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Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone)

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Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:28 am


They had cleared the area that they were in with the vampires that were there. Now they were moving around as they were checking to make sure that they had rid themselves of all the vampires here. He didn’t think so and it was because the people in Orchidia were shut in and with fear it seems. He felt the vibration throughout the households, which showed that they were still up waiting for someone to save them.

This would lead the group into the Market district of Orchidia. It would seem like things were calm here or so he thought. There weren’t people here and he was glad about that. It would seem like they had all gone home, which was good because he would be able to take these guys out without civilians getting in the way.

While walking through this specific district, Yuurei would be on the alert with everything around him. It wouldn’t take long, but he would feel the vibration of a lot of people not too far from him. It wasn’t just that, but the group would hear them begging for their lives. They were shouting for their lives, and he hoped that they were going to be able to save them in time. He would move around the place and soon enough the vampires and the people that were there would come into his sight.

He bit his lip because the vampires were approaching them slowly as they wanted to hear them beg for their lives. Yuurei would shake his head because he wasn’t going to let them take their lives. He would rush into the area, and then someone would try to cut him. He would jump back from the blow as he would skid across the ground, and he would see a man with a blade in his hand. He had red hair, and it would seem like he was the leader of this unit.

“So, the mighty Yuurei has been taking out every vampire that has gotten in his way. I can’t believe you made it this far. Still, you’re going to have to see these people die.” He said to him.

Yuurei would fix himself and he would look at him with an angry look on his face as he would put his helmet on.

“I have friends that will succeed if I fail.” He said to him as he was hoping his friends would rescue the people.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:57 am


Kaito followed Yuurei and Brone into the shopping area as he was going to try and not play to fast and loose as he needs to make sure that he can save the people from any extra vampires that might still be in the area as he was not sure how many of the vampires are still in the area and if he can even help to handle them and he sees Yuurei take off and he sticks to following Yuurei and when the vampire says Yuurei will watch them die Kaito just puts the begging people into his domain for safety so Yuurei is free to let loose on them and not need to hold himself back from fighting and unleashing attacks at will.

Kaito also readies himself to release some attacks of his own as he needed to make sure that he didn't just become dead weight on this mission and he wonders what else he might be able to do to really help Yuurei and Brone on this leg of their find the leaders by clearing out the death and other issues that are coming their way from the vampires who seemed hellbent on trying to take them out and he is unsure why they want to do that or really what beef they have with each other but he knows that they took Lani from him, though he said that Lani was never really his to start with was she as it was never like they were together together. Kaito sighed as he knows that is a cop out but he knows it probably would not have lasted even if she had lived as Kaito is impossible to get along with for long periods of time. He tries to sense around for more vampires that might be around but he is not sure that there are more or if there was a need to have to deal with them as they might just surrender or maybe they will run away from them as they clearly out class them.

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:56 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe ran as fast as he could, trying to keep up with Yuurei and Kaito. Though he thought he was actually doing well in keeping up with them, he didn't realize that the two were cautiously making their way to the market. He made sure to keep his mind focused on trying to save the city, so that he can the whispers in his mind from reaching him.

"The next group of vampires is up head at the market district" Muninn caught the dwarf by surprise. He was so focused on keeping pace with Yuurei and Kaito, he didn't notice that Huginn and returned to relay information to Muninn.

"Seems Yuurei and Kaito already knew ahead of time" Huginn glided beside the running dwarf.

"They have a special sense, they just know things" Brone mentioned, though he himself wasn't aware how they were so aware of their surroundings, like they had some kind of sixth sense about them. Regardless of what it was, such senses played in their favor.

"Keep in mind they seem to be aware of your presence" Huginn said. Brone shrugged. A surprise attack or fully aware on both sides doesn't matter to him; what was important was defeating the horde of undead.

"You won't need to struggle, all you need to do is-" Brone cut off the voice in his head with a sudden grunt. His focus on the voice was diminished once he and his party turned the corner and reached the market square. Civilians were rounded up like cattle while vampires were lounging around as if this was their dining area. Who drew their sights was the youngest looking vampire who held a fine sword.

Yuurei's reply to the vampire who spoke had given Brone pride, but his memory flashed back to when he saw Yuurei laying on the snow, dying.

"-If I fail" Yuurei's voice echoed in Brone's mind and the whispering voice reached out again.

