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Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed]

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Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:31 pm


Yuurei would look back at the door that closed above them. It would seem like something wanted them to be down here. This was fine and he would look at everything that was here. He noticed that people were grabbing things of their own accord. He would see the book, the machine he was thinking about going for being taken.

He would chuckle as this wasn’t going too well, but he figured someone or something was preparing them for what was to come next.

“If our uncle is the one who left this for us, then I think he’s preparing us for something. This is going to be interesting.” He said as he was being sarcastic on the last part.

He would take the puzzle sphere and he would start to play around with it to see if he could crack it. He did hear Kaito’s words and he would shake his head.

“I also left Renji behind, didn’t think he needed to share my fate if I were to die.” He said out loud.

Action: Trying to crack the puzzle.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:31 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 17

#28Kuri the Callous 

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:43 pm

Kuri the Callous
Their fates were in the hands of their curiosity and well, let us face it, their rolls. Alisa had the book in her hands, reading it, but not the words itself.

Mishiko waited last and let chance pick for her.

Kaito saw the Fortune Teller machine, but will he mess with it?

Yuurei with the box. Will he figure it out?

Let the rolls decide.

Actions: Rolling for Alisa and Kaito to see if they are pushed into interacting with their chosen object. Rolling twice for Mishiko's Item and to see if she interacts with it.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:43 pm

The member 'Kuri the Callous' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 7


#2 'Dice 20' : 12


#3 'Dice 20' : 5, 6

#30Kuri the Callous 

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:53 pm

Kuri the Callous
Alisa, you don't feel the will to read it, no matter how much Mishiko tries to persuade you. So instead, you just look at it like a child with a picture book.

Mishiko, became interested in the book so much, that you took it for yourself. Grabbing it from Alisa with a large interest in reading it.

Kaito, you look at the fortune teller, but without doing anything it automatically turns on. It lures you in to press the button as it offers to tell you any one thing that only you will know and not allowed to tell anyone.

Yuurei, you look at the nice puzzle that shines and glistens as it's made of some unique metal of brown, black designs and some silver. As you play with it, you figure it out as the sphere slides in different patterns. It opens, blue lights start to shine from it and suddenly the basement door opens on its' own. From down there if you look up to the door, the outside seems more blue tinted than normal.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:03 pm


WORDS: 230 | TAG: @Halloween | Autumn casual

Alisa chuckled and shook her head, shooting a lopsided grin at Mishiko, echoing her curiosity, but in the end her restraint spoke louder. She doubted this house would make it easy for them to survive, but certain courses of action would inevitably make their life harder:

"I'll pass on that, I'd rather not get eaten alive by an elder god.", beings of pure malice, any of the names mentioned in this book wouldn't treat their summoners with any kindness. In the end, when Mishiko took the book, Alisa stuck close to her, hand on her shoulder as she smirked, "Do try not to get sucked into a portal will you? Can't promise I'll manage to pull you out~"

Still interested in the book, she idly peeked over the pages chest squishing softly to Mishiko's side as she chuckled, almost scoffing at her words as she thought back to her uncle and how unlikely he was to ever hold to to eerie objects like this in his basement of all places:

"If he kept them here this long, he must have been planning quite the party for us hmm?", she chimed, all but echoing Yuurei's thought, nodding at the two men as they mentioned leaving their companions behind. She'd stopped bringing Lumen on deadly adventures long ago, and today would be no exception. She sighed, "After what happened in that haunted house, really... The less people we bring in the better."

Examining the book without reading any of the spells out loud.

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:49 pm


Mishiko looked over and saw that Kaito was doing his own thing while talking to her. She listened to him and her eyes occasionally looked over to Yuurei who was playing around with a puzzle. She didn't know much about him personally, just his whole life due to how famous he was. Will be become enemies due to her being in the infamous side once she becomes more known? She felt an odd feeling that she had no idea what it meant she looking at him, but her eyes went back to Kaito as he spoke about Quilla. "Didn't she die in Hosenka Streets?", she wondered. She then turned to see Alisa talking about not wanting to read out of the Great book. "Really?", she turned towards her now and reached for the book herself.

