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IV Plumage for the Little Raven

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IV Plumage for the Little Raven Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:46 pm


IV Plumage for the Little Raven Img_6111  


Name: Plumage for the Little Raven

Slot: Armor

Type: Robe


Weight: Light

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Durability: 2x S rank



A long black dress with white, red, and gold accents as well as a long slit on the left side. Golden tipped feathers were woven into the outer trim that gives way to the gap that reveals her left leg.
It was an old traditional dress used by Lumikki’s mother’s raven demi-human side of the family. Used by the women of the clan as they worked. Lumikki’s mother, a seamstress herself, adjusted the dress and added some flourishes that she thought would suit her daughter well as she wanted Lumikki to make it her own.


Requirements: Descendant of the Omena

  • +40 int

  • None


    Petty Corvid: You only debuff enemies with AoE debuff. This may only be applied to staff or armor customs.
    Walking with the Ancients: You receive an additional 20% experience when completing quests.
    Boundless Winter: You receive the Pocket-Dimension effect from this item and it may not be modified.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Light Armor (Robe)
  • Focused Debuff (tier 3 15pts)
  • Bonus Quest Experience Reward(tier 4 20pts)
  • Pocket Dimension (tier 2 10pts)

Total points Acquired:45
Total Points Spent:45

IV Plumage for the Little Raven Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

IV Plumage for the Little Raven Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:47 pm


I'm claiming this custom

IV Plumage for the Little Raven Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

IV Plumage for the Little Raven Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:06 pm


Lumikki has claimed this custom, next time please include a link to the forge approval.

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