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The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:22 pm


" Progressive? Is that what folk call it? I figure it was more, to recruit those willing to do the work. We are mercenaries after all. And different types harbor different skills. But I will say it pleases me the variations, humans have grown to irk me like no other." As she spoke, Lumi only held one eye open. The fushia orb stared right back at him. She was still comfortable in her position and softer in her tone and voice for it.

But the mention of meeting Yuurei made her open both of her eyes, the two filled with spark and fire as a glow flickered around her irises. Lumi was very amused and she showed it. " Oh ye haven't met him ay? Well, that's part to be expected, he doesn't often come and meet the new recruits so much as always looks surprised a new child was taken in by the house. I will say, he's not what most expect. Ye could feel the threat of him and sense the hunger for power, though he doesn't bother his own unless ye entertain a spar with him-to which I don't recommend any time soon!-but he would help ye on yer path. That's for certain. The Angel cares little for race but more for loyalty and vigor. Ye see he likes to surround himself with the strong and so he'd guide ya there if he has to, but never forget, he's more monster than most ye'd encounter on these lands." She broke into a laugh which forced her to place down her drink so as to not spill it. Yuurei was quite the interesting type indeed. He lacked the warmth and nurturing feel of the Fairy Mother of the stern but reassuring vibe of Tamas as he left to create his own. Now he was a monster who fathered and festered more monsters into this world. But in a way that would let all beside him tip and thirst for their own greatness. He hardly nurtured you as much as he pushed you into the wild currents and insisted that not only can you survive but you'll become stronger. Such methods were always the best to reaffirm his charm among all he governed, sometimes harboring spite and agitation instead. Lumi too could not help but be bitter for quite some time as she battled her internal insecurities and the validity of his methods. But in the end, all this fades when you are of your own power. Bitterness can only go so far when branded by the approval of your efforts and for as annoying as things can be done, the Angel gets things done. She was just but a recent example.

Her jest took a turn she would not admittable expect. The lad was on the look for his mother and this agitated something in her. Lumikki who was comfortably lying back, now jerked forward back to a more neutral pose. See the Demoness had a strong connection to her mother and grandmother. So much so that his tale struck her very vexingly. Though she maintained a softer expression, the light of her eyes shifted. " Lost yer mother ye say? And do ye truly mean to find her?" She carved a circle in the air with the point of her ring and pulled out paper and a pencil with minimal rummaging around. Lumi placed it on the table and went to leaning back as she was before, entering her comfort once again. " I have more time to spare than most, and the boredom to last centuries to stave off. This would be me answer to yer question of why I'd help. I find assisting me guildmates as entertaining. If ye truly want to find her, then I could sketch her and send me birds. But if this is a solo plight and endeavor then know that I find that boring." She pouted to show off her brattiness, but really there were no harsh feelings. She could only care so much." We could still be friends though." She smirked as she resumed sipping on her drink, her eyes closing once more as she awaited her response.

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#27Alaric Holloway 

The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:38 pm

Alaric Holloway
“Guess Master Yuurei sees the financial benefit of accepting others. A true modern businessman.” He crossed his arms while mulling over what Lumi had just said. He was curious about Yuurei but felt that it was too soon for him to meet the Guildmaster. Who was he? Some upstart that found his way here instead of the next magic guild? Alaric was lucky to even be accepted into the guild in the first place. He would need to work his way up a bit. Maybe be of some use to the man. That’s how the world worked. You had to be of use. Handouts were for the cripples and old. He couldn’t expect to loaf around here until the end of days. By now, most who saw Alaric probably figured him to be one of those types that were here one day and gone the next. Never saying hello, never saying goodbye. [color:9015=B72F22] “I can’t blame him for wanting power and strength. No matter what race. Power is power. In a world like ours, it's nice to know you’ve got the biggest stick in the room.”

He let out another sigh as he let the idea of strength and fighting leave his mind. “Maybe one day but I’ve got a long way to go.” Lumi’s posture seemed to change again when the subject of his mother was addressed. She seemed more into the conversation. She leaned in and her body language looked engaged. Maybe it was because he had not chatted with somebody like this in a long while or maybe it was the alcohol but he felt like he could trust her. He could open up a bit. “Um, ya. I guess. I don’t know. I’m not pressed to look for her. But, I’ve kept an eye out. “ His head fell back and his eyes closed as he thought of her. It had been so long that parts of her were fading from his memory. Wasn’t that sad? Her voice, it was fading a bit. Certain words he could recall but just her essence was fading in his mind. “It’s been so long, but I can still see her face. Her long dark brown hair and her light porcelain skin.”

He brought his head back forward with his eyes open. “I don’t know. She’ll show up when she’s meant to I guess. He gave Lumi a faint and worn smile before lifting his glass up "To friendship." He said before drinking a bit more.

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The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:42 am


Lumi broke into a little laugh,” stick? I thought it was suppose to be stake.”

