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Sabotaging the Infrastructure

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#1Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:05 pm

Michael Winters
So like he heard there was a job and he took it. It was a bit of like highly sensitive topic. He hasnt ever been in Talaz Lagaar so he didnt know what to expect. From what he heard robots be weird and bad. And he was there to make sure there was no robot uprising. There are some other factions like separatists and third movement which were like hippies. So the most logical sense would be to be with Loyalists. Like fuck robots. He already has to deal with magic. The last thing he needs is sci fucking fi.

Not on his watch. The most advanced technological thing a robot can be is a toaster or a fridge. Anywho, his loyalist job was to protect the infrastructure. So he'd do that. Though he wasnt sure who was to be his guard duty boss. He has arrived a bit early. Hopefully not a weirdo. This place has him on edge. Probably because everyone is so politically divided and it made him scared that people he knew would not be aligned with his mentality. But he could never understand, why would someone defend robots. They're things, they're not alive. They're just appliances with make believe emotions. Anything else is just living people having actual empathy and emotions that convince them that robots are alive. Like, give googly eyes to a sock, stick it in your hand and it'll suddenly be kawaii cute that entertains children.

Robots can be fixed and reprogrammed to behave any way you want. Intellectual, rude, aggressive, slutty even. They're toys, high tech and expensive toys. People liking those things are sick. Theres a sickness in people. This place in his mind shouldnt exist. If he could choose, he'd wipe every robot that exists. He sighed from the frustration



Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:46 pm


Things would change since Lumikki was here last. A flock of ravens would join her as she found her way back to the Fabricator. Some flew ahead of the flock so they would come back with news for as to what she could expect. A raven of hers by the name of Trygve was but one of them. He came darting back to her before the others, hoping to get his say in it first.

"There as decent turn out in watchers my Lumi. I just regretfully have to also report that Michael is among them. May he not mess you up. I still wince from what you told me happened the last time"

"Whose Michael? Is he a dunce? But then again, Trygve cries over everything. Best not to take that bird seriously...Lumi dear, whose Michael?" Lonu, a new raven to join Lumikki on her exploits would ask her. He would take her left as Trygve had her right side.

"He's just a friend of mine that I met just before ye. We get to hang out from time to time but I never thought I'd get to work with him. Hel I never considered that he'd be taking this side. Wonder what got him stationed here and now of all times?"

"Maybe his guild was trying to get rid of him....Speaking of, can you believe it Lonu, he was invited to our flock by my Lumi but he hasn't earned or given her anything in return! Absurd is it not?"

Lumikki slapped him with her wing and Lonu chuckled in agreement. He hoped to rub off more on the little Daemon. The flock were nearly there now, but Lumikki could already see the wall where most were stationed clearly. She moved her eyes through all atop the wall until they fell on the werewolf she was looking for.

She wasn't particularly happy to be back here. The last time she watched the Fabricator, she was successful in spotting a group attempting to enter. It was just she also underestimated them and nearly lost her life for it. She was able to take them all out, but that last one that was the most dangerous at the time. Thing went biolistic when she killed the men that accompanied it. It's limbs forming weapons and guns that shot for her.

She would find herself waking from the hospital days later, pained but alive. If she did have a choice. She wouldn't be back so soon. Yet she found herself here out of loyalty. She told the Angel she would help and so here she was, flying back to hard the forte. Not many could do the work just like her. The small raven form made her hard to spot in the night, her feathers melting into the darkness. He mask made her silent. Her eyes let her see all there was to see from far enough away to do something about it. And now, she even had a flock to add to her sight and her intel. This was the kind of work she built herself for. The kind she found she enjoyed.

It was during the Joyan war that she learned this. When she scouted for her people, when she killed within the shadows. It would be this that she found she would prefer to do the most.

And now, she'll even have Úlfr to keep her company. She zoomed in the sky.

She found her way to him. He flock perching just around as she herself went for his should.

"Didn't expect ye Úlfr. Will I finally be seeing ye in action? Trygve insists ye don't belong in the flock so it would be nice if ye could bring him peace. Still....I'd be lying if I didn't add I'm curious as ta how ye manage this kinda work. What would ye say yer specialty is anyhow?"


