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It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone)

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It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Jul 25, 2023 3:59 pm


Yuurei and Renji’s stomachs were stuffed. They had gotten soup for their break and now that they had gotten their energy back, they would be able to continue their journey. They were trying to find where the Starlight from centuries ago would be sealed. He was sure it wasn’t with the Onis in their cave as they would have probably continued to try and open it through the years that had gone by.

“That shaking still concerns me. There is no way a mountain shakes like that for no reason.” He said to Yuurei.

He would look at Renji and then look at what was in front of him.

“Yeah, I know. It could have been the mountain shaking because we entered the hidden and sealed path. That would mean that if we continue this journey the Onis might become free.” He said as he was worried a bit.

“What are we going to do to go back?” Migi would suggest.

Yuurei looked at his arm as he was thinking about it. He would rather use the power he had now, then to unleashed these Onis in the land below. It would mean Joya would have to go through so much as if they already weren’t. He would shake his head as he didn’t want to abandon this journey, but he was thinking about it.

“You guys are good if we head back?” He asked the group.

Still, before anybody could answer someone would be walking toward them. It would seem strange that there was someone else here. He would look closely at the attire and it would seem like it was the man that told them where to look. He would shake his head as he felt like this was a setup.

“How did you get here? Only those with Starlight blood could enter this place.” He said to him.

The man would hear this as he would bow slightly and take off his top hat. He would toss the hat and he would look at Yuurei and the group with him.

“Yes, only those with Starlight Blood can enter the sealed path, but did you know it takes two Starlight to break the seal to enter the path you took.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei was confused for a second, but thought about it and his eyes widen. It couldn’t be right. This man was a Starlight?

“The confusion on your face is spot on Yuurei. Yes, I am like you, we share the same blood. But we want two separate things. You just want the power within the seal, and I want everything.” He said to Yuurei as he would change his form and his attire would change.

He was wearing an Oni mask, a different set of gear, and two blades on his back.

“Are we going to fight? Why even result to this tactic?” He asked him.

“We aim for the same thing, you want the ancient power hidden away and so do I, but only one of us can get it. That is why I must get rid of you and your friends. You’ve done enough to let me get past the first cave.” He said to Yuurei as he would unsheathe his blades ready to fight.



It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 6:34 pm


Kaito was listening to Yuurei talk and he wondered what kind of troubles waited ahead of them then he asked if they could go back and Kaito wondered if he was serious or not after all the things that they had been through. He hears someone and then he looks at the man and he looks at his hand and he can feel a pulsing pain and anger in his arm and he wonders what the hell was going on and Kaito watched as Revy jumped out and Kaito tossed her his sword as it seemed they were going to have to take him on and that means that there was going to be a big fight and he readied his shield and he can feel the pain and anger grow and want to hurt this man was something in him being baited. Could the man see through him, was this an attempt at mind control against him? Kaito holds his ground as the voice in his head says to "do it and free them free it all kill this man." Kaito has no idea what that means was he going to murder this man was this man actually a threat to them or was this something that they could all just talk out.

Revy got closer to Renji and she was wondering what they could do here as this was a lot of danger for very little reward and that means that this might be the last time that they stand side by side but Revy wasn't that kind of sappy so she wasn't going to say it or the movie moment where they might be about to die where they confess to their love interest and kiss good bye. She needs to survive so she can make what every they can count as dying here also means that she loses her chance at being a family with him as well but she doesn't want that to happen as he means something to her but this wasn't the time for her to settle down so she needs to fight for the future.

Kaito points his hand and he doesn't feel right. This man seemed to pretty much just be monologuing Kaito wondered if this man was even going to just be fighting them or just giving them a lecture after his villainy and how he deserved the power more than Yuurei did even though from the sounds of it Yuurei was the main branch member not this other guy but that was just conjecturer on his own part but Kaito stays ready to take on the man and shield bash him as hard as he can but something is saying different in himself but he was unsure if that was his heart his mind or something else that thinks he should hold him back before he gets himself killed. Kaito turns on his mana vision and sees something strange where the man was standing like something was soaking into him and he wondered if the man was absorbing dead oni or if something in this mountain was feeding into him.

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:30 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe followed behind Kaito, Yuurei and the two exceeds. It has been a while, but the desire came up. The dwarf would pulled out his long wooden pipes and after inserting the tobacco, he lit it using Benimaru's bluish flame and took in the smoke happily.

