowing tip to great glowing tip. Interlocking circles of golden runic energy spun vibrantly as the seal glowed with intent before the literal light of God suddenly was released upon all who stood underneath it with the epicenter being the very Throne that Odin sat upon.

Seika had not heard Konyo's proposal, but even if he had he likely would have performed this act anyway. For it was no longer Konyo's choice on if he was to fight Odin.


Odin was his. For the love of his life, and release of the grip that he had upon her brilliantly glowing soul, Seika was going to end the man, the entity, the legend known as Odin Morningstar. Or die trying.

Just before the Final Flare would drop from the sky, Seika spoke something very briefly in a language he had only recently picked up. Meant for the ears and heart of only one person in that room. Of course it was possible for others to pick it up and understand it and to that notion Seika didn't care. The intent was clear and the message was even clearer, "I'm sorry... My Light."

And then the world turned to white.

--- More Plot Stuff, You can ignore it if you wish. ---

Up above and in realms far beyond the perception of those who existed in this universe, entities watched with interest as two titans clashed for the first time. Unknowingly bending to the whims and machinations of fickle gods who played games of chance with each other in an ever present attempt to stave off the boredom that was existence. Truly mortals were nothing more than ants in a farm, so minor and minute that they were barely even noticed until one of their homes were shaken and then they were forced to scurry about to pick up the pieces or be crushed all the same.

And of the 'Gods' that seemed to think that they held power? Nothing but pieces on a board. Pawns all the same. The game was afoot yet again, and only time would tell what the outcome of this latest event would bring.
Combat Information

Combat Summary

  • Fully described the battleground. If there are any further questions about this, feel free to ask.
  • Began to respond verbally to Odin and then stopped to look at Hitomi
  • Got big mad
  • Initiated and cast the spell Final Flare targeting everyone in the vicinity of Odin.

Resource Management

Combat Information

Word Count Information
Post WC: 3689 (2048 is relevant to the fight)
Topic WC: 513/2500 Erebus
2500/2500 Odin (Complete)  

Disclaimer: The first part of this post, and the very end are very much fluff/pieces to my own personal plot. I have indicated the sections in which the post returns back to the actual thread. Feel free to read those sections if you wish, but they are not necessary to understand my post. Check Combat Information for more details and a better synopsis.

Also: 100% the song of the post and the vibe I was going for. If you want to understand the vibe and intensity, just throw the song on repeat. Don't have to, but definitely fills the mood.

Last edited by Seika on Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total

#22Odin † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:27 pm

Odin †

There was a lot occurring that Odin didn't feel the need to pay attention to. Seika spoke first, claiming he was here to arrest Odin but stopping as he noticed one of the Lich's allies standing by his side: Hitomi. Her presence wasn't necessarily one he had been expected, but Odin was grateful to every single member of guild for joining him. Perhaps they didn't know what was at stake, but their willingness to defend their home spoke volumes of their loyalty to the Wizard Lord.

Odin mildly acknowledged what Kon was saying at the time, but he would dash forwards at his available speed and range of five metres, purely in an attempt to scare him. His old friend seemed to think that talking about Odin's original skull would goad the Lich into making a rash decision: it made the Wizard Lord wonder if Kon was on edge himself. Maybe he didn't think he could win? Either way, Odin's shield was ready and raised to interact with whatever spell would be cast first, nullifying it instantly and avoiding any further damage.

#23Achlys † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:26 am

Achlys †


It was just them in the room and the atmosphere is pretty tense to Achlys, those people she never met before really have invaded her guild hall. The situation is unpredictable from this moment, with everyone on alert ready to make their moves the best way to be in this kind of situation is always focus not don’t get distracted. But the most unpredictable thing that happened in Achlys opinion is that as Hitomi gets into the scene, she seems to know that guy name Seika, and not just know him normally make her wonder about their relationship in the past. There is a silence in this room after Odin’s greet Konyo, in fact, Seika did respond to Odin saying that he is here to arrest Odin, but was stopped when Hitomi walks into the scene and that makes Achlys more convinced that Hitomi and Seika had some relationship in the past.

Since Achlys is a pretty new member here in the Eternal Nightmare compared to her other allies that stand with her in this hall, Achlys doesn’t really know the story between each individual in this room. Just like how she was confused about the relationship between Hitomi and Seika, she was also confused about the relationship between Odin and Konyo, making her wonder about what this raid is really about, is it for revenge? Or someone can’t take the break up and go mad? She really has no idea about this. All she knows for now is that she has to be ready for whatever will come. It was Konyo who took the next part in the conversation with what Achlys thinks is a joke between Konyo and Odin, and it’s about Odin’s skull and how Konyo keeps his old one and uses it like it’s just a piece of trash and in Achlys mind, she questioned how Konyo have one of her master’s bones.

