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Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows

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Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:20 pm


Just after Yuurei reported the tournament she flew up to meet him. She inquired further about the rules of the matches, but what she was most curious about was the members who weren't there.

The Angel assured her that it wasn't really an issue. He sent messengers to inform them just as he sent them to gather those still within the halls. Everyone should know about the challenge by now, and if they don't, they will soon enough.

The Demon pressed on further, curious as to how it would matter to include them if they were gone. Although it wouldn't be a proper tournament for ranks without them. This left her confused as to how it would all work.

In the end, it seemed it would only be a matter of getting in touch with them herself. They knew just as much about her as she did them. Her best bet was to send the messengers that met with them herself. This time with a letter of her official challenge. Lumikki would sigh heavily, but this wouldn't be so bad. She had hopes of meeting with her Uncle in her Motherland for the fight all the same. She might as well invite the others there as well and get all things settled nice and neatly.

She ran over to the mailing offices from there to get the matter sorted. Drafting her letters for all to whom it would apply.

Greeting members of Paradise Dawn,

It is lovely to finally reach out to others in the guild. Although I wish we had more time to do more than fight on the first meeting. All the same, if you did decide to heed Guild Master Yuurie's invitation to the tournament. You could find me in the Aegir Sea of Iceberg. I will assign a raven of mine to escort you shortly after the messenger hands you my letter. So you choose to accept my challenge, they will take you exactly to where I reside. Good luck on your travels and may the fight be glorious.

Lumikki Hrútr, Revna of the Frigid Dawn

She slipped her letters in lavender envelopes with black wax seals fashion in a crest of a raven. The messengers who took on the task before and were being to do so again were assigned deliverance. They were also informed of ravens joining them in their mission.

After which, Lumikki got to work herself. Sending another raven of hers to alert her Uncle of her plan. She went into her room and got all things settled and packed. Reveling in the excuse to meet her country once again.

Once she was all done sorting her things she went and fought Yuurei once more. Just to get the encounter done with. She wanted as many points as she could muster.

After the girl recovered from her encounter. It was time to get the plan in motion. She had set out for Asger her Levait mount. Trygve was tasked with aiding her Uncle on her plans while Tenevi joined her in preparing Asger. Gunvalt, a more rambunctious raven of hers, wanting to join in on the fun had invited himself to the festivities and flew off to get Lonu to join in.

When her challenger comes at last to meet her, they would find her atop a crag softly strumming at her harp and playing old songs of her people. Asger would be within the waters below enjoying his swim and hunt. Tenevi, Lumikki's harpy companion would be circling the skies. Hungrily taking watch for all those who may approach.

Tenevi is a harpy with multiple cool colors for her feathers. The base is a deep gray and bluish plumage that gives into mint green to lavender to purple and then black. She has four wings in total. Her first two sprout from her arms, and she has talons for her hands. The second set sits around her waist and sprouts from her lower back. Her legs also give way to another set of talons. Her face is one of a girl and she has a short and slanted bob cut. Her body is adorned with a dark blue wing cape, a sheer top tied in a blue ribbon, and a deep blue midpiece. She had anklets as well.

Meanwhile, Lumikki was a short-statured girl with brown skill and black stained hands and legs, though it appeared like a living shadow would coil around her legs and jut into feathers. One eye was blue, the other golden and her hair was long and blue-purple. She wore a white and black dress and a mask of a raven that covered half her face. She sits atop a chair made of ice as she plays.


Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#2Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:52 pm

Azure Fenic

While he wasn't really sure that he even wanted to actaully join in the fun but the it would seem as though this would prove to be his chance to improve and maybe even grow closer to his guild mates but all of this was simple hopefull thinking as anything could happen given the members of Paradise Dawn. While making his way over to the stables to leave central a messagener came running up to them "Well then I didn't think someone would call me out so soon hehe." he thought aloud, Azure looked over the letter and had to stop and think about just why they even went through all the trouble to declair something like this to begin seeing as we could just go around and pick each other off.

