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Light and Darkness

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#1Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:26 pm

Game Master
Light and Darkness __scaramouche_genshin_impact_drawn_by_ncheng11good__sample-e5164be454910a026deb59667ceabb18

Raijin's Puppet

Laughter could be heard as he witnessed true calamity. Death was being thrown around like it was nothing. These people were nothing to him as he saw humanity as a waste of time. These people fought for people like him, the Shogun and that mutt, Meinu. The lords were event trash compared to him. Even if he was lower in status than the Shogun and Meinu, he hated them just as much as any other, but he was forced into this. He was a creation that was forced into reality. His purple eyes shimmered like lightening stones as they watched people try to get closer to the temple. Maybe he'll have some fun as he was here by force. Originally, he only came here to spy on the Shogun by the order of Raijin, but somehow the Shogun and Meinu began to control him and now here he was, fighting for them.

All he wanted was acceptance, to understand human emotion and now he wants to kill it. How did it get this far? He doesn't remember, but the smell of rotten flesh was getting stronger. His cold yet sinister gaze did not leave as he prepared his weapon for a battle. Why wasn't Raijin here to help, to save, to embrace? Lightening started to strike the ground as a summoning circle formed behind him. Two large mechanical hands that were two meters came out of it. Strings were attached to him and the hands, but where did those end? Who was controlling them? It was obvious... wasn't it? Anyone who dared to be at least five meters from him will feel heavy with fear as one could tell he was being bound like a dog. He was only able to reveal a small portion of their power. "These fools will feel pain, as my pain will give mercy compared to what I have felt...", he coldly spoke.


  • Anyone who has not participated or joined in a Boss battle may join this. Up to four, at least three.
  • The Boss is not subject to posting times, they can and will be posting slower then other individuals as a consequence, members are warned ahead of time.
  • You may not attack on the first post.
  • Post timer is 48hrs, if more is needed. Please let me know. I will take specific reasons, but must be before the 48hrs hits.
  • Though they are not subject to post timers, participants remain impacted by post times and they should be aware of their responsibilities to post in the event topic.
  • Game Master is Always correct.


  • This battle is a dice rolling battle where the dice rolls will determine rather you hit or miss. Low being a miss, high being a hit using 20 dice as the determine factor. Everyone's Con is still used as their health factor as well as their strength.
  • You may only do one attack/heal/defense action and one movement action. Same for the NPC. Companions get their own actions, but must be done in the same post.
  • The Boss of the battle will roll each round to see if they hit and you roll if you hit or miss if it's an attack action.
  • This is all for fun, please don't get angry or mad as in the end, rewards go out depending on different factors.

<---- Theme Music

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:48 am

Brone Heavyaxe
The war raged on, the sound of battle echoed throughout Joya. Many brave samurai and mercenaries fought bravely, many were slain, but Brone had to push on, for their sake, for Joya's sake. As hardy as the dwarf was, his fury raged on to the point he lost his composure, allowing another to slip past the mental barrier.

Ranulf Althaus was back in the world of the living, though he wasn't sure where he was, the sound of battle stirred his blood. From what he could tell, he was in the middle of some kind of intense battleground and other people were fighting along side him. His own experience told him he must have taken up another job as a mercenary. The body of Ranulf was long gone, but his mind still existed, forming a reality that he was use to.

"You're my client?" Brone' voice was gruff with a bad west Fiore accent. Gnicholas the gnome immediately understood that one of the personalities within Brone's mind must have taken over; a terrible time for this to happen, but it couldn't be helped, so he was quick to follow up and play along.

"Indeed, I've contracted you to assist us in winning this war; you agreed to take a good portion of the Shogun's spoils at the end" Gnicholas' lie won the merc's rowdy laugh, but someone else's laughter cut him off and drew him to that location.