But her guild master suddenly makes his moves and dash 5 meters forward and it seems like no one knows why he did that, including Achlys. But Achlys decided to use that momentum of surprise to snap her finger in her standing position and casted her spell. Only she can know the momentum of the spells since she cast her spell without any magic seal. With no one knowing, a split second after Odin reaches his 5 meters dash, Achlys spell appears from the ground for 32 meters area with the center of that area being 8 meters in front of Konyo which means 17 meters in front of Odin’s location. Jigoku no Ikari, a spell where countless dark purple shadows shoot out from the ground as an embodiment of rage spirits from hell and attacking all in that spell area. With the combination of Odin’s surprise movement and Achlys ability to cast a spell without any magic seal, this move is perfect and shouldn’t be avoidable considering the element of surprise comes from this combination



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#24Hitomi Minamoto † 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:59 am

Hitomi Minamoto †
If someone were to ask Hitomi if she would change anything about her life up until this point she would have of course said yes. Starting from the very beginning of her life, she wished her mother would have stayed with her family because maybe then she would have stayed alive to raise her. Even if she couldn’t change that or she had to pick a different thing to change she’d go right into not taking that deal with that demon, but then her life would have been forfeited right then and there. Of all the many choices she had in life she hardly felt like she picked the right one and each day the choices of her actions weigh heavy on her in more ways than one.  Today would be no different and that was unfortunate. Playing a dangerous game with a member of the Rune Knights, an organization she was once a part of, Hitomi should have known her time living in a dream world would come to a crashing end when reality hit. It was the job of the Rune Knights to bring in those of the dark guilds and protect the king and his interests. It was a job Hitomi had known all too well as she used to be one. The seeds she had sown were starting to bear fruit but she couldn’t pick them just yet, the time wasn’t just right.

All around were people from different walks of life, different choices, and different affiliations in one way or another. The thick scent of every individual was being documented by Hitomi’s dragon slayer senses. Hitomi knew of some and others she was just meeting for the very first time. Standing next to the man she knew as a father figure she felt torn as her eyes locked onto the man ahead of her. Odin had saved her but what she and Seika had was something that brought something into her life that she never thought she could have and that was because she had never thought of it for herself. Time stood still when she was anywhere near him but this was so much worse than she could ever have imagined. If he had wanted to turn herself in he didn’t have to do it this way, but she fully understood that he meant to take Odin and anyone who stood in his way was going to be met with his own brand of Justice.  He couldn’t even answer her question so Hitomi would do what she knew she had to.

With a bow trained on the group by one of the three intruders, and heat entering the space that was frankly a little bit more uncomfortable, though bearable for her at the very least, Hitomi could tell this was a fight that was unavoidable. Holding her position as her eyes moved away from Seika and onto Odin, the man’s words fell on deaf ears as she pointed at Odin. A magic circle with a two-meter diameter appeared above Odin’s head and a magic circle that appeared below her own feet gave notice of a spell being cast. Once the requirements for the spell were completed Odin would gain solid arcane dragon scales that mimicked the Sanguine Dragon's scales. The spell was one of protection, giving the man a massive boost to his constitution, further protecting him from harm that would come his way. Hitomi would be a support to her group as she was too afraid and upset to clash swords with the man she had grown to love, the pain eating away at her but the calm in her face never once betraying what she felt inside.



The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] AV4nNet
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#25Jin Tatsumi 

The Prodigal Son Returns [Caius] Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:54 pm

Jin Tatsumi
Jin swallowed the piece of bread as the atmosphere intensified. Kon aimed an arrow for anyone bold enough to make a move. Seika glared forward like a man possessed. And the last member of their team gave a shockingly polite introduction. Although their calmness made the light mage wonder how strong they were.

"Hey, Wolfenstein. I'm Jin," he quickly added, before Kon began his appeal to Odin. The thought of a 1v1? Jin cocked his brow at the suggestion, but before any of them could truly reply, Odin dashed forward like a bat out of hell with scales cascading over his body. At the same time, Seika rose his arms. A wave of heat rushed over the room. Steam wafted from the rafters and the knight's body.

Jin had just joined the guild and already he was headfirst in the middle of a battle between knights and good mages. As always he found himself in the middle of danger, but this was unlike anything he had been through. The outcome of this would speak volumes for the futures of either party.

Odin shot forward before Kon could fully finish what he was speaking about. As soon as the Leader of Eternal Nightmare began his dash, Jin brought his hand to his chest and extended it toward the trio of intruders. A 16-meter diameter magic circle appeared beneath Jin. He wasn't concerned about Odin getting in the way, as the spell wouldn't have hurt the undead. Seika's arms were rising and heat began to build in the room, but a 16-meter diameter circle of light appeared between Odin and the trio. The center of the circle erupted with healing light. The explosion of light erupted five meters in front of the trio and extended 3 meters behind them.  

Immediately following the explosion of light, was an eruption of dark shadows from Achlys as Odin stopped his dash short The moment the knight stopped to speak to Hitomi was more than enough time for the two spells to land before he would launch his own. If nothing was done about Seika's heavenly flare, Jin would brace himself for the attack.

The true battle was starting now. He didn't like violence but he would fight for the people he decided to ally with. Fight for the people he changed a nation with. And fight for his own future. And just perhaps, if they managed to live through this, they could change the future of another nation. The Lich and the healer had battled through the divine heat of Brunhilde. And now they would battle through another.

One thing was certain though...launching an attack on good mages and a rune knight, did not look good for his standing with the government.

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