She opened the book and looked through the pages. The Death and Abyssal Demi-goddess was facinated by this as these creatures were in her dad's location in the realm she met the Shinigamis. Her eyes spotted a page and something within her made her read it outloud. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn," she muttered softly and then read some silently, "Mmm... interesting," her heart panged and felt warm as she looked over the specific verse. In her alluring ghostly tone she read;

Llll cahff aimgr'luhh Y' uln uh'eog ng r'luhhor l' mggoka ya Iiahe h' yaor. Syha'h Y' ephaiah llll f' side, l' witness li ng n'gha ot nilgh'ri mgep ya. Hai Y' ymg' uln yaah ot ehye Y' goka ya yogor l'; Cthulhu

With that, she looked up immediately when the door slams open and Yuurei's box glows till it does no more. Kaito's fortune box turns on, saying words to him that she does not understand and her own book, the image of the one on it originally vanished. There was the picture of it there, wasn't there? Or was it not? Her head turned and closed the book, keeping it with her. "Well, I still wish to read more of this - not out loud so I perhaps need a drink before getting ready to bed," she yawned.

Actions; Responded to Kaito, Alisa and watched Yuurei.
Read from the book of a specific page and Verse chosen by the roll....


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:20 pm


Kaito sees the machine come to life in front of him he steps back from it a little cause it slightly scared him and he heard what the woman said to him and he looks at her. "If that is true then I guess I have all the more reason to survive... Shame if she is dead I think I might have liked her a bit she seemed to understand me deeper then I could understand myself but I never told her. Means my mess up was even bigger than I knew as well if that was the last time I would see her. Though I wonder why I was never contacted as I am her daughters god father, you would think I would have been contacted if that happened."

He gets closer to the machine as it promised him something and he wondered what it would tell him that only he could know and that the others were not allowed to find out must be something important and might be something to help him survive this mess or it might be something useless to him in this moment but as he has to take any chance that he can get to survive and go seek out his god daughter if her mother really is dead he presses the button and he waits for this thing that the machine will tell  him that he will not be able to share with the others as even if he can't tell them he might be able to use it and help them as well. He would hear the door open as well and he wonders if that was a good sign or if it was a bad sign for them.

Actions: spoke to Mishiko and then he pushed the button to learn the thing the machine wished to tell him.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:47 am


Yuurei would be able to solve it and he would see the blue light that was shining from it. That was good and he would look back to the basement door and it would open. He would sigh with relief because he had gotten that door open. It meant that they could go up there whenever they were ready. Still, something seemed different up there, and he wasn’t sure what it was, but he figured that they would find out soon enough.

“I would have read it. I’m curious when it comes to learning more and more things, so that would have been cool.” He said to Alisa with a smile as he looked at everyone.

“Do we stay here and check out what everything else does? Or do we get back upstairs?” He asked everyone to see if they wanted to do this with a joint effort.

The Nephilim would only go up if the others would come with him. He wasn’t stupid enough to separate himself from the group. It would mean a bigger chance of him meeting death quicker than anything. Even though he had survived death right next to him last time.

#35Kuri the Callous 

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:14 pm

Kuri the Callous
Mishiko, you have read the book. I hope you're prepared for what you have done. You caused the doom of not only yourself and your free will, but a possible chance to destroy all of Samhain's world. It has yet to arrive.

Destination will be reached in; 3 rounds.

Kaito, the Fortune Teller warns you to make sure the Virgin does not die first as that will end the game for everyone. Neither should you sacrifice yourself, but the last thing he tells you the room he was searching in was the wrong room.

Yuurei, 'they' are looking for you and they will wait when the moment strikes.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:26 pm


WORDS: 230 | TAG: @Halloween | Autumn casual

"Fufu~... That explains how you got that strong.", knowledge is power after all, many strategists have said these words across the centuries, but when it comes to mages, they take a more literal meaning. An expert mage who dabbles in all aspects of the arcane arts has an undeniable edge over others.

Even if they opt not to practice those arts, simply knowing how they work can be a tremendous advantage against mages who rely on them, an advantage Alisa had exploited many times throughout her career. Some mages are creative enough for break the limits of what you expect their elements to do, but a vast majority of them simply lack that ability, making their abilities as predictable as how well you understand the element itself. Even then, some mages still had the ability to surprise you. Giving Mishiko her personal space back:

"Hmmm, where did you even learn that?", Though there's a lot of mages who learned the Eldricht tongue, and far more who could have and opted not to, it was always surprising to hear one speaking it as fluently as she did. Or, at least, what sounded fluent to her... An experienced mage like herself might have dabbled, if only just enough for her brow to furrow, "Even I can only recognize a handful of words..."

Turning to Yuurei, she nodded and motioned her thumb back upstairs, the other sliding into the pocket of her jeans:

"Best have back upstairs. I'm not sure whether any of these items we're fooling with are actually doing something, but if any of them actually are. The less of them we mess with them the better.", she concluded, before turning around, hand resting on the wooden handrail as she started making her way upstairs with a subtle sway to her hips.