#3Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:56 am

Michael Winters
As he was guarding the place he was surprised to see that his partner for this task was actually someone he was cool with
"Oh Lumi! Fancy seeing you here. I half expected to be bored with some boring bozo. You being here will make things much more fun" Michael happily exclaimed as he greeted his friend

He listened to her and heard that one of her birds thought he didnt belong to the flock. Michael shrugged "Eh, not the first time someone thought I didnt belong to a flock" he said playing it off cool

"I like your bird friends. Shame they dont feel the same. But as for work stuff well. All I can say is that its not as impressive as your magic~" between knife and demonic ice magic, it was demonic ice magic that was cooler and more powerful. Pun semi intended

"Anywho I guess we're just here to protect this place. I hope you dont mind some blood. I know not everyone is keen on bloodshed. I personally like it a lot. So its like a rare time I get to finally have fun for once!" yeah he never got to do a quest where he can kill, so this was a very welcomed sight where he can be as sadistic and bloodthirsty as he wants. After all, these were robot supporters. Fuck em.

Although he knew there was no telling if there was gonna be anything exciting. For all he knows they might have a calm and quiet shift. Though he wonders, would robots attack. He never fought robots. He doubts he can smell machines too. People yes, but not so much on machines. All in all, he was curious what this would entail. He was happy Lumikki was here. It made things much more easier mentally on him



Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:06 pm


"Huh, they love ye. Only Lawn Fruit whines...." One of the ravens nearby looked mortified as you would see him quickly turn to face them. Flapping his wings in a frantic gesture for having his cover blown, but not only that, but that she called him by that name. He laid bare of the floor with his wings spread. The life out of him gone.

Another raven on the other hand would come to sit on Michael's other shoulder. "So this is the lad you have fondness for, huh lil Miss. Tell him, I greet him. Anyone Trygve dislikes is probably just cares for you more than the hatchling would like." Trygve sunk deeper.

"That there is Lonu of the Woodsea, says hi and that he likes ye. He agrees that Lawn fruit is too much at times.

Lumikki very much wanted to show off all her specials and secrets to the wolf, it was just that takes away from what she does. She was fine in terms of keeping it all to herself, but even she likes to get praise for her work. Still it would just be for the best to feign humbleness and a different skill set. No one usually likes a show off. A simple frost dark mage supporting the battle might do fine.

"Some blood? I'm a raven Daemon with the capacity for carnage. Blood usually is ta be expected. I say usually because I prefer making me foe freeze till they shatter, or go for the throat till they can't speak nor breath. Bloods fine but messy, screams get annoying when drawn out. But good company makes everything fun."

She nuzzled the man gleefully and shifted to take on the missing. Hopping of his should to become a woman once more. "I need ya to circle the walls and come back if ye spot something. Most of her ravens flew off at once to comply with her. Even Trygve and Lonu making their leave. Trygve to make himself useful and recover, and Lonu to observe this new world.

The perimeter to the wall was well lit. Honestly Lumikki had never seen so much light all in once place before normally. Though she didn't care for it, she saw quite fine. It did make it easier for her birds to be of use without her having to circle the perimeter constantly thought like last time. The only drawback was that they couldn't see as far out as she could, but many would fly to the edges of veiw and scan below. Ravens don't usually draw attention, she they would go mostly unnoticed, especially blending into the night.

Lumikki looked out the distance. Focusing her gaze and looking out with her keen sight. The robots were a tricky sort. They had many tools. She would have to be mindful if she wanted to be sure nothing was overlooked.

"What do ya feel about this quest anyways? I feel for 'em when I think they aren't anymore accepted than we are. But I don't know enough about 'em to know for sure and I am loyal to me guild all the same. The Heartless Angel choose this side, so I'm inclined to support. A matter like this is beyond me, though I agree it should stay here. Don't want it reaching the North."