As the informant mounted his ever so faithful steed the raven cawed at them as if saying to hurry up and get a move on, What a bossy lil bird I can't wait to meet your owner he thought as they took to the skies. Trying to keep track of the small bird was a bit of a challange given that it was leading him into unknow lands which didn't sit well with the summoner but his summons all agreed that he was simply overthinking the situation and needed to just let things playout.

Once Azure had made it to the loacation he noticed a girl who from afar looked couldn't have been any more than 14-19 yrs of age though this could have just been his eyes playing trick on him once again but either way they wanted to fight and he was not the type to say no to such a thing unless they didn't have the correct peramitors. The informant couldn't help but feel as though this fight would be aumong the toughest compaired to his fights with Yuurie. The air was much colder than he thought but the elements were hardly ever on his side in times like this "Hello down there your Lum correct?" he asked already knowing the answer. As they decented to the ground Azure had thought about staying on the mount but quickly realized that he would be at a rather large disadvantage with all the current summons not being able to fly, Well this should be quick all I have to do is use the number games to win he thought to himself hopping off the mount.


Last edited by Azure Fenic on Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:34 pm


Lumikki pauses playing music for a moment as she looked over her approaching guest. Her World eye’s would tell her he was Azure of Paradise Dawn, and her raven perching atop her shoulder would confirm it. Lumikki caressed the head of her bird before dipping a hand into her void to fish him a meal for the job well done. She pulled out a handful of dried fruits and mixed nuts, cupping it in her hand. She held it out for the raven to munch on. By the time Azure was close enough to speak with her, she was playing her music once more. Most of her ravens were still perched around her. Tenevi the harpy that was in the skies, was now beside her as well although she soon moved out of the way and perched to the side. The harpy was instructed to sit this one out, unless said otherwise as a plea of Tenevi to include.

” Aye, I am and its a pleasure ta meet ye. Shame I couldn’t get to know and tease ya before a tournament happened but a las. Best we start now~” Lumi would answer, in a semi cheeky tone. All she wanted from this was to have fun. Her raven mask hid half her face but her smirk was out in the clear. It was made with her frost and dark magic, and as it caught the light it would break into hues of blues and purples. The Demoness got up from her chair and its frost crumbled as soon as she was off. Dissipating into the air like dust and smoke swirling into the air.

She tucked her harp away into her void and walked forward to greet her guess. Each step she took was utterly silent. When she finally halted, Lumi would give him a light bow before tensing her hands to resemble claws. Six raven like wings unfurled from her back, it was like shadows peeling away to show what was always there. ” I hope yer ready friend.” What was all she uttered as she pulled all wings back. Beating them down at once to propel her quickly into the sky. The Demoness would shoot up twenty-five feet. Coasting in the air before circling around the member still down below. She pulled her Abyss Spin from her void and prepared for the moves of Azure, curious of what step he would take next.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#4Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:47 pm

Azure Fenic

It was odd the sound of muisc registered in their head but the melody was being blocked to focus on the surroundings and everything that was within ear shot of them. The chill in the air was a slight cause for consern, Even though they hadn't started anything the girl seemed to be rather odd in terms of personality. Extortion (the mount) didn't really like the cold that had started to surrond them  which was a feeing that they shared but needed to deal with for the timing being. Lum didn't really seem like the fighting type but then again the same has been said about himself on a number of occasions but none with such a innocent backbrop to them.

Ah I see yet another upstart that has a penchin for fighting, he thought crossing his arms as she finished her introductions which was rather formal of her which was a shock to the summoner given all the other memebers of the guild. His summons had started to be rather roudy as he gave the girl a quick size up which proved to be rather insigtful as now he had a rather good understanding of just how this battle would go. "I do hope you wont get too carried away once we start Milady." in respons to her comment the informant returned her bow with one of his own as it was only proper maners to do so in this kind of situation after all even if he truly wanted to jump into the things right away, With the battle of the mind now overwith it was about time for the summoner to get ready for the real deal he snaped his finger giving his mount the signal to toss his spear "If we must." he replied to Lum while erasing all expression from his face.

Azure wasn't really sure just how to make the first move even if he should be the one to make it but given all the past fights that he's parten in striking first was not the best idea even more so now with the lack of information on this girl? women? either or slacking off would now be catching up to him. 'Master this person is rather dangerus be on your gaurd!' Ignus told him even though it was rather clear as to just how tough his current foe was, slowly shifting his stance to a more defensive postion the rusty summoner took three deep breaths with tiny puffs of smoke following each exhail.