"He won't fail if you-" the dwarf cut off the voice again, this time with a battlecry. Cyan energy, cold as ice, flared from his helmet as he ran forward, baring his golden axe and golden shield.

"My lord, Erea, I shall deal with the dwarf" one of the vampires with light blue hair and pale skin had twirled his blue spear and rushed at Brone at great speed, not waiting for the lead vampire to give permission.

The two prong spear slammed into the golden shield of the dwarf. The two pressed against one another as they stared into one another's eyes. The vampire smiled wickedly while Brone gritted his teeth in anger.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:56 am


Yuurei would see that the civilians were saved soon after and he would chuckle as he looked at the man with, his katana. He looked to see what Yuurei had looked at before and only shook his head. It would seem like their food had been rescued. He would shake his head as if it didn’t matter. After he killed this man then they could devour everyone here without anybody getting in their way.

The Nephilim would dash straight to the man, and he would swing his right fist at the man. He would barely dodge the attack as he could see how powerful this man was. He would counter the miss with an attack of his own as he would rise his katana upward attempting to slash Yuurei. He would see and sense this and he would avoid it as it cut a bit of his shirt because of how close the attack was. He would skid back, and he would chuckle because it would seem like this guy wasn’t joking around.

Erea would look at Yuurei and he knew that he wasn’t one to play around with, but at the same time, if he won, he would be given high praise by Ansem. He would start transforming at this point as he would look at Yuurei as he would grow bat-like wings. He would swing his katana from where he was, and slashes of fire would head toward the light mage’s direction. He would see this, and he would start dodging the attacks. While he was doing that, Erea would make his move. He was close to Yuurei and he would swing his blade to cut the man in half.

Yuurei’s necklace made things easier for him and he had grown wings before he got close and would go into the air to dodge the attack. He would sigh and wipe his brow because that was a close one. He would get into a fighting stance in the air this time as he looked at him. Erea would see that this man had a transformation of his own and he would smile as he would also take flight as well.

“So, if an airborne fight is what you want, then I will give you that. Still, you will die by hands in one hit.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei didn’t respond to him and instead waited to see what was going to happen. He wasn’t in the mood to play games with this guy or anybody for that matter.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:22 am


Kaito was just going to keep playing it like there are far more than they can truly see as he keeps his own sword at the ready and he tries to smell around for blood even if they are scentless blood is a hard smell to hide and he runs down a side alley way as he was going to see if there were more as the place seemed completely empty of people so he was pretty much able to run around freely as he knows that he is strong enough to be able to survive a vampire attack he knows that he can not be put down easily and if he gets cornered he will just teleport and uncorner himself. Kaito has learned to adapt and over come through the process of helping in the north with his vampire invasion it seemed. Kaito knows that he needs to make this all count and not get discouraged as he keeps hunting for the vampires that are still hiding in this area.

Kaito comes around a corner and he sees two vampires that are pretty beat up already just hiding and he wonders to himself is he really going to kill them or will they take the chance and flee if he was to tell them to just leave as he was not looking to beat up on those that are already on the ropes and these are survivors of something was it one of their past fights or was it that they were being run through the ringer and haven't had time to take care of themselves and they are drained themselves. Kaito stops himself and thinks again but would they give a mortal the same luxury of the doubt to just leave or would they just see they got the jackpot and scored a easy prey. Kaito steels his heart cause he knows they don't deserve the kindness he was about to give them as he realized they wouldn't do the same for a human in his shoes.

Kaito runs at them and he sees the fear in their eyes, he wasn't going to kill them but he was going to beat them and send them away he has to be a bit better than they are but he doesn't need their blood on his hands as they were already weakened and he is not a monster yet. He put his weapon away as he fought with them as he had no intent to kill them and once he had beaten them he threw them through a portal and he hurried along as he touched his temple to look for mana sources that could be hidden so that he could look for more vampires that are hidden and just waiting for the town to come back to life.
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#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:27 am

Brone Heavyaxe
The dwarf and the blue haired vampire exchanged attacks, though no hit connected yet. This vampire wasn't a regular soldier and Brone understood this, as the heroes continued their journey forward towards Ansem, the enemies will get stronger, just as it was before, when they last hunted for Ansem. "Don't let it end like last time" the voice in his head whispered.