"I didn't know you smoke" Benimaru pointed out as he floated beside the dwarf.

"I've been too busy to find some downtime" Brone said as a trail of smoke trailed out from his nostrils.

"You spend half the day sleeping" Gnicholas pointed out as she sat on the dwarf's shoulder.

"I can't smoke when I'm asleep" the dwarf chuckled. At that point, Beni and Gnicholas gave up the conversation with him and continued to focus on the trek.

The quake of the mountain wasn't troubling there mind as much as it did before, but the theory that Yuurei came up with had intrigued the gnome, agreeing it was indeed a possibility, "If that's the case, then a magic strong enough to shake the mountain should be strong enough to contain a great power" Gnicholas concluded. Brone nodded as he blew smoke rings into the air.

Then Yuurei surprised them with a question.

"Yuurei" Brone gave his friend a serious look for a moment, but presented an assuring smile, "Whatever it is ye choose, I'll follow, I trust ye like I trust the fire of me forge; you're our guild leader for a reason" Brone had scaled many dangerous obstacles for his friends, and when the price was lack-luster, he never fretted, because he was always with his friends. It was the journey and the fellowship of his company that mattered the most to him.

"I think heading back now would be a waste of a whole trip" As rude as it sounded, Benimaru had a good point.

"Ah shut it, ye only saying that because ye want yer seal broken" Brone chuckled as he bit on the end of his pipe. Benimaru's shield rattled for a moment, showing his hesitation. He indeed wanted to be freed, but was fearful of how the companions would react. But seeing as Brone admitted he knew but indicated no attempt to stop him, even as a joke, made him wonder if he would be allowed to be set free.

The top hat man appeared which made Gnicholas, Beni, and Brone confused. When Yuurei pointed out that only those with Starlight blood could enter this territory, Brone whispered to Gnicholas, "Ye think I got in because I might still have some of Yuurei's blood on me axes since the last time we fought?"

"No, we count as visitors since we're accompanying Yuurei" Gnicholas' tiny hand shovered the dwarf's face to the side, trying to keep him from blowing smoke in his face.

Yuuirei and Tophat spoke, explaining his reasoning which had confused Brone further, "Wait... didn't he say him and Yuurei want two different things? But he just said he wants the same power as Yuurei" he whispered to Gnicholas.

"No! He's stating that their End Goal desires are different, it just so happens that they both need the Starlight power to reach those goals" Gnicholas explained back in whisper, nearly irritable at this point.

"Either way, I just lit my pipe, and I ain't stopping just because ye asked for a butt-whooping" Brone called out to the top hat guy as he drew forth his Spellcleaver in his left hand and Dhuraindarin in his right hand.



It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:18 pm


Yuurei had heard Benimaru’s words and i5t would seem like he felt going back was pointless. He would scratch his head because he was wondering if that was the case. If they head back, then a disaster might be prevented, but it would seem like they wanted to see it through to the end. Still, they had a person that they had to get through if they wanted to go forward into Mount Kuja.

Renji was in the armor that Yuurei had him wear and it would seem like this was about to get intense. He needed this armor or else he might lose his life, and he knew Yuurei wouldn’t want that. He had the staff in his hand as he saw Revy would approach him. She was ready to fight, but there was something strange about this man. His strength was different, raw, and scary, yet similar to Yuurei’s.

The man had looked at them, they were all fierce fighters, that much he knew. He could fight against them but would come out losing in the end. His goal wasn’t to win but to wear them down just a bit. He would disappear and he would end up above them. His blade sparked electricity as he would shoot out a huge lightning heading in their direction.

Yuurei saw this, and he would bring forth his Midas Gauntlet. It was then he would swing his fist into the air, and he would clash with the spell in front of him. He was nullifying the spell from attacking all of them, which he was smart.

The man with the Oni mask would smile as he expected this man to have a strong arsenal from his reputation. It was then he would disappear once again. This time he would appear on the side of Yuurei and he would attempt to slash at him. The Seraphim would look at him as he was surprised that he attempted to stoop so low. When the blade would come down Renji appear in front of the attack. He didn’t know when it happened, but he had a feeling something like this would happen. His feet moved on his own and now here he was. The blade would pierce through the armor, and it would cut Renji.

The Exceed would gush blood out from his mouth as he felt the blow. He fell to his back as he would cough out blood. He was barely hanging in there, and the man would suck his teeth because of the heroic attempt. While it happened though the armor would activate, and it would send condensed arcane energy toward the man with the Oni mask.