WC - 421

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:27 am


” Tell me summoner, why haven’t seen ye in the guild. Does the Angel bother ya too? Or are there things outside of the North so enticing that ye never want ta return home. I hope ta travel soon meself.”

The Demoness would look from above with curiosity. She had never seen a summoner in action before and she was curious as to what he would do next. She circled around in the air as she gave it some thought. Mulling over all the material she just so happened to read before when she was making her preparations to become a mage. Summoner was one of her considerations, but she found the appeal in Spellhowler more. Although thinking over the implications on how one would summon creatures in the first place was always quite fascinating. We’re they simply constructs or beings teleported, she would nor know. As she abandoned those inquiries when she began pursuing her class. She supposed that she would simply have to inquire now form the man below, and until then, she continued to mull over what his magic was to him.

Her six night coated wings would continue to flap silently as the man was tossed a spear. She looked it over for all its intricacies, wondering if she would even include it in her spell. Ultimately she would approve of the addition, as it was akin to her tribute of her fellow members to have their weapons formed in her black frost arsenal. Although she was not quite sure just yet if she want to use such a spell and even if she did, would she add it just yet. The Demoness did not know him quite yet to make such judgments. She also had no reason yet to become petty.

As he exhaled, tiny puffs of smokes would leave his lips and this would entertain her too. But it was now time for the real fun, a grin would spread across her face and expose her fangs. Clutching her staff and throwing her head back, she would inhale deeply before throwing her head back and letting out a blood curdling screech. A lavender magical circle would flash above her while the sound would quake for around thirty-two meters as her staff amplified her magic. Her shrieks would echo in the mind of all those who were caught on the wrong side of her spell. When the last bit of air escaped her, she kept in the pose for a moment. Savoring the taste of someone finally suffering from her Ravenous howl.

She spun in the air to enjoy the merriment of the moment. She twirled her staff before abruptly coming to a stop and looking at her guild mate below. She hung in the air for a moment longer, letting herself simply drop from the sky until she was just ten meters from the ground. Her wings would catch the air and just as quickly as she would just, she would hover again, just after flipping forward to curb the momentum and swing her staff. A lavender magical circle formed right at the end of her arc. A compressed ball of darkness would drip from the staff, spinning rapidly before becoming a massive disk. Both it’s creation and its decent would occur rapidly, giving the summoner below little time to escape its blast. The dark frost disk would cut through the sky to hit its mark and the Demoness would lean back as she eager watched her work unfold. She felt more keen to test the man then unload the more nastier spells in her collection just yet.

She flies back up the height she was before as she watches her spell crash.

Plight of a Raven:

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#6Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:42 pm

Azure Fenic

Watching her above him was rather annyoing for him given that he didn't have any range moves and none of the summons could fly after her while staying within range of him. This remined him of the time that he and Yuurie had their first or second fight and he decied to take things up a level and at the time it was intresting but after getting into it the fight had started to become rather dull. As Lumi unleashed her magic Azure braced for impact as everyone eles that he's faught normally starts with an offensive then follows up with some type of physical attack, whatever the effect of the spell was it had to be something worth wild.

Azure stumbled back as he tried to focus on picking out a summon to try and distract the girl as he regained his bareings from the spell Damn she didn't think she would go for something like that off the bat, h ethought to himself keeping his eyes locked on the now grouned girl. With her starting move now over it was time for the summoner to counter attack "Get the trouble maker!" flicking his wrist the rift opened as he tossed his spear up Ignis would grab it and toss it at the Lumi even though he knew that this would cost him a fair amount of reach, the summon would aim for the girls head in an attempt to make her drop to the ground. If this worked and Lumi dif fall to the ground the informant would then send dismiss Ignis and then with a flick of his wrist summons Kraken nearly simultaniously as Kraken finished menifesting Azure signed for it to try and slash her limbs or wings to even the playing feild just a bit.

