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The Eyes we Seek

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#26Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:15 am

Michael Winters
He laughed "It looks tasty. Not gonna lie, but I can hold myself. Im fine with a coin flip to see who takes out the hog" in a coin flip he tends to choose tails as he has a tail and everyone has a head.

Looking at Lumi, he'd hold her arm so she doesnt fly off anywhere just yet "Nuh-uh. You wont be leaving me anytime soon beautiful. Im fine with the chances deciding who takes out the boar. If I lose, I'd love to see you in action~"
He never knew how hard it was to do quest with her. It was hard because he had to keep himself from always snuggling, kissing, hugging her. But he needed to hold his head in the game. The right head that is. But spending time with her was addicting. It almost made him want to switch guilds. Almost.

Tho he was too loyal to his first ever guild, perhaps because its his first its more sentimental to him. Not to mention, it makes thing a hella lot more romantic for him. Love between two guilds. He wondered can he live in the north and still be Blue Pegasus. To be closer to Lumikki


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:29 pm


As Lumi tried to rise in the air, she would be startled by his grab. The wolf had clung to her arm, slightly pulling her back down. The playful raven though surprised giggled. She found him so charming and so cute. Her face would warm up further in what already felt like sweltering heat as she blushed from his affections but she played it off with a cheeky grin. " Likewise me precious wolf. I love ta watch She lowered herself back onto the ground grabbing a coin from her void. The raven tossed it into the air and just as quickly snatched it from the air, slapping it on the back of her palm and closing her eyes.

She raised the hand to reveal the coin, though her eyes were shut and she could not yet see. She pried one eye at a time, the golden coming before the sky and sure enough it was tails after all. " It's almost not fun how often ya best me Ùlfr. No fair how ya win it again!" The little Daemon would pout as she stomped the floor, giving a sassy twirl before returning to the air. " Well least I don't have to worry about being messy." A hand rose to her mouth obscuring her giggle but the smug was clear. " Time for the hunt to begin!" She shot into the air before he could hold her back again.

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#28Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:58 pm

Michael Winters
While she spoke her woes about losing to him, he shook his head. No that cant do. He cant have it that she has no fun. So he wrapped his arms around her waist. Cupped her cheek with his hand, rubbing a bit with his thumb
"I dunno, I feel like you had your fair share of victories. You won my loyalty" he spoke as he kissed her cheek "My heart" he kissed her other cheek "My love" he kissed her forehead "And you just won me in every aspect I cant think of" he kissed her lips softly "The hardest thing about this quest is to not be mesmerized by you birdie. You floor me a lot" if he could he'd hold her tight and never let go. He'd whisk her away somewhere where they can be happy. He'd wanna daydream a life with her. She makes him blush, which he was starting to do right now as he had all kinds of thoughts. He let her go with a soft chuckle as he looked slightly away from her

"Sit back and enjoy the show. Im here to please"
he spoke and transformed into his werewolf form, which was unnecessary. But it was faster and more effecient to do it the wild animal way. She'd fly up to watch the show as he'd run on all fours to catch the hog, which he would. Its neck in his teeth. Getting that prey was rather easy for him. To end it swiftly and mostly intact. To get the quick vitals and a chomp there. Their own bigger prey could have the rest of it and its fatty contents. He then took the animal it his teeth again and happily trotted almost like a dog, on all fours. Bringing his boon to his master. He was having fun at this point. Behaving like a dog was less of an animalistic quirk and him just having fun with the concept.


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:23 pm


The little raven was nearly red from all the blood rushing to her face. His words were just too much for her to bear. Her wings would falter at random downward beats, making her flight quite unsteady. The wolf made her feel like something she never figure she would, nor ever consider to desire. Like a cherished princess who swoons a prince before he sweeps her off her feet. Her hands could not even maintain her usual cold without the sweltering grasp of Micheal. Everything about her felt like it was catching fire. Though for as warm as she was, it was no where near the carnal heat she felt before. It was much stronger ever. As the worlds of the wolf felt as though it was reforging her anew.

To a soft and delicate being untouched by the darkness of the abyss. Maybe to dark beings could make a light for themselves as they come together. But it was not for her to know. At least right now. In the moment the little raven could hardly think.

