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The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting)

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The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:58 am


Yuurei had looked for another tavern within Rush Valley to go to. It wouldn’t take long for him to find one, and he would rush straight to the bar. He would order some drinks for himself and the guys as he would rub the back of his head. When he got his drink, he would down it without hesitating as he would find himself crying. The bartender was confused about this but didn’t ask him anything. They knew who he was and figured they would stay out of his problem. He would get another drink, and when he was about to say something someone bumped him, and his drink would spill all over the counter.

Yuurei was not happy with this, and he wished people knew how to walk properly. He would get up from his seat and he would make his way to the guy who did that. He had learned from the last pub, just hit the guy and don’t waste time. He would do just that as the guy looked at Yuurei before everything had gone dark.

Everyone would see this, and it would happen again. Someone shouted and chairs started flying across the room again. Twice in a row? He felt like he just needed to go home at this point, but he wasn’t going to end his fun right now.


The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:48 pm


Kaito arrives soon after and feels like he just had got one hundred rounds with a monster with one hundred arms and he lose all those one hundred rounds to the monster, Revy is holding an ice pack on his cheek that he had gotten sucker punched in and he sits and he makes sure the drink is not laced or full of alcohol or poisoned as he did not want that to happen to him again as he hates the fact that he feels like this and he feels very very gross and sweaty.

He feels the touch on his back again but Revy claims she didn't see anyone touch him and he starts to feeling it happening again that he is getting it all over again and he is starting to get very pissed and he swings his arm around and he ended up transforming and hitting some one and starting another brawl to start again and Revy goes to find some cover as the mans friends were on their way over to him.

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:38 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
They finally found another bar. Brone would down a full drink before taking seat and asking for another. The sorrow he felt about Kailani was still there; the memories lingered in his mind of how kind she was to him, especially whenever Yuurei would pick on him, she would defend the dwarf like an older sister. How sweet she was. Now the dwarf just wanted to sink into his chair and drink his sadness away, but his luck was never in his favor. A chair was thrown overhead, initiating another barfight.

Brone didn't want to join in, he didn't properly mourn the last time, so he intended to sit in his chair and sulk, but a passerby didn't allow him to. A chair hit him and broke over his head. Unfortunately for the passerby, the dwarf didn't go unconscious, but became furious, so he grabbed the legs of another man and used that person as a bludgeoning weapon to fight with. The passerby was hit by the temporary weapon and was sent flying as the dwarf yelled out a warcry.


The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:55 pm


It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would feel a chair broken on his back. He would stumble forward and he would look over to the man who had hit him with the chair. He had a smirk on his face, and he would just make his way to him. He would see the man would just try to hit him with one of the legs that were in his hand. The Nephilim would dodge the attack and he would kick the man with his left foot. This would send him flying as he would hit the wall. He would look around as if he was not going to allow anyone who escaped if they tried to attack him.

Three people moved up to Yuurei and would make their way to him. He would see this and he would just step back and stumbled more back from doing this. He would avoid their attacks by doing this and he would move forward to hit the first person.

He would smack the man in the face and then when he was falling he would grab him and kick his leg to his friend’s face.


The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:46 am


Kaito was back to normal and not changed again as he was just letting it all out in his swings and the fighting he was sick of this fate that he was serving and he was tired of being the good guy that just let things go as he was so sick and tired of the things like this happening to him and taking away his fun his happiness why must he suffer to help others why was he cursed why was he the one that killed his mother and probably the reason that Kailani's fate got turned to death because he grew closer to her then a friend, Kaito just sees himself as the root of the problem and he was going to fix that one day if it was by his own hand or by someone else's hand in the end he had to die or find the cure or way to fix this fate he was handed as he doesn't want to pass it down.

Kaito was just mowing through people he might be weakened but so were they and he was not going to hold back as he punch kicked and parried as he went along not even caring to check if he had killed anyone.

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Why won't ye let me mourn!?" Brone cried out loud as he punched a man so hard into the face, he sent him flying to a barrel, shattering it and allow all it's ale it contained to rush out onto the floor, "The ale!!!" the dwarf wailed like a deep voice banshee, causing the floorboards of the tavern to rumble. He then grabbed a table and bullrush across the taproom, slamming the table into patrons, one of them held onto the table as the dwarf continued to run. Then eventually Brone had slammed the table, with the patron, into the eastern wall of the tavern.

The destruction increased as Brone grabbed another table and flung it as if it was a frisbee, which then sent three men flying in random directions. The rage of the dwarf was ongoing and fueled by his sadness as he cried out Kailani's name.


The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:42 am


Yuurei wasn’t destructive, but the harm he did to others would be felt for days. He was intoxicated as well, but he kept moving around the tavern as he was waiting to see who would attack him next. Of course, someone would, but before they could land a hit someone would enter the room. Their aura filled the room as they were angry. Everyone would freeze as they would look to see the owner’s face, and they would all start running out of the tavern.

“Yeah you all better run and leave! Don’t come back until you can pay for the damages! I’ll send you all a bill!” He said.

Yuurei would walk out of the tavern when he saw this and he would shake his head. It would seem like he couldn’t have one good night in drinking his sorrows away. He would look at the two who were with him with a sad faces.

“I guess let’s go back home for the time being.” He said as he would start walking home.



The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:38 am


Kaito just keeps his fists flying and he doesn't feel like it really mattered as he wasn't much of anything just a loser that is cursed and not tainted and his vision blurring and his body feels like his spine is a noodle and he isn't really able to even think about it and he really wished that he was not like this but he knows that there is a reason that he isn't gonna make it to the end and die of old age it is because he isn't worth getting that far and he knows that he owes others to much to even repay them and he is threatened by people just being around him so he is never really fully at ease as there is nothing that he hates more then people, but he also needs people so what really is there to do.

The yells tell him that it was to to wonder off so he did and he stumbled out the door.

#9Brone Heavyaxe 

The Last Tavern in Rush (Drunken Fighting) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:40 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Fists were flying as well as tables and chairs. Though the dwarf was crying and in emotional pain, the patrons who were unfortunate enough to be in his way had felt physical pain as he barreled through them. Most, if not all, of the people within the taproom were taller than the short man, but that didn't mean a thing with the strength and sturdiness Brone had over them. Though several of them tried to dogpile onto him, trying to hold him down, the dwarf would simply flex his muscles to break their hold, then they would be sent flying.

The bar owner caught everyone's attention, even silencing Brone to a whimper. The fight was over in a moment and the taproom was soon emptying pretty quickly. The dwarf followed suit, not so much that he lost out on good ale, but because his good friend had lost out on seeing the rage the dwarf knew would have made her smile.


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