Not wanting to even try and give her a chance to counter or catch her breath he would start sprinting at her in order to try and reclaim the spear and try to keep the presuer on. The sounds of his heart starting to race had filled his mind as now all he could think about was the next move and potential counters to Lumi My head still kinda ringing from that move before, he thought call Kraken to him while it still tried to land a blow on the girl. Some of the summons scolded him about letting her get the first hit in but it was only fair that he do his job and gather as much info on her as possible while not risking too much at the same time.


Mana 3,200:

Stat update:

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:15 pm


Lumikki was already on the rise by the time the man recovered enough to throw his spears toward her. The dots leading to her, granted by an ability of her eyes, betrayed his move before he could do it. It was not hard for the Demon to move out of the line of shot and continue her ascent. She was now in her max range above the field once more, lofting in the air. She giggled the whole way up and broke into a cackle as she hovered. ” I like the eager attempt of yers. Careful now that it doesn’t cost ye. Ya hardly look as built like me Uncle to handle the worse of a battle. Now tell me, does that creature have a name?” She asked cheekily but also with clear interest in the answer. The man before her was feistier than she gave him credit for.

” Ye know, if I didn’t know better, I would say ya wanted to rip off me wings. Is that what the squid and lass below are for? Should I make it more fun?” She twirled around and spun her staff as she did, a lavender magical circle appeared just above her and a veil of darkness form before softly dropping on top of her. She waved to the man before good-bye before turning fully invisible.  Circling silently in the air as she awaited his next move.


Plight of a Raven:

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#8Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:57 pm

Azure Fenic

Seeing her just fly about was rather annoying but what was even more annoying was that she was able to avoid his attacks like nothing surely they weren't that telegraphed or predictable? The winged woman had started to literally talk down to him and proceeded to ask about the summon's type or something like that "That doesn't really matter right now ya flying...rat," he muttered the last part just to make sure she didn't try and kill him. With Lumi being air-born for the time being thinking of some way to take her down was the top priority and then actually keeping her on the ground would naturally follow after that. 'Master save your mana for the time being' Kraken suggested as to them as they waited for the next command.

"Oh no why would I try and take out your aerial advantage?" he replied to her question as keeping his cool was becoming a rather tough challenge on its own. Even though Azure had his focus split between keeping himself in check and thinking of a plan the other summons had all started to make their voices known to their contractor, nearly all of them wanted to try their hand at fighting the winged menace while also trying their best to advise on any type of plan.

...Oh okay now she just vanishes he thought to himself just bearly holding on to his relaxed expression as now she was starting work on his nerves not only did she have a flight but now she also could attack at any time and from any direction. Not wanting to waste his mana on having his summons protect him the summoner dismissed them and tried to focus on the sounds of flapping wings and air currents "Why is everyone in this guild so weird?" he asked himself closing his eyes and placing the spear in front of himself, this was to give her the illusion that he was dropping guard. The Cold wasn't so much of an issue at this point his rage was keeping him rather warm. Even though the battle had now been fairly stacked against him at this point the only options that had been left to the summoner were to either give up or try and outsmart her in some way as the number strategy was invalid at this current moment. Azure knew that this fight was going to be problematic but this was not even close to anything that ran through the computer that is their mind.


{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:27 pm


Circling around her prey with silent wings. Making not one sound like the shadows she calls home. She gazed upon her guild mater far below with perfect vision and much curiosity. He cast away his summons, probably for the best. None seemed to have the reach to strike her from how far above she was. No surprise to her, none favor the air as much as she did. It was her home, her solstice, especially in fights and conflicts.

She gripped hard her Abyss Spine, itching to swing and twirl it, to usher in another spell. But she never met the one she was fighting, and so she wanted to observe him further. Yet he would instead plant his spear before him. Taking on quite a relaxed stance. Curiosity would fill her even more as she began to wonder what was occurring within the machinations of his thoughts. Was he trying to sense her? Should she play along and feed his ire?

Her World's eye told her of his usual methods. Or his ways. None speak of a creature in his arsenal that could touch or seek her. With this, she understood he was not quite lulling her for the last moment to send his one to strike. Yet she could only wonder what he would have in mind instead.