Hopefully they didn't trigger some damned doomsday machine...

Actions: Chats with Mishiko and Yuurei, then heads back upstairs

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:22 pm


She didn't know how to explain to Alisa that she was the daughter of Creation as well as being a part of the abyss. "Suppose I will tell you another day," she told her. Truthfully, she only knew so much, but enough to understand the basics due to the fact that she was thrown into the resurrection pool as a punishment. So what did it fully mean? The words she read so fluently. Supposedly, everyone will find out. "All we have left to go from here is up. Might as well see this through all the way," she sighed and went upstairs with the other two. She was unsure if Kaito was going to join them, but either way, she went upstairs.

Her eyes were introduced to a bluer light as the door was opened. It was not that blue when they were first up there. Did it have to do with one of the items they messed around with or? So far they heard nothing.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:21 am


Kaito hearing the words of this machine telling him what he must know, Kaito wonders who the virgin could be this machine speaks of. He knows he is a virgin, he thinks Yuurei is not and Alisa is not a virgin in that sense but the machine might means something different in this case by virgin as in a virgin soul as in pure soul. He will worry about that part later as the machine had also told him that he had looked in the wrong room as well and he guessed the next room to check if they go in order was the 2nd bed room. He hurries up the stairs with a passing comment to them as he passes them. "Stay with a buddy, I have two more bed rooms to look through for anything like I did the first I don't care who follows me as a "buddy", may need to look for weapons and things to barricade with as well." He didn't wait for a reply he went out and forward toward the rooms to begin looking for anything in an attempt to miss nothing that might help save them from their fates. He begins looking through the next bed room same as he as he did the first.

Actions: Left the basement with a passing comment of buddy system and maybe a need for weapons and barricades. Kaito begins looking in the next room as he did the first room.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:56 pm


Yuurei would look at everyone and it would seem like they were more than willing to go back upstairs. Still, he wasn’t sure if they saw the place upstairs the way he did. He would sigh as he figured he would share it with everyone else.

“Guys, not to sound crazy, but do you see upstairs with a tint blue color?” He asked as he figured out if he was going nuts or if he was fine.

When they got upstairs, he would look at everyone as it would seem like Kaito wanted to do something. It would seem like he was going to check the rooms as it seemed like one or more were unsafe for the group. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he figured that he would go with him.

“I will go with Kaito and help him out with searching the rooms together.” He said as he would go into the same room as Kaito and would search

Actions: Asked everyone if they saw the blue tint around the room like he did, and then followed Kaito into the room and helped him search through the place.

#40Kuri the Callous 

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:58 pm

Kuri the Callous
Ah finally, they go upstairs and as the scooby doo gang once did, they split off. Alisa and Mishiko were left in the living room as Kaito and Yuurei went off into the rooms. As the time goes, the more bizzare things obviously got. The blue tint light, now slowly the fog sneaks up on them like a creeper in the forest.

Destination will be reached in; 2 rounds.

Kaito goes inside the new room that was next to his. He sees a grotesque painting on the wall of dead animals and a man holding onto one upside down. Clearly a painting of a hunter. A shell lamp on the the nightstand with a flat circle base, the nightstand itself that had a design of a bear holding the wooden base of the table and that was it for the stand. A rug on the floor, the normal single person bed and a trunk to put luggage in.

Be warned, be specific in what you're looking under, around, etc. Only 1 item can be searched per person and must roll high.

If you ask someone a specific question, the narrirator will answer for that specific person once. So you may only know one person's role/Title; Scholar, Athlete, Fool, Virgin

Next Round it shall begin for the others.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:22 pm


WORDS: 230 | TAG: @Halloween | Autumn casual

"Hmmm, I'll hold you to that.", she smiled as she responded, already sensing how there was defenitely quite the tale behind those words, but at the same time, not wanting to spoil it whens he was unable to simply sit down and listen as she'd have prefered. Not with whatever traps laid in wait, looming over her their heads.

Who's to say whether any of these artifacts lighting up came with the promise of some deadly menace coming for their heads. And those lights... They defenitely weren't up there before... Alisa frowned:

"Mmm, a sensible choice. Whoever's caught out alone will be targeted first no doubt.", she nodded, for once basing her claims more on simple logic than any real knowledge of horror movie culture. Whatever was about to happen had already started. Addressing Yuurei, Alisa continued her climb up the staircase, "No, you're not the only one. Defenitely looks like your puzzle or any of the other artifacts we touched cause this... Considering what happened now, we should refrain from touching any more objects... If only we knew which object caused which effect."