“ D-do ye mean it?” She whimpered as she held herself up only by leaning on him now. “ Ye know, yer right in saying losing some races would pale to things like tnat. I don’t think I could ever muster a care in losing a challenge to ye. Not long as I can enjoy yer company forever.” Her gaze would linger his own. She held on to the moment as long as she could before he let go of her. Taking her time to rise the sky.

She no longer particularly had interest in finding a boar, only preferring to look right at him as he worked. She wanted to left ever detail of his being sink into her. A memory imprinted in her very being.

The prince of hers got in all fours, Lumi clutching her cheeks in hopes she could cool off with her magic. As he dashed, it was almost like he knew exactly the way. The wolf below wasted no time nor no wrong turn as he gunned down his prey. The boar tried to run when it heard the werewolf approaching but it was all too late. In its turn to try and impale Michael with its tusks, it only fell into the wolf trap. With a paw like claw grasping his maw and pushing it further, he had a clear path for the throat and he seized it.

A few more chops and the wailing boar would be silenced. But so was Lumi as she watched in fascination. The little raven only more and more enamored with the sweet hunter that clasped her just moments ago. ” Ye spoke like I’m never floored by ya. Ye daft fool…” She’d whisper to herself. She was quite at a loss but it was the best sensation.

She lowered herself to meet her love, a toothy grin on her face. ” Ye know how to charm a girl Mr. Winters. If ye keep it up, I might have ta lose this last name of mine to ya too.”

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#30Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:58 pm

Michael Winters
When he looked at her as she asked him if he meant it, his expression turned rather serious and spoke "I do. I dont think I can lie about it. Im just a guy who wants to belong somewhere." he does love her, but he also was with the two ladies of Blue Pegasus. And they were in a more polyamorous relationship. He wondered, if they are like that, can he be too? As a wolf, he'd usually love just one. And in his teen years he'd live that poly life mostly to be a contrarian and reject the system and natural order of things. Juggling multiple people was hard, because of his self imposed guilt, believing like he was in the wrong. Can someone really love multiple people?
In any case as she held herself up by leaning on him, he merely hugged her and held her for a moment. He wished he could express in a way how much she does mean to him. He doesnt know at this point should he use words or actions. Granted in regards to actions, only 1 thing came to mind. He wondered could he do it? He'd need jewels for that
He did eventually let her go, so she can fly away and so he could finally fetch their prey.

Once he would dash off and catch his prey or rather their prey. He'd playfully trot back to Lumi with their catch in his jaws. He'd drop the hog down on the ground as he'd sit down and look at her as he'd wag his tail. His ears twitched for a moment as he vaguely heard the whisper.

Though the next thing she said shocked him
"Wait?? Did you read my mind??" because he was surprised. When thinking of ways to express himself and how serious he was. He was thinking between actions and words. And one of the actions to express himself that he was thinking of did involve with a certain someone changing their surname. So in a way they were on the same wavelength in terms of thoughts. Which his words would reveal to Lumi that he was actually thinking of it.
Now if he wasnt a werewolf and if he didnt have fur, he'd be blushing red. Which he is right now. But the fur def makes it less visible


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:23 pm


The Deamon cracked a grin on her face larger than any her wolf’s seen before. All her little fangs would poke out as her enthusiasm and cheekiness were on the forefront. She was mostly throwing out a snide remark on the wolf in all his glory. Figuring the not many girls in his life would accept this bit of him with open arms. Meanwhile the Daemon over here ate it all up and she figured he knew it.

Then a thought would pass her mind. Of all the girls who were ever charmed by him. Of all the sides that they got to see, all the bits that they got to love. She bite her lip almost breaking skin but she stopped. She crushed all those thoughts in her mind cause the wolf before her slipped up in truly admitting he would give her his name.

” Ooooh Ùlfr, aren’t ye cuteness taken foooorm.” She kissed him right on the nose, ” If yer really offering something so sacred, who am I to decline ya~” Lumi brought her hand down to scratch just beneath his ear, nuzzling into his next just after.

” Poor thing didn’t stand a chance did he?”

The two made it toward the waters for their next task. Lonu directing them to the spot of note.