Soon enough, Brone, with Gnicholas on his shoulder, came into view of a young man; lightning struck the floor in different areas. Brone scoffed as he viewed the two large hands summoned through the magical circles, "Boy, it's a pain hearing you complain" he said as he drew forth his black axe, Dhuraindarin in his main right hand and Spellcleaver in his main left hand. Gnicholas braced himself, worried about how dangerous this general was.


Brone’s Spread:

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Light and Darkness Empty Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:01 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge had permission to go out into this war; when he was told he was allowed to kill Toge became excited and aroused. This was what he lived for, and he couldn’t help it. The blood coming out of the people he slashed was too much for him to handle. Their screams and knowing that were in pain brought him to a state of ecstasy that he could only wish to be in forever.

The man wasn’t alone, his companions were with him, and they were all waiting to help out in any way they could help. Lector, Luci, and Boo were next to him. There was a certain temple around the area; for some reason, Toge felt like he had to go there. There must have been someone there that could fill his thirst for blood. He wasn’t sure, but he would head over there.

When he got there, he would see that he wasn’t alone; it would seem like another Paradise Dawn member had gotten here before him. He had a smirk on his face as he knew it was the powerful dwarf that so many people feared. It was also the man he had lost a long time ago.

He would walk over to him with his scythe in his hand and his armor already equipped. His eyes shifted to the other man, and he could see the danger that come from him. He could see that he was strong and those extra mechanical arms on his back meant danger.

“We get to fight a dangerous person? What do you say we enjoy our time together?” He asked the man as he had a smile on his face as he bared his fangs.

Boo would shake his head as he would position himself to fight.

“It does not matter who is fighting us, they will perish.” He simply put.

“Should me and Lector fight as well, or should we just stay out of it?” He asked Toge.

“Do what you want, but don’t get in my way.” He said to Luci.

Luci heard him as if he would smoke his cigarette. Lector would crack his neck, but he knew he wasn’t going to be fighting or maybe he could, he wasn’t too sure but didn’t say anything.


Companions are Luci, Boo, and Lector on my profile




Light and Darkness Empty Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:26 am


212 ◈ Full Mana ◈ Used: Has all items on

Her eyes were glistening with purple as the lightening that struck the earth was beautiful and strong. Clouds swirled about and she wondered if it was the Shogun's power or one of the people that were awaiting before her. She huffed herself upstairs as she nervously watched her surroundings. Karisa had her items on her and she could hear a voice speak to her yet it was deafened by war. She felt alone in this since the upcoming people were people she did not know nor did they know her. The blossomed and voluptuous woman finally caught up to the people. Her bright eyes looked at the young man who stood there with a broody yet smug expression. He had a purple-like large hat and Joyan attire.

People had companions, yet here she was alone, but that was alright. She bit her lower lip as she took out her staff and held it close in-between her large chest nervously. "A-alright, I shall do what I can to help!", she announced in her soft and nervous tone. Even though she was shy, nervous and anxious, Karisa was quite determined to be useful. The boy was kind of cute though. Which one? Uh, she was going to let people think what they want.

Light and Darkness Sigme10

Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:07 am

A nervous masked faced gazed at the field and building bodies as the wicked laughter echoed. The war of Joya ravished the land. Mages, adventures, samurai, and mercenary all falling at one point or another.

Jumping into the fray with only his hands and fist. Da'ncha'see'i picked up the downer spear of a fallen warrior before the source of laughter came into view. A fiend indeed with mechanical giant hands at his side.

A chillful cough came through his mask as he entered the area the last of the opposition to the lightning being. Ralt was on his shoulder and clung to him. Not partaking in the battles he had to do so far to get here. Blood from fighting was present on his body but lives taken as he had chosen not to. The lightening struck, giving a moment of blackness as he positioned himself alongside the steady growing group.

Some famed names and some unknown. Some with a hit of mixed reputation, soft murmers of infamity. All un all he had reservations against fighting alongside such villains and trouble makers. But the people of Joya needed help and he would do as much as his weak body could give.

"Ah...room for one more?'.