He would be able to avoid it, but his armor would take damage from the spell. He would land on the ground as Yuurei would look at him and then at Renji.

“Are you okay Renji?” He asked him as he brought out Excalibur and he would place it into Renji’s hand.

“Hold onto this, and give me the jeweled sword Zelretch.” He said this as they switched weapons.

“You’re going to pay for that!” He shouted pissed at what this guy had done.

It was then he would switch to his yang gauntlet as he wasn’t happy with what this man had done. The man with the Oni mask didn’t forget about the two others as he would make an example out of Kaito next.



It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:44 am


Kaito watched as the man made his moves on Yuurei and how he had hurt Renji but from where he was standing he couldn't tell if that weapon the man used was simply too strong and had just cut right through the armor that Renji was wearing or if it had pierced the armor just damaging Renji. Kaito sees the man's gaze change to him and Kaito knew he was going to be the next to be attacked and but he hears Revy yell. "How dare you do this!" Revy runs after the man who had come to strike Kaito, who phased the first strike from the man and teleported to make space as Kaito needs to find time to examine the field here and it seemed some veil of energy was blocking his eye from seeing any weaknesses on the guy so this means Kaito was going to have to relay on his own strength to try and do this.

Revy lunged at the man and swings the sword as hard as she can to try and hit him but the man just simply parried her attack and he went to run her through but Kaito portaled Revy away just before the attack hit her and she dropped out behind Kaito shaking as she had just seen her life flash before her eyes and she wasn't sure how to handle that feeling that she had right there. Kaito didn't waste a moment and ran at the man and he shield bashed that man who seemed fully unphased by Kaito hitting him with his shield and Kaito moved back again, Kaito felt like the man under the mask was smirking at him and that this was more or less going to his plan and the three of them are dancing on a stage of this mans making. Kaito wonders what the hell was going on here and why this seemed to have done nothing to him when he attacked.

Kaito wonders if the man had some kind of damage nullification or if something else was at play here like he was an illusion or not really there and they were wasting their energy and time attacking him, they need some answers and fast or this is all going to go wrong and they are going to get tossed around here and that was not going to end up how they will hope it will. Revy having gotten her senses back moved to go and start another try at attacking the man who seemed to just move slightly and not block so that Revy wasn't hitting but was throwing her self off of her own center. Kaito can tell this mans attacks seemed to be just toying with them, like he was about ready to move onto the next of the group Brone and Kaito moved to steal the man's weapon but he was seemly unable to steal the man's weapon from him and so the man set his sights onto the next target which is Brone.
(508) (1,029)

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:49 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The movement of the top-hat man didn't surprised the dwarf, for Brone had seen great speed and agility before. He wondered if this was a common fighting style for the Starlight clan. Yuurei's team and the top-hat exchanged blows which seem to be odd to the gnome. Then the enemy switched to Kaito's team, forcing Kaito to play cautiously.

Brone was timing his movement so he could move in for his turn, but Gnicholas realized several things: That top-hat's blade was incredibly sharp, possibly enchanted, to be able to cut through Renji's armor easily. Kaito was trying to perform some kind of ability on the man, but with his expression, the top-hat was able to resist it somehow. "Brone, this Starlight had an incredible blade, be mindful" he whispered into the dwarf's ear.

"Tch" Brone smiled, he feared no weapon not dwarven-made. His grip upon his Dhuraindarin tightened. Then his time came. He released a trail of smoke as he held his wooden pipe by his teeth as he ran towards the enemy. Top-hat locked eyes with him. The moment the gap between them closed, Top-hat swung his sword, to which Brone went to meet it. This was his plan since the beginning. Since that sword, whatever it's make, was the issue, his black axe would be able to destroy it instantly, the blade made of some otherworldly ore. But as the blade was just about to meet the sword, the thinner blade phased right through the axe and it ran across the ice that was the dwarf's armor, not able to cut through it.

"Ha! Can cut through so easily, huh?" Brone laughed. But the Top Hat was quick with his next move; pulling out a dagger from his belt with his other hand and tossing it right at the dwarf. The flying blade managed to bypass the slit in the blue helmet and hit just below Brone's nose, shattering his nose ring.