The blue two prong staff the vampire wielded nearly hit Brone's shoulder, but the golden shield deflected the attack. Brone noticed where the staff hit upon the shield, it froze over slightly. He understood that the weapon was indeed magical and might have a similar effect to the blue helm upon his own head, he could feel the cold that emanated from the weapon whenever it came close to his head.

"Come on, Isa! Don't let the dwarf get the best of you!" A vampire with white hair and a deep tanned skin complexion called out as he sat atop a hill of debris, watching the fight.

"I don't need your commentary, Uruz!" The blue haired vampire called back as he barely dodged a swing from Brone's golden axe.

A vampire with a designed mask stood up from his seat midway up the hill of debris, then began making his way towards Isa and Brone. "Oi, Kenaz, you're going to help him out, instead of watching?" The tanned vampire called to the masked vampire.

"Lord Erea wouldn't happy if you allowed Yuurei's lackies live" The masked vampire drew forth a long club that looked to be designed with ancient writing and the sides were embedded with obsidian blades.

"If Isa dies, that isn't my fault" Uruz chuckled as he laid back. Kenaz didn't reply, but ran forward at great speed. As he neared the dwarf's back, he swung the club, but the dwarf was aware of his immediate surrounding, so he blocked the attack with his shield while blocking an attack from Isa with his golden axe.

"Two against one"[ The voice whispered.

"I can handle it" The dark grunted. He used his shield to shove the club away, giving him a chance to press an attack upon Isa, but the blue haired vampire was quick on his feet and managed to dodge it well. Despite the numbers, Isa and Kenaz don't seem to be as confident as Uruz was. The attacks continued to be exchanged with Brone being in the middle between the two vampires assaulting him from both sides.

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Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:38 pm


Erea would look at him and he would prepare himself for what he was going to do right now. Yuurei was waiting still and soon enough the man in front of him would make his attack. He would get in close as he would try to cut Yuurei with his katana. The Nephilim would see the speed behind the attack, and he would dodge the attack. It was close as he could see that he cut a bit of his hair. His eyes widen when he saw this, and when he had gone to counterattack, it would seem like Erea was ready to attack him again. The man was quick in the air and the berserker could do one thing and it was a dodge. He would do so quickly and when got away he would see that the vampire was close to him once again.

The Nephilim was noticing something, and it was that this man was precise with his attack, and made sure he didn’t waste a lot of movements when he fought. That wasn’t something he would expect from this vampire, and he was becoming entertained. Renji saw this and he was going to let him be, but then decided to snap Yuurei back to reality.

“Remember why you’re here Yuurei. These people took her away from you, so you don’t have time to enjoy yourself.” He said to him and Erea looked at the cat and wondered what he meant by that.

Yuurei would hear this and his mood would turn sour again. he wanted to scold Renji for that, but at the same time his friend was right. Erea had moved to Yuurei and the Nephilim would sense the danger. He decided to play fire with fire as the man would swing his blade, and his bag would take the hit. While this was happening, Yuurei also attacked he would be punching Erea right in his chest. He would jump back when he felt the blow from the attack as he grabbed his chest and looked at Yuurei.

The light mage would have a serious look on his face behind the mask he was wearing.

“It seems like you’re fighting for something like me. I guess now it all depends on whose will is stronger.” He said to Yuurei.

The Nephilim would hear this, and he would shrug his shoulders. He didn’t care what Erea was fighting for. He just knew that this vampire and the others were harming innocent people and killing a person he loved dearly.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:35 am


Kaito hears more than one voice in his head as he runs along and one is telling him to put his foot down to be come a overlord and the other telling him to cut down those that step in his way and try to stop him as he is a monster not a human not one to need to think to stop or to be stopped but one that needs to stomp out those that dare to try and over throw him. Kaito shakes his head as he tries to get those voices to stop and to let him think and do something rather than letting them try to control him again and be a heartless monster and kill these vampires without thinking he needs to control the urges to kill things needlessly and he needs to make sure that he keeps his humanity. He is not a beast like vampires are he has to be better than that and keep on his own path before he ends up dead and lost on a very dark path that seems to always rear it's ugly head to him and that makes sense as he isn't the best good guy there is but he does still try his best as he fights the vampires that he is finding in hiding so not to all get killed off.