Gear and stuff:

Race perks:



#6Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:17 pm

Game Master
Fools, all of them are fools in the end as they will just perish like any other. Even if he lost today, he will never die due to his curse of living forever. His head could be gone, but he'd still be here. He was just a puppet and his soul never will die. He looked at his hand that he wondered what it'd feel like if it was just like a living being's hand. His pretty boy face gazed at them and glared when the dwarf decided to speak. "Tsk..." he clicked his tongue while his hand formed into a cup. His mouth was already annoying and more started to arrive. Two more men and a woman who seemed nervous. It made him want to laugh. How pathetic, "Why battle if you aren't going to be confident in your capabilities?", he spoke towards the woman who held her staff close.

The storm was becoming intense as it circled into tornado-like form, when him in the center. He didn't want to waste his time, even if he had all the time in the world. Screw Raijin, screw the Shogun and screw these people. He hated everyone and thing as they will only feel pain. No matter which way this goes, he'll be set free, right? As the lightening formed, he sent it forth towards the target to electrocute them, holding them into place. His eyes looked at the one with three companions and chuckled, how pathetic does one have to be to need three companions? Perhaps he'll take care of that afterwards.

Summary: He sent out a ball of electricity to land on the ground. If it hits you, you'll receive S rank damage. This does x3 S towards armor.

The order of the numbers is order of posting. Dice are 20 dice.


Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:17 pm

The member 'Game Master' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 2


#2 'Dice 20' : 7


#3 'Dice 20' : 2


#4 'Dice 20' : 15

#8Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:21 pm

Game Master
It missed Brone and Karisa.
Toge and his companions take B rank damage.
Da'ncha takes 1S rank.

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:53 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge was waiting for something to happen and it would; the man was not happy with the people that came to face him, which was fine as he didn’t care. The thick woman that had shown up was distracting to any normal person, but all Toge could think about was how she sounded when she bled. He would shake his head as he didn’t have time to be trying to harm his partners in this fight. The last person to show up was a man whose face was covered and it would seem like he was excited to be here.

His eyes shifted back to the man they were going to fight and disappointment on who arrived would soon turn into an attack from him. His eyes widen as he jumped out of the way, but not enough to be able to fully avoid the attack. His companions would do the same as they also met the same fate. He would be grazed by the attack, harming the armor he wore.

He grunted from the pain, but his face had a huge smile. He was breathing rapidly as he was excited.

“Such pain, I want more, give me more! But First I want to see how if you can bleed.” He said as he would run to the puppet and when he would be close to the boy he would swing his scythe onto the man’s chest.

Boo wouldn’t attack as he noticed that one of the people who was hurt had been hurt badly. He would shake his head as he wouldn’t heal them but gave them and everyone that was fighting against this man a psychic barrier. A magic circle would appear below him and then soon after another magic circle would appear on each of the people fighting against the puppet for protection.

Luci and Lector didn’t want any part of this, but when they got hurt it pissed them off so they decided to go on an attack and would scratch at the puppet’s face when they got close to him.


Companions are Luci, Boo, and Lector on my profile

Combat Log:




Light and Darkness Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:53 pm

The member 'Toge Liso' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 17


#2 'Dice 20' : 3


#3 'Dice 20' : 8

#11Brone Heavyaxe 

Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:39 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone acknowledged the newcomers. He didn't recognize any of them, even though one of them seem to notice him, but he assumed they were all hired by the same client. He scoffed, too confident in his ability to need any help, but free meat shields were always welcome. Then he did a double-take as he examined the woman who had arrived. "Hey there, do you have a squad leader?" he gave her a wink.

Gnicholas groaned in annoyance. He wished somehow he could snap Brone out of it and bring back his true personality to the surface. The dwarf wouldn't gawk at women, especially in the middle of a war when many lives were at stake. "Better pay attention" the gnome warned. Brone looked back to the enemy and noticed Raijin was acting.