Brone stumbled back from the sudden surprise. After a second to process what just happened, he cursed under his breath. Top-hat ran forward to the dwarf with great speed. Gnicholas was quick enough to react in time, summoning forth a globe of darkness. But it wasn't enough. Top-hat wasn't impeded by the darkness and was able to sink his blade into Brone's icy armor and into his chest. The dwarf groaned in pain and anger as he swung his green axe. Then Top Hat was gone, teleporting out of the globe and heading towards Yuurei.

"Yuurei, he's on ye!" Brone yelled out. Gnicholas, stammering, was undoing his darkness spell so that the globe doesn't impede on any of his allies.

This was problematic. Gnicholas was trying to mark down everything he was aware of concerning this Starlight; his blade was able to pierce armor easily; he's able to see in darkness; and he somehow knew of Brone's septum ring that prevented such penetration. Hopefully the group can stop him.

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It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:52 pm


Yuurei’s eyes were filled with anger, but what he saw next was stupid. The man was playing around with them and he knew about their abilities. He wondered how long he had been checking on them. Still, it would seem like this was getting difficult for them. The mysterious man would appear in front of Yuurei and he would come blades swinging. The Seraphim would see this and the way it was coming down he had one thing to do right now. He would punch it to change its trajectory; the Oni Masked man would chuckle when he saw this.

The Requip mage wasn’t done though, Migi would bring out two sharpened blades and he would extend to try and slice the man. He noticed this, and he would move to his empty hand he would grab a shorter katana and he would clash with Migi’s blades and push back Yuurei’s arm. Migi felt the impact though and he would grunt as he didn’t expect him to be that strong.

He would look at the man with the Oni Mask as he looked at all three of them.

“You guys don’t understand. The power that we seek is mine. You three will not get it. I already hurt one of you, made another one vulnerable to damage, and then there is the last one. She looks nervous, angry, and it must have been because of the one on the floor.” He taunted them.

Yuurei would hear him talk about Renji, which he didn’t like and he would appear behind the man. And he would slam his fist on the man’s back. The top hat would stumble forward as he felt the impact of that attack. Yuurei had used the power of Yang to make his damage even scarier. It was the only reason why he even brought the man to stumble right now. He would look over to Yuurei and he would chuckle a bit. It was then he would point at the man’s abdomen and when Yuurei looked down he would see the short blade was embedded in him.

“That was by mistake, you made me flinch.” He laughed at what he said as Yuurei pulled the blade out of his abdomen.

The short katana would disappear and reappear in the man’s hand. He was almost done with tormenting everybody here. The person he had left to bother was Kaito. Yes, he was a nuisance, but it was fun to show that they were not invulnerable to being defeated. The Seraphim was mad that he let his guard down, but Migi would be able to help him. He would heal Yuurei slowly, but surely but it would take a lot out of him since he had to himself as well.

Renji was looking at everyone struggling against this one guy. He didn’t understand what was so special about him, but it would seem like he was giving people a rough time.

“Kaito careful!” Yuurei shouted after he grunted a bit from the pain.

He could tell this guy was after Kaito from the angle he was in.



It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:50 pm


Kaito watched as this man seemed to be able to just keep taking on the attacks and nearly effortlessly make his own attacks. Kaito tries to study the man’s movements to figure out what he could do but nothing about this guy was adding up and Kaito is wondering if it is a spell or one of the man’s pieces of equipment that was at fault for this all but Kaito didn’t get to come to an answer as the man once again turned his vision and attention toward him and Kaito just focused on dodging the attacks from the man and Kaito was caught off balance and his armors shield spell activated saving Kaito from getting hurt from the attack. Kaito hopped back and the man appeared behind him and Kaito leaned hard to the side and his ring dashed him away from the attack. Kaito was just barely keeping himself out of getting cut up.

Renji ran back at the man again as she still needed to pay him back for him hurting Renji and she started making her swings as the man laughed at Revy for still trying when she was clearly out of her league vs him. The man decided it was time to just attack her back and he took a swiping swing at Revy and Kaito took the ground out from under the man’s feet only stunning him for a slight second as Revy hit him with the sword which seemed to have no effect on him and she backs up as the man laughed then appeared behind Revy.

Kaito knowing what was about to happen he sped forward and he grabbed the man’s arm giving time for Revy to get away again and Kaito shifted his weight backwards and rolled away springing back to his feet at the end of his roll as the man still coming forward after him with his blade readied and Kaito jumped up against the wall and pushed himself off. Kaito feels pretty helpless as he was only able to dodge the attacks but none of the damage he did seemed to matter to this guy as he seemed to just shrug off any damage besides when Yuurei hit him with the fancy gauntlet that he had. Kaito wonders if this is where they die or if it is farther in chasing this guy that we might be there.