Kaito was aiming not to kill but to harm and chase them off as most of them were following orders and were here only because that is the team they served and they needed to serve or else they would probably be killed by their vampire lord that sired them into this world he understands sometimes it is just orders and it isn't something personal unlike the leaders of the vampires that kept showing up and showing off their powers them were more likely to be able to resist their vampire sires than the underlings that Kaito is currently clashing with and taking on as much as he can and he will do what ever he can to make sure that he is alive at the end of this rather the vampires die or not is none of his concerns just that he gets it done and them out of the city one way or the other as the voices still bicker and fight in his head over who is right and who is wrong and who should be in the lead and who should be riding in the back seat, he knows these voices are from his trauma but he also knows that he needs to not fall prey to them even if they do take him over some times, he has to hold strong. His weapon clashes with the vampires as he keeps going down the alleyways and side streets of the market area, He tries to not harm the buildings if he can but that isn't always possible and that shows but some cuts and slight damage as he went along.

#9Brone Heavyaxe 

Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:37 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone continued to deflect and counter blows as Isa and Kenaz attacked him from both sides. The dwarf tried to move out of such of difficult situation, trying to get both enemies in front of him, but no matter where he moved, the two vampires kept him in between them both. "This is going nowhere, they'll cut you down if you keep playing defensive" the voice in Brone's head said.

The dwarf angrily switched up his strategy. He turned his back to Kenaz as he push into Isa, swinging his golden axe. Isa tried to counter him, but Brone blocked the attack from the blue spear with his golden shield as he continued with his attack. Kenaz tried to stop the attack by taking a shot at the dwarf's back. Brone was ready, he activated his armor's innate spell and conjured a layer of ice over his armor, but as the obsidian blade from the vampire's club hit the dwarf's back, not only did the ice shatter, the dwarf felt his back get cut, but he was sure the armor wasn't fully broken.

Even with this attack drawing blood from him, Brone still pressed forward and managed to slam his golden axe into Isa's side, causing him to cough blood before being sent flying into the base of the debris hill.

"Need some help?" Uruz chuckled as he looked down at the blue haired vampire.

Isa pulled himself from the debris and angrily looked up, "Assist us, Uruz, get off your ass!"

"Say please" Uruz joked.

Kenaz slammed his club into the golden shield. Brone was aware that the club was able to bypass his armor despite his defenses, so he needed to keep it at bay using his indestructible shield. He retaliated by swinging his golden axe, but the vampire easily dodged it. Soon enough, Isa was coming up from behind the dwarf, but Brone didn't want to allow that again, so he spun on his heel, swinging the golden axe which activated a spell, creating a tornado which sliced up the two vampires that flanked him and pushed them both back.

As the tornado faded, the two vampires got back up to their feet, angrily glaring at the dwarf. "Alright, I'll help out" Uruz said as he stood up from his seat. Brone took note of the tan vampire, realizing the fight just got tougher.

"I can help" the voice said.

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Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:11 pm


Yuurei would wait for him to make his move, and it would be now. Erea had dashed straight to Yuurei. His blade was in its scabbard before it had been released to attack Yuurei. The berserker would move back a bit and he would see that his pants had been cut. He was fast, and the light mage would give him that. Still, it wouldn’t be enough to beat him. He was getting stronger as the fight continue. It wasn’t just that, but he was making sure that he was ready to fight Ansem at any point. Still, the constant fighting was exhausting, and that much he knew.

He would look over to Erea as he continued his onslaught. The berserker would dodge the attacks that were too close for comfort. This man’s experience in the fighting was expert class and he would have to improvise as well. He figured the best way to make things hard for Erea in this fight was to break his katana. He wasn’t Brone, so he didn’t have a weapon to one-shot that katana, but he did have the power to overcome anything. The light mage would continue to move around as Erea had a smirk on his face.

“It seems like you can't do anything besides dodge Yuurei. Is that how you plan on defeating my master?” He asked him as he would continue attacking him.

The Nephilim was about to make a move, but then he would notice the blade coming for him. He would move back from the attack as he would move forward soon after. He would see the blade moving again and swing his left hand, striking it with everything he had. It was then the two weapons would meet. Midas Gauntlet would crack a bit, but that was all it did.

As for Erea’s katana, it would shatter on impact, which surprised the young vampire as he would move away from Yuurei. He looked at his blade and couldn’t believe what was going on and he looked at Yuurei with anger.