The purple haired young man had surged and sent forth a concentrated blast of electricity towards them. Brone managed to dodge out of the way in time. The electrical blast missed him entirely. Gnicholas had rolled a few feet from the dwarf. A magical circle appeared before the gnome as darkness quickly gathered at a single point, creating a black arrow that was then shot forward towards Raijin.

Brone, though confident in his own ability, didn't want to getting to close to the electrical exposed wire of a man, chose to go with a range move while he waited for the man with the scythe to attack in melee combat. The dwarf's two extra arms revealed themselves from beneath his waist sash, both drawing forth two spears. He then throws the golden spear which then darts forward like a bullet at Raijin.

Slipping out from behind Brone, the shield and sword that was slung on his back had awoken and chose to take part in the fight. The sword pointed at the enemy and a beam of purple energy shot forward towards him as well.

"Woah! I got a pretty sick arsenal!" Brone laughed as he witnessed the moving sword and shield. Benimaru, the oni spirit that possessed the shield and sword sighed in annoyance, knowing well by the accent that Brone's personality must have switched.

Battle Log:
Spells Used:
Brone’s Spread:


Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:39 am

The member 'Brone Heavyaxe' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 15


#2 'Dice 20' : 10


#3 'Dice 20' : 13


Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:13 pm


212 ◈ Full Mana ◈ Used: Has all items on

Her eyes wandered at the men who gazed at her. They made her want to run away, her heart started to race at the thought of them getting closer and not in a good way. She feared men and people who gazed at her in such ways. The boy, the enemy in this case, was speaking towards her about confidence. She wondered about that herself but knew that people needed help so she had enough to obviously be here. With that being said, she used her staff to let it glow a pretty color of earthly colors. She pointed her staff towards the guy and shot a 2x2 shooting star at the guy. Hopefully, it hits as she wanted to do what she could. The brown-haired woman was not super prepared for this battle like the others. The star she made was bright, pretty and wait, squad leader? "Uh, my guild master, Alisa is technically my leader?" she answered confused by the question. She's not use to flirting or anything of the sort. So it went over her head.

[Used Comet to do A rank damage, but became S due to her eye]

Light and Darkness Sigme10

Light and Darkness Empty Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:00 am

The group assembled was really a diverse unexpected bunch. But such was the world that they lived in, and the conditions of the battle that they found themselves in. The  storm ravaging the sky as lightning bounced and rocketed out. Splicing the ground as it thundered out. The tornado like wind.

In a surprised gasp, Da'ncha'see'i an Ralts witnessed the attack coming. Both moving to try and run away. Ralts efforts successful but not their master. The silver grey haired man's body over. Disappearing in a glow of lightening, crumbling away into the ground. Smashing into the air and a nearby number of statues. Ralts, the companion standing shocked and trembling from the whole experience witnessed and felt on a deeper mental emotional level.


#15Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:45 pm

Game Master
He snarled due to the annoyance of this group. One was blood thirsty to the point of no return. The other was a dwarf that seemed to be a little too carefree yet battle ready with their companion on their tail. The other two were unknown besides the girl being unconfident. His lightening didn't strike anyone besides the one with the silver hair. It immediately took them down. "Hmph, pathetic..." he muttered with his arms crossed. His eyes of violets looked at them as they were now going for him. The man out for blood went for him first. Sliced a little of his armor, but not enough to destroy it. He stood there doing nothing as if he was not scared of anything that they were about to do. The dwarf's attempt to harm him faltered as well as he seemed to be majorly resistant to darkness. "Is that all you have?", he had a manic laugh as he put his hand against his forehead. He started to float off the ground for 15 meters off the ground and used his turn to do so. Electrical currents that were encased with darkness could be seen. "Humans... so fragile and weak..." he muttered and looked down at them with electrifying eyes.

#16Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:53 pm

Game Master
Summary Round 1:

Dan is now asleep through the rest of the battle.

Toge landed a hit of 3A rank melee damage.

Brone Hits for 1B rank, as you'll realize Darkness and that spell barely affected them.