#5Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:40 pm

Michael Winters
He smiled widely when he heard the name he gave one of her ravens. He had a hard time knowing who was who before. And Trygve was hard to pronounce for him. Its an icebergish name or sounding name. His was much more simple minded, but he meant no harm to the bird.
Michael noticed the birds and picked up Trygve and nuzzled him cheek to cheek "Aww dont be that way Lawn Fruit. I know Im not best with names but I love you dead serious still. Have a lil humour in you. You can call me something stupid too if you want" he lightly poked the ravens beak and then helped the bird and sat him on his head since he noticed both shoulders be taken.

He laughed "So many birds. I feel like a statue!", Michael then looked at Lumi as she introduced Lonu for him. The wolf would slowly reach for the bird to try and 'shake hands' or at least touch its wing "Nice to meet'cha Lonu. I'm Michael of Caelum and I like ye too." he figured since Lonu was introduced with their birthplace or home, he might as well do the same.

As they spoke of work, Michael hoped she didnt mind his brand of carnage, but he was all the happier to hear she can handle it "Oh I love your deadliness." ok that was hot. Seeing someone openly talk about how they can kill someone was hot.

Lumi nuzzled him and he nuzzled her back gleefully all to happy to be with her. Tho eventually she had to transform back to her human form, so she jumped off her shoulder. Soon she'd send over her birds to patrol the area. He'd curiously look at the flock as they'd spring into action to explore and make sure all is safe.

He meanwhile used his nose to sniff if there was anyone unfamiliar. But so far he only smelled Lumikki and her birdy companions. His gaze would turn to Lumikki when she asked him where does he stand in this matter
"The robots? If you're asking me about them, I dont feel bad about them cuz they're just machines. Machines designed to look human like and act human like. People forget that AI stands for artificial intelligence. Emphasis on Artificial. Robots can be hacked and controlled like puppets on strings. They dont have emotions, they can pretend they do,but they dont. They can be programmed to behave in any way you want them to. They have no heart and no soul. They have no flesh. A robot losing its arm is not the same as if you lost yours. Theirs can be reattached and fixed. Yours would be a prostethic, a fake. Their personality can be copy and pasted and mass produced. I know Yuurei told me something about a robot attacking a child. And honestly, anyone supporting a 'baby'" air quotes on baby "robot over a child of flesh and blood is an idiot. You cant revive a dead kid. Necromancy dont count. Cuz its undead and not alive. Robots well... I said it. If you ask me, the most sentient a robot can be is if its sole purpose is to make toast" he said with a shrug

He just didnt like anything about robots, they're artificial, they're cold, fake, heartless. They're the antithesis of life. They're a mockery of mother nature and of life and years of evolution that has led them to here. He'd roll in his grave if there were more robots than there were werewolves. He had a sheer disdain for robots and could've gone on for hours why he doesnt like em and why supporting them is wrong. But he figured he'd spare Lumikki an hours of rant



Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:52 pm


She froze a chair for herself when Michael began to tell her his thoughts. He know more than she had, and for that she would following on intently. Keeping her eyes peeled for anything approaching.

"Then ye know way more than I. I'm from further North in Iceberg. In a city called Fjallgard, a city full of Dwarve keen in the only ways and traditions. So much of this is quite new to me. I can't say I have much of a stand like ye do, and part of me doesn't really care to look into it more. We'd have to destroy 'em all the same."

Lumikki could hear loud "Croaking in the distance. It would seem her ravens have seen something. When he got closer he became more clear, many more ravens joined in to hear it for themselves too.

"The light in the east have been flickering for a bit now, and now they are dying out. We can't see further in anymore Lumikki!"

She sucked her teeth in annoyance. They were truly starting early it would seem. "I'm sure ye run fast even as a man, aye?" The dark quickly forming her wings. She went to the edge and dove off head first. Creating a slide of ice as she descended. She didn't know how he would of preferred to get down, but she figured this would allow him to come down even quicker.