“You destroyed my blade? What for? Are you scared to be struck down by this beauty?” He said this as he wasn’t happy.

Yuurei would chuckle a bit and then it would turn to a loud laugh.

“You look pathetic, now that your katana broke. You shouldn’t be worried just because your blade is gone. Fight me and die like you should have been, to begin with.” He shouted at Era waiting to see what would happen next.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:30 pm


Kaito sees more an more vampires coming out of the wood work and he clashes with their claws as they are pushing him back and Revy throws a flash bomb and Kaito covers his eyes as the vampires scream in pain after the exceed had just blinded them maybe permanently if they weren't lucky and Kaito started moving slightly differently as he got closer to them and this time he wasn't holding back as they had aimed to kill him and he wasn't gonna waste his time and his humanity on this loss of time of things that just want to murder him and leave a pool of blood behind to be found by some one else to find and mop up and Kaito starts laughing like he had lost his mind.

He looks at the vampires and he starts attacking erratically as he sees they had been matching him which means they have studied him and if they had studied him that means that there is someone that watches him and tails him but this was not how this was going to end as he was going to pull them to pieces as they needed to do this and not back down as he needs to make sure that they can't hurt more people and make more people like himself if he can help it but he doesn't think that he can actually help it as he was feeling off more just kill and kill and kill nothing is telling him to spare people anymore as he was not okay something in him had broken and he was just going to start letting it out and stop being nice as he had, had enough of this and the death and blood shed of the people that are innocent and have nothing to do with it.

#12Brone Heavyaxe 

Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:11 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The three vampires didn't waste time. They pressed an attack upon Brone, who did his best to defend against them, however it proved too difficult. The golden shield did great defending against any of the attacks, but could only defend one attack at a time, and while it did defend, two other attacks would come in. The dwarf had to try and counter another attack with his golden axe, but even if he did successfully deflect the second attack, the third would come in and strike at his armor, cracking it further.

"That's it" Uruz said with a chuckle. The dwarf understood what he meant. The vampires found their strategy and they knew there was no way for Brone to defend against it; two vampires would strike him, and if he managed to block against the two, there was no way for him to block the third.

"I can help you" the voice said.

"I can do this" Brone growled. When the vampires pressed for another attack, the dwarf summoned another tornado, but the vampires were cautious of this, so they managed to avoid attack. These spells such as the tornado and the blizzard were ways of getting the vampires off Brone's back, but only for a moment, so they were simple delays. At one point, the dwarf tried to use these spells as distractions so he could escape and gain distance, but the three vampires foresaw this, so they made sure to encircle Brone, keeping him in the middle so there was no way of escaping.

"You will fall" Isa called to the dwarf who hid within the small blizzard.

"You can hide in there if you want" Uruz called from outside the blizzard, "But you'll die eventually; before or after your friends die, that's up to you."

Hearing those words brought back the memory of Yuurei dying. If it wasn't for the angel, he would have been gone for good. And it didn't stop at Yuurei, Kailani perished, but there were no angels that brought her back. Then the sound of a draconic shout rang in the air. Brone figured it was Kaito who must have activated some kind of powerful spell. He thought about his time with Kaito and began to fear the worse.

"Defense will not save your friends... it will not delay your die" the voice whispered. Brone, hiding within the center of the blizzard, the snow whipping up so fast that it was hard for anyone to see through it, looked down upon the shield he held in his left hand, "You limit yourself by holding that shield, but if you held another blade, you can cut down those who threaten your home, your family" The voice told him.

Brone thought about his home upon the cliff, looking out over the land; the guild within the halls were safe there and no matter what monster came, they were strong enough to defend against it, because they fought. He couldn't allow them to die, nor his family back at home, his parents, his cousins, all of them.

"Fine! I accept!" Brone yelled as his golden axe was replaced by the black axe. He held up his golden axe and stared at it as he readied the black axe. He knew he needed to get stronger, push forward, make sacrifices so no one else he loved dies.

Then he struck the indestructible shield with the only thing in Fiore that could destroy it.

As the shield broke, the blizzard erupted in an explosion of snow. The vampires shielded their eyes for the moment, but as the snow passed and the blizzard was gone, they looked to find Brone. He looked the same, so for his four arms; three of which held all his weapons.

