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Fallen petals of Winter flowers

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Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:44 pm


The people of the night hardly got a week to recover from the prior onslaught before being summoned for the second attack....spell training. Their aches would echo with every step and this displeasure was shown in every aspect of their person. It was becoming apparent where they stood among the monsters of the Dawn and many were wondering why Yuurie wasn't the one handling this. If any man could undergo her harassment for the sake of training, it would be him. Right? But there was growing stipulation that one of the reasons he became scarce was his desire to avoid such troublesome tasks. Therefore leaving it to Brone to oversee, to the patrol's collective remorse.

Lumikki, the Ice Demon with a heart of black ice, stood within the training dome once again. In the same spot, she occupied like time, waiting for her training partners to arrive. This spell, unlike the last, wouldn't cover as much ground as it did before. Only striking one foe at a time. But it did not make the task any less daunting.

" Welcome back~" she voiced with a toothy grin that showed her fangs. " Pleasure getting the last of me training done."


Fallen petals of Winter flowers Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:05 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The entire night patrol had previously filed several complaints, but the HR office didn’t resolve anything. Creed, Troy, Sam, and Benson returned to the training dome, though they were reluctant. They had suffered pains and injuries, which could have been far worse if they didn’t have the endurance that were above that of normal beings. Because of these interactions, most of the night patrol considered resigning, but Creed managed to convince them that the benefits and protection Paradise Dawn provides should be considered. Neither of the patrolmen had enough experience or academic degrees in order to get descent jobs, few of the patrolmen have been arrested before and now have records, so this job gave them a second chance and comfortable living.
They stared at the demoness, fearful of what’s to come, but they were assured that once they survive this, they’ll be pardoned from training with Lumikki for an entire year, so best they get it over with.


Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:26 pm


She almost overlooked it but the Demoness noticed Creed in front of the rag-tag bunch once again. And she could tell it was him who was still trying so hard to keep the group together and managed. A giggle escaped her parted lips like a chirp of a small bird and her finger rose to point the man out." Oy Creed," she spoke in a voice more human, warm, and inviting. Elevating Creed from the rest as someone she had respect for." I asked Uncle bout ye, I like yer character. Pitty seeing ye in the bunch again but ya shouldn't get a wallop from me. I only need a singular target to focus this musing on. I would like for ye to pick from one of yer men to stand in and do the honors, ya being the expectation of course. Ye'd had to work harder to pull one over a Demon after all so I won't let ye play the hero for free. Now Creed, who will it be?"

Lumi shifted into a relaxed posture as she waited for his choice to be made. All the while glancing at the other men and reading the mana for the spell. Just like before, the air in the training dome would chill to frigid tempts as the frost from her magic crept along the floor. Her hand was held in an "ok" gesture but still stretched out before.


Fallen petals of Winter flowers Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The men weren’t surprised when Creed was picked out, they noticed how Lumikki appreciated his heroic demeanor from the last training session, so she awarded him and punished him at the same time, by having him choose the victim of the spell. Troy, Benson and Sam looked to Creed, but neither of them showed any odd expression, understanding that being part of Paradise Dawn’s troops, especially under Brone Heavyaxe, honor and valor were two major virtues that was held up. To complain or to show weakness is looked down upon and surely punished. So they accepted their fate and figured they would simply take these training sessions to grow stronger and earn their respect and strength as warriors.

The three nodded to Creed, signaling him that they took no ill to his choice and Creed nodded back. He pointed to Troy. His reasoning is that Troy was the toughest of the three and could more than likely survive a powerful spell. With Troy stepping forward, Creed, Benson and Sam took distance and watched from a safe spot.


Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:58 pm


Lumikki studied their faces and their resolve. Their growing camaraderie impressed her greatly as they were growing a long way since the last she saw them. And their lack of bitterness swayed her to secretly go easy on Troy.

As the man prepared himself and his stance, Lumikki carefully observed him. She was trying to glean what could be seen from his character. Test whether she accepted him fully or not. By the time she finally pulled her hand back to her chest, her choice was made.

A lavender magical circle flashed from behind her, somewhat confirming what she had said concerning one man being hit with her spell. And just like before, a black frost flower would bloom but it would be the only one. Lumikki let it hover in the air for a moment, allowing the man to finish adjusting the grip on his shield; and when she felt him ready, she eased her grip on the spell with a deep exhale propelling the petals of the flower to go. They broke apart but not like they did before as they shattered like stricken glass. No, they simply pulled apart and came together anew in one massive shard like the head of a spear, with the stem of the flower acting like the handle's base.

Her frozen construct wouldn't linger in the air for long either, unlike the prior flower. Instead, it was zipping through the air to strike the man with a readied shield. On impact, her frost would barely shatter, rather plunging into his defense and piercing through the barrier. But as she wanted, no harm came to this man.

If this were an enemy, she would have pushed it further. Striking the man down where he stood. But whether she makes it obvious or not, Lumi had love for her own. This would serve her fine enough that her spell was as capable as she thought and fierce in its own way albeit simplistic.

" Seems Troy's had the grit to stand me spell," Lumi began, her voice soft and human for all to be addressed and not just Creed. " I see clearly now why ye've been chosen and I respect the resolve of yers. That blow could have easily sent ya flying but ye held yer ground all the same."

She slowly approached them while her form shifted to something more human. The air would also be lifted off her frigid influence so that now all within could be more comfortable. " Brone hardly had to tell me the gist, I learned more about ya since last we met. And I took it upon meself to seize the opportunity to help strengthen yer resolve. I doubt I'm the first to express how dangerous battled could be, and yer stances tell me ya know a bit about yer craft. But ya serve the Shield of Dawn first and foremost. Even I must be sure those in his patrols could handle their roles.....But the Dawn means family, so all of ye are included." Lumi patted Troy's arm endearingly and began to make her way out," Oh but don't think yer safe of me mischief. Brone ain't the only one with eyes everywhere." Lumi cackled maliciously as she parted ways with them.

Shard Blossom learned (1001/4000 wcr 75% due to int)

Curtain Call

Fallen petals of Winter flowers Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Fallen petals of Winter flowers Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:07 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Troy watched as the magical circle appeared. He looked about himself, trying to keep vigilant of any danger and where it would come from. A single frost flower appeared which made him suspicious. He positioned his shield and tightly dripped the handle, positioning it in front of him, waiting for the flower to bloom. Then it reformed itself into a spear. Troy’s eyes widen as the spear shot forward. The man braced his shoulder against the shield in order to steady it, then the spear hit. It slammed with great force, but not as much as he expected.

Troy held for a moment, waiting for anything else to happen, but when all was quiet, he pulled away to see that the spear had pierced the shield and was imbedded in it. If it would have went any further, it would have pierced his chest. The blood was pumping quickly and he felt it in his ears.

Lumikki reverted to her human. Form and practically congratulated not only Troy but the rest of them for their valor. This brought a smile to their faces. They finally got some recognition for their work, which motivated them to work harder to become the ideal mercenaries.

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