Lumikki observed him in the passing of their conversations. The ebbs and flows of his reactions and just how much talking about his mother took him out of it. Where she is and what she had done are far from Lumi’s business, and so the Demoness could hardly bring herself to care and more so to ask about her more. Her interest ended where his enthusiasm of her offer had.

Lumi went back to sipping her and gesturing to Henderson for another, her well was nearly dry. By the time Alaric came to, his smile was as tired and worn as when she first saw him. She brought her cup to the air in solidarity, ” Aye, to friendship and mischief. Regardless of ye’ve known before. Ye aren’t alone now. Hardly a point in acting a stranger forever ya know, not like I’d let ya now.” She gleefully chugged the last of her drink, sigh in relief just after. ” What does a gloomy one such are yerself do for fun mate, what brings ye joy?”

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#29Alaric Holloway 

The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:18 am

Alaric Holloway
“Stake ha! I guess with a name like Paradise Dawn, we do sound like a group of vampire hunters.” He kept chuckling at the thought. Like cats and dogs, vamps and weres were thought to be natural rivals. Alaric couldn’t say for certain. Nobody he had ever crossed paths with had declared themselves a vampire so how was he to know? Plenty of people smelled like blood, especially in the profession of a guilded mage. The two cheersed and drank their remaining drinks before Lumi segwayed into Alaric’s free time.

“Ah, for fun? I guess go on walks? I don’t know. I just kinda like to be out in nature. Go for long hikes through the forest or even camp under the stars. I’m used to living out on the road, so I guess I just feel most comfortable there?” He shrugged before waving the bartender back over. Or at least he was attempting to. Alaric leaned back over the bar and instead of calling out or waving, he just gave the man a focused gaze. Willing him in his mind to turn towards them and bring some more snacks. The drinks were starting to hit and he knew he needed to get some more food on his belly if he wanted to keep going. It was early in the day, be a shame if he passed out before supper.

In a weird manner, Alaric did not change his gaze or body posture but continued to speak to Lumi. “What does a queen typically do for fun? Fly about with her murder or just committing murder?”

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The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:52 pm


” Oy, ye know, there was a time we were. I wasn’t a member then, but I heard Dawn had to slaughter quite a bit of vampires. See they decided to cross the Angel in the worst of ways and he turned around and paid ‘em in kind. Tis the fate of all who bump into our lofty Seraphim. But as we are his own, tis the fate of all who cross us in foolish ways as well. Ye included mate, we take care of our own. If ya stumble into something ye don’t like, then ye could be sure to call a raven and find me flying into yer corner. Morality aside, I like to protect what is of me own. Tis a sensation that spices destruction like no other for me.” She observed his struggle to call attention his direction as she began to snatch the stray shadows around her. Dark cast onto the counter from the men moving about and Alaric shifting beside her. Lumi, shadow in hand, would squish and scrunch all that were in her palm. Rounding it out like a loaf of bread. She’d take a few bites from her snack before going in,  while looking off to the side every once in a while to spot Henderson.

” Werewolves and vampires, two notorious creatures for often being hunted~” She spoke in a sing-song voice akin to opening up a fairytale. Wiggling her fingers in a flashy gesture with her free hand while the other brought her snack back to her lips.” I pity ye. All dark races have their nefarious reputations, but Demons are so hard to come by, and so hard to kill. That the mortals settle for yer ilk. Granted some of ye like to leave blood trails back to yer door. And from what I could glean, ye could relate.”

The moment Henderson glanced back in the direction of the two and Lumi caught it in the corner of her eye, she waved the man to come over. Pointing at her drink before her company so that he could get the gist and see to Alaric’s request.

” Aye the queen likes to do those both, but a wee bit more. Can’t be a queen and lack a following, oh but if ye want a place among me subjects, she turned back over to wink, her fangs were exposed from her cheeky smile. ” Yer always free to join. I have a soft spot for wolves ye see. Iceberg traditions state hoe well the two get along, but I find yer like naturally endearing. Blood and flesh still on yer fangs ‘n all.” She took a massive bite from her loaf, mouth full of darkness as Henderson finally walked over.

” If I thought you were human, you’d be cut off a long time ago Ms Lumikki. Those last drinks were enough to make a Dwarf blush. But I’m guessing you want another, and.” Henderson glanced back over at Alaric. Anticipating the lad had an order to request and hoping to move on with it quickly.

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#31Alaric Holloway 

The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:12 pm

Alaric Holloway
“Ah, a demon pitying me? You really must have frozen hell over with that magic of yours.” He gave a wink of sorts, his eyelids were not acting the most coordinated at the moment. His rosy cheeks might have given a good reason why that might be. Her remark about blood on his hands went totally over his head. “Ya, it sucked growing up. But whatever. I’m here now. Doesn’t matter much about the past I guess.” He sighed and fell backward into his chair as Henderson came towards them both. He waited a moment as Lumi gave him her order. As the man’s attention turned to Alaric, he felt a bit of an uneasy tone in the man’s voice. Almost as if he was becoming annoyed with the boy. Alaric at this point had been sleeping on their couch for the better part of the day and now had consumed more alcohol than he likely needed.