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Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:37 pm


Yuurei would look at Erea as if it would seem like the vampire was pissed. He had a smirk on his face but knew the fight was about to end right now. He would see that Erea would toss the broken blade to the ground, and he would go all out. He would use a forbidden transformation on himself. His body would increase bigger than it was before, and he knew that he was one of the few vampires that could do that. He was sure he could turn the tide right now, and gain glory for Ansem. It was then he would move to Yuurei and he would attack the Nephilim. The berserker would see this, and he would dodge the attack as he was in the air.

Erea would follow him, and he would have a smirk on his face. It was then he would see the man attacking him once again. The light mage would avoid the attack and he would fly around as he was dodging his attacks. He was gaining distance from Erea, and he would turn to see the man flying at him with everything he had. It was then Yuurei would prepare his attack. He would swing his right arm and it would stretch straight to Erea. His eyes widen as he didn’t see this attack coming and it would press against his chest before piercing through and tearing his heart out.

Erea would feel the pain of his life slipping away. His eyes rolled back as Yuurei brought his arm back. Erea would drop to the ground from that attack, and he would look at everyone else.

“Your master has been taken out. And you all will be next.” He said out loud.

“You wish, the person who leads this force is in the church.” One of them let it slip and another one clocked him on the head for saying that.

The remaining vampires were nervous because their force here was all but gone to what was left. Yuurei would move in the direction of the church as he knew the guys would follow when they were done there.



Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:39 pm


Kaito Keeps his fists at the ready as his blade was nearly at it's limit and he wasn't looking to break it so he was going to let it rest and try not to get a broken fang stuck in his hand as he knocked out the vampires teeth as he went around and he was cleaning the streets of the new found filth that had just seemed to have kept coming and and coming and he was unsure if what he was doing as right or if this was the wrong way to think about this as they were most likely just making the same mistakes that had kept leading them astray but this time it was a deadly mistake that was going to cost them a bit more than they had bargained for and he was going to make sure that they remembered this lesson if they survived to see another night fall after this as he is not sure which might just be thralls and which are turned stronger vampires and he sees them out of no where start running away faster and he headed to where Yuurei was in time to see that the leader was taken down and the one in front of Yuurei was spilling his guts to him about where to look next.

Kaito signed as he was not sure how good this info might be but he was going to keep following and handling himself at least he hopes that he can handle himself if he was to try and survive the night as he was not looking to take the fall for anything that was out of his control and he was also not looking to get turned into a Vampire so he needed to make sure that he kept the scales on his neck hardened for cases that he might be playing with fire and risk of getting bit seemed to be on the incline for him so he will have to make sure that he says on watch so he can cut them down to size and try to get more info on what is even going on and whose fault it was that Lani was murdered was it Yuurei's or more the vampires own blinding hatred of him that caused it, cause he knows Yuurei is a big man carrying a big fly swatter that could rustle the bees to life if you will.
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#15Brone Heavyaxe 

Clearing Out the Bats (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:20 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The three vampire lieutenants held still as they stared at the four armed dwarf. They were cautious and confused to how this change was possible. The information that was provided about Yuurei and his Kin never had any information about such an ability; the dwarf wasn't even a mage.

"Getting two extra arms doesn't change a thing" Uruz said as he rushed forward towards Brone and as he did, Kenaz and Isa moved in as well, recycling the same tactic that was giving them the upper hand. But as the distance between the dwarf and the vampires closed, everyone would soon realize the tables might have indeed turned. Brone had blocked everyone of the vampires' weapons with each of his own weapons. Now that he had a hand for each enemy, the raging dwarf can now counter their tactic.

"What!?-" Isa was about to say something, but Brone's free had delivered a solid punch into his face and sent him into the floor. Uruz and Kenaz jumped back, so use to the hit-and-run tactic, that he didn't think of their ally Isa. Brone took this advantage and slammed all three of his axes down upon Isa before he could recover, destroying him instantly.

"Damn it!" Kenaz yelled as he and Uruz ran back in to take a shot at Brone. The dwarf activated his blizzard again while also activating his magical strength boost, his muscles solidifying.

Within the next moment, the black axe broke through both vampires' weaspons while the other two axes cleaved their heads clean off. As the blizzard died out, the dwarf remained standing and the rest of the onlooking vampires began to scatter. Brone looked to Yuurei and Kaito, waiting on their orders as he began to contemplate what happened to him.

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