Alisa shook her head, reaching for her temples... Those items were clues if she ever saw any. Clues on how they could possibly survive what came next. But the more of them they activated the harder it would be to use those clues to their advantage:

"Then, I suppose I'll look around the ground floor. Come on~", she turned to Mishiko with a smile, hooking a finger at her as she invited her to join her. They've seen the kitchen and living room, but now that they'd found secrets in the living room... Who's to say there weren't more? With these words, Alisa would investigate the living room, looking around the furniture for clues.

Actions: Investigates the living room

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:36 am


Mishiko looked at Alisa searching around for something while the other two decided to go to the room Alisa was in. Her eyes gazed at the couch and waved her hand. "Don't worry, I'll be searching alright..." she yawned and went towards the couch to plop on it. Her hands started to search the cushions. She hears a dark chuckle within her ears as it rung. "So relaxed for one who dared to read our book,~" they spoke. 'Mother, I only read out of curiosity and doubt it'll cause much harm,' she sighed boredly and looked towards the window. "At least it'll take away my boredom for a little while," she muttered coldly.

"Mmm, you do not care of thy Lord of the Abyss to take away the purity you have left? You know your sister has your marriage arranged... Your purity and virginity is not allowed to be tarnished," she lastly speaks and disappears in smoke. No one was able to hear her besides Mishiko of course.

Actions; just casual talking while searching the couch.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:36 am

The member 'Mishiko' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 10


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:42 pm


Kaito hoped that they will take it seriously as this could mean something very bad for them Kaito looks at the things in the room and he thinks where he wanted to start with and he guessed that he should check the rug incase of anything like a summoning circle or another way into the cabin. If so that he can get it covered or that he knew it was there to use to help them get out cause that thing told him to protect the virgin, but there is no real way to find out who that is as the machine said he may not speak of it so he couldn't even ask who it is as that would be speaking of it.

He has no want to piss off something that he does not fully understand himself. He pulls up the rug to see what might be hidden under the rug for him to find as they need to be looking for clues on how they all can survive not just himself and the virgin unless he is the virgin, but then there would be no need to tell him to keep the virgin alive if he was the virgin, if would have just told him that he had to survive or stay safe to win the night or something along those lines not to keep someone else alive.

Action:Looked around the room to figure out where to start, Kaito chose the rug to check under.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:42 pm

The member 'Kaito Todaro' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 2


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:53 pm


Yuurei was with one of his closest friends right now and it would be the correct choice. He was making sure that his friend would be alright and when they got to the room it would be the creepy hunter room. There were a lot of things to search for right now, but he wasn’t sure where to start. It was then he would see Kaito went to check up on the rug.

The Nephilim figured dividing the search in the same room was the best thing to do. He would look at the trunk and he would open it. He figured he would check through it to see if he could find anything suspicious, useful, or something that was not supposed to be here.

“Did you find anything Kaito?” He asked him while he was searching to see if he found anything as well.

He hoped the other two were okay as he didn’t want anything to happen to them.


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:53 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 8


Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:27 pm


Alisa looked back over her shoulder, her curious gaze washing over the master of Utopian Demise as she joined her on the search across the living room, though instead simply plopped down over the couch, rummaging through the pillows:

"Can't imagine what you expect to find on the sofa.", Alisa mused, arching her brow as she looked back at her clever companion as she chuckled, and instead turned her focus to the walls, her smooth, deft digits washing over the wooden walls and the myriad decoration, feeling the pleasant warmth of the fireplace washing over her, bringing a soft smile to her face as she looked over some of the stuffed animal heads on the walls and whatever else she could find really...

Whatever it was they found down there, and what awaited them afterwards. Surely she'd find some clues sooner or later, and from there they could figure out the best strategy.

Last edited by Alisa on Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wordcount)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:27 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 83

#50Kuri the Callous 

Cabin in Samhain [Event; Closed] - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 15, 2022 4:58 pm

Kuri the Callous
Mishiko, you search the couch like a potato and you find nothing but dust bunnies.

Kaito, you look under the rug and you were so blind, even with your extra points for investigation, that you didn't see anything.

Yuurei, just like your partner in crime, you too did not see anything as you were too blind.

Alisa, Athletic as you are, you seemed to be the first one to find something! Curious, what could it be? Well, when you look around the head of a wolf on the wall you will feel something round and out of place. Inside their mouth is something shining, like lens. A Camera Lens that is spying on all of you, probably hoping to get some steamy pics, but so disappointed in not getting any. If you pull it out, it'll have a long cord attached to it that goes through the wall.

Last round till it reaches their destination

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