Alaric scrunched up his lip to his nose as he thought for a moment “Umm, ale sounds boring maybe a whiskey neat? Is that right? And maybe some cheese with whatever meat you’ve got available. Oh! If you have pretzels or bread to go with that too it would be nice..” He was craving something salty and savory. He might appear as a human but his werewolf nature allowed him to consume high amounts of calories without packing on the pounds. It normally helped with the alcohol bit too but he was a lightweight by nature.

“Ms. Lumi” He said as his hand began to prop up his head and his chair swiveled slightly towards her. His inebriated self was truly showing. “So, tell me. Who’s worth getting to know around here? For um, non-guild related activities if you catch my drift.” Alaric trying to learn whose butt he needed to sniff to get a date was shameful but what can you do? He’s a mess when the liquor hits. It's either this or raging dick. There was little middle ground. Henderson better hurry with that bread to help soak up whatever he was feeling. Else, Lumi might end up hearing about his dramatic ex.

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The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:48 am


” Depends mate, what kinda company do ye favor? We have a share of abrasive, hmmmm maybe one sweet one among us.” Lumi was trying hard to think it over. Running through all the members in her head in like a rapid-fire list. But in the end, she was concluding that too many of the Dawn were lost in their things, living their own lives to make any meaningful suggestions.

” Now that ye mention it, I lack company around here meself. I had a more chaotic friend around her, but he’s been lost to the wild. Or so I like to think, he just up and left as I thought he would. Was a shame too, he didn’t mind the claws.” Lumi sighed deeply as she leaned back. Her arms flailed about dramatically.

”—Wait, how’ve ye been killing time all this year anyway as ye’ve been slinking around? Oy, now that I wonder. Have ye managed to take any of the more interesting missions yet? Despite how drunk her company was, she overlooked it like it was something normal. For one who spends a lot of time in pubs and among dwarves, it’s not hard to conclude. She cared very little to take advantage of him in this state, though she was thoroughly enjoying his company. And with all the additions of her drink going down, she was beginning to feel it herself. At least enough to lose most of her balance by then. It would be the dark tendrils that kept her from falling over.

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#33Alaric Holloway 

The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:47 am

Alaric Holloway
What kind of company did he favor? That’s a loaded question. Well, maybe not loaded as Alaric did not keep the company of many for long. Nor did he have any certain type of company that he found more appealing than the next. Somebody softer than him probably. He wasn’t much into men that were able to kick his ass. That wasn’t fun. “I fear, I am more sour than sweet.” It seemed that Lumi was in no better position than he was when it came to love. Surprising. Her personality seemed as if she would have found somebody. Thought, the playfulness almost came off like a cat with a mouse. Were her claws tucked away out of sight?

The alcohol and food was starting to get to him. He was starting to get sleepy. His nap earlier was not the deepest of sleep. He opened up his mouth and let a large yawn escape. Lumi was talking to him he could tell but his mind was not focused on her words. “Ah, what? Oh. Umm, no not really. I’m only allowed to take the lower-tiered ones at the moment. Hunting rats and digging holes. There was some guy and ghost thing but I left that alone. I’m not messing with that kind of shit.” He let out a sigh and laid his head on the table. “It’s kinda dull ya know. Killing rats. You’d think they’d hire a cat for that job or something.”

By this time, Alaric was barely hanging in there. He was close to just passing out then and there. His eyelids had grown heavy. Lifting his head, he pushed himself back from the bar and stood up, weakly. “I think its best I head up to that room I’m paying for and use its bed for a bit. You’ve got me thoroughly trashed. It was great to meet you. Let’s do it again sometime.” His eyes opened enough to give her a wink and finger gun before Alaric slowly made his way up to the room he had been assigned here.

WC 358  

TWC = 5763

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The Stray Wakes Up [Open to 2 PD members] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:57 am


The state that Alaric was in made the Demoness chuckle. But his parting guesser was quite charming. She tried to return a pose as a response but he was already bobbing back toward his room and she figure it was for the best. The man was barely walking in a line but she hopped the sleep would hit him kindly.

Henderson returned with the requests only to notice after the fact the man was gone but Lumi insisted she’d finish his bit fine. Nothing needed to go to waste and she was in a good mood. And with Alaric gone, Henderson would humor the raven with a bit more idle chit chat. Keeping her company as she paced herself through the rest of the course.

It wasn’t until an hour or so later. That she decided to rise and leave, and from there she mimicked her prior company and scampered to her room. A good nap after a long drink was a feeling she fondly enjoyed.

Curtain Call

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