Lumikki bobbed around while her wings would ride the currents in the sky. She got comfortable as she observed the one below while plotting further mischief to be had. No sense in blinding him I guess. Though maybe it would make a good laugh. Hmmmm but if I'm too rough, there will hardly be any more fun. But there isn't fun now...hmm" She would continue to contemplate until she finally decided to have more fun. She just had to be mindful so as to make it worth her while.

In one of her many rotations from circling around, she would turn sharply so that she was cutting her circle down the middle. Gliding and dipping so that she would descend until she was fifteen meters above the ground. Twirling in flight so that her staff would be swung, and at the end of her sping, her cast would be triggered. A large lavender circle would flash from underneath Azure, spawning frost-dark tendrils that you reach and grab him. Wrapping around the mage who was feigning his calm.

Just after her dip and casting off her spell, Lumikki would immediately fly back to the peak if ger twenty-five meters. Circling soundlessly in the sky once more and observing her mate below. She was curious of how he would take to the binding, or what attack he would do now.


Plight of a Raven:

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#10Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:17 pm

Azure Fenic

With her still airborne the situation had started to become more and more like a one-sided fight than anything else but that was something that he had already partly expected to happen given the power gap between them. The infomant felt as though nearly everything habe been stacked on agenst them from the start but with the amount of spells that Lumi had managed to cast didn't really add up given the amount of power each one would have with them. From what was displayed the flying rat this was more than likely something that they had done to others.

With no sign of an in coming attack Azure actually dropped his guard and had started to let their fustration show ever so slightly as this wasn't even a true battle but more a raeally bad game of hide n seek. None of the summons had thought about trying to quwell their masters rage it was partly a teaching moment as much as it was just something that could have been avoided all together, What could she be waiting for? he asked himself trying to figuer out why she wouldn't try and make a move. The summoner placed on hand on the ground and tried to summon Kraken but heasited in the middle of it as they looked up to the sky very quickly before standing back up.

As the magic circle appered under the infomrmant they knew this would and could be the end of the fight which, if their recored meant anything would come via a very painful hit. "This did not give me as much info as I wanted," they thought to themself aloud as the binding spell had started to take root around him "I give up girl! I'm cold!" even though it was meanly a binding spell giving up seemed like the best choice given none of the five plans crafted would even come close to working out.


{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:52 am


Lumikki pulled back her restraints. All her magic was waning as she heeded his request to cease. ” Kukuku, if that is what ye wish lad.”. She was coming back into view, her glowing eyes procedding the rest of her form.

Lumikki let herself drop to the ground as the chill in the air was fading as well. All the cool that lingered was of this land alone.

Teveni would also come closer, landing fight beside her master. There was no particular expression on her face but one could sense that she was pleased. Lumikki offered the man sweets and treats for his time, though he would not care much for her over all. This would not bother her much, she was. Demon by nature now. it would be expected that her company did not always care for her.

So she went back to the spot where she sat when this had all started. Asger would return to wrap around her as she plucked the notes of her harp.

Curtain Call

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#12Azure Fenic 

Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:22 am

Azure Fenic

It became rather clear that Lumi had wanted to force them to use up all their mana but recklessly spending mana was the old enexperianced Azure that wanted to take their targets down no matter what. It seemed as though she had agreed to his surrender as the bindings had started to become undone though not as fast as they would have liked.

"Your really need to work on your, well everything." the informant adjusted their jacket and let out a small sigh once again as they settled down from nearly throwing a fit as the last thing he needed was for RK to be summoned and just create a mess of everything. Knowing that his skills still need some much needed fine tuning this would have to serve as a yet another leason to look back on and learn from after all this more than likely would not be the last time they did this song and dance.

Not wanting to really wast anymore time in a place that was ill suite for someone of their calibuer called their mount to finally get back to the guild, part of him was rather unsatisfied by the turn of events but it was clear from the first few moves just who would win. Azure quickly pulled out thier note book and jotted down what was gained from this trail battle for a lack of a better term. "Thank you for the information by the way Lumikki I'll be sure to put it to good use." Even though he promised to never sell info on his guildmates the money that could come in from it still made it a rather tempting option.

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure the mysterious meets the Raven of Shadows Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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