Damage done by the girl will be done on their next turn

He is now flying 15 meters from the ground.

#17Brone Heavyaxe 

Light and Darkness Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:10 am

Brone Heavyaxe
The electrical blast had knocked out one of the fighters, but Brone cared not for that lackey, it only meant that there'll be a bigger reward for him to take. What was more of his concern was that his own attack and the attack of his direct allies made little connection. The golden spear he had tossed had magically bounced back into his hand.

"Seems like he's resistant to dark magic" The gnome mentioned as he hid behind the dwarf's leg.

"I guess we're switching our fighting style" Brone cockily said as he tightened his grip on his black axe, Dhuraindarin. Suddenly, Raijin floated into the air, trying to keep out of melee range. For a moment the dwarf was irritated, he wondered if he would have to use his golden spear again. But then his white cloak flapped, causing him to fly into the air, darting straight to Raijin, Brone laughed, amazed by the equipment he was had possessed, "Oh yeah! Time to bleed, kid!" he laughed at Raijin as he readied his black axe.

Gnicholas was surprised by the demeanor of Brone, for the dwarf was always hesitant, even fearful to fly, but he remembered this wasn't truly Brone, but another personality deep within his mind. He sighed with relief that there was some benefit to this terrible split personality situation. As for the gnome, he clapped his hands together and focused his magical energy, a magical circle would appear beneath the gnome as he focused his sight on Raijin. Magical darkness quickly engulfed the area where Raijin floated, creating a globe of darkness, intending to blind him.

Brone had no fear of this sudden ball of darkness, figuring it was the enemy's way of hiding, so he flew right into the ball, smiling the entire time since the darkness wasn't strong enough, as far as he believed, but what Brone didn't know was that his dwarven eyes can pierce through such darkness easily. As the dwarf closed the gap he would swing his black axe at Raijin, intending to hit him with full force.

While the dwarf closed the gap between him and Raijin, the shades within the darkness reached out to claw and scrape at the enemy.

Battle Log:
Spells Used:
Brone’s Spread:


Light and Darkness Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:10 am

The member 'Brone Heavyaxe' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 14


#2 'Dice 20' : 14

#19Go D. Drakkon 

Light and Darkness Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:11 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Boo had miscalculated it would seem like the one that caused him to use his defense spell, had been taken out. He would shake his head as he shouldn’t have been here if that was going to happen. Their battle prowess had just been turned down by one. Toge had carved the man up, but it didn’t do much damage. He would shake his head a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to see any blood come out of him. That was when he saw the man move into the air; the Beast Master would see this and he would suck his teeth.

He wouldn’t be able to do anything. The rest of his companions had seen this and they would shake their heads. The enemy they were fighting against had found their weakness, and it was flying.

“Oh come on; you said we’re frail and weak, but look at you flying away. Pathetic if I say so myself.” He said this to the doll.

“Still, the weak will crumble, and its exciting to see such a man fall to the ground. Look at the damage you caused the poor little thing.” He laughed at Da’s fall to the ground.

Toge had his gotten into a defensive stance as he couldn’t attack from far. He hoped this stance would give him an advantage over the doll’s attack if he aimed it at him for talking shit.

Boo, Luci, and Lector would do the same thing but they couldn’t do anything as well. Boo felt like he should have attacked that man, but it seemed like his judgment had failed in the beginning. Still, he would continue to hold on to his defense spell, so people could fight comfortably right now.

Companions are Luci, Boo, and Lector on my profile

Combat Log:




Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:29 pm


--- ◈ 11,150 ◈ Used: Has all items on
Karisa looked at them and then the guy who was now floating in the sky. She detested the fact that she didn't have flying right about now. She will have to just shoot shit at the guy and hope it hits. Her large brown eyes mirrored the guy's as she could feel his gaze towards them. She positioned her finger towards Raijin's puppet to summon a puppet. A bubble will form in front of him and explode like a bomb of spikes 16 meters from where the bubble was. She used extra mana from her staff to not only change the element, but to increase the damage. She had high hopes that this will hit and help people. Which element some will ask? She changed it to Earth as she felt a hope that due to his element being Lightening, he was weak to earth. The summoning and magic color turned into a golden bronze as it shined beautifully.