Revy looks to Brone. "Not sure when he is going to come your way but if his pattern sticks he will be doing it soon." Revy wonders if she needed to give Kaito back his sword so he could do damage to him or if this wouldn’t even help but Revy knows she needs to make sure that she doesn’t get killed here as she needed to live at least until Kaito made it to having someone to look out for him so she figures she is going to have to be around for a very long time to give him the help he needs.
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#9Brone Heavyaxe 

It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:38 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Are you alright?" Gnicholas asked as he leaned forward, looking down at the slit in Brone's armor that was made by Top-Hat's blade. A bit of blood dripped from it.

"Don't mind it" Brone said as he twirled his axes in his hand. Both his secondary arms came out from beneath the sash and within the next moment, the golden Assagai spear appeared in the right hand while the blue Jotun's fang appeared in the left. As the Top-Hat Starlight was fighting against Yuurei and Kaito, the dwarf figured he had to change his tactic. The enemy was informed and very agile, so the only thing he can think of that could help in this situation would be to slow him down.

"I can heal you" Gnicholas said as he was getting ready to climb down from the dwarf's shoulder, but Brone stopped him.

"Don't worry about that, focus on getting your arrow ready for the right moment" Brone bent his knees, getting himself into a better grounded fighting stance, "Beni! Protect Gnicholas" he called to the entrapped oni spirit and Benimaru was quick to float over and use his tendrils to grab onto the gnome and pulling him to a safer distance.

"Be careful, Brone" Benimaru said as he floated onto a high perch where Gnicholas could be out of reach of the Top-hat.

Brone smirked as he breathed in from the wooden pipe he was too stubborn to drop from his lips. He exhaled a puff a smoke the moment top-hat left his focus on Kaito and sent his gaze towards him, "Aye, I'm next" the dwarf said as he tightened his grip on all four of his weapons.

Top-Hat made a dash towards Brone, but the dwarf didn't move, instead he raised his black axe into the air and yelled out a warcry. When Top Hat closed the distance and struck, a layer of ice appeared over Brone's skin just as the enemy's blade was trying to strike at his chest. The blade was strong enough to destroy the layer of ice, but it was all the dwarf needed as he was bringing down his black axe, but mid-swing, the axe switched places as Brone switched it out for his golden axe.

Top-Hat was too quick for the blade, so he teleported away some meters to safety. Brone expected this, which was why he chose his golden axe. The moment his axe touched the ground, an eruption of snow and hail came from the point of impact and engulfed the entire area in a blizzard.

Top-Hat smirked, but when he moved slightly, he paid mind to his leg where a patch of ice was. Without him noticing, Brone had lightly tapped his blue spear against that area, not enough to break the skin, but enough to tag him. Realizing this, the enemy Starlight sucked his teeth, but he didn't allow this to stop himself as he began running towards Yuurei while flickering, constantly teleporting to throw him off.

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It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:38 pm


Yuurei would look at Kaito and it would seem like he was the only one trying to do anything. He had been using his entire arsenal to do something. The Seraphim was still pissed and upset to think clearly after what had happened to Renji. It made him lose focus and he had paid for it. He would shake his head because he couldn’t believe that this was the outcome of all their training.

He would shake his head as he would slap the crap out of himself. He knew he could do better, and he had to do better. He was not going to be going to the top of the mountain with this mindset. He would shake his head as it would seem like everybody was doing fine and he was out here fumbling. The man with the Oni Masked had been hit by Brone and he would run to Yuurei as he was going to mess with him now. It was then he would feel a tingling on his side. He would laugh loud enough for all of them to hear him.

He would look at all of them as he would no longer be attacking them. Instead, he would jump away so that they could all look at him.

“It was a pleasure to fight you guys. I did exactly what I needed to do and it was play around with you for a bit. You cannot rest, I wasn’t going to allow you guys to be at a hundred percent. Now that you had a taste of what I can do continue moving forward and let’s see what you can do in the conditions that you’re in.” He said to them as he looked at them.

He wished he had done something to Kaito, but the man was slippery. It would seem like he was doing all he could to fight against him. He shook his head as he was expecting it to be better against him. Still, he had stabbed Yuurei, and almost killed the Exceed of Yuurei. He broke Brone’s ring on his nose, and he would make them question if they could even harm him. Still, he wasn’t going to be able to fight anymore in his condition. No, he needed the power that was waiting for them somewhere in the mountains.