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#32Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:17 pm

Michael Winters
He blushed like mad. Under that brownish grey, but mostly grey werewolf fur, he was a red mess.
"Luummiii" he said as he reached out to her to cover her face with his wolfish hands or claws or paws or however would one categorize it. But one can tell by his tone of voice, he was really bashful.
He was ever REDDER when she said that she wouldnt decline him. He thought to himself "Did I just accidentally propose and did she say yes to that?" Like he was baffled and floored. He expected to like wait for a more opportune moment and make it more... romantic? Better. Not so weird and clumsy and unplanned.

"Luuuummiiiiii. I wanted to like wait for a better time for that stuff. You really caught me unprepared babe" he said as he finally admitted what was floating in his head. He shook his head, but eventually transformed back. As he rubbed the back of his head, she could see the guy still had a faint blush as he tried to be all cool and look off in the distance
"So quest stuff, yah?"
And so the two made it toward the waters for their next task. The raven would be directing them to the spot of note.


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:06 pm


Lumikki was faintly giggling the whole way over. The sounds of chiming bells fluttering in the air. She walked in complete merriment as her precious wolf carried the kill to the foretold location. Lonu flying just over head in the sky as to lead the pair to the catch.

She never would of thought she’d see that reaction from him, but it saddened her so much of it was hidden away. She was wondering if it was a trend to like men who conveniently had means to hide their face but maybe it was all in her head to think Tamas even liked her at all.

Lumikki didn’t want to get hun on those pointless thoughts as remembering his desire to propose would dip in and out of her mind. Making her heart flutter each and every time. Her face had yet to cool off.

Once they finally were making their ways near the water, Lonu would take to speaking once more. ” Just around the bend my dear Revna. The stream the feeds into the ocean over there is where the locals say the beast was most commonly found. They are most active around the evening and dusk, but that won’t be long now.” He circled just above the stream just to emphasize his point.

” Looks like this is the place to be Ùlfr, won’t be long till we get the beast bitting.” She took of her extra layers and pointed to the stream, the water there was still fresh. ” We should take a dip while we can.” Lumi adjusted her hair and her bathing suit before walking over to Michael. Allowing herself to flutter in the air and lightly pinch his cheeks. ” Plus we got to wash up the messy boy don’t we.”

She pushed off from his shoulders and fly to the water. Letting herself drop into the refreshing stream.

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#34Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:00 pm

Michael Winters
Lumi's giggles just made him blush all the more. He had no idea what she was thinking. All he was thinking was how he accidentally and stupidly proposed and she said yes. He wasnt elegant and didnt even properly asked. This whole time, his brain was asking him "Are we engaged?"

Anywho once they made their way near the water. Lonu the raven would speak once more. Michael tilted his head curiously. Lonu then circled just above the stream. The wolf looked at Lumikki

She proceeded to explain what he needed to know, so he nodded. She pinched his cheeks which made him redder than the blood of their enemies "H-hey" he bashfully spoke up. As she added that they had to wash up the messy boy, he proceeded to pout. She pushed off from his shoulders and fly to the water. Letting herself drop into the refreshing stream. He hurried and joined her. Enjoying these moments with her


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:58 pm


” Are we Ùlfr?`” She’s match back his question with one of her own such a teasing voice. Though she was truly curious herself. ” I am if ye want me to be…” She left it off, not wanting him to be a fool enough to think she took this all as a joke. She loves him but she’s come to know by now that they can see things differently sometimes.


After Michael finally dives in himself, Lumi got to work. Pulling a cloth from her void, she began gently wiping his face of all the dried blood. She knew quite intimately that he was a grown man, but there was no mirror her and this was something she wanted to do. Little acts of care like this brought her comfort and so she seized them when she could. She used her keen eyes to check for every speck and kissed him all over his neck and jaw as she leaned in.

” A quiet life with ye by the water might be nice. I could wash ye any time ya like too,” She was still zoned out in her work making sure to get his back. When she was content and done she returned to enjoying the water. Floating on the surface and enjoying the motions.

” I’m curious, ye never planed to meet me and yer popular with the ladies from what it sounds. What did ye picture yer dream girl to be?”

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#36Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:32 am

Michael Winters
He was still starstruck, confused, lovestruck, uncertain and everything else one can think of. He held her hand and said "I do" its just he hoped that he wouldnt rush into it and that he'd do it much more elegantly and romantically. Y'know, make it special for her. Memorable. Not just treat it as if its nothing.