Light and Darkness Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:29 pm

The member 'Karisa' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 13


#2 'Dice 20' : 13

#22Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:59 am

Game Master

Light and Darkness Scara10

"Fools..." he muttered as he saw one flying upward to where he was. It was all fun and games until the one person he did not expect to hurt him, just did just that. A bubble of a rising gem rose as it was above his form. Smashing downward, it smacked his body. The damage was unbearable almost as it excited him, but also made him fear. His purple eyes lowered as he looked down at her, skipped the gaze of the dwarf and other human. He looked at her with such hate and yet maybe some admiration, or was it perhaps fear and recognition? Lightening formed, shocked everyone from sky to ground as something started to form. A large summoning circle behind him started to create a machine. Not just a machine, but a mechanical body.

This was Phase II of his body, his soul, or at least what he had that he could count as one. He will show these humans that they are worthless. 'This woman... she needs to go and once I'm done with everyone, I will bring her with me,' he thought as he wondered what he could create from her body and soul. Perhaps another puppet, another doll creation, but he shall see how long they'll last now after he finishes. Body encased in his mecha suit, he was now one with it. The mech suit was 20 meters tall as his feet floated from the ground. One could see that a force field around his body gave off a lightening barrier. Shocking all who dared to get within 3 meters from him.

"Now! Show me what you have!" he spoke in a robotic deep tone that you could still hear a young voice within it if one really listens.

*As he transforms into Phase II him, lightening shocks everyone.
*The armor Transformation itself gives a shocking force field that damages anyone who gets within 3 meters from him till he runs out of mana.


Light and Darkness Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:59 am

The member 'Game Master' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 20' : 10, 7


#2 'Dice 20' : 12


#3 'Dice 20' : 6

#24Game Master 

Light and Darkness Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:06 am

Game Master

  • Raijin receives B rank damage from Darkness due to Brone's companion's attack

  • Raijin receives 5S rank damage from Karisa due to Earth element, x2 increase damage from eye and staff.

  • Raijin transforms into Phase II with music which impulses lightening shock to all.

  • Raijin's body gives off a pulsing barrier that looks like it'd hurt.

  • Raijin hits Brone and his companions for x3S rank lightening damage. Unless weak or strong against the element.
    Raijin's barrier misses Brone.

  • Raijin hits Toge for x3S rank lightening damage.  Unless weak or strong against the element.

  • Raijin misses Karisa due to shit roll.

#25Brone Heavyaxe 

Light and Darkness Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:36 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Before Brone could land his strike, Raijin suddenly summoned forth large mechanical parts and within a moment, the puppet boy became a large mech, reminiscent to Zero, the large inactive robot that sat within the Island of the Future. Brone had flown back a bit to avoid the visible energy barrier that activated, but the rogue lightning strikes weren't avoidable. However in the heroes' favor, the bolts of lightning struck the psychic barrier that was created by the yellow fox creature. Gnicholas and Benimaru sighed with relief. As for the dwarf, he clicked his teeth, seeing that strike as too weak to harm him, oblivious that it was an ally that had protected him.

Brone, still flying at Raijin's level, flew forward towards the enemy's barrier. A voice in his mind yelled out, demanding that he use the green axe to hit the barrier. Not going to argue with his inner thoughts, Brone swung Spellcleaver, intending to strike it. Spellcleaver normally would negate magical spells, that is if the barrier is magical.

Gnicholas would maintain his focus on his Shroud of Darkness spell, so that the shadowy claws continue to rake at Raijin. As for Benimaru, he'll fire another beam of purple energy from the tip of his blade at Raijin.

Battle Log:
Spells Used:
Brone’s Spread:

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