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Kon's Ranking Statistics

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Kon's Ranking Statistics - Page 2 Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:43 am



Kon's Ranking Statistics - Page 2 Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:00 am

@Kon has updated their Adventurer Specializations.
  • 25 RP » Extended Companion Range
  • C-Rank » Calming Presence
  • B-Rank » Companion Tamer
  • A-Rank » Equipment Expert
  • S-Rank » Master of Beasts
  • X-Rank » Ranged Peneration

@Kon has ranked up to Z-Rank.
800 Mana and 120 Endurance points have been claimed.

Missing Exp Total would be 1,300,000 based on the information provided.
300,000 (Permanent Mod) + 500,000 (Mod Slot) + 500,000 (Race Upgrade)
= 1,300,000 Total Experience Spent


Kon's Ranking Statistics - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:57 pm


Changing my race from Demigod to Machia as part of the Prestige Race updates.


Kon's Ranking Statistics - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:19 am

Kon has changed from demi-god to machia.

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