Though later they arrive to the spot and he finally dives in. She wiped his face of the dried blood that he didnt even notice that he had. He blushed and relaxed under her touch as he felt the kisses, it did make him swoon when she showed him her love and affection. It was addicting. One thing he'd never understand was how was he so lucky.

She spoke and she smiled and nodded "Mmm a quiet life. I never thought I'd go from a loud and chaotic guy to someone who'd actually enjoy a quiet life" he noticed his changes and wonder what caused that gradual change. Perhaps he was finally happier and more at peace in life. She certainly made him feel like he was in a little heaven. For a demon, she was more of an angel to him.

His gaze went to her as she spoke up and asked him about his dream girl. He closed his eyes as he relaxed and he thought "I dunno. I dont think I had a type. I mostly went by lust and physical attractiveness." he opens his eyes and looks at her "You are attractive, darling~ But you also have a sexy personality. Your presence is addictive. I could use you as a teddy plush, just hug you and fall asleep. Thats how at peace I feel, y'know. Its not just" shows those crude and sexual hand motions to show its not just lust


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:49 am


Her mind was flushed ever since he answered back “I do” but she tried her best to keep the moments flowing. There were not many things that made her want to become encased in ice, but the sensation she’s had since his words made her feel that was the only solution to calm down.

Finally did she finish her task of love and Michael answered her question. She whipped her hand and splashed him with water as he was making his “sexy” gesture to emphasize his point. Swimming to him and giving him a hug. ” Yer quite the odd one. Ye speak as though yer a big bad wolf but ye’ve been nothing but the sweetest to me. It’s no wonder lasses find ye charming. They should count their blessings I don’t intent to be a jealous Demon~” Lumi would tease as she looked up above. The sun was nearing it’s decent on the farthest end of the sky. Won’t be long till evening comes and the night kisses her skin once more.

” Life….it’s all an odd experience, is it not?….We never know what we’ll be at any time. I can still give ye chaos to enjoy if ye like~ But these quiet moments are so sweet to enjoy too….”

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#38Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:00 am

Michael Winters
He hugs her back "You're special though. Im an asshole" he had no problem admiting he's rude and crude and vulgar and aggressive. Its just she was just right and thus deserved his best side. Most other ladies only recently started taking on to him. They like the bad boy side of him. But in his opinion they arent ready to deal with the baggage that comes with a boy toy like that. Its just lust. He feels that lust too. But he doesnt know what to do. If he satisfies a womans lust, would that make them go away or want him more. He'd smugly say that that would want to want him more, because he's just that awesome when it comes to some love making. But jokes aside he needed to focus on the now and show Lumikki his best self. Which would mean cutting off some secret habbits that are more damaging to him. He has quite a few self harming habbits that he needs to stop should he want to actually make a relationship work.
Michaelw ould quietly hold her in his embrace

"That's why you're perfect" he'd just softly reply. "You're the best of both worlds. You know how to enjoy both and you can actually feel the mood when its time for chaos or calm" he'd close his eyes and relax in her presence and lightly rest his had against her
"I love you, you know that?"


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:19 pm


” Hush, assholes have nor remorse. No interest for growth and change. We all have darkness within us, not only the dark races. I’ve even read that there were fallen angels for a time.” Her voice hiked up to show her surprise, the passion of darkness was sweet to all who lived.

” Yer messy, as am I, as are all those ye cross along. Would be daft to say life was easy, more so to think yer untouched. There is only so long one could stumble this mess alone, if ye have bad habits or fears, or doubts, or regrets. It’s part cause ye must of been alone to make sense of it all. Wouldn’t it be cruel to think to yerself that ya don’t deserve peace cause of hiccups along the way. Hel, maybe we met for a reason, least, I like to think so….”

She stayed quite still to enjoy his presence near her. Enjoying the moment of quiet they had once more. One far away from any of their homes and the disturbances that come with it.

” It’s easy to be “perfect” when I know what both sides feel like, what they need and when. But yer perfect for me too Ùlfr, ye feel as though ye make me complete. Like the Dark within me would have to challenge me love for ye to ever begin to claim me….”

She got back up and gave him a loving kiss. Pulling away to kiss him on the forehead.