She watched out for him and began to go forward again to the east when he was close again. Looking far ahead. Soon enough she could make out a bulking machine on many shifting legs. It looked like six men would accompany it and three mor machines would stand guard. From what Lumikki could guess, it was the big one that was tampering with the lights but if they suffer to let it go one because it could also open the doors, she couldn't be bothered to not leave it alone. The men from what she could spot wore googles, probably to see within the dark. She herself never seen those kind of items, but she was force to read up on some of the technology used in breaching to strengthen her role as watcher.

She pulled veils from the darkness, tossing one over Michael as she flew. Then she rose up in the sky so she could prepare the field.

The men were armed with guns, the robots had nothing in hand but Lumikki would know their limbs would shift to weapons all the same. She also knew how annoying killing robots would be, breaking their heads usually the only think stopping their moment.

Lumi would usually throw down her attack that would strike fields, but she couldn't risk her wolve being hit. She needed the space the let him work. So she chilled the field to slow and weaken the men first instead. Cracking her knuckles and pointing to the biggest machine. A magic circle flashed before a bolt of black frost that looked like lighting struck. It slowed the machine, but it still moved. The party looked up but they could make her out through the veil of darkness. She opted then to clasp the air instead, Four black talons came down to pin the machines, giving Michael ample time to deal with the men below before she descended back down herself to chime in.


#7Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 5:13 am

Michael Winters
She made herself an ice chair as he spoke to her, when she thought he was more knowledgable, he shook his head. "Nah. I just know there are loyalists, hippies and robo supporters. Im just on the side thats anti robots cuz fuck machines." he listened to her home place and he nodded
"I'm from Caelum originally, but my family moved to Magnolia when I was lil. But yeah, not much to it. You give me too much credit birdie"

Soon one of her bird friends came and all Michael heard was frantic caw caw cawing. "I see" he'd say in a serious voice, pretending he understood the bird

Lumi meanwhile who knew what was said looked annoyed at the news. Thats when she turned attention to him and questioned his speed. Michael nodded.  Her wings formed and she went ahead and created a slide. Michael who followed her and was close behind went down that icy slide.
The slide made him pick up speed, which almost made him trip, but he adjusted to the speed

Soon he saw a bulking machine on many shifting legs. It looked like six men are there and three more machines would stand guard. The big one was clearly doing the heavy lifting and messing with the power. Lumikki pulled veils from the darkness, tossing one over Michael as she flew. He wasnt quite sure what to do with this, but he'll just use it in the same manner she did.

The men were armed with guns, the robots would soon have gun hands. As she was dealing with robots, he's partially transform to be stronger and faster. He'd draw his knife and attack the men. Stabbing them and even biting and ripping at their throat



Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:17 pm


Lumikki glanced at Michael on the attack and blushed, enjoying his savagery at the moment before turning back her attention. She would leave the men to him so he would have something more to enjoy killing. The robots were satisfying in that they were strong, so killing them gave you a fulfillment, yet that was nothing compared to the sensation of severing flesh and spilling your enemies all over the floor. A werewolf she figured needed to have something satisfying enough to sink her teeth into.

She looked back over at the robots, they were using their strength to break her talons. Her ice was beginning to crack. One of the robots that was mostly still began to look right at her, she couldn't how at first but she was guessing they switched her sight. Perhaps now picking up her heat signature instead.

This could not last much longer than need be, she couldn't let Michael get the thrashing she had before from the last time when she underestimated them. No, this ends now.

She iced herself over completely on the inside, ready to unleash her power.

Lumikki locked in on all of them with her keen eyes. Pulling herself back so that she flew higher in the air. She pulled her arm up just behind her head. Multiple lavender circles flashing in the sky as man dark frost weapons formed. All perfect black replicas of weapons used by great heroes of myths and stories. One could even make out the axes in which Brone would wield and the spears of the Heartless Angel. Even now a new one would form just beside her of a dagger she just made out in the one in Michael's hand.

All the weapons would fall to the ground and dart through the air. All finding their target as the Daemon willed it so with her eyes. The machines took a massive amount of damage, the big one in particular falling apart. Just one of the three remained from the onslaught as it freed itself enough to protect its head. It would still see where the Daemon was though.