“I bid you guys farewell.” He said that smoke would appear in the area, and when it dispersed he would no longer be there.

Yuurei would sigh as if they had been defeated, but at least he let them live. He wasn’t sure why, but he would move over to Renji and he would shake his head.

“You hold onto Excalibur until you’re fully healed. Like Benimaru said no reason to go back after we got this far. We need to go all out if we want a chance against that guy.” He said as he was not happy.

He would move forward as he was hoping that he could take his anger out on something.




It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:31 am


Kaito looked at the masked man and watches how cocky he sounded and he felt nearly useless in all of this. He walks toward Yuurei and Brone and he bows his head to them. "Sorry I wasn't able to dent him and he was moving too fast for me to attempt to hit him with my dimensional beam attack. Though I am not even sure that it would have even done any damage to him if it would have hit him." He feels as if he had really let the team down as he had most just ran and evaded when the man came at him as well as his attacks seemed to have done nothing to the man same with Revy's attack the landed.

Revy hurried over to Renji and she takes his free hand and she walks with him. "Sorry I didn't get revenge for you..." She sounded ashamed of herself for not being able to even put a scrape on the man that had been attacking them and she was going to stay close to Renji at least for now. She was going to make sure that she can help him next time as that was what they needed to do as they both needed to work together and make sure the other lives to see the end of this adventure.

Kaito puts his hood up and he keeps his head down as he moved onto the next area as he no matter what they say he failed here and didn't get hurt like his friends. So he looks like a coward and weak man. Yuurei had gotten stabbed and Brone took a hit as well, all he had done was phased and dodged like a coward. He wonders if anything about himself wasn't just him being a coward he hides his face, his body his mind. He was nothing but a coward and his magic matched that. A pain courses through Kaito's head and Kaito hold his head as he feels like his head was going to burst. Was it stress? was it something else unseen to him, or was this place just making him worse or poisoning his mind and making him feel like this.

The voice in Kaito's head was getting stronger and stronger as they went like he was absorbing the darkness the oni's lived in here or if something in this place was weakening him or if this was all just in his head and that he should get over this and not try and be a depressed mope about it but only the path forward is ahead now and more things unknown to them that will probably be after their heads and souls if they can get their dirty hands on them but Kaito had to trust in Yuurei and Brone to be able to handle this.
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#12Brone Heavyaxe 

It Was a Trap (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Aug 03, 2023 1:09 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As the Top-Hat Starlight vanished after his taunt, the cold air whipped up for but a bit, reflecting Brone's anger. "Blast 'em!" He bellowed right before the whipping snow and hail subsided, returning the weather back to normal. He stowed his weather and focused on taking a few puffs from his wooden pipe.

"Be mindful we may have to deal with him in the future if he intends on acquiring the Starlight power" Gnicholas mentioned as Benimaru flew him down to the group. He would see that Brone and Renji were both injured so he would quickly rush over to the exceed and place his hands over the wound, allowing dark tendrils to cover the wound, healing it.

"Treacherous oaf is going to be impaled or worse" Brone grumbled in his anger as he chewed on the end of his pipe, rings of smoke trailing off from between his teeth. The battle was bad. Kaito, Yuurei and Brone were considered the Monster Trio of the north who had faced off against deities and dragons, but this one lone mysterious person was able to best them in combat with little effort. Just when Brone was able to initiate his plan, the enemy turned tail and vanished. A part of him hopes the Top-Hat man would return so they can properly defeat him, but he knew the situation would be better if they were impeded on their journey to acquire the Starlight Power. There were dangerous factors already, including the oni situation; with the Top-Hat, it become more of an issue. He wished Huginn and Muninn were able to follow him in order to get a proper scouting regiment.

Once again Benimaru didn't say anything. Gnicholas and Brone figured the oni was uncomfortable with situation. The Starlight clan were the ones that sealed him and his brethren away. But they knew they couldn't say anything to help make things better, so they allowed him to be with his own thoughts as they packed up and followed the others.

"Let me heal you" Gnicholas rushed up to the dwarf, but the dwarf motioned him away, pretending that the wound wasn't an issue at all, despite a bit of blood was trailing from the slit in his armor.

They all continued onward with little idea of what it was they were looking for. Hoping they get to it before anyone else does.

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