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Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J)

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Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Mon May 20, 2019 4:18 am


I'd like to purchase one of these please~


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Mon May 20, 2019 5:00 am


Aisha Connors has claimed 1x Constitution Potion.

Judina has claimed 1x Constitution Potion.

Sofia has purchased 1 Constitution Potions and is eligible to purchase 2 more stat potions for the month of May.

#53Vali Onfroy † 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue May 28, 2019 3:30 pm

Purchasing 3


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Thu May 30, 2019 4:58 pm


Vali Onfroy has purchased 3x Constitution Potions and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions until the month of June.

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Fri May 31, 2019 6:24 pm


Buying 2 (technically still May in my timezone ;D )

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#56Aisha Connors 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:55 pm

Aisha Connors
I'd like to purchase 3X of these please, with 20% discount~

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#57Ace Brookes 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:00 pm

Ace Brookes

Kerii has purchased 2 Constitution Potions and is eligible to purchase 2 more stat potions for the month of May.

Aisha is ineligible to avail of the 20% discount. Provide 10 roleplay posts to avail of the offer.

#58Aisha Connors 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:18 pm

Aisha Connors
Whoops, forgot to remove the discount part

I'll take 3X at full price

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Wqm01Qq
#59Ace Brookes 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:23 pm

Ace Brookes

Aisha Connors has purchased 3x Constitution Potions and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of June.


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:40 am


I'd like to buy 3X of these please~

#61Ace Brookes 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:22 am

Ace Brookes

Sofia Serena has purchased 3x Constitution Potions and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of June.

#62Zoey Luciano 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:32 am

Zoey Luciano
I'd like to take one of these from my inventory allowance please~


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:39 am


Zoey Luciano has claimed 1x Constitution Potion.

#64Aisha Connors 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:28 pm

Aisha Connors
I'll take one more of these from my inventory allowance, please~

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Wqm01Qq

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:37 pm


Aisha has claimed 1x Constitution Potion.


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 05, 2019 4:33 am

I'd like to buy one of these~


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:48 am


Nikki  has purchased 1 Constitution Potion and is eligible to purchase 2 more stat potions for the month of May.

#68Venus Rosé 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 1:39 am

Venus Rosé

I'd like to purchase 3x Constitution Potions.


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:23 am


Snowflake has purchased 3x Constitution Potions and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of July.

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y
#70Xandra Queen † 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:16 am

Xandra Queen †
getting one of these

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Sig10

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:24 pm


Xandra has purchased 1x Constitution Potion and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of July.

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y
#72Faye Morgan 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:51 am

Faye Morgan

I'd like to buy 1X of these please~

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 O246FIL
#73Vali Onfroy † 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:01 am

Faye Morgan has purchased 1x Constitution Potion and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of July.


Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:22 am

I'd like to purchase one of these please~

#75Vali Onfroy † 

Attribute — Constitution Potion (100,000J) - Page 3 Empty Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:28 am

Ellie has purchased 1x Constitution Potion and is ineligible to purchase any more stat potions for the month of August.

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