” I know ye love me, and I love ya too~ I always will. Not matter what form ye show me, what side, what darkness. It wouldn’t be any fun if I left me wolf for petty reasons would it. Nah, I need to see more of who ye are Ùlfr and keep her den warm till ye return.” She held his face as she spoke with both her hands. Cupping his cheeks within her palms as she looked him deeply into his eyes. There was an odd fire, an odd spark in her eyes. Her feelings and passions apparent as the little Daemon exerted the Dwavern stubborn grit she’s long adapted as her own. She meant ever word, and she always would. No matter the trouble he would enter, she would accept him with no explanation needed. It was a desire of hers, a respite she always wanted to offer though she never knew. The girl had love to pour in droves and finally did she find the one to flood it. Someone to hook into and be held back.

” I can’t say it enough, but I won’t chain ye. Yer as free as ya were when ye met me. I love ya all the same.”

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#40Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:33 pm

Michael Winters
He blinked as he looked at her. He was a bit surprised by those words. Truth be told, he still considered himself an asshole. But he does want growth and change, which is unbelievable for him. He sort of accepted a different version of himself. But now he was realizing he really was changing. And for the better at that. He would have to have a long talk with Lumikki one day when they get to actual serious stuff, since they are sorta kinda engaged.

He opened his mouth, but only his jaw managed to drop as he heard her next words. "Mmm perhaps we did. It was pretty wild how we met." especially after that dream gal talk.
He spoke how to him she was perfect. But she replied that he was perfect to her. Michael merely hugged her because that was touching to him. But he still feels her love... he doesnt deserve. He's that flawed or at least in his mind. And thats something he has to battle out on his own.
She gave him a loving kiss and then pulled him down to kiss him on the forehead which made him chuckle and reply with his own kiss
"I keep wanting to talk. And im just speechless. I dont think any words that comes out would be right to express how I feel. I have words, but then I feel like I swallow them. I get choked up"

He was silent for a moment and enjoyed her loving presence, but a thought formed
"You know... I did wanna make the whole proposal thing more slow, gradual and romantic. To make it a special day for you and such. But you tell me.... are you ok with this tempo? Its not like too soon like we're rushing?" he asked not because of doubts, but more because of experience or lack of. He never went this far in a relationship and wasnt sure if he was doing it right.
Was this too soon? He didnt really have a frame of reference how its done and he had no examples and he'd rather not think of his lack of family


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:50 am


Lumikki would give his words much thinking over. It was in her nature to consume with much fervor and she was fully aware of that. She did not want to make her desire to cement something the reason it would crumble away. But she would not speak for sometime. Letting the peace in the silence linger a bit longer before she got to saying what she had came to for an answer.

” I agree that this is fast, and that I too don’t fear committing to ye. What I fear is forcing something that needs times to happen and ruining the love of it. I worry ye won’t find yer peace if ya do this now. Ye didn’t even, like ya said, do it as ya would of liked. I don’t want ta rob ya of it because of me impatience. It would cut into the things I’ve said before. So how about this me love.” She reached over and placed a hand on his heart, her other would rest atop her own.

” I love ye now and I love ye later. How ever the pace and how ever the plan, I shall heed it. Know that I am here and just never forget me. And when the time comes for Winter to shift into Spring. I trust that ye’ll keep to it.” She gave him another kiss, pouring to him the love that she had. Lumi wanted him to understand that her love was real enough that she could let him go if need be. So that he could live the life he wanted despite meeting her. If she clutched on him now, it would bring too much pain. The man had to many ends to tie and bridges to maintain.

Lumi pulled back and bite into her hand, using her small fangs to draw out her blood. She bit off some strands of her hair and twisted them into thread. Freezing the water beneath her so that it would push her up and grant her a seat to work. She froze her blood into small beads and strung them on her thread. Pouring in the extent of her magic as she worked. She wanted it to be incredibly thing and small so that he could tuck it away so should he choose, or if he did wear it, that it would be of not bother. She tided it off, tightening the knots, and sealing it with a kiss. Handing it over to the werewolf who watched her as she worked.

” A ring, though cuter, would be too close to the read deal no? This is me small gift so seal me end of the pact I’ve made. What ye choose to do with it, it is on ya to do. After this, don’t think of the proposal much. That would be for the further to tell. When ye’ve made yer peace with things in yer life.” She smiled sweetly at first, before breaking into a happy grin.

Till then, consider me yer special birdie.”