#9Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:16 am

Michael Winters
Michael enjoyed the carnage and savagery he took part in. It was wonderful, blissful. It was heaven. There were only a few of them left. Michael swings at their his, missing. He though easily recovered from the attack and stabbed the arm in which the victim tried to block the attack. The guy lightly pushes away Michael and tries to crawl away. But the weak ass push didnt do anything significant to the wolf. So Michael then stabs him in the heel, sadistically smiling and pulls the guy back before stabbing them in the chest and digging the blade down to the stomach and then pulling it down across the chest, carving them.

As much as he enjoyed carving and feasting on human flesh, he actually wanted to leave the last one for Lumikki, so for the last one, he merely just like broke the guys legs so there would not be any running. So he dragged the last one over to Lumikki as he munched on a severed hand. From another previous victim of his carnage. Safe to say, Michael was very messy and bloody. Coming out as if from a bloodbath. But he certainly needed this after he repressed the violent urges so much. Of course it was messy and grotesque

Michael then, as he went to Lumikki, got greeted then to a magnificent sight. Her magic, her spell. It was impressive as much as it was beautiful. He enjoyed watching her deal with the enemy as he as he munched on the hand, cleaning the meat to the bone.

He saw though that robotic foe remained from her side of the fight, so he thought of the most sensible thing
"Hey boo. Wanna do swapsies?" he asked as he tossed an enemy human.
"Take your time carving with him. Imma deal with one final bot" he said as he sheathed his blade and cracked his knuckles. Ready to take out the robot



Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 4:05 pm


Lumikki would often look to him with her sweetest and most loving of smile. Yet this time she really let her Daemon show. Her smile still looked like that of an angel, but it was slathered in her dark intentions. And her smile turned into a smirk that would expose her fangs.

”Ye really are sweet ya know, I was gonna leave them all for ye. Figured I’d let ye have yer fill But I’ll be sure ta kill this one nice and slow.” She descended back down toward her target. Flicking her hand up so that a frost talon would raise him back up for her. ”I’m not one for the screaming or spilling of blood. But I wouldn’t mind it doing it when I’m with ya Ùlfr~ Aaaah but the sensation of snuffing out another light, I always enjoy. Back to the Primordial frost to ya.”

She flew up to the final man placing her hand on his throat, her frost crept and muffled his sounds. Her darkness formed her talons as she dragged them his neck down. The claw of em piercing his flesh as his blood would pour out. She healed him before the damage would take his full toll. Toying around with how long she could keep him alive. She played around with his fingers and limbs, freezing them before snapping them off. But when she finally got bored she flew back and landed on the floor as she allowed the body to fall. Creating massive ice shards where he’d drop. The man was impaled, bleeding out what little left of him there was.

She wasn’t usually this cruel though she alway was carnal. But the wolf brought out her more feral aspects and she felt so good for it. She wondered if being with him could make her a monster in time, but even if it did…she knew she would savor every bit of it all the same. She would touch the corpse and let it freeze over, sending down a massive frost talon to shatter him in the wind.

He was too much of a cold meal for Ùlfr to enjoy.

Meal she thought while blushing….Normal people would be moved by him feasting on them but to her she found it cute. She found she want him to feast even more. She looked back over to the wolf at work, enjoying to see this side of his at last.

#11Michael Winters 

Sabotaging the Infrastructure Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 1:19 am

Michael Winters
The two swapped their foes as Michael wanted to have a crack at least at one robot. Meanwhile, Lumikki could tackle a human. The two happily dealt with their own two enemies. Michael would rip the robot using his brute force and sheer strength to tear those nuts and bolts assunder. He hated robots and it brought him joy to put one in its rightful place. The dumpster. The junkyard. The recycling bin. Thats where robots go where they die. There is no soul and no grave for them. So they could not be equated to a human life or any life at that matter. They were a blight on society. And Michael got to take his frustrations on one of these robots. Meanwhile Lumikki would have her own delightful time dealing with their last foe.
With Michael finishing just on time to see the finisher. He'd widely smile to her. Openly showing her his sharp teeth that he usually hides. The two met their eyes and Michael spoke
"Looks like we did a job well done"


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