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#42Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:57 pm

Michael Winters
The answer gave him mixed feelings. She doesnt fear commiting to him, which means yes to do it now. But she worries if they do this now he wont find peace, which is a no, dont do it now. Though as she spoke on, the answer became more clear. He blushed to her words and she kissed him once more. He replied with his own smooch to match that outpouring of love.

She then pulled back and bit into her own hand, which concerned him and he raised his hand to stop her. He thought she had different motivations for that action, but quickly realized this was some magic. When she finished the item with a kiss, he blushed more once again and quietly took it
"Thank you" he made note to return the favour. Though if only he had magic, to enchant his item some way to fit her.
After he hears her out more, he just pulls her in for a hug "Im just out of words" he spoke in a rather thankful and more serious tone. She did mean a lot to him


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:38 pm


Lumikki grinned as she shifted the tone of the mood to one that was not very romantic. Splashing the wolf as she prepared to entertain some games instead. They would cycle through any water game they could muster. Taking a bit of a break to snack when they needed more rest.

Night was peaking into the sky and it was becoming the time to try and bait the beast. The sooner they could finish the work, the sooner they could rest in a bed and order food. Lumi pulled out her journal and wrote a note, pretty much writing out a request for an order to be mad in an hour. She slid it to Lonu so he may pass it on and get that ready for when the couple made it over.

But now it was time to get to work and Michael did his part so it was time for her to do hers. A frost talon grabbed what was left of the boar. Lifting it and dragging it out to the water. She dumped in inside before slightly pulling it out as to bait the serpent to met them. The blood of the anime dripping down to the waters below.

What felt like twenty minutes would pass before something of size would take a bite. Pulling at Lumi’s magic. She extended her talon spell to freeze all that was attached, dragging it out of the water. The creature did not stand a chance in escape, frozen mid-bite. She frosted her hand before gauging it’s eye and then tossing the Slipscale back into the water. It would be a waste to kill, and in time it would thaw out just fine. She iced the eye within her palm and slipped it into the void. Turning back to Michael with a sheepish grin.” I sent Lonu to put in an order, lets pick it up and shower?”

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#44Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:28 pm

Michael Winters
The two had fun splashing and playing and such. It was all fun and games, until it wasnt and night time was approaching. They had to focus on this quest. So they had to focus and prepare. He did his part and now it was Lumikki's turn. She'd use her icy talon to grab the boar, lifting it and dragging it out to the water. She dumped in inside before slightly pulling it out as to bait the serpent to met them. The blood of the animal dripping down to the waters below.

Some time has passed, he was a bit on edge so it seemed like forever, was this the equivalent of fishing but with magic? When Lumi felt like a bite she extended her talon spell to freeze all that was attached, dragging it out of the water. It was smart, he wouldnt have thought of it. Lumikki expertly did the latter part of the quest, pretty much getting what they needed
"Holy shit that was awesome" he was impressed by her moves and ideas and effeciency. Definitelly better than anything he could've done. She then let the animal be in water once more. Alive and spared, which was another surprise. Again, he would've been merciless.
He turned his gaze to Lumikki who spoken to him sweetly. He smiled gently and nodded "Yeah that sounds very appealing"


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:32 am


Lumikki broke into laugher at all his wholesome reactions. Enjoying every little bit of him. She pressed herself to him and nuzzled. ” Aye, lets eat then beloved.” The pair would make it back and gather the food she had ordered prior. It was finished cooking just around ten minutes before their arrival.

Shortly after, they would make it back to their room to eat. Lumikki making a mess of herself as she hastily ate her meal. When they were done, she invited him to a bath. Kept the water to a tolerable heat as she ran the bath, kneeling by the tub as it filled. Getting washed was the only thing on her mind after the long day and all the sand.

” I’ve come here many times, but ye know. It wasn’t as fun as coming here with ye.” She flashed him a smile before turning back to watch the water. When it was nearly done, she went around gathering the candles, and added the slightest bit of scented oils into the water. She did not want to agitate his nose.

Just as the water finished, she slipped off her shadows and got right in. Sighing from relief as she entered and chilling the room a tad to counter act the excess heat.

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#46Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:44 pm

Michael Winters
He loved her warm words that always melted his ice cold heart. It was funny how an ice demon would be the one melting him instead of freezing him. The duo would make it back and gather the food she had ordered prior. It was finished cooking just around ten minutes before their arrival. Shortly after, they would make it back to their room to eat. He was happily munching the food, enjoying every single bite. Looking at Lumikki, he couldnt help but smile seeing how she ate hastily and made herself a mess.

When they were done, he made sure to kiss her, in order to taste anything around her lips where she made a mess of herself. He'd take her hand as she would invite him to the bath so they may go together. The water was rather a pleasant temperature, best he can describe it as 'body heat' temperature. Not too hot nor too cold. She went around gathering the candles, and added the slightest bit of scented oils into the water, to make a rather pleasant scent he'd enjoy

She spoke how she came here many times, but saying how it wasnt as fun as with him. He would look at her lovingly as if falling for her the very first time and he'd flash her a warm smile as he'd listen to her "Im glad Im making it fun for you" he spoke rather softer. The two would get ready personally and enter the bath, he'd sigh from relief and relax
"This feels like heaven" he spoke, as everything felt just right. Just perfect. This was a perfect and serene moment.
The two would finally be able to relax and wash in the bath. With him helping her reach any area she couldnt reach, like the back.


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:39 am


If they had not spent so much of the day already playing with the water, Lumikki could have been more mischievous. But they had quite a busy day and she enjoyed every little bit of it. She too sighed in relief as she enjoyed the bath, sitting right in front of him. He returned her earlier kind gesture as he washed her just as gently as she did him.

" But of course me love, ye make everything more fun for me. It's part why I like yer company so." She leaned back entirely, hoping to he his face as she had but sadly she fell short instead. Still, his head would rest atop his chest and it made her happy. Touching him had begun to become synonymous with comfort.

" Heaven for two dark races. Who would of thought~" She chuckled. She lived a fortunate life and knew no hell, but a Daemon on the way to becoming a Demon enjoying heaven? It was an entertaining thought. Yet she would agree whole, and try to take his hand in hers. " Oh, but how true it is. I'm glad no heaven could compare with being with ye."

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Img_8011

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#48Michael Winters 

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:43 am

Michael Winters
In a hug like fashion, he'd rub her back as she was leaning or resting against his chest. Still while those words of Lumikki meant a lot to him. It was still a wake up call to responsibility and his worry. He needed to be there for her, to not let her down or break her heart. She doesnt deserve the pain. He had to do good by her.

On the topic of heaven, he softly chuckled as he listened to her. "Oh stop cutie. You're making me blush" he'd say to her softly and just relax in her presence. It was just so beautiful and calming. Part of him thought this was a calm before the storm, but he pushed those thoughts away. All that mattered was Lumikki herself. She deserved the happiness and he was glad that he was the one to deliver it. Part of him wondered, what would've happened if he was never part of Blue Pegasus. Does that mean he never would've met Lumikki. Its crazy how everything had a domino like effect


The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:46 pm


Crazy indeed. One could not predict their own path, no matter how calculated they were. The tides of fate would find marvelous and cruel ways to wash over the sandcastles that one would construct of their lives. Shifting the foundations of all they thought important, warping all the things that they found pride from.

But it was not always a cold and cruel force. It was mysterious and unknown, sure. But it held blessings and gifts one would never know to wish for themselves….

Lumikki never knew to with for love. She had the backing of her family, the bonds of her guild mates, the mentorship of her teacher and Uncle. She was fulfilled and flourishing from all the poured into her. Even despite being a Daemon, she was afforded happiness and love.

It helped her defy what she was and was meant to be while giving her the means to define who she was as she stepped forward. Clearly this was a girl so loved even by the very universe, even by the wayward lofty gods far beyond this realms grasp.

Yet in her splendor and steady growth. For all her company and people to lean on. She never considered romantic love. For all her life, she never gave it more than a fleeting thought. And here she was, not only diving into the ocean that was the unknown, fate in all its chaotic and shifting waves, she was swearing her life to it. To him.
And it would bring her peace.
It would be yet another anchor to tether herself to who she is and who she wants to be…despite the path she walks, as it would no longer only be her own.

Lumi was finally realizing an aspect of life she had never known. And she was willing to hold the door so that in time her too could know its sweetness.

Curtain Call

The Eyes we Seek - Page 2 Img_8011

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